echo and amplify your content – the key to integrated search marketing

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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Bits and pieces. Article at State of Search


Echo and amplify your content – The key to integrated search marketing /Sara Andersson

Bits and pieces. Article at State of Search

The structures we work within now are different and this presents new opportunities.

The key to integrating search marketing (paid and organic) today is not only defining weather it should be TV, radio or print and aligning the communication message, but also take into account the searchers intent and their social activities.

As a company you need to give the searchers access to fresh and responsive content in order to rank well both in the organic and paid search listings.

Search engines need to start “thinking”

The closest the industry has come to a “thinking” search engine is the integration of social conversations with search results. This is the beginning of a search engine that places the searchers’ intent and their opinion at the centre of the ranking criteria.


Google’s integration with social media and peoples’ opinions expressed in results from Twitter, Facebook, +1, Google+ or other social sources, gives the people a voice that influences your rankings.

In order to perform, you need to have happy clients or at least satisfied ones.

No company is perfect, but you need to provide good answers for explaining a mess up. Supply good business rules to search marketing and don’t overlook the fact that the website visitors are your communication channel. Existing and potential clients and even general visitors all want to have a say. Their opinion will echo and amplify your content.

Listen to what your audience is searching for and create content based around this.

In this way, you create responsive content that matches your potential customers needs, rather than pushed content from the organisation itself.

Let transparency lead and produce content that is accessible and fresh so that the existing and potential clients can form their opinion and be able to echo and amplify your messaging.

Sara is the founder of Search Integration Sweden AB managing both Nordic and European clients with high complexity. Assignments involve high level strategic search consultancy for Enterprise clients as well as integrated search

marketing work and education programs on a Nordic and European level.


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