educational solutions for workforce development multidisciplinary listening and feedback rhona m...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Educational Solutions for Workforce Development


Listening and Feedback

Rhona M McMillan AA (CPD) Glasgow

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development



Educational Solutions for Workforce Development




Educational Solutions for Workforce Development


Active ListeningWhy?

• Establish a good relationship

• Demonstrate to colleague/ trainee you have taken views, thoughts and feelings on board

• Reduce arguments re poorly understood concepts

• Reduce sterile arguments

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• Colleague/ trainee feels valued

• Colleague/ trainee feels understood

• Colleague/ trainee able to express thoughts clearly

• Colleague/ trainee given opportunity to correct any misunderstanding

• Cues picked up

• Both have clear idea of colleague/ trainee ’s ideas, worries and expectations

• Saves time

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development

MultidisciplinaryHOW to listen actively

• Give full attention, don’t interrupt

• Non verbal

• Reflect content

• Reflect feelings

• Summarise and Clarify

• Interpret

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If you have been actively listening for any length of time, you will be


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MultidisciplinaryWhat is Feedback?

“structured information that one person offers to another, about the impact of their actions or behaviour”

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Discuss feedback that you have been given, which has been helpful

Discuss feedback that you have been given, which has been unhelpful or even harmful

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Is important

Is vital for our self esteem

Is a key factor in enabling an individual to pick up new skills

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In what situations at work do you need to give feedback?

• Verbal feedback

• Written feedback

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MultidisciplinaryWhy give feedback?


Recognise and reward

Improve quality

Build and maintain relationships

Clarify experiences


Manage performance

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MultidisciplinaryFeedback v Criticism

“criticism is one person’s judgement of another person, or their work”

It is often an unprepared reaction to people who aren’t behaving in the way one wants them to

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MultidisciplinaryWhen is Feedback Effective?

DescriptivePerformance (not person) focussedClear and directOffered (not imposed)OwnedSpecificBalancedTimely and regularSolution focussedBoth parties believe feedback has a positive intent

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MultidisciplinaryReceiving Feedback

High Value information

-so listen with active, full attention to be;

aware how you are getting on

get ideas how to plan your own development

have a “reality check”

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MultidisciplinaryReceiving Feedback

Listen openly and carefully

Ask questions

Check what you have heard


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What should you do with your feedback?

Ask questions

What feedback are you looking for, be specific

Encourage people to give you feedback

Give person TIME to think about feedback, do not put on spot

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What should you do with your feedback?


Listen openly and carefully

Do not interrupt or digress

Ask for clarification if you do not understand

Try NOT to be defensive

Take notes

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What should you do with your feedback?


Check what you’ve heard, ask for examples

Give your reaction, if you want to

Ask for time to think about it, if you want to

Ask for suggestions for improvement

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development


What should you do with your feedback?


Feedback is information for you to use, no obligation to change

? Validity, check with others

Decide what you want to do, and what your options are

Work out what you are going to do, with time parameters

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Reflect and consider

Check with others

Try doing things differently

Disregard feedback

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MultidisciplinaryPitfalls to Avoid


Prove them wrong

Feel you have to change YOURSELF

Try to justify

Dismiss information, without thought

Attack person giving feedback

Generalise message

Feel bad about everything

Think you are perfect!

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development


Turn criticism in to useful feedback

Question to find out issue underlying criticism

Ask for specifics, what you did or said

Ask for clarification if you do not understand

Be clear about what would help YOU

Ask for suggestions, “do you have any idea how I could do this differently?”

Ask person to focus on issue, not you.

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development

MultidisciplinaryGiving Feedback

Effective feedback between two people ensures that both parties have a clear understanding of each others expectations and responsibilities.

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MultidisciplinaryDelivering effective feedback

Give the message

Resolve and close

Prepare to talk

Reach understanding

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MultidisciplinaryPrepare to talk

Prepare your message

Choose appropriate time and place

Create calm, relaxed atmosphere

Ensure no interruptions

Be aware of your own body language

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MultidisciplinaryFeedback skills

Active listening


Clear verbal expression

Structure you message

Plan and prepare


Self awareness (own feelings)



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MultidisciplinaryTop tips for giving feedback

Before you meet


Be aware of YOUR intentions

Think of examples, suggestions

Educational Solutions for Workforce Development

MultidisciplinaryTop tips for giving feedback

During Discussion

Ensure two–way conversation

Be ready for resistance

Don’t take negativity personally

Use pauses, give person time and space to think

Find a way to end on a positive

Sum up at conclusion

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MultidisciplinaryTop tips for giving feedback


Don’t expect instant (or any) change, feedback is information, not an instruction list

Follow up on your conversation (?when)

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MultidisciplinaryPoor feedback

Feedback is NOT to

Get something off your chest

Manage a performance issue or grievance

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MultidisciplinaryWritten Feedback


This should be full and inclusive, with descriptions and examples

Areas for development and suggestions for change

Take care with language, reflect, be specific with examples

Perhaps, suggest, try etc

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Flatter me, and I may not believe you.

Criticize me, and I may not like you.

Ignore me, and I may not forgive you.

Encourage me, and I may not forget you.’

William Arthur Ward (1921-94)

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