edwin gray ems electronic power

Post on 30-May-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Ems Electronic Power


    Ed Oay hailed his nrentton belorcstockholden, 1976.

    EMS--ElectronicPower Thoi CouldChongeThe World's EconomicPower Picturehough harrassed y the au.thorities,under-financedndignored by science, usiness' and indu;try, Ed;in v. Gray, a seli11.ducated os Angelesnventor asde-', veloped s revoiutionaryelectromag.aetic motor that promiseso greauy1 irnprove onditionsor lhe world.A vast new technologys openingbecaus ray inventeda molor that

    delivrs uperfficient orsepower tlowercostwith lesswearand ear hanany other device known. His EMS' motor takesus a giantstepcloser10. the magnificent, hirringpowerplantsvisualizedy scienceictionwriters.. lmplications or the auto nduslryalonear staggering: ray appearsohave he answero Detroit'sdilemmainvolving ractical lecrric ehicles.Ed Gray'snamemay wellgo down.. in history alonssidehe likesof Edi'son, Marconi, Goddardand Bell -

    that is, if the establishmentil l getof fhh back.A socialqualitYknown as "resis_tance o chan8e" nd anolher al ledthe "economic tatus uo" havemadeGray's trugglo develop nd marketh's motor a tale of bitter trustration.Most peoplewould havequit in des-pair ongago.However, irelessexperimenlationand remarkabledetermination avepaid off in a technologicaldumphthat brinas the heretofoleuntappedso'-rrce i static electricity nto theworkhouseof man. AnY expell can1llyou "static electriclrywill not dowork-" Gray is slowly and doggedlyproving heexperts rewrongHis battle s not over,but PerhaPsthe tide s finally tuming n his avor.His corporation,Evcray Entcrprises,is seekins he necessaryinancingofurtherdevelophe motor-Hisefforts

    were ihwarted by serious legalDroblems hich ecntly ere esolved;hen h agreedo enler .Sui l ly lcato a minor secunlres no tsxcnangeThusneallyrwo Years f legalen'tanglementsame10a close. he egalcosls lone av een ear uinous.He's won some mPoltanlbatlles,but he couldyet ose hewar.Gravt slart in life wasn'!Promis_ina. H; wasone of six childr,n of apoor Washington,D.C family andqrew p n rhe lreets,Fet susDectede had Lhe lulf oia eenius. ikemanykids. e was as-cinated y enginesndmoiuls, ul histhinkingabout hemwent ar beyondnormd curiosity.He wantedo knowmore han.just hatmadehem un.Gravdroeped ut of schoola1 14andbegani; i(e 'ngwt lh dcas ewdsso ackinsn formal dL,cat ionhathe


  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Ems Electronic Power


    did not realize oi some ime that histhinkhg was both original and far-Three things about electricity fas'cinated lim: (l) a capacitator anstore an electric chage and rleaseton demand,2) pillsesof electricitycan be sentout andbroughtback, 3)lightning olts3eemo bemorepower-ful when closerto the earti where heatmosphereu heavist.Thesew6r factsknown to everyphysicfut. ut to mostsuchscientists,they were unrelatedacts,Ed Gray'sgeniuswas n corelating this know.ledgnto a new echnology."I rememberetting shockwhengrabbeda charged capacitator off awork bench," he recalled. "Thatsimple fact nver ft my mind. ThenI watched when the govefimentp.oplc were testing the first tadaracro$ the PotomacRlver- it stuckin my mind whenona of the nen ex-plainedt as'pulse ut,pulse ack,'"And I've always eena nut aboutthundeBto.m!, wat4hedighlning ytha hours. noticed ow muchstrong-cr it appearedo bewhcnclosro lheearthandjustoaturally oncludedhatmqrealr hadsomethinSo do with it."Theeehrccprinicples,lusa super-secretmean3 f Seneralingndmixingstaticlechicity,makeup Cray\ EMSCray grw to adulthood,married,dlvorccdand mrrded a8ain,For 22y3rrs, he dcaof a special ewkind ofmotor tumed over and over ln higmlnd, Meanwhile, e had moved oSouthemCalifotnh where he main-tained a workshop and sought theadviceof knowledgable en. Bit bybit, hk ideas egano takeshape.By 1973, Atay was rady o de-monstratehis motor to th woald.Wisely,he had ncorpo.atedhimslf toprevnt he BMS motof from beinggobbldup by some ndustry giantwhomight hensuppresst.As earlyas 1957,Graywa! pound-ing the pavementseeking inancialbackers. ver he yearshe pickedup788 stockholders,ll friends r frie4dsof friends. This fact was o standGrayin good stad later when the LosAngeles ounty DistrictAttomey hithim with questionable chargs offraud.F.om 1957 to 19'12,Gtay lajltrdabout $2 millio'l to mak the EMSmotor a reality. That sameyear h in-corporated and built the first workingmodel.Still, mor moneywasa big ned.He approached op electronics and

    automotive firms suchas GeneralDy.namics,Rockwell ntemational, ord,ceneral Motors and the like. Usualyhe was umed away. When ley didlisten o me andgota i ttle interested,it rumedout lheywanted 0percent.Then it was I who did the iumingGray had interested ome op ex-perts, though, rnen who offered thbenefits f tleir knowlegeo his ledg-lins firm. They includedRichardB.Hackenberger,n eleckonics ngineerwho had seryedSonyand Sylvania,asweil asFritz kns, a mastermachinist

    EdwinY, Gtu!who undentoodwhai C.ay was ryingto accomplish.ln sprins, 9?3, Gray and his ss-sociates nveiled he EMS motor toth6wodd.In the workshop, a sr.Y-voltarbattery rested n a table.bad wires enfrom th battery o a seris f capaci-ton which arc the key to Gray'sdb-covery. he omplete ystemwaswir-ed to two electromagnets,achweigh-ing apoundandaquarter.The irst demonstrationrovedhatCray wasusinga totally different formof electr ical urrent a powerful ut"cold" formof theenergy.As the test started, GraY 3a1d:"Now if you tried o chargehose womagnets ith juice irom lhe batteryand make hem do what m 8oin8

    to make iem do, you would drainthebattery in 30 minutesmd the magnetswouldgetextremly ot."Fritz l-ens activated the battery.A voltmeier indicated3,000 Yolts.Gray threrv a switch and ther was aloud poppingnoise.The top maSretflew off with powerful orce.RichardHackenbe.ger caught it in his barehand.What had happenedwas hat GraYhad used a totally- different fonn ofelctrical urrent a "cold" fonn of'energy. The fact that Hackenbergercaughthe magnet ndwasnot bumedwasevidence noughof xhat.It wasa noment i[ hrstoryperhapgas mportantas h day n l8?? whenThomas A. Edison threw a switchwhich lit up a dassbulb that continu-ed !o dow all thet day andpart of tlDnext,Th demonstrationrras r/itngsedby t{,o unblased expertu and theeuthor of this article, who later print.ed the storyofwhat he had seenn anational ubllcation."The amazing hing is that onlY asmallper c.nt of the encrs/wasused.Most of it went back nto the bat:tery," Hackenbergeraid.Actually, two "improbables" edbeen demonslratedhat day. Thesecondwas characterlzedy lack ofheat genratedn thc magnet, xces.sive hest beinSone of the big draw-becks n utilizingelectronlcsdvance-menls.The successfulestseemdo beEdGray'r big break. n reality,his roalhoubleswercwt beginning.The publtclty about the testbroughtCray to the sttention of Ifirm in Denverwhich agreedo backhim udthseveral lllion n nwcapitalovera periodofa fewYears.At the time, Crayplannedo testmarket hc EMSmotor in . radicallvnew auto body called the "Fasaina-tion," developed y Paul lrwis ofsidney,Nebraska.The fint prototypes werc due onI^nuary I, 19'14.But by t\en mYste-rious things had started to happen-mhfortunesOray suspectserecreat-ed by peBons working to under-ine hh motois development. heFas.ination rial wasdropped.In July, 1974, aide fiom the ,osAngelesCounty Distflct Attorney'somce descendedn Gray'splant inVan Nuys. They confiscatedPlans, e-cordsand he atelt working prototypeof themotor.lnvestisatoisfor the D.A. threaten-ed 10 filta variety of charges sai t)


  • 8/9/2019 EDWIN GRAY Ems Electronic Power


    Gray, nnging from fraud to grandtheft. Yet months passedand nochages were brought. the investiga'tors defid aI attempts by the inven-tor's lasyers to get ihe confiscatedMeanwhile,he D.A.'smensoughtout Gray's nyestors nd ried to con-vince them to prefer chargesagainsthim.A! rfused.

    big vestednterestwashdeedbehinda[ his woes,tjust n1ay e oo laie orsuch a force io stop an idea whosetimemayhave ome,Powerful anies are now rallyinStohis caus.For example,Gray wasnomhated or "Inventorof theYear"by the L.s Angles atentAttorney'sAssociationastFebruary.Two highlyresFectedcientists, r.

    bighter future,Cray says e wants ogt the EMS motor into productionandprovehehas discoveredmorc fianeven isbacke$understand.Oray is advised by his lawyers tomal

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