electronic tax reporting netherlands

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How-To Guide

SAP Business One 8.82 PL09 and higher

Document Version: 1.0 – 2012-10-01


How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting Country: Netherlands



© 2012 SAP AG. All rights reserved.

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles,

pushbuttons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.

Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions.

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names,

transaction codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they

are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages,

names of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and

database tools.

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they

appear in the documentation.

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters

with appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F2 or ENTER .

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Table of Contents


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Table of Contents

Typographic Conventions .......................................................................................................................................... 2

1 Glossary .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Basic Process Flow of Submitting Tax Reports Using a Certificate .................................................................... 5

3 Important Information Before Upgrading to SAP Business One 8.82 PL09 or higher ......................... 6

4 Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting .............................................................................................. 7

5 Certificate Handling ..................................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 10 5.2 Requesting Certificates .......................................................................................................................................... 11 5.3 Reissuing Certificates ............................................................................................................................................ 12 5.4 Importing Private Keys and Certificates .............................................................................................................. 13

5.4.1 Importing Private Keys ......................................................................................................................... 13 5.4.2 Importing Certificates ........................................................................................................................... 13

5.5 Exporting Private Keys and Certificates .............................................................................................................. 14 5.5.1 Exporting Private Keys .......................................................................................................................... 14 5.5.2 Exporting Certificates ........................................................................................................................... 14

6 Electronic Reporting Log ............................................................................................................................. 15 6.1 Checking the Status of Certificate Handling Activities ....................................................................................... 15 6.2 Submitting Electronic Tax Reports and Checking Their Status ........................................................................ 17



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting


1 Glossary

Term Description



An electronic "identity card" that establishes a user's credentials when doing business or

other transactions on the Web. It is issued by a certification authority (CA) and contains a

name, serial number, expiration date, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used for

encrypting and decrypting messages and digital signatures), and the digital signature of the

certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.



An external instance that issues public-key certificates. The Certification Authority (CA)

guarantees the identity of the person that is granted the certificate; that is, that the person

really is who he or she claimed to be.

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting



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2 Introduction

SAP Business One lets you submit your tax reports to the tax authority electronically.

To comply with the requirements of information security, the function is based on the public-key infrastructure

(PKI). This technology involves a digital certificate (in further text ''certificate'') issued by a trusted certificate

authority. With the certificate, you should also obtain a private key. Both the certificate and the private key contain

two keys, one for signing and one encoding. After importing them into the system, you are able to submit a tax

report to the tax authorities directly from SAP Business One. The certificate confirms your identity to the receiver

and the private key ensures that the information you sent has not been changed by a third party in the meantime.

Until recently, a PIN code was used instead of a certificate. The authorities have set a transition period during

which either a PIN code or a certificate can be used. SAP Business One lets you use a PIN code only if you have

not imported a certificate into the system. For information on submitting a tax report using a PIN code, see Initial

Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting and Submitting Electronic Tax Reports and Checking Their Status.


If you are using a PIN code for electronic reporting, make sure you have obtained up-to-date information

from the tax authorities about the transition period.

2.1 Basic Process Flow of Submitting Tax Reports Using a Certificate

The following steps represent a simplified process flow in SAP Business One:

1. You request a certificate from the certificate authority.

2. You obtain it together with a private key and save them to your computer.

3. You import the certificate and the key into SAP Business One.

4. You generate an electronic tax report.

5. You submit the report directly from SAP Business One.

6. You receive a response from the authority.

You can use the certificate and the private key with different databases, in which case you would need to export

them from one database and import them into the other. The certificate has an expiration date. After it expires,

you can renew it by requesting a reissue of the certificate or in certain cases (described in this document), you

need to request a new one.



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Important Information Before Upgrading to SAP Business One 8.82 PL09 or higher

3 Important Information Before Upgrading to SAP Business One 8.82 PL09 or higher

For this functionality to work properly, you must save the BAPI.dll and CL32.dll files to the SAP Business One

client folder before upgrading to patch level 09 or higher. These libraries help to secure the message that is sent

to and received from the tax authority.


If you have upgraded to PL09 or higher, without saving the files mentioned to the client folder first, the

functionality will not be available. In this case, you need to save the BAPI.dll and CL32.dll files as

described before upgrading to a next patch.


Do not copy these files to the client folder if you are still using SAP Business One. You must copy it right

before upgrading it to PL09 or higher.

Once you successfully complete this procedure, you do not need to repeat it at every patch upgrade in the future.

You can download a zip folder containing the two files from the SAP Business One country specific page for the


To get to the country specific page, go to SAP PartnerEdge at http://sappartneredge.com/B1 → Applications →

SAP Business One → Implement. In the right side of the screen, in the Additional Resources section, choose

Country Specific Pages, then from the index of country specific pages, choose the Netherlands.


The BAPI.dll and CL32.dll files are originally created and distributed by the Dutch tax authority. You can

also obtain them from their official website.

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting


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4 Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting

The initial settings for electronic tax reporting involve the definition of parameters for electronic communication.


To define the initial settings, do the following:

1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

Figure 1 - Company Details



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting

2. In the Parameters for Electronic Communication section, some of the parameters are predefined and aligned

with the requirements of the tax authority. The other fields need to be defined by the user.


If you are using a PIN code for electronic tax filing, only the PIN Encryption Certificate and PIN

Configuration sections are relevant.

If you are using a certificate, all sections except PIN Encryption Certificate and PIN Configuration are


View or define the following fields:

Field Description/Activity

Private Key

Key Length Predefined


Common Name The data in these fields must be in accordance with

your data in the official trade register.


After importing your certificate, you should

not change these data, except for the

telephone number. If you change the data,

the imported certificate becomes invalid and

you must request a new one.


Organization Unit





SMTP Configuration for Certificate

SMTP Server Predefined (testing environment)

SMTP User Name

Define the data as provided by KPN. SMTP Password



SMTP Subject Prefix

When submitting a tax report, this field needs to be


For test purposes, this field can be defined as:

[CONN TEST] – for a connection test

[TECH TEST] - for testing a certificate request

[PROD TEST] - for generating a test certificate

SMTP Configuration for BAS Report

SMTP Server Predefined

SMTP User Name Define the data as provided by KPN.

SMTP Password

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting


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Field Description/Activity

SMTP Password



SMTP Subject Prefix Blank

SMTP Configuration for EU Sales Report

SMTP Server Predefined

SMTP User Name

Define the data as provided by KPN. SMTP Password



SMTP Subject Prefix Blank

IMAP Configuration

IMAP Server Predefined (testing environment)

IMAP User Name Define the data as provided by KPN.

IMAP Password

LDAP Configuration

LDAP Server Predefined

LDAP User Name Blank. These fields should be used in future

development. LDAP Password

PIN Encryption Certificate

Message Configuration Predefined

Sender ID Define the data as provided by KPN.

Receiver ID for OB Predefined

Receiver ID for ICP

PIN Configuration

PIN Customer ID Type Predefined

PIN Customer ID Enter your company registration number.

PIN Provider Predefined

PIN Provider ICP

Table 1 - Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting - Electronic Communication Parameters

3. Choose the Update button.



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Certificate Handling

5 Certificate Handling

5.1 Introduction

There are different procedures for handling a certificate, depending on whether you are requesting a certificate

for the first time, renewing it, or you have used an add-on for electronic tax reporting in the past and you already

have a certificate. Following are the possible scenarios with references to the appropriate procedures:

Scenario Certificate Handling Activity Reference

You need a certificate and you have not had

one before.

You need to request a new


For information, see

Requesting Certificates.

You have a certificate, but you have

changed the certificate parameters in the

initial settings as described in Initial

Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting.

Your certificate has expired and you have

since changed the certificate parameters

mentioned above.

Your certificate has expired and you have

not changed the certificate parameters

mentioned above.

You need to renew your


For information, see Reissuing


You requested a new certificate and

obtained both the certificate and private

key from the certificate authority. You need to import the private

key and the certificate into SAP

Business One.


You must first import

the private key and

then the certificate.

For information, see Importing

Private Keys and Certificates.

You have a valid certificate and you

obtained it through an add-on you used in

the past. You have now upgraded to SAP

Business One PL09 or higher.

You have exported your private key and the

certificate, because you need to use them

with a different database.

You need to use your valid certificate and

the private key with a different database.

You need to export the private

key and the certificate from

SAP Business One.

For information, see Exporting

Private Keys and Certificates.

Table 2 - Certificate Handling Scenarios

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Certificate Handling


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5.2 Requesting Certificates

To obtain a new certificate from the certificate authority you need to send a request in both digital and paper

form. Once you make a request electronically through SAP Business One, the system lets you print the request

form, which you can then send to the certificate authority.


You have defined the initial settings for electronic tax reporting.


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown list of the Request Certificate field, choose Request Certificate.

Figure 2 - Requesting Certificate



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Certificate Handling

The system performs the action in the background.

3. If you are requesting a certificate for the first time, the Print Request Form window appears.

Choose the Print button.


You can print the request form at any time by clicking the Print Request Form button from the dropdown

menu of the Request Certificate field.

4. To check the status of the certificate request, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Reports →

Accounting → Tax → Electronic Reporting Log.

For more information, see Checking the Status of Certificate Handling Activities.


After sending the certificate request successfully, you should be contacted by the certificate authority

with instructions on how to obtain the private key and the certificate. After you save them to your

computer, you need to import both the certificate and the private key into SAP Business One.

For information, see Importing Private Keys and Certificates.

5.3 Reissuing Certificates


Your certificate has expired and you have not changed the electronic communication parameters as described in

Initial Settings for Electronic Tax Reporting.


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown list of the Request Certificate field, choose Reissue Certificate.

3. To check the status of the certificate reissue, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Reports →

Accounting → Tax → Electronic Reporting Log.

For more information, see Checking the Status of Certificate Handling Activities.


After sending the certificate request successfully, you should be contacted by the certificate authority

with further instructions on how to obtain the private key and the certificate. After you save them to your

computer, you need to import both the certificate and the private key into SAP Business One.

For information, see Importing Private Keys and Certificates.

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Certificate Handling


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5.4 Importing Private Keys and Certificates

5.4.1 Importing Private Keys


You have obtained the private key for signing and encoding from the certificate authority (or you have exported it)

and saved it to your computer.


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown menu of the Import Private Key field, choose Import Private Key.

The Open Private Key for Signing window appears. Select the signing private key file from the folder in which

you have previously saved it and choose the Open button.

3. The Open Private Key for Encoding window appears automatically. Select the encoding private key file from

the folder in which you have previously saved it and choose the Open button.

4. Choose the Update button.

5.4.2 Importing Certificates


You have saved the certificates for signing and encoding to your computer.


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown menu of the Import Private Key field, choose Import Certificate.

The Open Certificate for Signing window appears. Select the signing certificate file from the folder in which

you have previously saved it and choose the Open button.

3. The Open Certificate for Encoding window appears automatically. Select the encoding certificate file from the

folder in which you have previously saved it and choose the Open button.



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Certificate Handling

5.5 Exporting Private Keys and Certificates

5.5.1 Exporting Private Keys


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown menu of the Import Private Key field, choose Export Private Key.

The Save Private Key for Signing window appears. Select the folder in which you wish to save the key and

choose the Save button.

3. The Save Private Key for Encoding window appears automatically. Select the folder in which you wish to save

the key and choose the Save button.

5.5.2 Exporting Certificates


1. From the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Administration → System Initialization → Company Details →

Electronic Tax Reporting tab.

2. From the dropdown menu of the Import Private Key field, choose Export Certificate.

The Save Certificate for Signing window appears. Select the folder in which you wish to save the key and

choose the Save button.

3. The Save Certificate for Encoding window appears automatically. Select the folder in which you wish to save

the key and choose the Save button.

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Electronic Reporting Log


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6 Electronic Reporting Log

The electronic tax report stores information about certificate handling activities and electronic tax reporting.

From the Electronic Reporting Log window, you can do the following:

o Check if there are any errors in initialization (parameters for electronic communication) and view the

status of a certificate request, certificate reissue, certificate export, certificate import, private key

export, and private key import

o Submit an electronic tax report and view its status

6.1 Checking the Status of Certificate Handling Activities


1. To open the electronic reporting log, from the SAP Business One Main Menu, go to Reports → Financials →

Electronic Reports → Electronic Reporting Log.

2. In the Date From and To fields, define the desired date range of the certificate-related activities you wish to


From the dropdown list of the View Type field, choose Certificates.

3. View the following information (the self-explanatory fields are not described here):

Filed Description/Activity

Type The type for certificates is always System.

Description This field names the certificate handling activity performed. The following

Figure 3 - Electronic Reporting Log



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Electronic Reporting Log

Filed Description/Activity

options are possible:

Request certificate

Reissue certificate

Import certificate

Source The source for certificates is always System.

Status The following options are possible:


The activity has been performed successfully.


The activity has not been performed successfully.


To see the detailed message response, double-click the View field of

the desired row. The Electronic Reporting Log Details window appears

as shown in Figure 4- Electronic Reporting Log Details.

If you want to save the message in electronic form, choose the Export


Table 3- Electronic Reporting Log

Figure 4- Electronic Reporting Log Details

How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Electronic Reporting Log


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6.2 Submitting Electronic Tax Reports and Checking Their Status


1. To open the electronic reporting log , from the SAP Business One Main Menu, choose Reports → Financials →

Electronic Reports → Electronic Reporting Log.

2. In the Date From and To fields, define the desired date range during which reports were generated.

3. From the dropdown list of the View Type field, select Reports. You can select a specific type of report instead:

BAS Report or EU Sales Report.

4. View the following information (the self-explanatory fields are not described here):

Field Description/Activity

Status The following options are possible:


The report has been generated, but you have not submitted it yet.


The report has been sent successfully and fulfills the requirements of the tax authority.


You have sent the tax report, but you have not received any response yet.

Figure 5 - Electronic Reporting Log



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How to Set Up and Use Electronic Tax Reporting

Electronic Reporting Log

Field Description/Activity


The tax report has not been sent successfully. If you want to resend it, in the Electronic

Reporting Log window, choose the Send button.

Document Error

The tax report has been sent successfully, but it does not fulfill the requirements of the

tax authority.


To see the detailed message response, double-click the View field of the desired

row. The Electronic Reporting Log Details window appears as shown in Figure 4-

Electronic Reporting Log Details.

If you want to save the message in electronic form, select the row of the desired tax

report and choose the Export button.

Table 4 - Electronic Reporting Log

5. To submit an electronic tax report, click the row of the desired tax report and choose the Send button.


If you are using a certificate, the system performs the action in the background. However, if you do not

have a certificate imported into the system and you are using a PIN code for tax submission, the PIN Code

window appears as shown below. Enter your PIN code and choose OK.


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