effect of pesticides on human health

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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A pesticide is any substance or mixture of substance intended for preventing, destroying,

repelling or mitigating any pest. A pesticide may be a chemical substance, biological agent (such

as a virus or bacterium), antimicrobial, disinfectant or device used against any pest. Pesticides

can be classified by target organism, chemical structure, and physical state. Pesticides can also

be classed as inorganic, synthetic, or biologicals (biopesticides), although the distinction can

sometimes blur.

With the benefits that pesticides bring, it must also be taken into consideration that use of

pesticides can have unintended effects on the environment and human health. It may appear to be

incredible to many, but the fact is that pesticides or insect killers are among the most extensively

used chemicals in the world today and they are also among the most hazardous compounds to the

human well being. Pesticide use has raised a number of environmental concerns. Pesticides are

one of the causes of water pollution, are persistent organic polluters and have contributed to soil

contamination. In addition, the use of pesticide has reduced biodiversity and has resulted in

lower soil quality. Studies have shown that pesticides can be extremely unsafe, particularly when

they run off into waterways, which can cause both short and long term damage to people and the

environment. Pesticides have contaminated almost every part of our environment. Hence, this

paper will make an effort to assess the effects of pesticides not only on the human health but also

on the environment of Pakistan. Pesticides can be dangerous to consumers, workers and close

bystanders during manufacture, transport, or during and after use.

Objectives of the Study

Pesticides have been used for decades as a way of eliminating pests in order to protect crops. The

study proposes to survey the extent and severity of the problem of pesticides and how it affects

human health. There are perceived dangers from the use of pesticides. On the other hand,

pesticides may be needed to protect the crops and add to the yield. The focus here will be on the

city of Lahore, which is the second largest city in Pakistan, after Karachi, and with a population

of over 10 million. Not only will the health effects of pesticides be looked into, but also its

effects on the environment, especially water and fertility of agricultural land will be taken into

consideration. Further, we shall be looking at the forward and backward linkage effects of

pesticides on the economy.

The focus of our study will be on the end consumers of these agricultural products grown with

excessive pesticides. That is, whether or not it is beneficial for the consumer in the long run.

Also we shall investigate the awareness of the producers about the adverse effects of the

excessive use of pesticides on their products. Producers use pesticides because they are effective

and generally reasonably priced. It is important for these producers to be aware of the effects of

these pesticides on their products. Apart from that, the kind of risks that they take with their

lives, when they come in direct contact with pesticides, for example when mixing the chemicals

or when applying them to the crops, has to be looked into too. Our paper shall also evaluate the

rules and regulations laid out by the Government of Punjab, for the use of pesticides.

Research Methodology

The prime focus of this research is to see the effects of pesticides on human health and the

environment. Here a basic framework for the methodology employed in carrying out the research

will be given. A qualitative approach has been used. This type of an approach is better suited to

answering questions like what, how, why. The result of this will not lead to law like

generalizations but rather provide a descriptive picture of the situation. Qualitative research is a

method of inquiry appropriated in many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social

sciences, but also in market research and further contexts. The need for it occurs here because of

it’s flexibility and the fact that it involves fieldwork. This way, the effect of pesticides can be

looked into more deeply, and one can gain a better understanding of it with multiple views. The

population of this study is the upper income group living in DHA, who consume vegetables.

Since the nature of this research is exploratory a purposive and convenient sample has been

chosen which is identified as the most important kind of non-probability sampling. Purposive

sampling groups participants according to preselected criteria relevant to a particular research

question. Sample selection is also very important and a sample of 50 people living in DHA was

chosen. Interviews form a very important part of qualitative research. We interviewed Dr.


Background and context

The economy of Pakistan is largely based on agriculture. It contributes about 25% to thenational

economy, provides employment for over 44% of the labour force and is main source of income

in rural areas, which accounts for 70% of total population. The well being of the economy

depends largely on the production, processing and distribution of major products such as cotton,

wheat, edible oil, sugar, milk and meat. In the last decade, agriculture grew at an annual average

rate of 4.5 per cent and exhibited fluctuating trend mainly on account of weather conditions, pest

attacks on crops and shortage of inputs. Therefore, in order to increase agricultural output, plant

protection measures, mainly pesticides, were used. The pesticides have been used to protect food

stuffs, livestock and health of mankind.

The use of pesticides in Pakistan commenced in 1952. It started with the introduction of an aerial

spraying program on the key crops such as, cotton, rice and sugarcane. Simultaneously,

pesticides were also used for locust control. Today, farmers are using pesticides in large

quantities to save their crops and to get higher yield. These chemicals when mixed with crops,

soil and water, play havoc with human life. In Pakistan, about 76% of the pesticides are

consumed in cotton crop only. Nearly 50 per cent of the pesticides used in Pakistan are either

extremely hazardous or highly hazardous.

The use of pesticides has been increased manifold in recent years. Since 1980, there is almost a

linear increase in the use of pesticides in the country. During 1999, the pesticide consumption

was 30,212 metric tons whereas in 2008 it reached to.

Pesticide abuse in Pakistan is not just a matter of environmental concern but whole of our

economy and nation's' health is at stake. A war against unregulated and indiscriminate use of

pesticides in the country means a war against disease and poverty.

Pesticides and Human Health

It may appear to be incredible to many, but the fact is that pesticides or insect killers are among

the most extensively used chemicals in the world today and they are also among the most

hazardous compounds to the human well being. In fact, there is an absence of adequate

laws to restrict the use of such chemicals as well as inspect the unfavorable influences that

have made the use of pesticides rampant in Pakistan, where the authorities solely depend on

the versions provided by the pesticide manufacturers regarding their products. This has only

worsened the situation vis-à-vis pesticide use.

Going by the characterization of pesticides, they are chemical substances that are made use of to

eliminate animals, insects, plant and fungal bugs in cultivation, at home as well as in institutions.

Well, the question is whether the pesticides really kill those they are intended to. The answer is

yes, but horrifying. These pesticides not only do their duty, but more. What is really horrifying is

a report by the World Health Organization that makes an approximation that over 200,000

people is killed owing to the toxicity of these dangerous chemical world-wide every year. In fact,

the casualty figures do not tell the real picture about the vast impact of the poisoning caused by

these poisonous chemicals. Pesticides lead to over three million poisoning cases annually.

Exposure to these pesticides or hazardous chemicals leads to several health problems that range

from asthma attacks, skin rashes as well as chronic disorders like emphysema and cancer.

Studies on animals have established the lethal aspect of the pesticides as well as their role in

leading to cancerous growth. These studies conducted for regulatory actions against the

pesticides have somewhat undermined the threat from these dangerous chemicals to humans.

Effect on human health- through the consumption of pesticide contaminated


It is the children and the adult in our society who face the greatest health risk from the pesticides.

Pesticides often makes the foodstuff they consume contaminated and poisonous. As they are the

most susceptible among the rest of us, in the absence of adequate immune system in their body,

the pesticides tend to damage their tissues first and make them fall ill. What is appalling is that

most of these pesticides are intended to disturb the nerve communication system in organisms.

What is important to remember is that the biological consequences are likely to continue for

several days, sometimes even months and years after coming in contact with these deadly

chemicals. And repeated exposures to these pesticides lead the chemicals to build up in the

tissues and later develop into lethal and degenerative diseases. Considering all these aspects, the

scientists have come to the conclusion that the elderly population in our society are more prone

to diseases caused by the pesticides.

On the other hand, children too are very prone to develop diseases caused by these deadly

pesticides and if there is any negligence towards their protection from such poisonous chemicals,

it needs to be rectified immediately. And it must be kept in mind that food consumed by the

people in Pakistan is highly contaminated with pesticides. This is primarily owing to the fact that

the authorities concerned have approved around 250 to 300 different pesticides for use during

cultivation and handling of different food products. Although the government has set some

standards for the use of single chemicals to be used in agriculture and handling crops, even this

underrates the threat to human health from the pesticides. For instance, on an average, the peach

grown in Pakistan contains deposits of at least 40 different kinds of pesticides that possess the

properties of the deadly chemicals used to manufacture them.

Significantly, while evaluating the risks associated with the exposure to such pesticides,

researchers often do not take the collective effect or consequences caused by these poisonous

chemicals. Hence, most of the reports are ambiguous and mislead the regulatory authorities who

set the limits for the use of different pesticides. Again, it is difficult to assess the risk to the

children by conducting studies on adults as the biological as well as the immune system of the

kids are greatly different. In fact, the children’s biological system can be described as ‘immature’

or not fully developed to counter the actions of the chemicals. Considering this as well as the fact

that we mostly come in contact with pesticides through our food, everyone needs to know that

the uppermost on our food sequence is breast milk which encloses numerous chemicals and all in

superior intensity.

It is important to note that the growth of the fetus is also impinged on owing to exposure to

pesticides. In addition, the limits set by the regulatory bodies for the use of different pesticides

too are impractical as well as dangerous. For instance, the currently sanctioned intensity of

aldicarb on watermelons is so unrealistic that a 10 kg child consuming the fruit may intake

sufficient amount of pesticides that could give rise to intense toxicity, revealing symptoms like

vomiting, convulsions and even collapse of the respiratory system. Moreover, a child’s nature or

behavior, like frequently putting the hand in mouth and the time they spend playing on the

ground, put them at a greater danger of being exposed to the poisonous chemicals contained in

the pesticides. According to a report on poisoning through insecticides, approximately 56 per

cent of such cases take place in children below the age of six.

Thus, collecting all the above mentioned facts, one may establish that the children not only have

many different ways of coming in contact with the poisonous chemicals contained in pesticides,

but also more prone to developing deadly and degenerative diseases following the exposure to

the chemicals. Moreover, the potential period between exposure to the chemicals and the

beginning of the diseases is much more in children. Hence, it may be safely assessed that

children are more prone to different diseases caused by the chemicals in the pesticides. It may

also be concluded that those at the helm of affairs of the health department are aware of these

issues and have been initiating steps to safeguard our children from such poisonous attacks.

Unfortunately, this is not the real scenario. This is evident from the fact that the history of

exposure to dangerous chemicals seldom comes up during a patient’s consultation with the

physicians. Even if it does, it is merely a passing mention.

Moreover, it has been noted that most medical practitioners are not adequately trained to identify

or diagnose the effects of pesticides on our well being. Normally, whenever a person suffers

from vomiting or rashes, doctors pass them off as effects of viral attacks. Seldom have they tried

to look deeper into the problem. As a result, the cause of most cases of vomiting and rashes stay


Acute symptoms of pesticide poisoning include:

numbness, tingling sensations, lack of coordination headache, dizziness, tremor, nausea,

abdominal cramps, sweating, blurred vision, difficulty breathing or respiratory depression, or

slow heartbeat.

Very high doses can result in unconsciousness, convulsions, or death. Chronic effects of long-

term pesticide exposure include: impaired memory and concentration, disorientation, severe

depression, irritability, confusion, headache, speech difficulties, delayed reaction times,

nightmares, sleepwalking, and drowsiness or insomnia. Certain pesticides have been

demonstrated to be cholinesterase inhibitors (disrupting nervous system function) or endocrine

disruptors (interfering with hormone production and action). Evidence also exists linking

pesticide exposure to respiratory and skin diseases, cancers, birth defects, and reproductive and

neurological disorders. Children and unborn babies are particularly susceptible to pesticide

poisoning. Their widespread exposure to pesticides in developing nations is of grave concern.

How and why pesticides affect human health

Pesticides ARE TOXIC by design. Some of the most potent pesticides are insecticides, those

targeting the nervous system of insects. Unfortunately, the basic neural mechanism is similar in

insects and mammals, making humans susceptible to these potentially lethal chemicals as well.

In both groups of organisms, messages are transmitted along nerve cells using electrical

impulses. When these reach the end of a nerve, a chemical ‘neurotransmitter’ activates the next

cell in the chain.Each new release of neurotransmitter can be detected by the recipient cell as

enzymes exist which break down and remove any neurotransmitter left from previous signals.

One important neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, is broken down by the enzyme

acetylcholinesterase.Two major classes of pesticides, the organophosphates and the carbamates,

inhibit acetylcholinesterase (and are cholinesterase-inhibitors)4. Acetylcholine accumulates in

the synapse and there is a ‘jamming’ of information preventing messages from being passed

properly between nerve cells. Depending on the dose, effects may be minor or (at the extreme)

fatal. Cholinesterase-inhibitors prevent nerves from working correctly. This can affect the nerves

in the brain, responsible for release of hormones or controlling hormones’actions. Since

hormones are especially important in early stages of human development and in reproduction,

such ‘endocrine disruption’ can be particularly damaging to human embryos or children .

Organochlorines and pyrethroids (two other major classes of pesticide) also attack the nervous

system, but these chemicals are not cholinesterase-inhibitors.Their main effect is on individual

nerve cells, interfering with the transmission of messages along their length. Organochlorine

insecticides are often extremely resistant to degradation, making them persistent in the

environment. They can accumulate in animals’ fat tissue, concentrating further at each level up

the food chain. Harmful effects are therefore most likely to be seen at the top of the food chain,

in birds of prey, or humans, for example.This is the major reason that their use has been

increasingly prohibited, especially in industrialised countries.electrical signal passes along nerve

cell this causes the release of acetylcholine acetylcholine binds to eceptor on the next nerve cell

electrical signal continues acetylcholine is re-formed etylcholineesterase breaks down

acetylcholine, ending signal. The role of acetylcholine in transmission of information between

nerve cells, a process interrupted by cholinesterase-inhibiting pesticides.

Routes of exposure

Pesticide-related health problems result from exposures, which occur chiefly via one or more of

the following routes:

● Oral ingestion

● Inhalation

● Dermal (through the skin)

Routes of exposure vary between chemicals. For example, dichlorvos (DDVP) is volatile and so

more likely to be inhaled, endosulfan is more toxic dermally than by inhalation, and chlorpyrifos

is less likely to be taken in across skin than by ingestion or inhalation.

Occupational exposure

Farm workers and people employed in the manufacture of pesticides are especially at risk of

pesticide exposure. Such risks are particularly pronounced in developing nations, where hazards

are commonly less well understood and health and safety regulations are less stringent or are

poorly-enforced. Accidental oral contamination can occur when farmers eat, drink or smoke

while spraying or do so shortly after spraying without first washing their hands. Inhalation of

pesticides is promoted by spraying without protective masks, whilst absorption through the skin

is made more likely when skin and clothes are wet during spraying10 or when farmers mix

pesticides with bare hands, or walk barefoot in fields while spraying. Although ingesting

pesticides is generally the most dangerous form of exposure, inhalation and absorption through

the skin are probably the major causes of occupational poisoning cases among farmers in

developing nations as they are often unaware of these particular risks. Environmental exposure

Most studies of pesticides’ health impacts have considered only occupational exposure, and

relatively little is known about health risks to the wider community exposed to pesticides. In

rural El Salvador, detectable levels of organophosphate pesticide metabolites were found in the

urine of 30% of subjects not involved in agricultural work.Thus, exposure via environmental as

well as occupational routes is a cause for concern although it is often harder to draw links

between such exposure and illness.

There are a number of ways in which non-occupational pesticide exposure can occur, e.g. by

aerial drift during spraying or via contact with contaminated food, water, soil, clothes or

mother’s milk. A recent study has revealed organochlorine pesticide residues present in new-

born humans 25 years after use of the chemicals ceased, suggesting long-term public health


Dietary risks

When pesticides are applied at excessively high concentrations and frequencies, or are used near

the time of harvest, high levels of pesticide residues may remain on the crops. Consumers are

therefore at risk of exposure. Drinking water may also be contaminated, either by direct pollution

of water systems or through use of the same containers to mix pesticides and to transport

drinking water. A major concern, especially in developing countries, is that low protein diets

may increase people’s sensitivity to the effects of certain pesticides.

Risks to children

Developing organisms have increased susceptibility to the actions of endocrine-disrupting

chemicals because differentiating tissues are more vulnerable to changes in hormone levels.

Thus, children are at greater risk of toxicant-related illnesses than adults. Children also

experience different exposure risks to pesticides generally. For instance, there is a risk of

pesticides affecting the offspring of exposed farmers through contamination of their sperm or

eggs. Similarly, developing embryos can be exposed to pesticides in mothers’ blood as it crosses

the placenta, and infants may be exposed to contaminated breast milk, which may contain

pesticides levels exceeding those recommended by the World Health Organisation.Although

exposure through breast milk is absolutely greater than that during development in the womb, in

utero exposure is relatively more significant due to the greater vulnerability of the brain and

central nervous system at the earlier stages of development. Children have a higher surface area

to weight ratio. Per kilogram of body weight, they drink more water, eat more food and breathe

more air than adults. Playing close to the ground, children are exposed to pesticides in the soil.

Also, some pesticide vapours form a low-lying layer in the air. Children have greater exploratory

and ‘hand-tomouth’ behaviour, and are therefore more likely to come into direct contact with and

take in environmental pesticide residues and they are also vulnerable to accidents where

pesticides are improperly stored (e.g. in food containers). Farm children are at elevated risk of

pesticide-related illnesses in many countries, not least because they are directly involved in

agriculture, including mixing and application of agrochemicals.

Neurological disorders

A number of studies show strong associations between pesticide exposure and neurological

symptoms, although mechanisms at work are not always clear. Cholinesterase depletion Some of

the neurological effects associated with pesticides are due to their ability to inhibit

neurotransmitters, like acetyl cholinesterase (AChE). AChE is a key enzyme functioning in

transmission of neurological information across junctions between nerve cells . AChE depletion

has been positively associated with frequency of pesticide spraying, but negatively associated

with use of gloves, overalls, nose and mouth protection, and implementation of health and safety


Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in which damage to nerve cells in the area of the brain

coordinating movement causes a loss of coordination that often appears as tremor, stiff muscles

and joints, and/or difficulty moving. Current opinion holds that the disorder is caused by both

genetic and environmental factors. Evidence for pesticides being a causal factor comes from both

laboratory and epidemiological studies of correlations between pesticide use and Parkinson’s



Studies of farmers, mostly from industrialised countries, tend to show excesses of non-Hodgkin’s

lymphoma, melanoma, leukaemia, multiple myeloma and soft tissue sarcoma. Cancers of the

breast, ovary, lip, prostate, lung, bladder, cervix, brain, kidney, stomach, and sinonasal cavities

have also been frequently observed Cancers of the skin and lip are likely to be linked to

increased exposure to UV light, but for the remainder there is evidence (varying in reliability for

different cancers) linking them to pesticide exposure. One reason that associations are often

difficult to confirm is that farmers use many chemicals, varying according to the crop, etc., and

are exposed to other carcinogenic factors such as grain mould and diesel fumes. Studies therefore

rarely identify specific chemicals as being responsible. Causal factors for cancers are in any case

difficult to confirm. Onset can occur a long time after exposure to the causal agent. Even

establishing the link between smoking and lung cancer took a decade of research, despite the fact

that smoking has now been estimated to cause over 40% of lung cancers in Pakistan.

Data Analysis


Q- Do fruits and vegetables form an essential part of your daily diet?

Fruits and vegetables constitute a significant portion of people’s daily diet. People depend on fruits and

vegetables as their main source of vitamins and other vital nutrients. Everyone needs 5 to 9 daily servings

of fruits and vegetables for the nutrients they contain and for general health. Nutrition and health is the

main reasons people eat certain fruits and vegetables; there may be many other reasons.

Questionnaire results are consistent with this fact.95% of the sample said that fruits and vegetables form

an essential part of their daily diet. Significance of this result is that larger the number of people

consuming pesticide infected fruits and vegetable greater would be the magnitude of problem.

Q- If yes, do you make sure that the fruits and vegetables are properly washed prior to


Most of the fruits and vegetables we consume daily are sprayed with harmful pesticides and chemical,

unless they are grown organically. Therefore it becomes very important to wash them properly to get rid

of all the pesticide residues which can otherwise make you ill.

The result obtained is somewhat misleading and in reality more than 35 % people actually don’t pay

much attention to the issue. People do not want to admit that do not wash their vegetables properly. Also

these days there is growing trend of hiring servants to work in the kitchen and these servants don’t pay

much attention to washing and cleaning of the fruits and vegetables.

Q- Do you think these pesticides are harmful for human health?

According to the survey findings, it was figured that 67 % of the people surveyed were aware of the

harmful effects of the pesticides. One of the reasons for such a high percentage of awareness could be

attributed to the fact that the people surveyed belonged to a high income group level with a good

educational background. However, the 33% of the people turned out claiming that pesticides had no

harmful effect which supports our above findings that 35% of the people did not wash their vegetables

with enough care.

Q- What additional amount are you willing to pay for organically grown vegetables?

Although a mixed but marginally diminishing response was observed when people were asked regarding

their additional willingness to pay for organically grown vegetable. since most of them were aware of the

damages caused by pesticides, many were willing to pay in the ranges of Rs 10 to Rs 15.Ones who were

very environmental conscious and held strong views regarding their effects were willing to pay up to Rs

20 as well. Even though the sample surveyed belong to a higher income group level, a lower willingness

to pay regarding the issue was registered. One of the reasons for such an outcome is that people in

Pakistan are not aware of the extent of the adverse effects the pesticides might have.

Figure 5 below shows the marginal willingness to pay curve that falls as the additional price on the

product increases. This in turn is also supported by the pie-chart that registers that only 3% of the people

are willing to pay additional amount of Rs. 20 for vegetables and fruits free from pesticides.

Q- According to you how severe is the effect of these pesticides?

The results obtained comprise of a larger quota of individuals who do believe that pesticides are

harmful and have mild effect on human health. 33% of the people, who previously claimed that

pesticides are not harmful, believed that pesticides had no effect on the human health at all. This

can be seen by the percentage presented by the pie chart, which claims that 32% of the people

believe pesticides to have no effect. However, a minority was aware that pesticides do have

severe effects on the human health.

The results are misleading and are contrary to the theoretical research implying that, although,

people are aware of usage and effects of pesticides, they do not know the extent of the damage

being done. Since pesticides act like a slow poison many are not able to relate the cause of their

diseases with the usage of pesticides.

Q- Have you experienced any of the following symptoms over the past few weeks?

As the pie chart shows, that majority of the people experienced fatigue and headache very often. 55% said

they experienced fatigue, whereas another 25% complained of headache. A very less percentage, of

almost 10 % said dizziness where as the rest 5 % said they experience loss of conscious. The remaining 5

% claimed that they were healthy and did not experience any of these symptoms.

These two symptoms according to the research done are directly a result of excessive amount of pesticide

intake. Although pesticide intake is not the only reason for the symptoms mentioned, but is definitely one

of the important reasons behind them. Yet, people do not realize that eating vegetables that are grown in

pesticides is a significant factor behind their unhealthy lives.

Q-Did you ever suffer of the below mentioned diseases?

Next question put to the target sample was directed at investigating the adverse health effects in

the form of chronic diseases have on human health. This was investigated by asking whether or

not they have suffered from asthma, emphysema, cancer or rashes. All these problems are the

ultimate long run effects of pesticides. Almost 40 % people claimed that Rashes is a problem that

comes and goes. Second highest rated problem was of Asthma that was pointed out by 15% of

people in the sample, almost 10 % people said that they had suffered of different sorts of cancer

whereas almost 7 % complained of having suffered of Emphysema and 28% claimed that they

did not suffer of any diseases mentioned above.

Q-If you experienced any of the diseases mentioned above how much did you spend on the


Then the monetary cost of pesticide intake was established by trying to estimate the amount of

money spent by the victims of excessive pesticide in medication of these diseases. 55% spent Rs

5000-10000, every month whereas, 25% spent, Rs1000-5000 and remaining 20 % spent Rs10,

000 and above every month on medication.

The enormous medication costs of the diseases, clearly indicates that pesticide intake has a huge

opportunity cost, hence the consumers of agricultural products should try and avoid pesticide

ridden food as much as possible.


We combined with our results a research that has already been carried out and published by the

name of “A Quantitative Analysis For The Toxic Pesticide Residues

In Marketed Fruits and Vegetables In Lahore, Pakistan”. This study was an

attempt to assess the health hazards faced by the consumers through possible

ingestion of toxic chemicals contained in the fruits and vegetables. In this cross

sectional analytical study, tomato, apple and cucumber samples were collected

from four main markets of Lahore and were analyzed separately for the levels

of nine pesticide residues using Liquid Chromatography- Mass Spectrometry

system. The levels were compared with the maximum residue limits set by the

WHO for every pesticide in respective items. The results showed that most of

the samples did not contain any residues of the nine selected pesticides and

only two samples of tomato had detectable residues of one pesticide

Imidacloprid, which were within the limits set by the WHO. So it was concluded

that the analyzed fruit and vegetable samples did not pose a serious threat to

the health of the consumers.


The problem however is more severe for the farmers who come in direct

contact these harmful chemical and they have to face greatest risk in terms of

dermal exposure and inhalation.





Pesticide Applicators Fatalities, treatment Cost Blood samples Monitoring cost,

Awareness campaigns, work

days loss



Pest Resistance Yield loss Research and extension, more

pesticide use cost



Health and environmental


Establishment of regular residue

monitoring system



complexity to develop

general recommendation

Campaigns On Safe Use Of


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