eleven principles of the naqshbandi sufi order

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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Eleven Principles Of The Naqshbandi Sufi Order[I have copied this page from the Haqqani Foundation website because of the importance of these principles to the Naqshbandi order and because the background of the page on their site made it difficult for me to read. It appears largely to be taken verbatim from Trimingham The Sufi Orders of Islam !pp. "#$%"#&'. The source for Triminghams(s translation was Ta) al%*in ibn +ahdi ,aman al%-umi Risala fi sunan al-Ta'ifa al-Naqshbandiya, which is a manuscript held in the .ambridge library and listed in the /dd. !/dditional or /dded 0' manuscripts 12#3$ pp. &%4. There are a number of problems in Trimingham(s translation. 5hen I have the time I will attempt to correct the translations basing myself on sources that seem to have the much of the same material as Ta) al%*in(s Risalah. I will follow my corrections by 6%%ed6 indicating that I the editor am responsible for the corrections. The following eleven principles show the e7ercise%aims of the Tariqat Naqshbandiya. The first eight were formulated by 8hwa)a /bd al%8haliq al%9hu)dawani and the last three were added by 8hwa)a :ahauddin Naqshband. Yad Kard-emembrance or making mention. :oth oral and mental. :e always repeating the *hikr imparted to you so that you may attain the beatific vision. 8hwa)a :ahauddin Naqshband said 6The aim in *hikr is that the heart be always aware of al%Haqq [The Truth a :eautiful Name of /llah; for its practice banished inattention.6 Baz Gasht-estraint. The person saying the *hikr when engaging in the heart%repetition of the blessed phrase [shahada; should intersperse it with such phrases as 6my 9od you are my 9oal and your satisfaction is my aim6 to help to keep one(s thoughts form straying. e be distracted from the goal of his )ourney. Khal#at dar an$u"an?olitude in a crowd. The )ourney of the salik though outwardly it is in the worldinwardly it is with 9od. Aeaders of the Tariqa have said6In this tariqa association is in the crowd [assembly; and disassociation in the khalwa.6 / common weekly practice was to perform the dhikr in the assembly. %uquf&e za"aniTemporal pause [/wareness related to time%%ed.;. 8eeping account of how one isspending one(s time whether rightly and if so give thanks or wrongly% and if so asking for forgiveness according to the ranking of the deeds for 6verily the good deeds of the righteous are the iniquities of those who are near [to 9od;.6 %uquf&e adadiNumerical pause [/wareness related to number%%ed.;. .hecking that the heart dhikr [said in the heart silently; has been repeated the requisite number of timestaking into account one(s wandering thoughts. The Rashahat mentions that 8hwa)a :ahauddin Naqshband considered numerical awareness the first stage ofesoteric knowlege. %uquf&e qalbiHeart pause [/wareness related to the heart%%ed.;. Forming a mental picture of one(s heart with the name of /llah engraved thereon to emphasi>e that the heart has no consciousness or goal other than 9od. This is the meaning of the word 6Naqshband6. !Te7t copied from the Haqqani Foundation 5eb =age.'

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