elements of style

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Elements of Style. Form the possessive singular of nouns by adding ‘s. Eg . Charles’s friend Burns’s poems the witch’s malice Exceptions: Ancient proper names ending in – es or –is, Jesus’, such forms as “for conscience’ sake” and “for righteousness’ sake,” and pronouns. You try it!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Elements of Style1. Form the possessive singular of nouns by

adding ‘s.Eg. Charles’s friend

Burns’s poemsthe witch’s malice

Exceptions: Ancient proper names ending in –es or –is, Jesus’, such forms as “for conscience’ sake” and “for righteousness’ sake,” and pronouns.

You try it!Turn the following five statements into possessives.

1. The book that belongs to Travis.A. Travis’ book. B. Travis’s book.

2. The shirt that belongs to Alexis.A. Alexis’s book. B. Alexis’ book.

3. The law of Moses.A. Moses’ law. B. Moses’s law.

4. The car that belongs to her.A. Her’s car. B. Her car.

5. The shelf upon which it belongs.A. Its shelf. B. It’s shelf

Unit Anticipation GuideFor each statement, enter Y if you agree with the

statement or N if you disagree with the statement.1. If someone does something to hurt you, it’s only fair

that you do something to hurt them back.2. If you own up to doing something wrong, then your

punishment for it should be less severe than someone who wouldn’t own up to it.

3. The best society is one in which good is rewarded and bad is punished.

4. If someone does something wrong, but they do not get caught, then it is okay.

5. Karma/Fate/God has a way of punishing those who do wrong but do not get caught.

6. God/Fate/The Universe has set our course for us before we are born, and we ultimately have no control over what happens to us.

7. It is okay to lie to someone if we know that the truth will just make them upset.

8. People who do not follow rules/laws are bad people.

9. People who do not follow rules/laws should be punished.

10. People should be rewarded for doing what is expected of them.

Euripides’ MedeaBackground Info:Medea was the Princess of Colchis and priestess of

Hecate.Medea falls in love with Jason and helps him get the

Golden Fleece.Medea marries Jason and helps him return home,

gain his throne, etc.Medea and Jason run away to Corinth where they live

together for around ten years and have two kids.After a while, Jason realizes that Medea is no longer

useful to him and leaves her for the younger princess Glauce, the daughter of King Creon of Corinth.

Ticket Out the DoorDo not write the question. Your response

must be detailed and include specific examples.

Tell me about a time when you had to suffer some unpleasant consequences because of a choice you made. What did you do? What sort of consequences did you suffer? What did you learn from that experience?

Consequences Unit Review (5th)Indicate the answer to each question by typing that

student’s number into your clicker. If it applies to you, do not tell anyone! Let them figure it out!

1. Which student got in trouble for hitting someone with a bat?

2. Which student got beaten up for trash talking during a basketball game?

3. Which student got in trouble for lying to her mom about going to study at a friend’s house?

4. Which student got in trouble for cutting her mother’s hair?

Why we should learn grammarWoman without her man is nothing.

--Essential ?’s.


Elements of Style2. In a series of three or more terms with a

single conjunction, use a comma after each term except the last.Eg. red, white, and bluegold, silver, or copperHe opened the letter, read it, and made a note of its contents.

Exceptions: The names of business firms (such as Brown, Shipley & Co.) and in journalism (magazines, newspapers, etc).

You try it!Indicate the correct placement of commas.1. We need to install a sink a stove and a dishwasher.

A. ...sink, stove, and a dishwasher.B. ...sink, stove and a dishwasher.

2. Kevonte learned to read write and do math at a young age.A. ...read, write, and do math...B. ...read, write and do math...

3. Troy works for the law firm at Nugent Montlick & Associates.A. ...Nugent, Montlick & AssociatesB. ...Nugent, Montlick, & Associates

4. Amoni loves to sing dance and draw.A. ...sing, dance and draw.B. ...sing, dance, and draw.

5. (Written in a newspaper) The hiker was found starving frozen and on the verge of death.A. ...starving, frozen, and on the verge...B. ...starving, frozen and on the verge...

K-W-LOn your notebook paper, set up a KWL chart

about Greek Drama and tragic heroes:K | W | L |----------------------------------------------------

Fill in the K part and the W part. Have at least five items on your page in either category.

Greek DramaGreek drama explores the human

condition:Certainty/UncertaintyFree will vs. destiny.Moral responsibility.Human suffering

So what? The Greeks were the first to make drama a major part of culture.

Greek DramaThe conventions of modern drama trace

back to Greek drama.Convention: a common characteristic.Conventions the two share:

Performing on a stage.Breaking a performance into sections

(scenes).Following the archetypal story pattern

(exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, denoument/resolution).

Greek DramaGreek drama appears during The Golden

Age of Ancient Greece (500—300BC).

Everyone went to see plays.

An important part of Greek culture.


Keep in mind the following:The theater was

completely outdoors.

There was no curtain.

There were few props, and they DID NOT change throughout the play.Sketch this drawing in your notes.

Where the chorus performs.

Theater of Dionysus, in Athens

Greek Theater at Syracusa

What about the actors?Wore huge

masks and platformed shoes.

All male.Only a few on

stage at a time.Actors played

several roles by switching masks.

Compared to modern plays, think how strange it would be to see plays acted out using masks like these!


MAJOR POINT: NO VIOLENCE ON STAGE. If violence is part of the story, the characters talk as if it happened somewhere else.

Prologue: First scene of the play (exposition).Parados: Chorus’s first song.Scenes: Major divisions of a play (rising action).Odes: Chorus songs between scenes—review the

action from the scenes. Divided into strophes and antistrophes of equal length.

Strophe: The chorus moves from right to left while singing.

Antistrophe: The chorus moves from left to right while singing.

Exodos: The final scene of the play (climax, falling action, resolution.

THE THREE UNITIESALL Greek plays follow the three unities:Unity of time: The plot of the story takes

place in a single day.Unity of space: The setting of the story is

one location.Unity of action: Everything in the story

relates to a single plot (no subplots/side stories).

THE ARCHETYPAL TRAGIC HEROThis archetype originates in Greek drama:The hero…

Is highborn / noble.Has good intentions.Is true to life (i.e. believable).Has a reversal (a change in fortune for the worse).Has a hammartia (Another word for tragic flaw.)

The most common hammartia is hubris (excessive pride).

Experiences a tragic downfall, which is in some way his fault.

Experiences catharsis: either a brutal punishment deserved or a brutal lesson learned.

THE GREEK CHORUSAll men, who wore masks.Link between the actors and the audience.Sometimes advises a character.Separates scenes and summarizes action.Represents some kind of community voice.

IRONYMany Greek plays make use of irony. There

are three kinds:Verbal irony.Dramatic irony.Situational irony.

TODComplete this on the L section of your KWL

chart and turn it in at the end of class.

Write three facts about Greek DramaWrite two facts about the Tragic Hero

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