effects on fast food

Post on 19-Jun-2015



Health & Medicine



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Effects on Fast Food

Eyoung HerEnglish 1021 56&57Gordon Pueschner

Hungry? Want something fast without having to cook?

Fast Food

• This is a chart of McDonald’s sandwich calories. It’s high and if you eat fast food more than once a week, you’ll be sure to gain lots of weight.

Super Size me

• Morgan Spurlock starred in a documentary film where he has to eat Mcdonald’s only for break fast, lunch and dinner.

30 Day Challenge

• He gained 24 ½ pounds after the 30 days and it took him 4 month to lose it with the help of his wife.

• She put him on a strict veggie diet and helped watch what he ate.

• Not only did he gain weight, he had sexual dysfunction and mood swings

Effects from gaining weight

• Obesity is one of the main causes from eating too much fatty food and with obesity comes health problems.

Health Problems

• High blood pressure• Blood vessel damage• Heart attack/failure• Kidney failure• Increased rick of major organs• Breathing problems

Not only are you feeding yourself but those around you as well

Children and Fast Food

• Fast foods main target is kids.

• Study shows that calories in a kids meal is more than the calories that they’re suppose to really consume

A quote from a spokes person for McDonalds

• " remains committed to responsible marketing practices ... and ... to offering our customers a wide variety of quality food and beverage choices that meet their dietary needs and tastes -- including fruit, juice and dairy options in our Happy Meals."

Labor #1

• Labor is also a main reason fast food is bad for you. Minimum pay is below $7 and the work is twice the pay.

• Most workers are teenagers ranging from 14-21.

Labor #2

• Not only are they employing young workers because of their lack of employment but most workers are non-white

Still want fast food without having to cook anything?

• Now that you’ve seen how fast food can effect and your loved ones, maybe spending some time to cook wouldn’t hurt.

Which would you prefer?

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