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ECONOMY SCRUTINY PANEL DATE 28 June 2018 REPORT OF Director – Governance, Democracy

and Community Engagement SUBJECT Work Programme for 2018/19 STATUS Open

CONTRIBUTION TO OUR AIMS The scrutiny panels act as a reviewing mechanism for decisions made relating to the strategic policy, performance and resources required to deliver the ambitions of the Council and its key partnerships. The aim of the scrutiny process is to make sure decision making is robust by providing constructive challenge. This contributes to the Council being effective and efficient, and therefore it is integral to the delivery of the Council Priorities. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report provides a draft work programme for 2018/19 for the Economy Scrutiny Panel and highlights the key issues that will need to be considered during these years. MATTER(S) FOR CONSIDERATION

For members to consider and agree the work programme for the Economy Scrutiny Panel for 2018/19.

1. BACKGROUND AND ISSUES 1.1 The suggested work programme is included as appendix A of this

report. For each work programme item, the issue, the overall desired outcome, what scrutiny needs / wants to do and suggestions of how the panel may do it should be considered. This report will be a live document, and progress on each of the work programme items will be monitored throughout the year.

1.2 In addition to the work programme items, there will be the opportunity

for members to identify agenda items from the forward plan, the Council’s quarterly performance and resources report (with a focus on those issues relevant to the remit of the panel) and the tracking of the recommendations of the panel.

1.3 Members are asked to consider and agree the work programme for the ensuing municipal year.

2. RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 2.1 Any actions which the council may undertake as a result of

recommendations made by scrutiny will be the subject of further reports, which will include risk assessment(s) by the author(s) concerned.

3. OTHER OPTIONS CONSIDERED 3.1 Not applicable to this report.


4.1 The work programme demonstrates the breadth of matters considered

by scrutiny. 5. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 There are no financial considerations included within this report. 6. MONITORING COMMENTS

6.1 In the opinion of the author, this report does not contain recommended

changes to policy or resources (people, finance or physical assets). As a result, no monitoring comments have been sought from the Council's Monitoring Officer (legal), Section 151 Officer (finance) or the Strategic Workforce Lead (human resources).


7.1 May impact on all wards. 8. BACKGROUND PAPERS 8.1 Annual report of scrutiny 2016/17 9. CONTACT OFFICER 9.1 Anne Marie Campbell - Scrutiny and Committee Advisor

Telephone Number: (01472) 326132



Appendix 1

Economy Scrutiny Panel

Work programme 2018/19


1. The role of scrutiny 2. Scrutiny and priorities: outcomes framework and partnerships 3. Scrutiny of the budget 4. Terms of reference 5. Focus for the economy scrutiny panel 6. Who’s who 7. Scheduled meetings 8. Work programme in detail

1. The role of scrutiny

A good scrutiny function:

Reviews and reports on issues that affect local people Examines and reviews the council’s decisions Considers the work of partners and other public organisations which affect local residents Contributes to the development of future policies and strategies that will help improve services for local people Involves local people in council decision making Co-ordinates the Councillor Call for Action

You can find out more about scrutiny on the council’s website: This document sets out the priorities, outcomes and actions which relate directly to the Economy Scrutiny Panel and forms the basis of its work programme for the next municipal year. It also provides a guide for prioritising items for scrutiny. This document is ‘work in progress; the updating of the work programme is an ongoing task. The work programme in detail describes the panel’s desired outcomes, objectives, intentions, outputs and progress. Topics may be added or withdrawn to react to changing priorities.

2. Scrutiny and priorities: outcomes framework and partnerships

The council is making sure that all the business it does is tested by using a commissioning approach to achieve the agreed priorities and outcomes of the council and secure the best deal for North East Lincolnshire and our communities. The council is moving towards a narrower but more in-depth focus for its own activities and a greater collaboration within its wider group of partners to jointly address broader community issues and aspirations. Future decisions will have particular regard to integration, commercialism and social value. Evidence based decision making and true collaboration will ensure that the council focuses on delivering services that make a positive impact to achieve our outcomes. The Council’s outcomes framework contains the most important areas and issues we need to make progress on in 2018/19. These years are some of the most challenging that we have faced as major reductions have to be made in the amount we spend, in line with national government policy and funding. The commissioning process will enable us to use the total resource available in order to improve outcomes in the most efficient, equitable and sustainable way. The Council’s outcomes framework was detailed in the post settlement budget report to Council on 22nd February 2018. For 2018/19 we have looked at our priorities, to focus on the overarching theme of stronger economy and stronger communities. The framework is set out in the diagram on the following page, along with the key commissioning priorities, activities and projects that will deliver them. Scrutiny will be monitoring delivery on these priorities project and the council report of 22 February is an important background reference document for all scrutiny panels. Scrutiny has an important role in considering how the Council is performing. The progress towards the priorities will be monitored through outcome progress reports. Scrutiny panels will receive these at six-monthly intervals at their panel meetings. In addition the Economy Scrutiny Panel receives regular performance reports from partners, such as Engie and the new Lincolnshire Housing Partnership (formerly Shoreline Housing Partnership). The following extract from the report shows NELC Key commissioning priorities 2018/19 and planned activities supporting delivery of our outcomes. Issues within the terms of reference of this panel are highlighted. Following this the ‘strong economy’ extract describes the outcomes framework 2018/19, the stories behind each outcome, indicators and interventions.

All people in NEL enjoy & benefit from a strong economy

All people in NEL feel safe & are safe

All people in NEL enjoy good health & well being

All people in NEL live in sustainable communities

All people in NEL fulfil their potential through skills & learning

Deliver SHIIP -Stallingborough Employment site infra-structure, CATCH expan-sion, strategic mitigation enabling; Town Deal – site acquisi-tion, assembly and master planning, progress HE presence aspect, Victoria Mills RIBA Design competition, deliver HAZ; Adopt and deliver Local Plan; Adopt/Action Housing Strategy – secure Housing Zones partner through DDP3 (or alternative), Estate Regeneration Masterplan, develop Homes England Deal; Deliver key strategic highways infrastructure and approved LTP; Cleethorpes Investment Plan – deliver Town Scape Heritage Initiative, First Phase CCF, LGF; Develop Grimsby West plans, engagement and consultation.

Deliver Together for Childhood programme – focusing on multiple adversity prevention; Deliver resilience and relationship programme inc teenage and risk of repeat pregnancy (Pause); Deliver Adult Services Review recommendations Further develop and deliver activity around integration of Health and Social Care (‘ the union’) Implement Adoption Pathways (via Regional Agency); Implement non-convicted perpetrators programme for Domestic Abuse; Further integration of young and adult carers

Initiate Wellbeing checks for over 75s in target communities; Further roll-out of the new wellbeing service to target the most vulnerable alongside a digital universal offer to self-assess and self-refer; Recommission NHS Health Check programme; Redesign oral health services; Implement new Autism pathway; Open and promote volunteer led recovery hub for those recovering from substance misuse treatment; Deliver Sustainable Transformation Plan targeted tobacco project; Develop mental health and wellbeing needs analysis; Refresh suicide prevention strategy;

Deliver ERDF energy project; Establish Energy Company to deliver key commercial projects; Deliver Heat Network clusters’ feasibility studies; Smarter neighbourhood phase 2 programme on waste strategy/ digital redesign/regulatory review; Review cultural, leisure and sport offer aligned to growth agenda; Develop Culture & Heritage framework and action plan; Adopt place based approach to Social Value; Deliver finance resilience action plan; Conclude Bereavement services procurement; Future use of libraries consultation

Review education, skills and SEND as part of phase 2 of 0-19+ programme; Implement Skills strategy (CLL scrutiny lead) Implement employability framework for Looked After Children/Care leavers; Develop and deliver Apprenticeship programme


3. Scrutiny of the budget

A key element of scrutiny’s work programme is scrutiny of the Council’s proposed priorities and annual budget. This year’s approach will be determined by the Overview and Scrutiny Board.

4. Terms of reference

The scrutiny panels are responsible for scrutinising any matters affecting North East Lincolnshire within their remit. For the Economy Scrutiny Panel these include:

Economic strategy

Economic development

External funding and inward Investment (including renewable energy)

Regeneration projects

Local enterprise and growth

Regeneration Partnership performance monitoring

Local Plan

Transport and traffic regulations (including parking)

Business and education partnerships

Strategic housing

Asset management (including business centres)

Flood risk management

Energy and climate change

Empty and derelict property

Emergency planning and civil contingencies

5. Focus for the Economy Scrutiny Panel

The forward work programme of each scrutiny panel should be linked to the delivery of the council’s priorities. The work of this Economy Scrutiny Panel must be focussed on these priorities when making recommendations on important policy matters and must hold the executive and other decision makers to account on those terms. It is important that panels maintain this focus when examining issues and setting agendas. Members and officers were given the opportunity to identify potential items for the 2018/19 work programme. And these will be considered by the panel at its first meeting on 26 June 2018. The following have been suggested by the panel :

Economic Strategy (consultation prior to strategy refresh scheduled for 2019) South Humber Inward Investment Programme : updates on progress to include sites, enquiry numbers, business types and

take-up. Car parking strategy – development of key work streams Energy programme Housing strategy action plan - delivery Gypsy and traveller provision – pre cabinet decision making Public toilets

There will be continuing scrutiny of the following highways schemes as plans develop

Toll Bar junction Littlefield Lane, Grimsby 20 mph speed limits.

And monitoring via regular reporting on

key projects included in the council’s outcome framework via the regular (six monthly) progress reports Highways schemes Local transport plan The monitoring of the regeneration partnership via quarterly report

How the panel will approach this work is included in section eight.

6. Who’s who

Chairman of the Economy Scrutiny Panel - Councillor Philip Jackson Deputy Chairman - Councillor John Fenty Portfolio Holder for Environment, Transport and Energy - Councillor Matthew Patrick

Including planning, development control, highways and transportation, traffic management and regulation, climate change and green agenda.

Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Housing and Skills - Councillor Peter Wheatley Including economic strategy, assets, employability and inward investment

Panel Membership 2018/19

Membership Substitutes Ian Barfield (Liberal Democrats) Labour: Nichols

John Fenty (Conservative) James

Janet Goodwin (Labour) Walker

David Hasthorpe (Conservative) Barber

Philip Jackson (Conservative) Conservative: Cairns

Rodwell (Labour) Nici

Sheridan (Labour) Procter

Karl Wilson (Labour) Liberal Democrat : Rudd

7. Scheduled meetings of the panel 2018/19

All meetings start at 6.30 p.m. in Grimsby Town Hall unless otherwise stated on agenda papers.

Tuesday 26 June 2018 Tuesday 8 January 2019 Tuesday 11 September 2018 Tuesday 5 March 2019 Tuesday 13 November 2018

The panel may call special meetings to consider issues in a timely manner or to give focus to important items.

8. Work programme in detail

For each element of the suggested work programme, the panel will agree the topics for inclusion in 2018-19 scrutiny and appropriate and timely method of scrutiny.

KEY OUTCOMES AND PROGRAMME IMPLEMTATION (from outcomes framework 2018/19 Feb 18) Overview : To monitor ongoing implementation of key programmes to make sure they achieve expected outcomes. Especially:

Deliver SHIIP - Stallingborough Employment site infra-structure, CATCH expansion, strategic mitigation enabling; Town Deal – site acquisition, assembly and master planning, progress HE presence aspect, Victoria Mills RIBA Design competition, deliver HAZ; Adopt and deliver Local Plan; Adopt/Action Housing Strategy – secure Housing Zones partner through DDP3 (or alternative), Estate Regeneration Masterplan, develop Homes England Deal; Deliver key strategic highways infrastructure and approved LTP; Develop Grimsby West plans, engagement and consultation. Deliver ERDF energy project; Establish Energy Company to deliver key commercial projects; Deliver Heat Network clusters’ feasibility studies; Develop and deliver Apprenticeship programme Implement Skills strategy

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy. Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Outcomes Framework

Stronger economy To monitor implementation of key programmes to make sure they are achieving expected outcomes.

At panel meetings via regular outcome framework progress reports (six-monthly). Including scorecards and performance intelligence.

At panel meetings via timely reports to allow scrutiny to comment upon and influence policy.

Potential referrals / recommendations to Portfolio Holder/Cabinet if appropriate.

Useful background reading: Report to Council, 22 February 2018 Local Government Association (LGA) “Scrutiny for Councillors” February 2016


Overview : The current (February 2016) Economic Strategy is cheduled to be reviewed afor 2019. This panel will be a consultee in the review. Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Panel – Current strategy due for refresh in 2019

Panel is consulted and influences the new / refreshed economy strategy

Useful background reading: North East Lincolnshire Economic Strategy (February 2016)


Overview : The Council has adopted a strategy to improve its approach to parking across the Borough (December 2017). A high level action plan had been agreed with the Portfolio Holder for Energy and Environment. Scrutiny would be kept up to date with progress and a report would be presented to the scrutiny panel in December 2018.

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy.

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Cabinet / Economy Panel

A borough wide parking strategy which has been subject to proper consultation and directly supports both the council’s priorities of “stronger economy” and “stronger communities” by ensuring there is an effective and equitable approach to both on and off street parking. The panel had identified residents’ parking and the blue badge schemes as particular areas of concern.

To receive the outcome of any public consultation and comment prior to the key work streams (new policies) being established (e.g. blue badge parking and residents’ parking schemes).

A strategy delivery plan and timely detail of emerging work streams to be presented to the panel as the delivery of the strategy progresses. In any case, the strategy to be reviewed by the panel after a period of twelve months. (SPE.54 also refers). December 2018

Referral of comments/recommendations to Cabinet

Useful background reading: Report to Cabinet, 28th June, 2017, Report to Panel 14 November 2017 and NELC forward plan


Overview : The provision of the ‘Designated Stopover Site’ for Gypsy and Travellers. This follows on from establishment of cross-party working group requested by Cabinet which reviewed a number of sites put forward with the aim of recommending one or more sites that would provide adequate provision as recommended in the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment. Scrutiny did recommend a site to Cabinet but this was not taken forward so there may be a requirement for further scrutiny involvement. Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy& Strong Communities.

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?


The provision of a “Designated Stopover Site” (DSS) will contribute to the aim of ‘stronger communities’ by providing a specific managed site within North East Lincolnshire to accommodate Gypsies and Travellers visiting the area; thereby reducing the instances of unauthorised encampments. Such a provision would support the delivery and adoption of the new Local Plan.

To investigate the suitability of any sites put forward and make recommendations to Cabinet accordingly.

To be advised. Briefing note to panel 26 June – latest position.

Possible recommendation of site to Cabinet.

Useful background reading: Report to Cabinet 18th January 2017 Report to Regeneration Housing and Environment Scrutiny Panel 4th April 2017 Briefing note to panel January 2018 and June 2018


Overview : Public toilets form part of the assets portfolio of NELC. This panel would, as a matter of course, be included in any cabinet or portfolio holder decision making process. Scrutiny members could then take the option to get more closely involved. It was agreed at a special panel meeting on 12 July 2017 that public toilets, and especially disabled access to public toilets be added to the work programme to prompt the panel to maintain its overview of this issue. A number of public toilets are now subject to a successful tender

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy.

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Panel request

To ensure assets are

protected To ensure appropriate

service provision to encourage visitor economy and economic growth.

To have timely involvement in options appraisal and influence in future decision making around public toilets.

To be advised. Briefing note to panel 26 June – latest position.


Useful background reading: Minutes of meeting of special Economy Scrutiny Panel 12 July 2017 Briefing notes to panel January 2018 and June 2018


Overview : Ongoing monitoring of the Council’s Local Transport Plan

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy.

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Panel request

Supporting economic

growth; Improving accessibility to

education, training and workplaces;

Better health and wellbeing; and

Ensuring that transport contributes to environmental excellence as part of the Council’s wider commitment to the environment

To monitor the Local Transport Plan and, in particular, the associated three year delivery plan

Report to the panel on a twice-yearly basis. Dates to be determined.

Referral to Portfolio Holder/Cabinet if any actions required.

Useful background reading: Report to Cabinet 26th October 2016


Overview : Energy is a commissioning priority for the Council and is seen as a key enabler to deliver against its priorities of Stronger Economy Stronger Communities. The key elements of the programme are:

Deliver ERDF energy project;

Establish ESCO (Energy Services Company) to deliver key commercial projects;

Deliver Heat Network clusters’ feasibility studies; .

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy and Strong Communities

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Key commissioning priorities of NELC.

To raise the profile of energy efficiency, delivery of opportunities and reducing costs. To support delivery of the Council’s Stronger Communities priority by enabling increased sustainability for citizens and businesses. Increased energy efficiency has positive environmental impacts including carbon reduction and reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

To monitor the effectiveness of the initiatives to make sure that the Council is delivering on its energy agenda.

Updates to panel meetings as and when the panel’s contribution is required. Scheduled for November Panel Meeting

Referrals to Cabinet as appropriate.

Useful background reading: Report to Cabinet, 31st August 2016

HIGHWAYS SCHEMES Overview : In March 2016, Council resolved that highways schemes at Toll Bar and Nuns Corner, and future schemes of a similar nature, would be subject

to appropriate public consultation before they are determined at Cabinet. This process would involve scrutiny.

There will be continuing scrutiny of the following highways schemes as plans develop Toll Bar junction Littlefield Lane, Grimsby w 20 mph speed limits.

Link to NELC priorities : Strong Economy.

Where has this come from? Overall desired outcome Scrutiny’s objective How we will do it and when. What will be the output?

Council Motion

To ensure that proper consultation is carried out on major highways schemes

That Elected Members are fully involved in and able to contribute to the development of major schemes.

As and when major highways schemes are proposed.

Recommendations to officers to amend proposed schemes and/or referrals to Cabinet as appropriate.

Useful background reading: Local Highways and Transport scheme quarterly update reports to Portfolio Holder

If you would like more information or to find out more about scrutiny you can contact us:

Democratic Services

North East Lincolnshire Council Municipal Offices Town Hall Square


or email :

or call (01472) 326132

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