edmund rice icon by desmond kyne. relaxed yet intent, edmund is a compelling figure, his...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Desmond Kyne

Relaxed yet intent, Edmund is a compelling figure, his compassionate eyes reaching to the horizon.

Enfolding Edmund’s head is a dramatic intimation of the beginning that never was and the ending that shall never be. It is expressed in the spiral, the ancient Celtic symbol of divinity/infinity.

Mary’s position in the icon suggests her special place in Edmund’s life.

In a daring transformation of the traditional, the artist depicts Jesus looking directly at Edmund.

God the Father is symbolised in a great wheeling circle afire with the flame of love. Edmund is enveloped in the mystery of the Trinity, above him the Father, beside him the Son, within him the Holy Spirit.

The Presentation of Mary - through Nano Nagle, this mystery influenced Edmund greatly. Mary, the finest flower of the Old Testament, moves towards her destiny within the oval-shaped aureole - symbol of virginity and holiness.

The seven-branch candle stick

A text which touched Edmund deeply is on the open Scriptures.

Edmund’s left hand caresses his disabled daughter, Mary, and draws her close to him. She is a central figure in the mystery and meaning of brokenness and suffering.

With his right hand, Edmund extends his fatherliness beyond his family to a distressed boy who represents a multitude of poor, illiterate and disadvantaged children.

Edmund’s work is the work of God as shown by the wounded hands of Christ.

Edmund gives food and clothes to the Waterford students

Edmund helps those in prison and those condemned to die -

his compassionate response to human need and human tragedy.

Truly he opened his whole heart to Christ present and appealing to him in the poor.

There is darkness in the icon in the malevolent spirit -

shown in the bird of prey half-eagle, half-raven

which hangs threateningly over the goodness of the people and their land.

And there is fear, too -

the serpent symbolises the power of evil.

Edmund’s whose life is filled with God

The Father - the spiral

The Son - the heart

The Spirit - the doves

And the aspiration:

Live Jesus in our hearts forever.

Edmund has a close affinity with St Teresa of Avila, both in his spirituality and in his practical bent. She is shown with one of her writings, The Interior Castle.

At her shoulder are her symbols for God and His action - mountains, rain and river.

Nano Nagle and Edmund were almost spiritual twins.

Nano was the foundress of the Presentation Sisters.

The lantern she carries is the symbol of her great charity.

She and Edmund were mother and father to the poor.

Below Nano is the symbol of the heart of Christ, its spirals signifying the spiritual energy of the risen Christ and encompassing the Cross.

Jesus is the Lamb of God - an image of serenity and sacrifice

The scene of the family Rosary, a traditional and rich Irish devotion, shows Margaret Rice, Edmund’s mother, leading her children in prayer.

The ever-present divinity spiral moves through the family circle.

Religious living and sharing happily together.

Community life was a significant value for Edmund.

An old Irish proverb comes to mind: “It is in the shelter of one another that people live.”

Mount Sion, the first school built and still in use today

Edmund’s love for Christ in the Eucharist

Here Edmund is in prayer before the living God.

The six stars represent the six companions who took vows with Edmund to become religious brothers on 15th August 1808

Edmund and his wife, Mary

Mary is one significant person not represented in the icon.

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