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University of New MexicoUNM Digital RepositoryEl Hispano Americano, 1916-1921 (Belen/ValenciaCounty, New Mexico) New Mexico Historical Newspapers


El Hispano-Americano, 11-20-1919P. A. Speckmann

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Recommended CitationSpeckmann, P. A.. "El Hispano-Americano, 11-20-1919." (1919). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ha_b_news/49

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A Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai At Ai Ai A. Ai A. Ai Ai Ai Ai A..A.AiA, áir4 Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai diár - A - t.t.A.i.i.Vi.i.A..j,.,f mittee of the "M. E. Church, South..

Bishop U. V. W Darlington is tkchairman of the Joint directing eosmittee and Dr. O. E. God dar 4 lo titexecutive secretary.

Standard Plan Mads.The movement will operate aeeovéV

ing to a standard plan. This ptaa provides for a preüminrry surrey of tatentire South to discover what persowlare not affiliated with any religiondenomination. .

Dr. A. C. Zambrunnen Is in ehargof the servey, and ho haa male frallmlnary Investigations In a lamnumber of typlcial sections as samplesto guide psstors In snrveylag tMlown fields.

When these surveys are complete!the evangelistic movement will Mlaunched In an effort to Interest aA

h members whose naonthare be4n secured.

It has beea estimated that halfmillion workers will bo enlisto tapersonally Interview the persona Vis)have no church mem ership.




Orden del Cuerpode Comisionados deCondado.

Resuslvass por el cuerpo deComisionados del Condado de Va-

lencia, y es por esta ordenada lacriación de una Subdivision de unDistrito Politico bajo las provisi-ones de capitulo 88 de las leyesde 1919; dicho distrito de ser esaparte del Precinto No. 10 conda-do de Valencia N. M. comensan-d-

en punto endonde el linderodel Norte del lado del Bosque deLos Pinos atoca el Rio Grande,entonces al Sur en el Ponientehaci al lindero del Sur del Preci-nto de Peralta, entonces en elOriente haci al Sur en los linde-

ros de loa Precintos de Peralta vValencia hasta las lomas y ento-

nces al Norte en el lado del Ori-

ente de las lomas hasta el caminoda Peralta para Hell Canon, ento-

nces en el Poniente en el Nortela Acequia Bieja de Peralta pordicho camino, entonces en el Po-

niente en el Norte por dicha ace-

quia hasta el lindero del Bosquedi Los Pinos, entonces en los la-

dos del Norte y el Oriente de di-

cho Bosque de Los Pinos en suslinderos al punto de comienso.Manuel Garcia, Presidente del

cuerpo de comisionados del eon-dad- o

de Valencia, N. M.Testifico:

DIEGO ARAGON,Secretario de Condado.

Por Tetes Mirabal, Diputado.

$ixteen-Year-01- d Daughter PuttFatal End tt Family


Philadelphia. "Tht Lord told ao todo It as I lay In bed.". This reason tiasben advanced to the authorities forher act by alxteen-year-ol- d Clara Bar- -

tell, daughter of a railroad signalmanef Edgewoed, who shot and Instantlykilled her parent.

The first news of the tragedy camewhen a physician was called to thoBartell homo. . He found Bartelt lyingon the floor, sprawled face downward,with a gaping wound In the chest justbelow tho shoulder blade. Tlie fullforce of a charge of shot had struck'him. and. death was Instantaneous.The victim's wife, almost Insane fromgrief, and his four children still worn,fa 'the hWse' anCBeoniied tor iUieé toglr" a coherent story. .

' State policemen soon were en thoscene and finally obtained some detallaof 'the tragedy. According to the wifeand other children, whose story later,was sobbingly substantiate) by Clara,the, father came home from work In themorning, and at breakfast an argu-ment, which frequently occurred la The

family relative to moving to Philadel-phia; broke out again.

The children wanted to lire In Phil-- ,adelphla where they could hare tho

of better educational aad so- -

Methodists Save

Belgian and

Serbian OrphansSouther Church Buya Hornea m fcru

Mil and Belgrade and Sup-ert-a

Serbian Refugeehi England.

Nashville, Tenn. The CentenaryCommission of the Methodist Eplsco-pa- l

Church, South, will specialise lacarine for the children of Belgium.Serbia and other stricken countries ofEurope, according to an annoubee-nu-ii- t

made by Dr. W. B. Beauchamp,the director-genera- l. Dr. Beauchampand a Church Commission bare Justreturned from Europe.

Por this purpose a large home,a famous boys' school, has been

purchased at Uccle, a suburb of Brus-sels. Several hundred, childrea eaab accommodated In this building, an4the Methodists will assume estire re-

sponsibility for them and their future.Another hoine has been bought at

Belgrade, Servia, and here the usder-fe- 4

orphans of Hie Southern Slave willbe given medical attention and caredfor. A staff of women physicianssecured from Scotland, will be In

charge of this home.Still another orphanage has been

taken over at Faversham, England.This home already contains more thaaa hundred Serbian children, orphanedrefugees who were taken from theirhomes during the Austrian invasion.

Plight of Children Deplorable."One can scarcely imagine the

plight of the Belgian and Sorbían chitdren," declared Dr. Beauchamp. "Themine of Northern France have beeaflooded or filled' with concrete by theGermans, aud thousands of childrenwill literally freeze to death ta! win-

ter, .....'-i-- ; ...:$ c1 fiare see'h the living in the ,61 d

tranches and dug-out- s left by tM en-

emy, with little to eat save what Is

gathered from the passers-by.-

Relief stations will be establishedas quickly as workers caa be obtainedaad supplies sent. These will be atBrussels. Ypres, St. Quentin. Mootdldler lielgrade and other centers.

The Centenary Commission Is seek-

ing for two young physicians, eightnnrses, a dozen women, social work-ers, and a number of superintendentand directors to reinforce the reliefstaff. These will be sent abroad atone.

The Church has a fund of $!,o60,0Mfor this purpose. It Is a part of the$53,900,000 fund which was raised Inthe recent Centenary Drivo.

Christians InvadeThe Holy Land

Southern Methodists Send First Workera to Palestine for Bible and

Literature Distribution. '

(Special Correspoadeaco)Nashville, Tenn. The Methodist

Episcopal Church, South, has the dis-

tinction of being tho . first Christiandenomination to send workers to Pales-tine since the freo regime Inauguratedunder the occupancy ef Qenerai A

lenly.The Centenary European Commlssioa

of the Church, headed by Bishop JamesAtkins and Dr. W. B. Beauchamp, havealready dispatched five colporteur tothe Holy Land. Those will be followedby five more In tho next few weeks.

These workers will establish no sta-

tions, but will follow tho early Metho-dist custom of itinerating over thecountry distributing Bibles, tracts aadChristian literature.

This literature will be printed Idthe native dialects, and will be securedthrough an arrangement with tho NilePies in Kgypt.

Under the rule of the Turk suebmovement would have ben prohibited,but undr Allenby there Is perfect free-dom of religions. The action of theSouthern Methodists Is the beginningof a vast scheme of missionary activ-

ity which will be carried on la theHoly Land.

RESOLUCIONi Por cuanto antes por reso-lusi- on

de este cuerpo pasada enla junta regular de Julio. ElAgrimensor de Condado fue di-riji- do

de hacer una medida dela acequia de desagüe del sur deBelén, y cual se conocía y gene-relmen- te

llamado un arroyo publico para el fin de descubrir losdeberes de esta comisión en laspremisas; Y por cuanto dichoAgrimensor de condado ha he-

cho una examinasen de dichocurso de desagüe y ha filado sn

reporte junto con una medida de,esto con este cuerpo; y por cuanto ahora apareee de dicho re-

porte y de otros reportes antesechos a esta comisión, qud di-

cho arroyo publico ha sido obs-

truido en varios lugares y pordiferentes personas en todo suCurso de una orilla hasta la otracausando aguas de desagüe quese junten, estancarse y volverseun amenaso a la salud y propi-edad por todo el curso de dichoarroyo publico;

Y por cuanto dicho cursode desagüe ha sMo un arroyopublico por varios años y haciha sido reconocido por el publi-co; -

Y por cuanto es el entendi-

miento de esta comisión que esnecesar'o de proveer desagüe delos caminos públicos cruzandodicho, at'reyo publico y de í pro-

veer par.3 la mantención y pro-

tección del mismo:

Añora, por esta razón, resuélvase por este cuerpo de Co-

misionados de condado del Condado de Valencia que dicho ar-

royo publico sea habierto de un

punto 1800 pies medidos haci alnorte a lo largó de dicho desa

güe de la nordeste esquina delCommercial Club en la AMeade Belén, por la Aldea de Belén

y entonces meridional a lo largode todo su curso a un punto co

mo siete millas al sur de Belén

y a un punto como 1500 pieshacia el sudeste de la estafetadel Bosque, para el fin de darlibre y habierta salida de todas

aguas de desagüe a lo largo dedicho curso de dicho arroyo pu-


Resuélvase ademas que es

ta resolución sea publicada en

Español é Ingles en un periódi-co de circulación general en elcondado do Valencia, y que di

cha publicación por un periodode tres semanas sera suficientecoticia 3 lodus personas obstru-

yendo dicho arroyo en cualquie-

ra manera para remover el mis-

mo inmediatamente después de

dichas publicaciones, bajo pen-

alidad de la ley.Resuélvase ademas que el

Superintendente de Caminos

del condado sea y es por esta

instruido de poner las tajeas ne-

cesarias bajo caminos públicosen su poder que crusen dioho

arroyo publico, tan pronto como

sea possible.

Manuel Garcia, 5 ,

Presidente del Cuerpo de Comisionados de Condado.

'Atesto:DIEGO ARAGON,. Escribano del Condado.Por TELES MIRABAL, Diputado.


aviso rTodos trasrjasando en el terrenodel Valencia Land and Live Stock

Company, terrenos en el Condado de Valencia, Nuevo Mexico,si es para casar, pescar o paracualquier btro fin es exactamente

prohibido, y todo dicho, traspasando sera ejecutada en acorda-nci- a

con la ley. El uso de jirarpermisos ha sido descontinuado,y todos los permisos que estándados son por esta revocados.

The Valencia Land and Live St-

ock Co.Por Thos. L. Capt. Mdr. GeneralOct 16 23-3- 0

KESOIACIOX.l'or Cuanto, una petición por el nu-

mero requerido de pagadores de tasa-ción sobre propiedades bajo los pro-vistos de las secciones 1302 a 130" deios Estatutos de Nuevo Mexico anota-do- s,

1915, fue presentada a este cuer-po en su sesión habida en el 7mo. diade Julio, 1919, para la construcciónde un puente publico a través delRio .Grande, cerca de Los Lunas,Nuevo Mexico, y dicha petición fuedebidamente aceptada y aprobada, yahora se hace el deber del Cuerpo deComisionados del Condado de Valen-cia de anunciar por propuestas y es-

pecificaciones con plano o planos ad-heridos, para el propuesto puente;

Por lo tanto. Sea Resuelto, que elsiguiente anuncio sea Insertado porcuatro semanas consecutivas en el"Belén News" de Belén, Nuevo Me-xi- co


V ESPECIFICACIONES."Propuestas y especificaciones se-

lladas, con "plano o planos adiantos,serán recibidas por el Cuerpo de Co-

misionados de Condado del Condadode Valer ola, hasta las j P. M. delTrf-- do .Noviembre, 1919, en la Casaüt Coi 'es del Condado de Valenciaf ri Los Lunas. Xuevo Mexico, para ;.iconstrucción de un puente de aceroa través del Rio Grande en un puntotan cerca como se pueda al oriente dtla Plaza de la población de Loe Lu-

nas:' dicha estructura deberá tenerun camino de dieciseis pies y sera de-

signada para soportar una carga vivade diez toneladas sobre dos ruedas;Propuestas separadas se solicitan pa-ra el piso de madera o de concreto:Dicha estructura deberá terminarseen, o antes del 1ro de Septiembre,1920.. Todas las propuestas debenser acompañadas de un check certifi-cado, pagadero al Tesorero del Con-

dado de Valencia, en la suma de cincopor ciento del total de la propuesta:Al postor que se le conceda' la obra,se le requerirá que de fianza por elcincuenta por ciento del total del pre-cio del contrato, el cual deberá serexiiallrlo nnr ""n nmn.nia. de segu-ridades autorizada para tranzar nego-cios en el Estado de Nuevo MexicJEl Cuerpo de Comisionados del Con-dado de Valencia se reserva el dere-cho do rechazar cualquiera o todas lapropuestas;

MANUEL" GARCIA,Presidente, Cuerpo de Comisionados

de Condado.Testifico: -

DIEGO ARACOX,Secretario de-- Condado.

Por Teles Mirabal, Diputado.Oct

orden del Cuerpo deComisionados . de

Condado.Resuélvase por el cuerpo de

Comisionados del Condado de Va

lencia, y es por esta ordenadala creación de una Subdivision deun Distrito Politico bajo las pro-visiones dé Capitulo 88 de las le

yes de 1919; dicho Distrito de seraquella parte del Precinto No. 22Condado de Valencia N. M. V lin-

dando por el norte por los linderos del norte de dicho Precinto,por el sur por los linderos del surde dicho precinto, por el ponientepor el canal del Rio Grand v porel oriente por las lomos.



Secretario de Condado.Por Teles Mirabal, Diputado.Oct 23-3- 0 Nov 6--

Methodkt ChachEnters Ypres

and Brussels



nissnte To Ba Cantor of Large "Enter

rleo On tho Part of South- -

Naehrill, Town. A. great MethodistChurch, erected and maintained by theMethodist Episcopal Charon, South,will be oreeted amid the miss efrpres, In Belgium. Tills was statedbf Dr. W., B. Besuchamp. director-genera- l

of the Centenary Commission,who, with Bishop James Atkins, thobishop la charge of European missionfields, Just returned frena Belgium.

Tho city of Ypres, terribly devas-tated, will not be rebuilt tn Its entirety,The once magnificent Cloth Hall, thefinest In tho world, tho Cathedral, thetown hall, the charchas, and otherlarge ruins will bo left as a perpetualmemorial.

On these the city mayor has causedsigns to bo erected, reading: "ThisIs holy ground. No stone of this fab-ri- d

may be taken away. It is a heri-tage for all civilised peoples."

A City ef MemoMale.Ypres Is a city of memorials. Tho

British government has selected a sitaanil will erect a great museum as amonument to her fallen heroes.

Similar buildings will be built byCanada, New Zealand, Australia andBelgium.

In the midst of these memorials the8oiithern Methodist Church will beerected. It will contain a library,reading room and social equipment,(n addition to its auditorium aadclass room. - v

"Ypres will always bo a mecos fortravelers,")' said Dr. Boauchamp."Thousands and millions will flock tothat battlefield. Our Church will notonly minister to the people of Ypresand the surrounding territory, but ItWill also serve these visitors."

. Great Plant In rúasele. '

, The Mstliodista have also purchasedS groat building in Brussels, whichwill be their headquarters for Europe.

It will contain offices, an auditorium,reading and lecture rooms, a publish-ing plant and social equipment.

The general secretaries of tho twoProtestant bodies of- - Belgium, theState Church and the free Church, willhare offloes la this building, thusmaking it the , Protestant center ofBelgium. -

Southern Methodists hare also pur-chased a half Interest In tho Protest-ant hospitals of Brussels. It wilt boenlarged aad its capacity will bodoubled.

RsHef Statlene Estábil,Dr. Beauohamp reported that thou-

sands of oh lid rea will freeie to deaththis' winter, because the Qermaáaflooded the mines aad ft! I ad them withconcrete, thaa' making it impossiblefor the people to obtain fuel.

"Children with their mothers.'' aaidDr.


Beauchamp, "are now Mrlag inthe abandoned trenchoa and dag-out- s

toft by the enemy.''lar order to cope with tho situation

the "Methodists have arranged to openrelief stations at Ypres, St. Quentin,Montdidier, Belgrade and other points.' X full contingent of physicians,nnrses, directors aad social workerswill be sent abroad as soon as thoyean be fonnd.

The Chorea, tas a fond of IS.OoO.OOo

far laropoan construction work. Thiswill bo spent in Servia, Trance, Belgium, Poland aad Bohemia.

Revival Planned

For Entire South

Widest Evnngtlletle Effort Ever Made

Will So Launshad Soon.

Nashville, Tsan.--4la- ns for anavangeHstlo movement ' which willcoter the entire South and operateIn M.OO0 churches at tho same timeara being formulated by the CentenaryCommission and the evangelist com

Chote His Pallbearers, .

Then Committed Suicide

William Heller of Newark, N.

J, visited several of his friendsone day recently and requestedthem to act as pallbearers at hisfuneral, which he said wouM

probably be held goon. Thoythought h was Joking andassured htm they would assentto his wishes.

The next morning Mr. Heller'swife found hlin asphyxiated In

the parlor of their home. Duringthe night he arose from tho bed,went Into the parlor closed thedoor and stuffed the keyholewith paper. The gas was turnedon. He was pronounced a sui-

cide. '


Pony Pricked, Runa Away ThrowingOut Three Boya Who Ara Se-

riously Injursd.

Stamford, Conn. One of the dan-

ger of country life was brought hometo the two young sons of Judge Charles

t. Locfewood, former assistant district

attorney In New York city, and law

partner of Homer S. Cummings, chair-ma-

of the Democratic national com-

mittee.A he stung a pony they were driv-

ing near their home In Noroton, find

the pony ran away, throwing out theLockwood boys. Walter and Davenport,and their friend, William Bouton. AH

were Injured badly.

Snake Hae Two FeetWaynesboro. Pa. A copperhead

nake with two well-forme- d feet was

killed by Ira L. Kaetzel at the foot of

the Blue Ridge mountains. The rep-

tile measured two feet four inches in

length. The feet are located about six

Inches from the tip of the tail. The

legs are three and three-quarte-

Inches In length. The feet are round,

about twice the size of the legs, and

are covered with a hard gristle. The

freak has been preserved In alcohol.

He Obeyed Orders.

San Francisco. Mis. George Voelker

wants a divorce because George was

too obedient. Quarrels always ended

by her ordering him to leave home, she

aid and. one day he obeyed orders.


.T '-- T---

Bartell Sank to the Floor WithoutWord.

cial surroundings, the mother said, butthe father opposed the suggestion,maintaining that the morals of yonngpeople too often aro rained In thocities.

Argument was especially vehement,the mother said, and waa principallybetween the father and the daughter, -- 1

Clara. Finally, besoming enraged, .

Clara Is said to have stepped back-- ,

ward, picked up a shotgun and polled ,

the trigger. The weapon was 8rul at .

close range, and Bartell sank to thefloor without a word.

Further Investigation convinced tJio ,. ,

authorities that there were taconslst- - ,

ancles in the story and Otara again .

was questlonid. Sha finally blurtedat: -

"The Lord told mo to do tt Itsalglit, while I wa in tt&n i -






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m.. u.'.iy buuito. Tantal ti. ítuit fj.tuiltur.v y ttmifos podrinuir y iti guto alpina.I'arqtw rín lia Rs.tar Ud. anaccreifli sum i ti- - i . ir.m.nM..

SCS-- V iV l i' (kJ ATl 1 i'3ilm'r üühw .... 4ita recÍQf E.t5 V 7 the national

joy smokemakes a whale

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fuiKagraioy m- TrinN-i- i tm )rccio elevtitlo,mto noMotn, ht mi corto tpspaeio detfmfo cm .iremos un ENTERAMENTE(ÍKATIS .twla it.n-lliís Krg(HUB que.tos ordtH-ii -- I i i d On RcIImi

r Stu . esto anuncio. 'Kti n l j -; it. i i r.mstrtceiñn.

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ÁjxtátAtUt 4)u nú: a - J an o aileian-h- tm la mz-i- U cual ete

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' :'j 't' 4 v

( U fVcujÉÍt' íU'Im-i- , iit - ia ctactituJ de

ll hora. .No iiprti t rr;ir Ll. imt1ij, tmnea obtcniirj uno ty.w vate atmq:;patruc 930.iV. n-- tronera Inmute b;vntdin r $2.".'Mi y hn.s par mis, peronosotros Ion w tomos al hvcío de fábrica,o sea, 12,OÁ y a'littiás rcnuiinuu el Fonófrrafoana's der;cnto, n cint-- rcctirds, y cien agujaA HSOH "TA M KNTK íilí A Hí;IMPORTANTE: V.svx ctVrn r solamente porun corto espacio de íijr.io pin solamentetciicmoü S.iHM) tic estos r'wit'tin'afos para recalar

niiustro deseo ch vi rüblico cenuzca núestro rvlojrs. Jar4. nj n.iiima pcrsoiiV lioV( tHl de un r lo Vi pnn'iw tic $2,9.Kl y U io flian.íamaoatcranicníe rtí-- . t Ji$tfk U aconsfjamwiM'w no !"f ' "Tt coviarisDi su Órtli--pin la existrni c limit a la y

íT;i pronto '.ttiiTrnd y los rtoj"s aumentaránen precu Tensa- ír pn? siamo'Copyright 1919 br

S. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.

Wanted- -

vciHiiciiiioi tiiarutnctHc cuntos w ellos yrwibimCM ni! caitas litis; xrieiai. 1.a Knte. le tmi.lmr stu reloj, ílCual jiiicdc I d. vhIit vh i'Mliincr tiempo por más de nuestro prto y el Kowósrafoy los rcrorils son rat.s. Nosotros no murwnott dinero adelaQladtt- - nulamente eseriha f

non ilre y- dirección vlarat remítanos 2.( 4"rpsto lo pajearé alrcctbirlp en su intsm casa. Tmlo el tnunüa dclie lene(tciar tic esta oferta, así' comomiles ya lo han hecho, por lo tanto acriba hoy mismo

EUROPEAN WATCH CO., 1065 Milwauke?:Ave.. Chicago 111., Dept. 183

Awaiting year tay-a- you'llfind toppy red baga, tidy redcms, handsome pound andhalt pound tin humidorsand that classvt practica!pound crystal glass humidorwith apongo mojstener topthat keeps Prince Albert ia

each perfect condition I

A good clean Spanish girl for pantry

Order of the Boardwork.Harvey House of County Commis

y'OU certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on the table,call for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a

makin's cigarette ! You'll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep countof your smokestunts! Why, you1 never dreamed of the sport that liesawaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A. for thepacking t . ,

Talk about flavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half yoursmokecareer until you know what rolling 'em with P. A. can do for yourcontentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs ofPrince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process thatcuts out bite and parch ! With P, A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga-rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard ! Prince Albertis a cinch to rolL It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pal!

Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful ajimmy pipe can be ! It is the tobacco that has made three men smokepipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nationto the joys of smoking.


sioners. 1

boundaries of said Precinct onthe South by South boundaries ofsaid precinct on the, West by theRio Grande channel and on thEast by the foot hills, ' 'MANUEL ARCIA. '

Chairman ot . Board, of County Commissloners of Valencia County.: .j jAttest: .. t. . .... ., ,.

DIEGO AliAGON County Clerk.By TELSHUASAI Depu.y.

Oct 23-3- 0 Nov 6 13

Be it resolved by the Boardof county commissioners of Valencia county, and it is hereby ordered the creation of a PoliticalSubdivision District under theprovisions of Chapter 88 of SesÉlIlÉlSL sion Laws of 1919: said districtto be that part of Pricinct No. 10

Valencia County N. M. BeginingCUPID TIES CAN TO

N SIMPLE SEA DOGEstado de Naevo Mexico, En laCorte de Pruevas, Condado deValencia. :

at a point where the North bou-

ndary of the North side of Bos-

que de Los Pinos rtouches theEn la materia del estado de Sila Rio GrfcndA, from thence South Pretty Girl Throws Gallant CaBV' tail's love Dream Into Davy

Garcia y Chaves, menor de eda&l.A TODOS QUIEN CONCIERNA:

on the Wet towards the South

Aviso publico es por esta dado boundary of Precinct of Peralta,thence Eait towards the South

que Juan Francisco Chavez, gu on the boundaries of Precincts ofardian de la arriba mencionada 'eralta and Valencia to the footSila Garcia y Chaves, menor de hills thence North on the Eastside to the foot hills to the Peral-ta road to Hell Canon, thence


New Tort. A ..winsome !$ wabout to pass, but he raised hit hatwith a smile, so she changed her mind

as doe womankind and decided tlinger awjhile. And thereby hangs thasad story of the wallop Cupid hangedto Capt. Edgar Lucas Adams of thtsailing ship Phyllis.

The captain had been some fifteenmonths on the water, without sight efwomen, and when he hitched his shlp'ahalter to a tieost at Hrio basin andstepped atthora, a young woman with

west on the North the Old Ditchof Peralta by said road, thencewest on the North by said ditch

United States Tíresare Good Tires to the boundary of Bosque de Los

Pinos, thence on the East andNorth sides of said Bosque deLos Pinos on its boundaries tothe point of begining.

edad, ha filado su reporte final ycuenta en la arriba mencionadamateria, y su petición íue el seadescargado como dichivguardian,y sus fiadores libertados; y lacorte habiendo fijado el Lunes,Noviembre 3, a las 10 A, 'if, enel cuarta de la corte en la Casade Cortes del condado en Los Lu-

nas, Nuevo Mexico, como el tiem-

po lugar y hora para el arreglode dicho estado, todas personasinteresadas desiando objetar aello pueden aparecer y hacer

si alguna hay a dicho

reporte y cuenta final.

Diego Aragón,- Escribano del Condado y

Escribano de lacorte de Pruebas del Condado deValencia, N. M.

Por TELES MIKABAL, Diputado.

Manuel Garcia.chairman of the Board of Countycommissioners of Valencia coun-

ty, N. M.Attest:

Diego Aragón, county Clerk.By Teles Mirabal Deputy.

Oct. 23 30 Nov. 3.

NOTICEAll trespassing on the land of

the Valencia Land and LivestockCompany lands in Valencia Cou

nty, New Mexico, whether vforhunting fishing or for any otherpurpose whatsoever is strictlyprohibited and all such trespasser will be prosecuted to the fullextent of the law. The practiceof issuing permits has been dis-

continued, and all of those nowmjim. ttaí?Vt--k- f feS ríala'

outstanding are hereby revoked..t-s- s

Chain' The Valencia Land and Live St-ock Company.mi? Nobby1

By Thos L. Capt Gen. Mgr.

Raised Hia Hat With mil.

lips like ripe cherries and eyes aboutas large as saucers, who chanced byJust then, looked good to him, where-fore the hat-ralsl- eplsodo. Sha, tee,smiled. They conversed. f;

fttlA (aV kt V V V, . L.

Oct 16-23--

Royal Oord'

Most Economical

Legal NoticeState of New Mexico, In theProbate Court. Valencia County

In the Matter of the estate ofSila Garcia y Chaves, a minor.TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CON-

CERN:Public notice is hereby given

that Juan Francisco Chavez, gu-

ardian of the above named SilaGarcia y. Chaves, a minor, hasfiled his final report and accountin the above styled matter, andhis petition that he be dischargedas such, guardian, and his bonds-men released; and the cpurt ha-

ving fixed, Monday November3rd at 10 o, clock A. M. at the co-

urt room in the County court ho-

use at Los Lunas, New Mexico,as the time place and hour forthe settlement of said estate, allpersons interested des' ing toobject thereto may appear andmake objections, if any there beto such report and final f ccount.


County Clerk andclerk of the Probate Court, Va-

lencia county, N. M.

E.v Teks Kúfcbal, Dew-.y- ."

Order of The Boardof County Commis-sioners. ; i;

, wm muí. vu íici uouie ib arotnalyn and Introduced him to her motherand sisters. Everything was lovely jthere wasnt a cloud In sight

Soon they became, engaged. Cap-tain Adams and Mildred Coffee, who,he said, went to his head like a strong-er drink.

The callorman's neit move, he salttodsy In conrt, was to givo ber $900to redeem a diamond ring she hadpledged. It was to have bees tbeltengagement tin. - .

Be it resolved by the Board

values means greater econ-omyless cost of maintenance

less repairs and depreciation.

Car owners who do theirown thinking prefer UnitedStates Tires. Their merit is

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Wear life service -- mileage

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These are exactly what youget in United States Tires-gen- eral

all-rou- nd tire

of County Commissioners of Va--

enciá County, and it is herebyordered the creation of a Politi-cal Subdivision District under And then what did she do but tell

ma she couldn't marry me," declaredCaptain Adams. "Sha said her fcttband mightn't Ilk it" . r V

Down crashed the sallonneo'a lott4th& it Darjr Jonetf Jockeí,

the provisions of Chapter 88 ofSession Laws of 1919 said Dis-

trict to. ha that part of PrecinctNo. 22 Valencia County N.M and

We have them a type andThis grerivit total f tire size for every car. . : Bounded on the North by North. luí in iw yty

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