effects theories related to research newspaper

Post on 30-Mar-2016






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Effects theories related to research newspaperrr


Ameena Rehman

Effects theories

Why do they use it?

Self What do audience get from product?


Emotion (response)

The information the readers get

from the newspapers I have

researched is about the local

people and places. Also the

Birmingham post mentions the


Taxpayers who are most

people especially the

older people who read

the Birmingham Press.


Sadness Happy Upset

The Birmingham Mail has a

story about a man who was cut

free from a wreckage of his


The Birmingham Press includes a story about young

children running for charity in The Birmingham Press

this provides Solihull, this provides readers a positive

story about their community. Also the story about the

mum who sets a date with a tarantula to beat her fears

for her son, this also shows the women as being brave.

The Birmingham Mail includes a story

about a man left in a coma by thugs.

Readers feel sorry for the teenager who

was left in agony at the disastrous JLS

Christmas lights switch on and it upsets

them as it could have been someone they

knew who went.

Readers get to know what’s happening in their

local community good and bad. Also major

news they didn’t know about, such as The

Wild West Midlands.


Readers are satisfied if they find

the information useful to know

and if the newspaper includes all

elements needed.


Ameena Rehman


What you buy How you see the world

The Asian community may

begin to buy East End curry

powder as it is a advert at the

bottom of the front page on The

Birmingham Press and The

Birmingham Mail.

Readers see BBC as not a very

good place to work at as there is

‘BBC morale at ‘all-time low’’

and Midlands today staff in vote

of no confidence over


Readers would see the West

Midlands as being a more

dangerous and violent area after

reading the article about ‘The

Wild West Midlands.’ This is

because a variety of guns where


Ameena Rehman




There are a variety of people in the

newspapers I have researched. In The

Birmingham Mail is a girl who got crushed,

the story goes on to tell the readers she would

only let the doctors operate in her if they

played JLS songs in the background. Readers

would have different responses about this.

Some may feel she’s being really stupid and

have a silly obsession over JLS, whereas

some people would think it’s really sweet

how much she likes the band.

The Birmingham Press includes a story about

a teenager who keeps flashing his backside to

his neighbours. People would have different

responses some people would find it funny

and some would think it’s very immature and


There are different places the newspapers I

reached have included. One is the BBC which is

the main article on the front page of the

Birmingham Post. People would have different

responses some people would think it’s unfair and

some would think they get loads of money so it is


Another place is Kitts Green Road where a man

was left in a coma by thugs. There would be

different responses people may try and avoid

going near the area as they may think it could

happen to them and the readers get worried when

walking on the road. Another response would be

they wouldn’t really think anything when their on

the road because they would think it’s just a one

off event which took place.

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