edr design briefs compressed air

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  • 7/31/2019 EDR Design Briefs Compressed air




    building design


    Compressed aircommonly called the fourth utilityis in high

    demand in most industrial facilities. Despite its widespread appli-

    cation, however, up to two-thirds of the compressed air systems

    in operation have either an obvious problem that affects produc-

    tion or a hidden problem that drives compressed air production

    costs higher[3]. In some cases, according to the U.S. Department

    of Energy, compressed air generation may account for as much as

    30% of the total electricity consumed by the facility [2].

    Compressed air is one of the most expensive uses of power in an

    industrial facility. Opportunities for increasing the overall effi-

    ciency of compressed air systems occur on both the supply side

    and the demand side of the systems.

    On the supply side, typical opportunities include installation of a

    variable speed drive (VSD) compressor, a more efficient dryer

    matched to the quality and quantity of compressed air demand,

    the addition of compressed air storage, and modifications to or

    implementation of more effective compressor and system con-

    trols. The optimization goal for the supply side is to operate the

    compressors at their highest efficiency point. This goal may be

    achieved by operating the minimum number of compressors at

    full load and at the lowest possible pressure range, and using a

    VFD-controlled compressor for trimming.

    On the demand side, opportunities include reducing compressed air

    usage through selecting appropriate equipment and practices, imple-

    design brief

    Summary 1

    Introduction 2

    Supply Side System Components 6

    Demand Side SystemComponents 20

    Optimization of Existing

    Compressed Air Systems 22

    Best Practices Design Methods

    for a New Compressed Air System 31

    Notes 33

    For More Information 34

    Compressed Air

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    menting effective leak repair programs, managing pressure swings without addi-

    tional compressor capacity, and lowering system pressure when appropriate.

    Optimizing a compressed air system has the potential to generate energy effi-

    ciency improvements in the range of 20% to 50%[1]. By incorporating Best

    Practices design methods into the front-end development of new construc-

    tion or major retrofit projects, end users of compressed air can achieve dra-

    matically lower electricity consumption, along with improved reliability and

    stability of the compressed air system, monetary savings from reduced elec-

    tricity consumption and reduced wear and tear on the equipment, and

    reduced emissions of greenhouse gases associated with electricity generation.


    Compressed Air in Industrial FacilitiesCompressed air systems are an integral part of many industrial processes

    up to 90% of industrial facilities utilize a compressed air system.

    Compressed air is a valuable source of power for hand-held tools and for

    equipment used for pressurizing, atomizing, agitating, and mixing applica-

    tions. The convenience and relative safety of using compressed air for

    motive force have made it as commonplace as electricity, gas, and water

    systems in industrial facilities, which is why industrial facility engineers and

    operating staff often refer to compressed air as the fourth utility in the plant.

    Compressed air provides end users with a practical method to convert

    electrical power into mechanical power, enabling end users to store, trans-

    mit, and ultimately deliver mechanical power to the required point of use.

    Examples of applications include actuating air cylinders, operating hand

    tools (e.g., hammers, rotary guns), blowing molten plastics into molds,

    mixing, and powering automatic conveying, sorting, and packaging equip-

    ment. Pneumatic hand tools are typically smaller, lighter, and more maneu-

    verable than hand tools driven by electric motors; they deliver power

    smoothly and are not easily damaged by overloading.

    The industrial sector uses compressed air in a wide range of applications,

    and plants frequently have multiple compressor systems with extensive

    distribution systems to provide compressed air throughout the facility. In

    addition to the examples of applications listed in Table 1 [1], some manu-

    page 2 Compressed Air

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    page 3Compressed Air

    facturers utilize compressed air for combustion in boilers firing liquid fuels

    and for process operations, such as painting, oxidation, fractionation, cryo-

    genics, refrigeration, filtration, dehydration, and aeration.

    Compressed air is also important in non-manufacturing sectors, including

    transportation, construction, mining, agriculture, recreation, and service

    industries. Examples of applications in these sectors are shown in Table 2[1].

    Current Efficiency and Cost

    The use of compressed air for performing mechanical or process-related

    work is inherently inefficient; the overall efficiency of a typical com-

    pressed air system can be as low as 10% to 15% [2]. For example, to oper-

    ate a 1-horsepower (hp) air motor at 100 pounds per square inch gauge

    (psig), approximately 7 to 8 hp of electrical power must be supplied to the

    air compressor.

    Table 1: Typical Uses of Compressed Air in

    Industrial/Manufacturing SectorsIndus try Ex am ple s o f Co m pre s s e d Air Us e s

    ApparelConveying, clamping, tool powering, controls and actuators, automated


    Automotive Tool powering, stamping, controls and actuators, conveying

    Chemicals Conveying, controls and actuators

    FoodDehydration, bottling, controls and actuators, conveying, spraying, coatings,

    cleaning, vacuum packing

    FurnitureAir piston powering, tool powering, clamping, spraying, controls and actua-



    Clamping, stamping, tool powering and cleaning, controls and actuators

    Lumber & Wood Sawing, hoisting, clamping, pressure treatment, controls and actuators

    Metals and


    Assembly station powering, tool powering, controls and actuators, injection

    molding, spraying

    Petroleum Process gas compressing, controls and actuators

    Primary Metals Vacuum melting, controls and actuators, hoisting

    Pulp & Paper Conveying, controls and actuators

    Rubber & PlasticsTool powering, clamping, controls and actuators, forming, mold press power-

    ing, injection moldingStone, Clay and


    Conveying, blending, mixing, controls and actuators, glass blowing and mold-

    ing, cooling

    TextilesAgitating liquids, clamping, conveying, automated equipment, controls and

    actuators, loom jet weaving, spinning, texturizing

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    Generating compressed air is expensive. A survey conducted by the U.S.

    Department of Energy (DOE) indicated that for a typical industrial facility,

    approximately 10% of all of the electricity used was attributable to generat-

    ing compressed air, and that in some cases compressed air generation may

    have accounted for as much as 30% of the total electricity consumed by a

    facility. As illustrated in Figure 1, the cost of the electricity is approximately

    76% of the total cost of owning and operating a compressed air system[2]


    The total cost of producing compressed air at 100 psig has been estimat-

    ed to be in the range of 18 to 32 cents per 1,000 cubic feet [4]. Compressed

    air systems consume an estimated 90 billion kWh per year in the United

    States, accounting for approximately $1.5 billion in energy costs, and elec-

    tricity production for compressed air is responsible for 0.5% of total green-

    house gas generation in the United States[3]. However, the operation of

    these systems is often overlooked as a contribution to the overall produc-

    tion cost. Once installed, a typical compressed air system is largelyneglected as long as it continues to satisfy production needs; occasional

    failures in meeting production needs may result in additional inefficiencies

    as piecemeal expansion without appropriate analysis and optimization of

    the overall system performance takes place.

    page 4 Compressed Air

    Table 2: Typical Uses of Compressed Airin Non-Manufacturing Sectors

    S e c to r Ex am ple s o f Co m pre s s e d Air Us e s

    Agriculture Farm equipment, materials handling, crop spraying, dairy machines

    Mining Pneumatic tools, hoists, pumps, controls and actuatorsPower Generation Starting gas turbines, automatic control, emissions controls


    Amusement parks air brakes

    Golf courses seeding, fertilizing, sprinkler systems

    Hotels elevators, sewage disposal

    Ski resorts snow making

    Theaters projector cleaning

    Underwater exploration air tanks

    Service IndustriesPneumatic tools, hoists, air brake systems, garment pressing

    machines, hospital respirator systems, climate control

    Transportation Pneumatic tools, hoists, air brake systems

    Waste Water Treatment Vacuum filters, conveying

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    Energy Savings Potential and Benefits

    Despite their widespread application, up to two-thirds of the compressed

    air systems in operation have some sort of problems, from an obvious air

    leak to an improper sequencing control that keeps all compressors run-

    ning continuously without consideration of demand. These problems may

    stem from a wide range of causes, including:

    I Improper compressor types and/or sizes

    I Inappropriate controls

    I Improper cleanup equipment (such as filters, dryers, regulators)

    I Unsound installation and operation practices

    I Poor maintenance practices

    Poorly optimized systems waste energy, increase operating costs, and

    reduce reliability. According to the DOEs Industrial Technologies

    Program, optimizing compressed air systems could improve their energy

    efficiency by 20% to 50%[3]. In California, the recently completed California

    Energy Efficiency Potential Study estimates that implementing high-effi-

    ciency compressed air systems at industrial facilities in the state could gen-erate annual savings of 1,000 MWh and 115 MW[5].

    In addition to the energy savings potentials described above, optimizing

    compressed air systems can lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions

    from electricity generation and improved reliability.

    page 5Compressed Air

    Source: Energy Tips Compressed Air Tip Sheet #1, August 2004.[2]

    Figure 1: Typical Lifetime Compressed Air Costs

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    Key Elements of Compressed Air Systems

    A compressed air system consists of a supply side and a demand side. The

    supply side comprises compressors, air treatment equipment, and primary

    compressed air storage. It is responsible for providing an adequate amount

    of clean, dry air at the lowest operating pressure to meet the end-userequirements. The demand side consists of the distribution system and the

    end-use equipment. The objective of the demand side is to distribute and

    utilize the compressed air as efficiently as possible while eliminating, or at

    least minimizing, wasted air.

    Given the continuous interaction of supply-side and demand-side elements,

    it is essential that owners of compressed air systems adopt an integrated

    (whole system) approach to design, operation, and maintenance. Figure 2

    illustrates the components of a typical industrial compressed air system.

    Supply Side System Components

    The key supply-side components are the compressors and compressor

    controls, air treatment equipment, and primary compressed air storage.


    Compressors fall under two general types: positive displacement com-

    pressors, and dynamic compressors. Positive displacement machines trap

    a volume of air in a compression chamber and mechanically compress the

    air by reducing the volume of the chamber. Dynamic machines change the

    velocity of a continuous flow of gas into pressure by means of impellers

    rotating at high speed, and downstream diffusers. The pressure and flow

    relationship in a dynamic machine is influenced by the shape of the rotor

    and the diffuser volutes. Figure 3 shows the family tree of positive dis-

    placement and dynamic compressor types.

    Compressor efficiency is expressed as the ratio of the input power to the

    production rate of compressed air at a specific pressure. The industry

    norm for comparing compressor efficiency is expressed in terms of brake

    horsepower per actual cubic feet per minute (bhp/100 ACFM) at a com-

    pressor discharge pressure of 100 psig. Rated capacities, pressures, and

    package power are generally available in the manufacturer data sheets for

    page 6 Compressed Air

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    new compressors; for older compressors, generic ratings may be available

    in the AIRMaster+ program[7] and on utility websites[8].

    Compressors typically found at industrial facilities include rotary and recip-

    rocating compressors (both are positive displacement machines), and cen-

    trifugal compressors (dynamic machines). A brief discussion of each of these

    three common compressor types follows.

    Rotary Screw Compressors

    These are by far the most common compressors found at or specified for

    industrial facilities. Figure 4 is a drawing of a direct drive rotary screw com-

    page 7Compressed Air

    Source: Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry, November 2003.[1]

    Figure 2: Components of a Typical Compressed Air System

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    pressor showing the two intermeshing rotors: a male rotor with helical cut

    lobes and a female rotor with helical cut grooves mounted in a stator case.

    As the two rotors turn and mesh together, a fixed volume of air is drawn

    from the inlet port on the left side of the compressor shown. As the lobeand groove begin to mesh, the trapped gas is compressed in the decreas-

    ing volume between the two rotors; the compressed charge of air is forced

    along the two rotors until it is discharged at a higher pressure at the right

    side port on the drawing. A fixed volume of air is drawn into the two

    rotors for a constant rotor speed, so the discharge pressure rises or falls as

    compressed air demand decreases or increases.

    Rotary screw compressors are available in lubricant-injected and lubricant-

    free designs. Lubricant-injected compressors use a specialized fluid that is

    injected into the inlet air stream to remove some of the heat of compres-

    sion, form a seal between the rotors, and lubricate the rotors as they mesh

    along their length. The oil is removed from the compressed air after the dis-

    charge port, first by gravity as the air flow slows, and later by coalescing

    filters that remove all but a few parts per million of oil that remains

    page 8 Compressed Air

    Source: Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry, November 2003.[1]

    Figure 3: Components of a Typical Compressed Air System

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    aerosolized. Typical sizes for these workhorse compressors range from 3 to

    900 hp, although the more common sizes are less than 200 hp. Capacitiesfor these compressors are 8 to 5,000 CFM at pressures from 50 psig up to

    250 psig, with higher pressures possible for multi-stage compressors.

    Specific power ratings for lubricant-injected rotary screw compressors cover

    a wide range of values depending on both the operating pressure of the sys-

    tem and the size of the compressor. Smaller compressors with load/unload

    type capacity controls require as much as 37 kW per 100 ACFM for a 5 hp

    compressor discharging at 175 psig and 21 kW per 100 ACFM for a 20 hp

    compressor discharging at 100 psig. Larger industrial compressors of 100 to

    200 hp sizes have a lower specific power, and are commonly rated at

    between 18 to 25 kW per 100 ACFM for similar discharge conditions.

    Compressors larger than 200 hp typically have similar specific power ratings.

    Some industrial applications require oil-free air. Lubricant-free compres-

    sors do not use lubricants in the compressed air; bearings and timing gears

    are lubricated, but they are kept isolated from the compression chamber.

    In a lubricant-free rotary compressor, external timing gears prevent the

    rotors from touching. However, because the heat of compression is not

    removed by a lubricant and the sealing between rotors is less efficient,

    these compressors are often operating at higher rotor speeds, and often

    have two-stage designs with an intercooler between the two stages to

    remove the heat of compression. The resulting compressed air is lubricant

    free and safe for use in critical applications. These compressor types are

    page 9Compressed Air

    Source: Quincy Compressor

    Figure 4: Cutaway View of a Direct DriveRotary Screw Compressor

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    available in a wide range of sizes, from 25 hp up to approximately 4,000

    hp for capacities of 90 to 20,000 CFM at pressures of 50 to 150 psig.

    Reciprocating Compressors

    Reciprocating compressors are similar to bicycle pumps, in that a piston

    attached to a crankshaft moves up and down in a cylinder, compressing

    the air as the volume of the compression chamber is reduced. Single-act-

    ing reciprocating compressors provide compression of the gas charge in

    one direction only, whereas double-acting compressors provide compres-

    sion in both directions of the piston travel. Large multi-stage, water-cooled,

    double-acting industrial compressors have the highest efficiency, but are

    loud, expensive to maintain and operate, and are becoming less common

    in industrial facilities. Increasingly they are being replaced with rotary

    screw or centrifugal compressors. Reciprocating compressors are availablein a wide range of sizes, from fractional and single digit horsepower, air-

    cooled single-acting hobby compressors up to 25 hp, and double acting,

    typically water-cooled compressors in sizes up to approximately 500 hp.

    With compressor efficiency ranges as high as 13.2 to15.8 kW per 100

    ACFM for 400 hp double-acting, multi-stage compressors at discharge pres-

    sures of 80 to 125 psig respectively, they are 5% to 10% more efficient than

    rotary screw compressors at similar pressure ratings, but with significant

    trade-offs for maintenance and installation costs[8].

    Centrifugal Compressors

    Centrifugal compressors are typically large capacity, water-cooled

    machines designed to satisfy high flow demands at relatively stable flow

    rates. Pressure in a centrifugal compressor is achieved partly by the rapid-

    ly rotating impeller, spinning to over 50,000 RPM (approximately 50% of

    pressure is generated in the impeller), and partly by converting the veloc-

    ity of the air flow to pressure after the impeller by means of a diffuser and

    volute. These machines are usually multi-stage, with two to four stagesbeing the most common configuration for compressors at 100 to 150 psig

    ratings. Between stages, the compressed air is cooled to ambient temper-

    atures in water-cooled intercoolers prior to recompression in the next

    stage. Centrifugal compressors are available in a wide range of sizes, with

    capacities of 300 to more than 100,000 ACFM at pressures up to 125 psig.

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    Capacity control of individual compressors is accomplished through one of sev-

    eral control strategies. All of the strategies below depend on monitoring the dis-

    charge pressure of the compressor to respond to changes in the system demand:

    I Start/Stop

    I Load/Unload

    I Inlet Modulation

    I Variable Displacement

    I Variable Speed Drive

    Each of these strategies is described in more detail below, along with com-

    pressor performance graphs for all but the Start/Stop control strategy,

    which essentially operates at full load whenever it is active. The perfor-

    mance curves show the compressor controls effect on an individual com-

    pressor motor load as the compressor capacity changes; the performance

    curves are all based on lubricant-injected rotary screw compressors.

    I Start/Stop This simple approach turns on the compressor when pressure

    drops below a set point, and then turns it off after reaching the higher limit.

    Demand is met by storage during periods when the compressor is off. This

    strategy is typically used on smaller motors and compressors, as rapid

    start/stop cycles on large motors can lead to overheating and failure.

    I Load/Unload The motor runs continuously for a load/unload com-

    pressor, or until a pre-set time interval of unloaded operation is com-

    pleted in order to prevent motor damage in this strategy. Sensing a

    drop in system pressure, the load cycle starts by fully opening the inlet

    valve, and closing the sump pressure relief valve; compressed air con-

    tinues to be produced until the upper pressure set point is reached, at

    which point the compressor inlet valve is closed, and pressure in the

    sump is slowly bled off for the unloaded phase of operations. During

    unloaded periods, the compressor will continue to consume 15% to

    35% of full power while delivering no compressed air. The four curves

    in Figure 5 correspond to system performance for a load/unload com-

    pressor equipped with varying amounts of compressed air storage. A

    load/unload compressor essentially has two operating points, either

    loaded, or unloaded. A compressor with a large volume of compressed

    air storage capacity operates closer to the virtual linear line between

    page 12 Compressed Air

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    the load and unload points, while compressors associated with lower

    levels of storage are represented by the curves that are increasingly

    bowed upward. The upward bowing represents increased average

    power demand for a given average flow of compressed air.

    I Inlet Modulation Throttling the inlet air flow reduces the output of a com-

    pressor to closely match the demand. This strategy cannot be used on lubri-

    cant-free rotary screw or reciprocating compressors. For lubricant-injected

    rotary screw compressors, the modulating range is limited to about 40% of

    rated capacity; below this threshold the compressor is unloaded.

    Modulating controls provide good capacity control in the control range, but

    at a penalty in efficiency at part load operations. Often, rotary screw com-

    pressors with modulation control are also equipped with blowdown torelieve pressure in the sump. By relieving the sump pressure, the input

    power is dramatically reduced. However, similar to a load/unload com-

    pressor operation in unload mode, the compressor delivers no compressed

    air to the system after the sump pressure is relieved while continuing to run

    at 15% to 35% of full load (see Figure 6).

    page 13Compressed Air

    Source: Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry, November 2003.[1]

    Figure 5: Performance Curves for Load/unload Control withVarying Levels of Storage Capacity

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    ume using sliding or turn valves; the strategy is used in concert with

    inlet modulation to provide accurate pressure control and improved part

    load efficiency.

    I Variable Speed Drive Especially suitable for lubricant-injected rotary

    screw compressors, a VSD slows the rotor speed and air flow through

    a compressor while retaining the compression ratio of a constant

    speed compressor when demand drops. Similar in closely matching

    demand, but superior in performance to inlet modulation control for a

    constant speed compressor, a VSD extends the range of efficient part

    load operations to low capacity levels with a near linear relationship

    between power and capacity, with accurate control of pressure (+/- 1

    psig) and matching of capacity to system demand (see Figure 8).

    System Controls

    Multiple compressor systems benefit from a control system to orchestrate

    the sequencing and operations of the compressors. As previously stated,

    the primary goal of a multi-compressor control system is to operate all but

    one compressor at full load, with one compressor designated to provide

    page 15Compressed Air

    Source: Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry, November 2003.[1]

    Figure 8: VSD control performance curves for compressorwith and without unload control

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    trim capacity. However, system controls can range from relatively simple

    to very complex, with compressor control based on real-time flow and

    pressure measurements of the system.

    A single compressor control system typically consists of a simple pressure

    transducer that produces a signal based on the discharge pressure to the com-

    pressor. As the discharge pressure decays with increased compressed air flow,

    a signal is sent to the compressor capacity control to increase the inlet flow,

    begin to load, or start up, depending on compressor control type. For a sin-

    gle compressor with modulation control, load/unload, variable volume, VSD

    or start/stop compressor control, this type of system may be perfectly ade-

    quate. But in a large industrial multi-compressor system with combinations of

    dynamic and positive displacement machines, and varying compressor con-

    trol types, managing system capacity to meet demand while optimizing forenergy efficiency can be challenging for the best master control systems.

    Many older multi-compressor systems are equipped with electro-mechanical

    controls that start up compressors based on a series of cascading pressure set

    points. An individual compressor is started up whenever the discharge pres-

    sure drops below the set point; the next compressor in line starts up when its

    discharge pressure sags below a pressure set below that of the previous com-

    pressor. Imprecise control and slow response times, characteristic of these sys-

    tem controls, can often result in a wide swing of system pressure, and multi-

    ple compressors are often forced to run at inefficient part load conditions.

    For many systems with two, three, or more screw compressors, the addi-

    tion or conversion of a constant speed compressor to an appropriately

    sized VSD trim compressor may be a relatively low-cost option that meets

    the system demand for variable capacity while maintaining high overall

    system efficiency. The VSD compressor is able to modulate over a wide

    range of flows, allowing the other compressors to either remain off or

    operate at high load conditions.

    In other instances, however, a more sophisticated master control system

    may be a more appropriate solution. New microprocessor-based control

    systems now available are capable of monitoring conditions throughout a

    complex compressed air system. These control systems manage compres-

    page 16 Compressed Air

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    sor operations based on measured flow and pressure in a real-time fash-

    ion; they are capable of communicating with practically all compressor

    brands and communications protocols, and they work with centralized

    engine rooms and/or remote satellite compressors. A sophisticated master

    control system harmonizes the operations of all of the compressors for thehighest possible system efficiency. The limitations of such a master con-

    trol system are typically governed by initial cost, practicality, and the cost

    of additional control points and functionality.

    Air Treatment Equipment

    An important part of a compressed air system is the air treatment equip-

    ment that protects the tools and process equipment served by the system.

    This air treatment equipment includes dryers and filters to remove mois-

    ture and contaminants from the compressed air. Ambient air supplied tothe air compressors may contain moisture, oil, and dirt, and can dramati-

    cally affect equipment life or operation:

    I Moisture - Ambient air contains varying amounts of water vapor,

    which can condense in pipes. Sludge, rust, freezing, and tool damage

    can result from poor moisture control.

    I Oil - Lubricant-injected rotary screw compressors and reciprocating

    compressors always have some carryover of oil, but excessive amounts

    can lead to problems with tools or processes exposed to compressed

    air. In some processes, food processing for example, use of oil-free

    compressors and elimination of any other oil contamination is an

    important function for cleanup equipment.

    I Dirt - Dust and grit that enter the system through the air intake are

    concentrated by the compression process by a factor of seven times

    for 100 psig air. Combined with oil and/or moisture, dirt can lead to

    equipment failure or poor operation of tools.

    The international standard that specifies the quality of compressed air is

    ISO8573.1. This standard specifies limits for three categories of air quality:

    I Maximum allowable dew point temperature

    I Maximum particle size for any remaining particles

    I Maximum remaining oil content

    page 17Compressed Air

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    Each category is given a rating number between 1 and 6, as shown in

    Table 3. In many cases a Class 4 rating is adequate for compressed air

    needs for hand tools and other pneumatic equipment. Cleanup of com-

    pressed air beyond the needs of the process equipment can lead to addi-

    tional pressure drops, excessive use of compressed air for purge air typedryers, and additional costs to install, operate, and maintain the cleanup



    Dryers are designed to remove water vapor carried into the system from

    ambient inlet air. Three types of dryers are briefly discussed below:

    I Refrigerated dryers are the most common means of removing water,

    with cycling and non-cycling refrigerated dryers capable of achieving

    dry air at dew points between 35F and 39F.

    I Desiccant dryers adsorb moisture from the air in desiccant beds. The

    desiccant beds typically require regeneration when the desiccant has

    reached its capacity for holding moisture. This can be achieved by

    using purge air previously dried and heated, or by using compressor

    waste heat. Purge air requirements in the regenerating tower can be a

    relatively large efficiency loss to the system.

    I In a deliquescent dryer, the medium absorbs water as it dries the air.

    These dryers are non-regenerative, and the medium is used up as it

    changes from a solid to a liquid.

    The most efficient dryer for a compressed air system is one that minimizes

    pressure losses, minimizes power consumption, and meets the design flow

    page 18 Compressed Air

    *PDP - Pressure Dew Point, F

    Table 3: ISO 8573 Air Quality Classifications

    Oil Carry-

    Ov e r

    Dus t Carry-

    Ov e r



    Cla s s m g /m 3 g m g /m 3 PDP* (de g F) m g /m 3

    1 0.01 0.1 0.1 -70 0.003

    2 0.1 1 1 -40 0.12

    3 1 5 5 -20 0.884 5 15 8 +3 6

    5 25 40 10 +7 7.8

    6 -- -- -- +10 9.4

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    and dew-point requirements for supply of dry air to the demand side.

    Refrigerated dryers typically have the lowest capital cost and operating

    cost; however, desiccant or deliquescent dryers may be necessary for

    meeting lower dew point requirements.


    Filters serve two primary purposescleaning grit and dust from inlet air,

    and removing oil or other contaminants from the discharged compressed

    air. As with dryers, optimization of filtration systems involves specifying fil-

    ters capable of removing the contaminants while minimizing any pressure

    drops, either on the inlet side or the discharge side. Maintenance and

    replacement of filters are key elements in maintaining the system efficien-

    cy and reliability of the system.

    Compressed Air Storage

    Compressed air storage receivers are simple but effective additions to

    compressed air systems to address demand surges (high flow but short

    duration events) and reduce pressure swings in a system. By storing a vol-

    ume of compressed air, the receiver can meet sudden compressed air

    demands much more quickly than a compressor, and thus can prevent or

    delay startup of another compressor. Tank capacity ranges from a few gal-

    lons to several thousand gallons. The volume of storage should be sized

    to meet a flow event by supplying compressed air over a sufficient length

    of time that the pressure drop from the demand event will not cause

    another compressor to start up to meet the intermittent demand.

    In large distribution systems, remote compressed air storage or remote

    metered storage may be a good solution to intermittent flow events. Large

    intermittent flow events from equipment located far from the central stor-

    age or engine room can lead to localized equipment operation problems,

    cause compressors to come on line for short load cycles and then contin-ue to run afterward at no-load, or affect other equipment on the system

    (e.g., poor operations from flow event pressure sags). With long distribu-

    tion lines, the delay between the start of a large remote flow event, with

    its localized pressure sag, and the response from either centralized com-

    pressed air storage or compressor capacity response, may be too long to

    meet the equipment demand in a timely manner. A metered storage sys-

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    tem equipped with a check-valve allows localized storage of compressed

    air near equipment that creates the demand; the storage tank builds up a

    sufficient volume of compressed air between event cycles, with the entire

    storage capacity devoted to meeting the intermittent demand. Other equip-

    ment and the compressors do not see the event, and the rest of the sys-tem is unaffected by the now isolated pressure swings.

    Although compressed air receivers are passive pieces of equipment, they

    can be a critical element in the supply side of a compressed air system;

    they help the system operate at higher efficiency by minimizing the num-

    ber of compressor startups necessary to meet fluctuating compressed air

    demands. Careful consideration of total storage needs, location of storage,

    choice of wet or dry storage, and integration of storage with the con-

    trol system will provide significant benefits in most settings. While notquite a cure-all, additional storage can be one of the single best modifica-

    tions for existing system operational and efficiency improvement.

    Demand Side System Components

    The key demand-side components include the distribution piping, valves,

    connectors, filter/regulator/lubricators (FRL), remote storage receivers and

    metering devices, and end-use equipment.

    The distribution piping transports compressed air to the point of use. The com-

    pressed air may be treated by the FRL to achieve the proper pressure and air

    quality before being used. Successful system operation is dependent on main-

    taining an adequate flow of compressed air at a pressure sufficient to meet the

    requirements of the end-use equipment. Failure to meet flow or pressure require-

    ments can result in production problems or equipment damage.

    Preventing unnecessary pressure losses is thus a key consideration in con-

    figuring a distribution system. Any devices in the distribution system that

    increase friction also reduce the pressure and flow of compressed air

    delivered to the end usepotentially causing improper operation of the

    end-use equipment. Figure 9 is a pressure profile diagram that illustrates

    how pressure losses add up in a system between the compressor discharge

    and the final point of use.

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    Ideally, system capacity should match demand at all operating conditions.

    Thus distribution systems should be designed with maximum expected

    flows and velocities in mind. As shown in Figure 9, large pressure drops

    between the cleanup equipment (e.g. dryer and filter pressure drop) and

    the end use are possible; often the control range of a system is set higherthan necessary to prevent or mitigate problems associated with system

    pressure losses. Specifying low (pressure) loss filters and FRLs, and ade-

    quately sizing the disconnects and drop hoses can help minimize these

    point-of-use pressure drops and lead to substantial savings opportunities

    by allowing lower discharge pressure for the compressors.

    Careful consideration in choosing and setting up end-use equipment can

    also make a significant difference in overall system performance. For

    example, remote end-use equipment that imposes large but intermittentloads on a system may benefit from additional local metered storage tanks

    to isolate the load from the rest of the system; another common situation

    page 21Compressed Air

    Source: Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry, November 2003.[1]

    Figure 9: Pressure Profile for a Compressed Air System at a Point in Time

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    is use of engineered nozzles instead of open blowing. Understanding the

    system pressure profile is very useful in specifying end-use equipment that

    can operate on actual available pressure within an existing system.

    Optimization of Existing Compressed Air Systems

    The energy required to operate a compressed air system can be reduced

    in many ways, some of which are low-to-no cost, while others require cap-

    ital expenditures. Because a compressed air system operates as an inte-

    grated set of components, changes to one component may cascade

    through the system, affecting the operations of other parts. Sometimes,

    however, operating improvements in one area will only have a beneficial

    impact if other actions are taken, such as reducing system pressure before

    implementing a leak repair program.

    Implementing the basic principles of a systems approach to optimizing

    compressed air system performance involve taking the following steps [3]:

    1. Develop a basic block diagram of the system.

    2. Measure the baseline performance of the system (kilowatts, system

    pressure profiles, compressed air flows, and leak loads).

    3. Work with a specialist to implement appropriate compressor control

    strategies, which may include installing a VFD compressor, compres-sor sequencer, or compressed air storage.

    4. After controls adjustment or improvements, re-measure system perfor-

    mance through measurements of compressor power, system pressures,

    and system flows; evaluate whether system pressure can be reduced;

    implement the pressure reduction; and re-evaluate the system and

    end-use performance.

    5. Walk through to identify obvious preventive maintenance items, and

    other opportunities for cost reduction (changing inappropriate air uses,

    for example).

    6. Implement a leak repair program, correct inappropriate air uses, and

    then re-measure system performance and re-adjust controls as noted

    in Steps 3 and 4 above.

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    7. Evaluate the results from the previous steps and implement an aware-

    ness and continuous improvement program.

    Although not specifically outlined above, capital cost measures may be

    appropriate to satisfy the broad principles of a systems approach. Brief

    discussions of these basic principles, which underlie the steps above, are

    presented below.

    Audit the System and Establish Baseline Performance (Steps 1 and 2)

    Auditing the existing performance of a compressed air system should be

    one of the first steps taken to optimize system performance. The audit

    should be focused on identifying problems in production and end uses of

    compressed air, previous work-arounds for persistent issues, and under-

    standing of the operations of the existing system. The process begins with

    Step 1 above, drawing a block diagram of all system components. Next is

    carrying out Step 2, by measuring compressor electrical demand, measur-

    ing pressure at various points in the system, and if possible, determining

    compressed air flow to various parts of the system. Useful work is only

    accomplished with compressed air flow, and measuring only pressure and

    power may not provide the right answers for complex system problems.

    For example, increasing flows through a distribution system that is too

    small can rapidly cause pressure drops through the line; evaluation of

    flows allows the auditor to calculate compressed air velocities, the prima-ry determinant of distribution line-size problems.

    Bringing in an experienced compressed air specialist with the specialized

    training, knowledge, and the correct tools to make an accurate assessment

    can be very cost-effective for facilities that lack in-house expertise. The

    Compressed Air Challenge[9] has guidelines on selecting a compressed air

    service professional for Level 1 Walk-Through Assessments through more

    sophisticated Level 3 System Audits, which can include monitoring and

    detailed measurement of system pressures, flows, and compressor power.

    Reports of audit findings can guide facility owners to next steps in correct-

    ing deficiencies and improving system performance. A list of qualified Best

    Practices AIRMaster+ specialists is also available on DOEs Industrial

    Technology Program website[10]. Energy auditing or engineering and design

    assistance may also be available from the electric utility serving the facility.

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    Implement Compressor and System Control Strategies (Step 3)

    Adjusting, modifying, or replacing controls and control strategies are

    among the more effective changes that can be made to a compressed air


    Individual Compressor Controls

    With respect to individual compressor controls, older inlet modulation

    compressors not equipped with a blowdown capability (i.e., the sump is

    de-pressurized during unload periods) deliver the poorest efficiency of

    any of the rotary screw compressors. Up to 60% of the rated power is

    required to operate at no flow or unloaded conditions with un-relieved

    sump pressures. Retrofitting these compressors with relatively simple

    blowdown controls and valves allows an inlet modulation compressor to

    reduce its unloaded energy consumption significantly. The modulation

    capability is retained at higher part loads above about 60% of full flow, but

    energy consumption for unloaded operation drops to 15% to 35% of rated

    full load power.

    Other types of individual compressor controls may not be as easily modi-

    fied, and when this is the case, replacement or reassignment of a com-

    pressor in the overall control sequence may be the best approach. A VSD-

    controlled compressor is a fairly common retrofit strategy for controllingsystem capacity and meeting trim loads. In this case, other compressors

    are designated as base-load compressors and are kept operating at high

    part load ratios. A single VFD compressor, sized to meet variations in the

    compressed air demands, serves to meet the trim load. The performance

    curve of a VSD-controlled rotary screw compressor makes it ideal to run

    at part loads while retaining high efficiency.

    System Controls

    From a system perspective, proper sequencing of individual compressors

    can have a dramatic effect on the overall performance of the system at dif-

    ferent load conditions. By ensuring that the control system keeps any base

    load compressors operating at high load levels while the trim compressor

    only serves the trim load (or the whole load if demand is low enough), a

    facility can improve overall system performance. With an accurate pres-

    system failures

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    storage isolates the equipment and its intermittent demand from the dis-

    tribution system such that the event has essentially no impact on the rest

    of the system. Provided that the metered storage has sufficient capacity to

    ride out the event, the system pressure responds only minimally as the

    receiver refills before the next event.

    The compressor performance curves for a load/unload compressor previ-

    ously illustrated in Figure 5 showed the effect of differing amounts of stor-

    age on the performance of a load/unload compressor. With greater system

    storage, the compressor follows a more linear relationship for percent

    power vs. percent flow. Conversely a load/unload compressor will tend to

    consume additional energy with an insufficient amount of storage as the

    compressor wastes additional energy cycling between load and unload


    Evaluate and Make System Adjustments (Step 4)

    Once system improvements are implemented, evaluation of the changes

    to system performance is a critical step in the process. The pressure pro-

    file, compressor power, and flows should be measured again, to assess the

    adjusted system performance. With lower pressure swings from addition-

    al storage, re-sequencing of compressors, or addition of VSD compressor,

    the operator should review whether the system is now operating at the

    right pressure. Minor changes to the system pressure of just a few psig can

    result in fairly significant energy savings, both for compressor power and

    for reduced leakage in the system. Estimates are that for every 2 psig drop

    in pressure, the compressors use approximately 1% less power[1]. Careful

    assessment of potential changes to operating the system, combined with

    evaluation of the results of those changes can lead to persistent gains in

    system performance and energy savings.

    Implement Preventive Maintenance, Eliminate Inappropriate Uses,

    and Identify Other Opportunities (Step 5)

    Good opportunities for system improvement are often related to timely,

    regularly scheduled maintenance of system components: a prime example

    is to change filter elements at regular intervalsboth at the compressor end

    and at end-use pointsto minimize pressure losses from clogged filters.

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    Eliminating inappropriate uses of compressed air, substituting electric-

    powered tools and equipment, or correcting behavioral practices in com-

    pressed air use are the among the most direct and cost-effective methods

    of reducing compressed air usage and saving energy. With poor energy

    conversion efficiency, compressed air should generally be utilized onlywhen: (1) safety considerations require doing so, (2) productivity gains

    justify the expense, and (3) the associated reduction in labor costs justifies

    the expense. In general, compressed air use should be continuously mon-

    itored and evaluated to ensure that it is prudent and judicious.

    Examples of potentially inappropriate uses of compressed air are:

    I Open blowing

    I Aspirating, atomizing, dilute-phase transport, padding, sparging

    I Vacuum generation

    I Ventilation

    I Improperly sized and installed diaphragm pumps

    I Cabinet or personal cooling

    Among the continuous improvement opportunities that might be consid-

    ered, relocation of the intake for inlet air is worthy of consideration. Since

    less energy is required to compress cooler, denser air than warmer, lighter

    air, compressors operate more efficiently when the intake air to the com-

    pressor is drawn from outdoors, and not from within a hot engine room.

    If an existing compressor arrangement draws its inlet air from inside a

    warm building (such as a boiler room), there are energy savings available

    just from installing ducts to bring in cooler air from the outside.

    Implement a Leak Repair Program (Step 6)

    A leak repair program should be undertaken after other system improve-ments have been completed. Leak loads in compressed air systems are

    typically quite large, and can be at 20% of compressor production, with

    some systems observed with over 50% losses[1]. Every system has leaks,

    and no leak repair program is likely to correct all of the problems.

    Additionally, the pressure stresses on the system will likely generate new

    system failures

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    sources of leakage over time. Thus, leak repair should be an ongoing pro-

    gram that is repeated at regular intervals.

    The first step in any leak repair program is identifying the severity of the

    problem, which can be done in several ways. For simple systems

    equipped with a single load/unload compressor, the percentage of leak

    load can be calculated by timing a load/unload cycle with no end-use

    equipment operating. The proportion of loaded time to the total time in a

    load/unload cycle is the percentage of air leakage in the system.

    Another approach to estimating leak loads requires monitoring a pressure

    gauge and the time required for a system with no end-use equipment

    operating to drop to another pressure. The time the system takes to drop

    to the lower pressure and the beginning and end pressures can be used

    in Equation 2 to estimate the normal leak load.

    Eq. 2

    Where Leakage is in cfm

    V = Storage volume, cfm

    P1= Beginning pressure, psig

    P2=Ending pressure, psig

    T = Time, minutes

    If the end-use equipment operates continuously, or leak loads cannot be

    isolated, specialized ultrasonic equipment can locate the source and deter-

    mine the general magnitude of leaks. Once the leaks are identified and

    tagged, corrective actions can be taken to repair distribution piping leaks

    or replace defective valves, leaking disconnects, and fittings for hose

    drops. Reducing overall leakage in a system to 10% of total free air deliv-

    ery is a reasonable goal that will typically be cost-effective, depending onthe initial state of the system.

    It bears repeating that leak repair programs should not be undertaken

    prior to other system improvements. Reductions in artificial demand

    (excess air required by a systems unregulated uses from high system pres-

    sure) and measures to minimize pressure losses in the system will tend to

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    increase the rate at which leaks waste compressed air. Completing a leak

    repair program first will likely result in a false total for leak repair savings

    as the increased pressure in the system from other measures will only

    accentuate the remaining leaks, and perhaps initiate new ones. Figure 10

    illustrates the ongoing nature of leak repair programs.

    Implement an Awareness and Continuous Improvement Program

    (Step 7)

    Some of the activities described above are iterative and focus on evaluat-

    ing the results of system improvements between major steps to ensure

    continued improvement. Performance evaluation and adjustments to sys-

    tem controls, for example, should be repeated regularly to ensure that any

    performance gains are maintained and possibly improved onespecially

    if production changes occur in a plant. Benchmarking of the baseline sys-

    tem performance and regular evaluation of ongoing system performance

    can help to prevent degradation of system performance, and simultane-

    ously provide opportunities for improving production and use of com-

    pressed air. Unlike electricity and gas, compressed air has a relatively poorenergy conversion ratio into mechanical work to start with. Thus com-

    pressed air system performance can easily degrade through poor mainte-

    nance practices, changes in production, or even simple changes to system

    controls by well meaning operators trying to solve production problems

    by turning up the pressure just a bit. Regular evaluation and implementa-

    system failures

    page 30 Compressed Air

    Figure 10: Best Practices for Eliminating Leakage

    Source: Adapted from U.S. DOE Best Practices Manual.

  • 7/31/2019 EDR Design Briefs Compressed air


    tion of improvements to a system can lead to dividends in both com-

    pressed air costs and an improved production environment.

    Best Practices Design Methods for a New Compressed Air


    The U.S. Department of Energy has an established set of best practices for

    compressed air systems. These practices provide end users with an effec-

    tive roadmap for designing new systems that provide an efficient, reliable

    source of power for operating pneumatic machines and tools.

    Designing the System

    The design methods recommended include five key design steps, which

    are similar to the basic principles outlined above for optimizing an exist-

    ing compressed air system:

    Step 1: Create a Demand Profile Chart.

    Step 2: Review the end users stated air requirement.

    Step 3: Determine the expected average flow rates during each shift and

    expected maximum demands.

    Step 4: Consider the need for future increases in compressed air use.

    Step 5: Determine the minimum operating pressure requirements.

    DOEs Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for

    Industry[1], provides an in-depth analysis of these design principles, and

    detailed step-by-step procedures.

    Assessing Total System Costs

    As with all energy efficiency projects, estimating capital costs when design-

    ing a new compressed air system is an exercise in balancing competing

    demands for scarce capital with the need to minimize future operating

    costs. As indicated earlier, production of compressed air is expensive, with

    lifetime electricity costs estimated at six times the initial capital investment

    in the equipment[2]. Clearly, minimizing the life cycle electricity costs

    should be a priority in the design phase and should be highlighted in pre-

    senting the business case for making marginal improvements in the speci-

    fication of high efficiency system components and integrated design.

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    In addition to first-cost capital requirements, recurring costs associated

    with compressed air should also be considered, including:

    I Filter maintenance and replacements

    I Compressor maintenance and rebuilds

    I Rental equipment in case of breakdowns

    I Spare parts

    I Maintenance and leak repair programs by outside contractors or in-

    house staff

    I Disposal costs for lubricants and condensate

    Calculating compressed air costs on a life cycle basisincluding all capi-

    tal expenditures, recurring costs for maintenance and replacement of fil-

    ters and other consumables, and especially electricity costs to produce

    compressed airis key to understanding the true costs of owning and

    operating these systems, and the importance of operating them at the

    highest possible efficiency level. Recognition of the true cost of producing

    compressed air is likely to help decision makers approve proposals for

    best practices design of new compressed air systems.

    Some costs can be offset by utility-sponsored incentive programs. The

    compressed air system measures covered in a number of these programs

    in California include a wide range of custom energy efficiency measures,

    a sample of which includes:

    I Direct replacement of one or more compressors with compressors of

    higher efficiency, including those equipped with variable speed drives

    I Installation of new compressors to service increased production capacity

    I Sequence optimization of multiple compressors

    I Installation or upgrade of system storage

    I Installation of intermediate pressure/flow control valves

    Up-to-date information about incentives and other assistance can be found

    on the utilities websites or through utility representatives.

    system failures

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    1. Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for Industry,

    prepared for: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and

    Renewable Energy (EERE), Best Practices. November 2003. Prepared by

    Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory and Resource Dynamics Corporation.http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/pdfs/compressed_air_so


    2. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Industrial

    Technologies Program,Energy Tips Compressed Air Tip Sheet #1, Determine

    the Cost of Compressed Air for Your Plant, August 2004.


    3. U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy,

    Industrial Technologies Program, Compressed Airs Role in Productivity,Energy Matters, Fall 2002, http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/32767.pdf.

    4. Best Practices for Compressed Air Systems, The Compressed Air Challenge,

    Inc., 2003, page 83.

    5. California Energy Efficiency Potential Study, Volume 1. Itron. May 2006.

    6. Compressed Air Best Practices, Smith Onandia Communications LLC,

    Fairhope, AL, September 2006, page 40.

    7. AIRMaster+, V1.2.0, U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and

    Renewable Energy, Industrial Technologies Program, DOE Industry Tools.

    Available for download at


    8. Table C.4 Air Compressor Equipment, Minimum efficiency ratings for rotary

    screw and reciprocating air compressors. http://www.spc-



    9. Guidelines for Selecting a Compressed Air System Provider, 2002,

    Compressed Air Challenge, Inc.:


    10. Qualified Best Practices AIRMaster+ Specialists: Full List, DOE Industrial

    Technologies Program,



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    For More Information

    Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI): www.cagi.org

    Compressed Air Challenge: www.compressedairchallenge.org

    Improving Compressed Air System Performance, a Sourcebook for

    Industry: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/industry/bestpractices/pdfs/


    U.S. Department of Energy Best Practices:


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    Energy Design Resources provides information and design tools to archi-

    tects, engineers, lighting designers, and building owners and developers.

    Our goal is to make it easier for designers to create energy efficient new

    nonresidential buildings in California. Energy Design Resources is funded

    by California utility customers and administered by Pacific Gas and Electric

    Company, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, San Diego Gas and

    Electric, Southern California Edison, and Southern California Gas

    Company, under the auspices of the California Public Utilities


    To learn more about Energy Design Resources, please visit our website at:


    This design brief was prepared for Energy Design Resources by Nexant,

    Inc., San Francisco, CA.

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