elements and principles1

Post on 26-Jun-2015






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Creating a Composition



Elements Line – defines shape Shape – a two dimensional enclosed space Form – a three dimensional enclosed space Value – degree of lightness or darkness Color

Hue – Synonymous with color Value – see above Intensity – Brightness or dullness

Texture – Tactile quality; sense of touch Space – Area within composition; positive vs. negative; depth of spacePrinciples (Use of Elements) Balance – Equal visual weight

Symmetrical – essentially mirror image Asymmetrical – equal visual weight but different elements to fill space Radial – moves from central point

Unity – sense of wholeness or oneness Variety/contrast – emphasis on differences Emphasis – drawing attention to particular area Rhythm – creates sense of motion; a “beat” or undulation; peak and trough Movement – creates sense of motion Repetition – Repeating element Pattern – Uniform repetition of an element

Line I chose this as line because there are lines that move throughout the picture. The focal point is not in the center of the picture.

Shape This is shape because the ripples in the water create tiny 2D rectangles and squares, along with other elements and principles.

Form This shows form because the caterpillar is a 3D shape. This shows because of the curves on the outline of the caterpillar. It gives the impression that the caterpillar is a cylinder shape.

Value From top to bottom, the colors in this picture show value. We go from almost a brown, then in the middle we have orange, and at the bottom we have a bright yellow. This is the degree of lightness and darkness.

Color This picture has many different shades, tones, and intensity in color; along with other principles in elements.

Texture If I were to touch the wood in this image I would feel dry, rigid, and maybe at some points sharp lines of wood. This texture is demonstrated by the shading and lines in the wood.

Space The photographer shows space by the way the human in the back appears to be smaller than the sandal and also how they are blurred out of the picture.


Balance:asymmetrical This picture shows asymmetrical balance because on one side you have many eye-catching colors with bloomed flowers, but it is blurred out; on the other hand you have a clear picture of a big insect, but no eye-catching blooming flowers.

Balance:radial This is radial balance because there is a pattern that starts in the center and works it’s way out.

Unity To me this shows unity because the things in this picture start out in many different places but eventually come together to form this one big mass.

Variety There are many different fish, plants, colors, principles, and elements in this picture. That is why I think it is variety.

Emphasis In this picture there are two opposite colors: green and red. The picture is mostly green and there is one red flower. This causes the flower to be the center of attention.

Rhythm I chose rhythm because there are several waterfalls in this picture and water moves at a steady constant pace.

Movement This picture shows movement because of the smudge and blur of the objects in this picture.

Repetition I chose this as repetition because of the repeating of colors in the same pattern that show up multiple times throughout the picture.


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