edu290 literary elements

Post on 18-May-2015






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Types of Characters Include:

Protagonist: Main character.

Antagonist: Against main character.

Foil: Contrasts the protagonist.

Flat (static) : Character that does not change.

Round: Character that undergoes change

First Person: one character in the story who can only narrate what he or she is thinking.

Third Person Objective: the narrator is not a character and cannot narrate the thoughts of others, but can describe the actions of others.

Third Person Limited: an outsider who narrates

the thoughts of only one character.

Omniscient: an all-knowing outsider who can narrate the thoughts of numerous characters.

Person vs. Person: struggle between two separate people.

Person vs. Nature: struggle between a character and the uncontrollable power of nature.

Person vs. Society: struggle between a character and the beliefs of the population.

Person vs. Self: struggle between a character and their internal thoughts or actions.

Click here to see an example of person vs. person conflict

Verbal Irony: when a character says something, but means something completely different.

Situational Irony: when something that has happened is the opposite of what is anticipated.

Dramatic Irony: when the audience knows more than the characters do.

Click here to learn about more

examples of irony

1) Exposition

2) Rising Action

3) Climax

4) Falling Action

5) Resolution

Click to learn more about each element of plot

• The setting, characters, and conflicts are revealed.

• The reader is introduced to the main understanding of the story.

• Conflicts develop, building suspense and tension for the reader.

• Conflicts are normally tackled in this stage.

• The highest point of anticipation in the story.

• Main character is confronted with their problem.

• After the main conflict is confronted.

• Anticipation is relieved and story continues diminishing suspense.

• Reader understands what has happened.

• Conflicts are explained.

• End of the story.



English/ Language Arts Grade 10Genre Study and Literary Analysis

• Demonstration of Elements of Plot• Definitions of Literary Elements • Definitions of Literary Devices

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