editing ppt

Post on 09-Feb-2017






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Unit 1Editing


Adam Green

Cut 1

The first shot is to establish the scene, we know that the family is in the car. This cuts to the next shot where Sarah is talking to her child. We learn a little about the relationship between the two.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 2

Again, here the pace between shots is very slow, because there isn’t really anything happening, we are learning about the characters. Also, the slow pace makes the crash at the end of the scene more of a surprise and more of a shock.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 3

The editing pace for this part is still slow, and we spend a while looking at the father, who is driving the car. We immediately learn he is not in as good a mood as the rest in the car, because it is focused on him for so long. We sense there could be some tension between the two.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 4

The cuts are still slow, however the car crash is near. The last cut is very long, and therefore makes the shock of the crash greater.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 5

This is the last long shot for a while in the scene. The next cut is a very quick view of the two cars colliding with eachother. This shot lasts half of a second before cutting to the next shot of the rods flying.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 6

These cuts also last very little time, in order to show how fast events are changing direction. We see the rods go towards the car, and then we see a shot of them smashing through the windscreen, all within a second. Emphasizing the speed of the events.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

Cut 7

These cuts also happen within a second, again to emphasize the speed of the situation. We don’t directly see his face being obliterated by the rods, but we know it happens because it comes out of the other side of the seat.

CGI: In the first screenshot, we see poles. These are computer generated. They were added in during the post-production. Doing this stunt through the use of CGI means no actors are endangered during the filming. As doing the stunt live would be dangerous.The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes

were used.

Cut 8

This the last shot in the sequence. It is a very long shot recorded via a camera on a crane. It allows the viewer the understand and establish what has happened.

The transition from this scene to the next is a solid cut. No fades/wipes were used.

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