ed. tech report

Post on 12-Dec-2014






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visual appeal



Course Description

The course covers the introduction to the application and adaptation of technology to classroom teaching.

It also deals with activities and experiences in the development of technology skills that enable teachers to develop effective and efficient instructional materials.

General Objectives:

At the end of the semester, the students should be able to acquire the following competencies:

1. Determine and distinguish the different types of instructional media technology materials; know their advantages and limitations as they are utilized in teaching.

2. Become familiar with the uses of instructional media resources in the improvement of teaching-learning situation.

3. Manifest effectiveness in communication ideas through proper use of instructional media.

4. Select, produce and utilize effectively the different media resources.

5. Manipulate the media equipment available in the school.

6. Create and produce some instructional media for presentation and/or distribution in the class.

Course Requirements

•Two-Term Examination


•Class Participation


•Learning Objects

Evaluation Criteria for Reporting:

Mastery - 30%Preparedness (ability to answer question)Complete coverage to the topic

Presentation of the Topic -25%Presents updated knowledge on the topicRelates topic to actual experiencesPromotes healthy exchange of ideas

Use of technology -20%PowerPoint PresentationUse of materials from internet downloads

Delivery - 25%ConfidenceFluency of expressionEnthusiasm

Academic Performance Evaluation Procedure

Examinations …………………… 25 %

Hands-on / Performance ……….. 20 %

Quizzes ………………………….… 20%

Class Participation …………….. 20%

Outputs …………………………… 15 %

100 %


Essential Idea

Preparing students who will


in a different generation from “US”.

What do you teach inComputer classtoday?

Knowing about the computer Components Input – Process – Output Office Applications Training Programming and Development Knowing about the Internet

As we approach 2015

This is not ENOUGH

This lacks major concepts and skills that students need to “survive” in 2015.

In the Past

People wrote things down.

Information was in TEXT or PRINT.

Information Literacy

Where to access information

- Books, Encyclopaedia, Webpages

How to compare, evaluate, organize information

- Tables, Charts, Maps

How to communicate what information is useful for me

- Summaries, Reports

Literacy has movedbeyond just learning

to read and write

EvolvingInformation Literacy

Information today is presented in NON-TEXT form and DIGITAL forms

Forms of Information

Becoming the NORM

Modes of Communication

Information is not the usual PRINT

We cannot separate technology from the information presented and communicated today


(ICTs) evolved.

Thoughts to Ponder about Educational Technology

“Technology is more than hardware. Technology consist of the designs and the environment that engage learners.”

D. Jonassen

What is Educational Technology?

Educational Technology is the development, application and evaluation of systems, techniques and aids to improve the process of human learning.

(Council for Educational Technology for the United Kingdom)

Educational Technology

-is the application of scientific knowledge about learning and the conditions of learning to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and training. In the absence of scientifically established principles, educational technology implements techniques of empirical testing to improved learning situations.

(National Center for Programmed Learning, UK.)

Educational Technology

- is a systematic way of designing, implementing and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives, based on research in human learning and communication and employing a combination of human and non-human resources to bring about more effective instruction.

(Commission on Instructional Technology, USA.)

Educational Technology

- is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and organization for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems, involved in all aspects of human learning”

Educational Technology• is “ consists of the designs and

environments that engage learners…and reliable technique or method for engaging such as cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking skills.” (David H. Jonassen, et al 1999 )

Educational Technology

- is a theory about how problems in human learning are identified and solved. As a theory, educational technology is has an “integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed events.”

Educational Technology

- is a field involved in applying a complex, integrated process to analyze and solve problems in human learning.

Educational Technology - is a field study which is concerned

with the practice of using educational methods and resources for the ultimate goal of facilitating the learning process. As a field, it operates within the total field of education.

Educational Technology

- is a profession like teaching. It is made up of organized effort to implement the theory, intellectual technique, and practical application of educational technology.

Technology in Education

- is “application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house the educational enterprise. It includes the application of technology to food, health, finance, scheduling, grade, reporting, and other processes which support education within institutions.”

Instructional Technology

- refers to those aspects of educational technology that “are concerned with instruction as contrasted to designs and operations of educational institutions. Instructional technology is a systematic way of designing, carrying out, and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in terms of specific objectives.

Technology Integration- means using “ learning technologies to

introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.” Like instructional technology, it is a part of educational technology. Technology integration is part and parcel of instructional technology, which in turn is a part of educational technology.

The Role of Educational Technology

• Arouse and sustain the interest and attention of thee pupils/students to learn.

• Concretize abstract concepts/ideas to promote meaningful learning.

• Makes learning more permanent because of the rich experiences that they provide.

• Provide self-activities for independent learning.

The Role of Educational Technology

The Role of Educational Technology

• Increase vocabulary by eliminating verbalism.

• Develop continuity of thought.

The Role of Educational Technology

• Increase the quality while decreasing the time spent.

• Check pupil preparedness

• Make learning more interactive, hence learning is improved.

Understanding Young Children


Learning - any process through which experience at one time can alter an individual’s behavior at a future time.

The Concept of Individual Differences

Multiple Intelligences Theory

by Howard Gardner

Logical- Mathematical Intelligence

Children with this strength are good problem solvers. They quickly discover logical patterns and enjoy numbers and counting. They are curious and ask endless streams of questions.

Verbal- Linguistic Intelligence

Children with this strength love to listen to the sounds and rhythm of words. They love to hear and make up stories, jokes, and riddles.

They are good at expressing themselves with words and are sensitive to the different functions of language.

Musical- Rhythmic Intelligence

Children with this strength enjoy making or listening to music.

You will find them singing, humming, and moving in a constant stream of musical expressiveness.

Visual- Spatial Intelligence

Children with this strength are able to perceive the visual/ spatial word precisely.

They are able to draw and paint superbly, enjoy building with blocks and other construction toys, and have an easy time putting puzzles together.

Bodily- Kinesthetic Intelligence

Children with this strength are able to control their movements and handle objects skillfully.

They run, jump, throw, catch, and climb better than their age- mates. They may also handle and use implements such as scissors, buttons, zippers, and eating utensils with greater dexterity. These children enjoy moving all the time.

Interpersonal Intelligence

Children with this strength are outgoing and tuned into other people’s feelings. They can recognize the moods and feelings of others, empathize with them, and respond appropriately. These children appear to be natural leaders.

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Children with this strength are inner- directed. They appear quiet and often prefer playing alone, but have confidence in their own ability to get things done.


• The bright child – I admire for his creative intelligence and strength of will. He is the leader of tomorrow.

• The slow child – earns my deepest respect for his patience and perseverance. He will be the good citizen of the future.

• The handsome child – has much to give. I can teach him to use his strength and beauty in giving joy to others.

• The plain child – I treasure him for his inner loveliness and his gracious personality.

• The rich child – needs my help. I must train him to be generous and to share his good things with others.

• The poor child – is not really poor. He is rich in the love of his family and friends. These treasures could satisfy him completely.

• The gay child – makes me happy. Just looking at him brings a smile to my lips. I can teach him to value this great gift of joy so he will never lose it.

• The sad child – needs me desperately. I must give him all the comfort and security I have to give.

• The bold child – I like for his vigorous ways. He needs toning down but not the extinction of his personality.

• The shy child – is only waiting for my warm affection to wipe away the film that hides his true and lovely personality.

• The good child – is a constant source of joy to me. I must help him become even better.

• The bad child – is not really bad –--only neglected and misguided. I must give him the attention and guidance to get back on the right track.

• These children are like melodies that must be finished.

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