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Post on 07-Feb-2017






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“I NEED MORE LEADS!” Top local-business ideas to generate

more leads & income in 2014

Strategies my clients & I use for,

1. More leads monthly, marketing 2. Getting Un-Stuck & growing 2-4x 3. Saving 10-15 hours every week 4. Clarity, a real action MAP

By: Jason Herrera, CEO Legacy Masterminds


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

Reader beware: So you want a no B.S, no fluff, to the point, skip-the-MBA-nonsense, get-to-

what-works, results oriented, actionable, quick-reference guide to the best

strategies for local business growth. Well ok, here’s what you can expect:

1. Concise, “cheat-sheet” style, briefly stated, simplified examples of strategies

that are working in the small business (and corporate) world TODAY.

2. You will get enough info to generate ideas, grasp the strategy, and (with a little

thought and research) apply it.

3. If you feel you need more info or help implementing, my team and I will help

you make it happen (gratis, of course).

4. All of these strategies are universal; they can be applied to any industry. The

information comes from many business minds, not always my original ideas.

5. Nothing works unless YOU do. Apply the strategies you like, or HIRE

SOMEONE to apply it for you. Knowledge is not power… it is potential power.

“Let’s be honest: If you are looking for another 200 page book to

read, talk about, not-take-any-action on, and later forget… you are

better off re-visiting your library. These strategies are meant to be

read, applied, and adjusted by you or US. Let’s get to it!”

Sincerely, Jason Herrera


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

Jason, Where should I start?

Be honest, we rarely know what we truly need.

Read this SHORT guide from start to finish and it WILL reveal to you critical

areas that you have not thought of. I am willing to wager with you. If you MUST skip

around, I urge you NOT to skip the “Clarity” portion (disobey at your own risk!)

On the next page you will find a list of strategies, in the order presented in this

guide. If you like one in particular, mark the page or write yourself an email

describing it. If you need help, let us know.

ONE MORE THING: I see everyone I serve as a “client”, not a “customer”.

However, I refer to EVERY potential client as a “buyer” in this book, because if you

are a doctor, a homebuilder, etc.… you likely use different language than “client”. So,

excuse the term “buyer” and take it for what it is, a reference.

Oh, and throughout the process you will see “reviews” in the little green arrows below. Use that as a summary, and use the red button if you need help.

“If you find yourself needing help implementing strategies, or just plain don’t want to do them on your own, contact me. Or just press the “Help” button link! -Jason


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

Strategy “Cheat Sheets”:


Are you targeting & connecting with “ideal buyers” for maximum profit?

Are all your marketing & business efforts directed at solving their issues?

Do they see you as the preeminent expert?

Are you allocating 80% of your resources to business growth?

Are you smarter than a pirate? At least they have a MAP/compass!


82% of your leads are looking online; will they find you or your comp?

Automating marketing follow-ups, up/down/cross-selling & updates

Joint ventures & partnerships: Access to other business’s resources

Getting referrals during & after initial sales

Irresistible offers, risk-reversal and “entry” purchases


Strategy V Tactics: the power of leverage & a “light-weight” business

Maximize what IS working as a profit center, THEN multiply (new ideas)

Build your pillars of power: multiple revenue streams & lead sources

[10-10-2x] Model: the “3-ways to easily grow your business 242%”

The legendary “loss leader”, and why he made more money than you


The “Daily 5” habits that will save you 10 hours per week

Using and avoiding technology: benefit and avoid the dark-side

Avoiding black holes: “things we get sucked into and lose track of time”

The Lamborghini with flat tires: personal energy and getting 2x (RPM’s)

Eliminating (or reducing) the top 5 things that take up 80% of your time


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds


1) Are you targeting & connecting with “ideal buyers” for maximum profit/results?

“Are we even digging in the right place?!” You and I both know the amount of

money, time and resources that can be WASTED if marketing/business efforts are

not targeting the right buyers. If this is new to you, be careful. You may be digging

hard, digging passionately, but digging in the WRONG PLACE. You will find nothing

but sweat and frustration, and unfortunately, no gold. Building your business

process and marketing around your “ideal buyer” results in ideal results.

Working hard and spending money targeting random groups

of people = random results. Razor targeted efforts = Gold.

1. Who (based on your experience) are the “types”

of buyers who buy the most, with the least sales

effort, with the least post-sale hassle, that are most likely to buy again or refer

you to others? Describe them.

2. What background do these ideal buyers tend to have? Family situation? Job or

career goals? Hobbies? What are your ideal buyers interested in? Who has access

to them already, having trust and rapport with your ideal buyers?

3. Write down all the ways (if any) that you currently TARGET these “ideal buyers”.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

2) Are all of your marketing & business efforts aimed at solving your “ideal buyers” problems? If you know who your ideal buyers are, you know what they are interested in

and you know WHO HAS ACCESS to them already (other business, organizations,

etc.), we can move onto the best ways to appeal to these ideal buyers. If you know

WHY they need your service, WHAT their problem is (to which you are the solution),

and HOW you solve it better than anyone else? Tell them and let them try it (proof)!

Do buyers care about how great you “say” you are? NO… they care about

their problems, and getting those problems solved quickly/elegantly

1. What is the primary pain or problem that your ideal buyer

has, that you can solve? It must be something they VALUE

and that you can appeal to with your product/service as the solution.

2. Get a mental picture of your marketing materials, marketing efforts, perhaps

flyers, whatever. Ask yourself: “are my efforts targeted at solving a problem they

have?” If not, it is time to shift everything toward communicating value.

3. Offer them something of value up front: a guide, a consultation, BUT WITH THE

PROMISE that it will solve a major “pain” that they have. Simply saying “sign up

for a free consultation, because I am a good looking lawyer” is B.S. Tell them

what they will get from it. Brainstorm a few now.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

3) Do buyers see you as the preeminent expert? We count on the info available to us, in deciding whom to trust as our lawyer,

doctor, chiropractor, dentist, etc. If YOU give valuable advice, while settling the

“nerves” of your ideal buyers (earning their trust), you win. Example: an accountant

who puts out a free 10-page list of “10 Tips For Saving An Extra $5,000 In Taxes,

Legally”. A lawyer who has video testimonials on his website, and written

testimonials as “letters” in his marketing mailers, all communicating that he is

trustworthy, legitimate, and reasonably priced.

Whoever demonstrates expert status in a way that preempts

objections, gets the lion’s share in your market.

1. In what ways are you communicating that you are “THE expert” to your market?

If at all. What certification, testimonials, “Author Of…” status, or other “expert

proof” can you share with the market and with your leads?

2. What common objections do potential clients usually have during your sales

process? In what ways can we “settle these objections” in our marketing or in

our free “value-added” materials that we give potential buyers?

3. How can we get that proof into the minds of your ideal buyers, before and

during consultations? Via a short EBook that we can give them? Community

seminars and speaking? Providing expert tips or “expert proof” points in your

advertising/marketing, testimonials, free advice?


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

4) Are you allocating 80% of your resources to business growth? HONESTY TIME: Most of us spend 80% of our time doing things that are not

“growth” oriented. Doing things that an assistant, employee or outsourcer could

easily do. Why? Because it is comfortable and menial, it makes us feel good in the

moment. Examples: I used to own a local business in GA, and I would take out the

trash, check the mail, update the business’s FB page, respond to emails all day, clean

off my desk, and even answer my own calls… all sorts of B.S tasks. Collectively, this

saps hours from your day… your focus… and your time spent on GROWTH activities.

Most of us spend 20% of our time on growth, 80% on B.S that we

think is important.

1. Write down 3 things/actions/tasks that would

grow your business that ONLY YOU CAN DO to. An

assistant/employee could not “fill in” for these all-important tasks. Now, write



2. Write the top 5 things you spend time doing INSTEAD of doing the 3 things that

would help grow your business. Be honest with yourself, don’t be a sissy.

3. Who can take over the 5 B.S things you do that take away from your time

throughout the day? What 4-hour blocks of time can be dedicated to the 3

growth activities every day, every other day or every week?


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

5) Are you smarter than a Pirate? At least they had a MAP and compass. “BUT, WHY’S THE RUM GONE?” Pirates may have been drunk, pillaging

scalawags (whatever that means)… but many knew what they were going after, and

how to get it. With crew and ship ready, they sailed off into the unknown full speed

ahead… but how? They had a map of where they were going, a compass showing

what direction to head in, a telescope to see 3 steps ahead, and a crew to help with

the heavy lifting. Which of these do you have in your business, if any?

As dumb as they sound in stories, pirates had all the right tools

1. Your MAP: write down where you want to be 90

days from now, in detail. Number of customers,

revenues, the whole thing. THEN, (working backwards, starting at day 90) write

out all the things that would have to happen in order for you to reach the goal.

What actions you would have to take, what changes to make, etc.

2. Your Compass: write a description of where you are NOW, compared to where

you want to be 90-days from now. Pinpoint what changes in “direction” need to

be made in order to follow-through with your map. Changes in productivity,

procedures, processes, etc.

3. Your Telescope: Look at your MAP and write down all of the “sh!# that can go

wrong” for each part of the process, each step. THEN, make a list of “ways to

prevent that sh!# from going wrong”, and work those actions into your MAP.

Clarity and action plans are the first step in success. Without it, nothing else will work.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds


1) 86% of your leads are looking for you online; will they find YOU or the COMPETITION? Research shows that 82% of ALL consumers will research a product or service

online FIRST, before making a purchase. If you are like my clients were before they

met me, Internet searchers won’t find you. If they DO find your half-assed website,

it’s likely they will be unclear about exactly what action to take (and WHY), or they

will have to take inconvenient steps to reach you such as calling or filling out a

comment box. This causes them to go back to Google and see your competitors.

What if you appeared exactly where (and when) a potential

buyer was searching?

1. Buyers will use the Internet to determine WHO to

buy from, WHO is the expert, WHO they should contact right now, and WHO is


2. Buyers are open to your message and your competitor’s message during this

“information search”, they are open to your offers and your “calls to action”.

3. Buyers will take action and/or mental bias during this search, unless they have

a previous referral. So, they are going to give your competition the same chance

as they give you. If you are absent or sub-par here, you are irrelevant. Continued:


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

We can leverage the Internet immediately, with the right

mix of strategy and technology

In a perfect world, you could hire a

random SEO guy, “Web” guy, or marketing

company and they would make this all work out

swell. Like many things in life, it’s not that simple. Google changes its algorithm 500

times per year (literally)… so we have to be smarter if we want leads EVERY month

from this source. Here’s how we do it:

1. Use a mix of PPC, SEO, Social Media, Video, & Articles to find/reach buyers who

are searching for your product of service. You appear in front of their screen

while they search for your product or service, if you do this wrong… you waste

time and money. If you do it right, you win big.

2. Bring those visitors to a “landing page” that is SPECIFICALLY built to answer a

problem/question that they searched for in Google.

3. Make an irresistible offer on the landing page, and provide an easy way for them

to get the offer. Serve them with value UP FRONT here, with advice, info or a

risk-free way to start working with you.

4. Set up an automated system to deliver the promised value, advice, or offer to

them. You can then follow up personally via phone or email, but they will receive

value from you AUTOMATICALLY.

5. Follow up: sell, up-sell, down-sell, or cross-sell: Always have a strategy ready to

help “sell without feeling sales-y” during your follow up.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

2) Automating marketing follow-ups, up/down/ cross selling and updates: We don’t have time to email every lead, past lead and new client daily. So, we

usually don’t…. but that results in lost sales! An Auto-Responder (such as

Awebber.com) is an email system that automatically sends pre-written emails that

YOU write, to any new lead, when that lead is entered into a “list”. How do they get

onto a list? Either you put them there, or they sign up on one of those new fangled

“OPT-IN” FORMS, those forms with the Name, Phone, Email slots (or whatever slots

the marketer wants). The emails can be sent daily, weekly, monthly, WHATEVER

intervals the marketer chooses.

There are ways to follow-up, send info, gifts, bonuses, and

offers automatically! 1. New leads get gifts from you, perfectly assembled: value-added E-Guides, a

video, a free consultation invitation, WHATEVER.

2. Leads that have not become buyers can receive follow up emails from you: new

offers, reminders for a consultation, newsletters, all sorts of goodies.

3. You can track what online marketing is WORKING: ever wonder if marketing is

paying off? You can track where leads come from with these programs.

4. BONUS: You can set responders to put someone on a list after they bought

something too! A special list so they can get coupons, referral gifts for friends,

buyers-only offers, up-selling to new products, cross-selling other services, etc.

Online marketing is the best local business lead generation tool: use it and automate!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

3) Joint ventures: access to other business resources “Your problem, is always someone else’s solution”. Remember that quote

every time you need something: resources, a sales team, storage for inventory,

exposure to a large targeted market, whatever YOU THINK you need money for.

SOME other business or person has additional resources that YOU need. Joint

venture with them, and gain access to whatever you need. Example: a business that

already markets to your ideal buyers and already has rapport with them. They

include your offer in their marketing, or as an up-sell. They keep a % of the

revenues; you get risk-free access to their market. My clients use this with massive


Joint ventures are the best way to access TONS of resources without risk, everyone wins

1. Write down 2-3 things you NEED for your business. Examples: advertising

exposure, more retail space, new revenue streams, a sales team.

2. Brainstorm 2-3 businesses that already HAVE access to what you need. Really

think, you likely have not considered this before. Open up your mind!

3. Write down what you could offer them, in exchange for access to their

resources. Perhaps a % revenue share, access to YOUR resources, percentage

stake in your expanding business, etc. Or… ask them what they want!

4. Approach your possible JV partnerships. Mention “what’s in it for them” first

and often in the approach!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

4) Getting referrals during & after initial sales. There are dozens of referral strategies that are excellent to choose from, and I

am not talking about passively “letting people talk about you”. Actively generating

referrals means new leads that already have a sense of trust in your services.

Rapport has already begun, a huge sales boost and proof that you are worth buying

from. Let’s talk about 2 easy ways to get started generating referrals:

Referrals are more likely to buy, and easy to generate with the

right strategy. 1. Providing a useful “bonus gift” or “value-added”

materials that your clients can GIVE to friends and colleagues. It has to be

something they would want to give, and that the recipients would love to have

(and be grateful for). Example: I owned a martial art school in GA, sometimes I

would let ALL my students “bring a friend for free” for a certain week. They

loved it, and FURTHER MORE, if the friend registered they would get $50 off

registration… AND my referring student would get a $50 gift card. What offers,

tips, coupons, starter-services, etc. can you give buyers to distribute on your

behalf? Write down a few. This is one of the most fun things I do with clients.

2. Directly asking, in a way that is honest and forward. Example: Saying, “if you love

my services, I am sure you know a few other people who love it to. If you write

down their info, I will send them _________(free gift, discount or starter-materials)

and I promise not to be sales-y or hassle them.”


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

5) Irresistible offers, risk-reversal, “entry” purchases Even if you reach 5x the number of target buyers, even if your marketing is

flawless, even if you have a great product for them… you STILL need to get them IN

the door and making their first purchase with you. This is critical, you can waste a

ton of money and resources reaching people if you don’t have a strong enough offer

for them to take advantage of! Simple offers like “free consultation” are ok, but we

want something they can’t refuse! Elements include:

Make an offer that is irresistible, risk-free and a “no brainer” for

your ideal buyers. 1. Offer something that the ideal buyer would

REALLY need, something that will help solve their “big problem”.

2. Offer it risk-free. Either they start free; have a money back guarantee, etc. If you

are confident that you have a great product or service, you can even afford to

take a small loss up front for the sake of increasing buyers on the backend.

3. What STARTER product or service can help “get them in the door”? Maybe a

report or introductory consultation / service? Here are some examples:

4. Example: a motorcycle speed shop offering a free Horsepower check and a “Go

Faster” report showing what tune-ups and improvement will increase the bikes

horsepower. Most will buy a tune-up or engine-improvement package after the

horsepower check! Add a “speed guarantee” to make it irresistible: if the tune-

ups and engine packages can’t increase your bikes HP, its FREE, no charge.

Try 1-2 offers in your marketing materials and online landing pages. See what works!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds


1) Strategy vs. Tactics: the power of leverage and “light-weight” business 96% businesses fail in the first 10-years; I make it my business to ensure my

clients succeed. But for others, despite buying media ads, working SO HARD to

advertise … they still fail (most of the time)… What is the difference between the

successes and the failures? The answer to that has SO many variables, but the

largest of them seems to be strategy vs. tactics.

Without a strategy, all of your efforts are individual, worthless

tactics. Raw tactics = waste

1. A strategy is a collection of “things you do” (tactics)

that are assembled in a way that supports and

reinforces each other. Each tactical move supports the GRAND STRATEGY, the

irresistible offers, the targeted marketing, the JV partnerships, the online

marketing, the referral gifts, etc. 1 focus, 1 goal, 1 message.

2. If you have your action MAP (shown earlier in the book), your strategic

marketing and targeted “ideal buyers” laid out, you must APPLY THE STRATEGY

to everything you do, everything you advertise, everything! Ever looked at

someone’s business card, flyers, TV ad, newspaper ad, and website homepage…

and seen 5 different messages? ALL THE TIME, one has general info, one

advertises a sale, one has a free offer, etc. They all must cooperate.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

2) Maximize what IS working as a profit center, and THEN multiply using new ideas When I first start talking to my clients about business growth, they always

seem to expect a shinny new fancy idea as their “first step”. The truth, I NEVER

divert from your core business until it is maximized! We all have a “core business”,

the thing(s) that brings in 80% of your total revenues each month. The thing that

you do the best job selling, and/or is the most attractive to your local audience, what

is it in your business? Write it down. NOW, what is the source of 80% of the LEADS

that buy your “core product/service”? If you don’t know, use the tips in this book to

get one! Maximize the resulting “best”.

Maximize the core business for maximum revenue, AND THEN add new marketing/offerings

1. What IS working, that we can allocate 80% of our marketing efforts, irresistible

offers, loss-leader offers, time and money resources, etc. to? What “non-core

business” can we take resources from, to bolster the core business? Perhaps a

failing product/service, an up-sell that is not working out, etc. Write it down.

2. AFTER you maximize your core business, and have a HUGE successful platform

for monthly revenues, THEN we can “multiply”. Multiply meaning: using new

marketing mediums, trying new complimentary service/product offerings,

adding additional revenue streams, etc. Maximize, and then multiply.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

3) Build your “pillars of power”: multiple revenue streams and lead sources “Multiply”. Having one major source of revenue, or one major source of leads is

obviously suicide. What happens when that lead-source dries up or “stops”? What

happens then your single revenue stream gets out-marketed by a competitor or is

otherwise rendered obsolete? You get the shaft. So, AFTER maximizing the first

revenue/lead source, we need to build “pillars of power”. Multiple “pillars” (revenue

streams and lead sources) that will hold the building upright if one pillar crumbles.

Having multiple “pillars”, strengthens and safe-guards

against business collapse

1. Write down 1-2 strategic marketing ideas

that you like, but have not yet implemented.

Perhaps from this book. Write a timeline to launch the new idea, and what

questions you have. Maybe better online marketing, new “offers” in your current

marketing materials, a JV partnership with another local business, etc. You can

find answers if you are clear as to what information YOU are missing.

2. Write down 1-2 up-sells or complimentary sells that you can possibly

implement. Example: an upgraded product/service, a complimentary

product/service that would “go well with” the one they bought, or a product that

someone ELSE offers that would be of use/interest to your current buyers (an

affiliate sale). Brainstorm a few and really think about this.

What are your pillars of power? Are you 1 column away from failure? Get it together!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

4) [10, 10, 2x] Model: the 3 combined ways to easily grow your local business by 242% Growing a business, developing strong revenue streams, increasing your

personal income, is NOT a 1-way street. If you think in a linear fashion, “sell more of

the thing I currently sell, at the price I sell it for, in the quantity I sell it in”… it wont

work. Instead, the process is a 3-way intersection, the basis for the [10, 10, 2x]

model. Borrowed from the greatest strategist of our time (Jay Abraham), this model

demonstrates that the 3-way intersection:

Growing by 242% involves 3 SMALL changes, multiplied:

1. Increased quantity of sales: 10%: Increasing

the number of sales by 10% (the first “10”) via subtle marketing changes.

2. Increased price per sale: 10% (the second “10”): by using irresistible offers,

expert positioning, preemption and other credential-boosting ideas shown here,

we can increase price by at least 10%, because the market sees us as “worth it”.

3. Increasing how MANY times each buyer, buys: 2x: by offering up-sells,

complimentary products/services, affiliate sales, and referral strategies shown

here we can induce buyers to purchase from us twice as OFTEN. Usually more

than that for most of my clients! What do all 3 of these add up to?

a. Math: 10% x 10% x (2x) = 240% increase in revenues.

b. [100 x $100 x 1 = $10,000] vs. [110 x $110 x 2 = $24,200] WHOA!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

5) The legendary “loss leader”, and why he made more money than us Sometimes the fastest/best way to acquire a BUNCH of new clients is to take a

loss on their first purchase and then make your money on the repeat purchase or

backend up-sell. This strategy is called the “loss leader” approach. Perhaps you

commission a sales team and incentivize them to sell like crazy, or you could offer

the first purchase at a MASSIVE discount (or free), you could give them access to

“full-service” for the price of “limited service”, the list goes on AS LONG AS you are

confident people will continue to buy! Lose on the

front-end; win on the back-end.

Would you lose on the front-end, for a large increase in clients?

1. If you brought in 4x the number of clients per month, by breaking even or losing

a little on the front end, would it increase your business 2-8x? If so, it’s time to

brainstorm some loss-leader offers that can make that happen.

2. What are 1-2 ways that you could bring a new client through the sales process to

ensure they buy more, buy again, cross-sell into another product/service, or

bring in additional clients to your business? If this is set, then BRING THEM IN by

all means. Examples: a chiropractor giving the first week of treatments at a big

discount, or paying a family doctor 100% of the first week’s treatment fees for

referring patients to them. Tony Robbins takes a financial hit for his $500 UPW

seminar, knowing many will sign up for $5,000 - $30,000 seminars + coaching.

Sometimes getting a ton of new clients is as easy as making a smart, front-end loss.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds


1) The “Daily-5” habits that will save you 10 hours per week They WILL seem a little crazy at first, but this quick list of 5 strategies (when

combined) have saved my clients anywhere from 8-13 hours/ week:

1. Interval times: set certain hours of the day as “designated times” for activities

that seem to “get in the way” of your productivity. This will leave LARGE blocks

of time open for important business-growth tasks! Example, times for: checking

emails/calls 2-3 times daily, having ALL meetings with employees, consultations.

2. Set the top 1-3 business-growth tasks that MUST be completed for the day: no

matter what, you will set aside 2-4 hours (another interval time) for this

essential time. No focus, no growth.

3. “Nothing but this”: When doing something, anything, ONLY allow yourself to

focus on THAT thing. No answering a call during growth time, no checking email

during marketing/lead generation time, no chatting with help during tasks.

4. Delegate anything that DOESNT 100% have to be done by your expert hand:

figure out a standard procedure and give it to an assistant, outsourcer, or

automate it using technology.

5. Parkinson’s Law: “the perceived complexity of a task is in DIRECT correlation

with the amount of time allotted to it”. Set pressing time limits for EVERYTHING,

daily. Your brain will get “super-resourceful” the way it did when you had a

paper due in the morning back in college! Use an egg timer or something.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

2) Using & avoiding technology: how to benefit and avoid the dark-side Technology has given us opportunity for AMAZING productivity and also,

HORRIBLE productivity. It takes an average of 30-minutes to become fully

engrossed in any task. You have to START the 30-minutes over if a phone call, text,

email, Facebook alert, or anything distracts you for a moment. Using technology for

ANYTHING other than the task at hand can send you on tangents for half the day.

“Tech leads to email, email leads to B.S, B.S leads to


1. Turn off the volume on all devices.

AHHHHH, yes it IS possible. Tell the secretary and wife/husband that you will be

returning calls/emails twice daily (interval times). OR use the “Do Not Disturb”

feature on your iPhone (only allows calls from certain numbers, like daycare).

2. If you HAVE TO use the computer for a task, close ALL OTHER WINDOWS other

than the one you need for the task. No Facebook, Yahoo News, etc.

3. No cell phone, other than during the interval times. TRUST ME: checking an

email leads to checking a text, leads to a B.S conversation… ugh.

4. The Dark Power of email: Let people know (respectfully) that you will be getting

back to them during one of your 2 interval times for answering emails, you will

not lose business, chill out! Your inbox is a convenient resting place for other

people’s agendas. Checking emails too often = a world of time-suck.


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

3) Avoiding “Black-Holes”: the things we get sucked into and lose track of time I suffer from this more than any other time-sucking issues. I admit it, and so

should you, because we all have patterns of “useless things we do” that result in

wasted time. Example: checking email, clicking a link, ending up on 4 other pages,

resulting in 30 minutes of research! How about updating your companies Facebook

page, but then liking 5 friends’ images, checking-in on Yahoo News, and maybe even

bouncing to that funny YouTube video that Bill posted on your page. We call these

“sequences of uselessness”, BLACK HOLES.

“Going near that black hole may send us into the future, captain.”

1. Write down a list of things that you do during the

day that tend to lead to “sequences of lost

productivity”. This includes checking text messages, going to certain websites,

checking emails and clicking links, news websites and news stations, talking

with an employee and getting into lengthy chats, using SOCIAL NETWORKS,

checking the mail at your business (leading to a chat with the neighboring

business owner).

2. Recognize the black holes that you no longer want, and ask yourself he

following: “what is the TRIGGER action that I take at the beginning of the black-

hole sequence?” What is the “thing you do” that sets the whole black-hole

sequence in motion? Recognize it so that you can avoid it.

IF you’re saying, “I don’t have time”, remember that you may just be using it wrong…


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

4) The Lamborghini with flat tires: personal energy & getting 2x the RPM’s Honda vs. Lamborghini V12: who wins? Seems obvious, but what if I begin the

race with the Lamborghini’s gas tank on EMPTY? Who wins? Interesting… it seems

no matter what tools you have, when the tank is empty, your SOL. The topic of

personal health is way to important to skip, and way to complex for 1-page. So, we

will cover some of the basics, for you to research and apply. I personally apply these

daily, and my clients get double the energy from themselves using these techniques

as well. They come from the best coaches and natural health specialists alive today,

so give it a shot. (I am not a doctor).

“No energy, no movement. No movement, no progress.”

1. Morning routine: this is key: a good

breakfast involving greens, water, and a healthy food of choice. Workout or go

for a walk for 10-20 minutes, getting the metabolism going and engaging the

energy source of the body.

2. Daily habits example: The easy stuff like using water and GREEN DRINKS (twice

daily) for natural energy and internal functions such as immunity.

a. Eating prepared food from home, instead of fast food (which literally

murders you and saps your energy).

b. Breathing properly: taking the time 2-3 times daily to breath deep and be

conscious of your breath. Oxygen is the body’s most essential resource!


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

5) Eliminating (or reducing) the top 5 things that devour 80% of your time You and I have both said the famous statement “There aren’t enough hours in

the day” at least 100 times in our lives. Is it really true though? Bill Gates, Mother

Theresa, George Washington, Oprah, my neighbor Jim, we all have 24-hours/day.

The question is… how do we USE those hours in a way

that gets MORE done. It’s different for everyone, and the

following process will help reveal your time snags!

Most of us have 4-5 things that eat 80% of our time every day.

1. Get an honest mental picture of the last 7-days of your life. Start with yesterday.

Write down what you were doing yesterday, hour-by-hour. An example from a

radio executive client of mine: he thought he was making the most of his day, but

it turned out he was being interrupted by calls/emails all day, interrupted by

associates walking in all day asking for approvals, etc. THEN MAKE A LIST of all

the “things you do” that can be reduced in time OR given to an assistant to do, OR

eliminated by means of smart systems such as automation or BETTER

PLANNING. Be honest, it will be 60-80% of your day on average.

2. Make notes regarding each item that can be reduced or eliminated: can you

blocks of time for office hours and replying to calls/emails? Perhaps setting up a

system of communication with clients/assistants? Giving tasks to someone?


Copyright 2013 Legacy Masterminds

Results, with zero risk: I hope you enjoyed this “101 guide” to basic strategic thinking in business. One

question though: If you had the chance to have someone do all the work for you,

target your market, get your whole campaign up-and-running, generate LEADS FOR

YOU, and do it all FREE up front… would life be THAT much easier?

The Legacy Masterminds team & I will get everything set up

and generating leads for an ENTIRE MONTH, 100% FREE. No

catch, no gimmicks, no risk, no worry. Then,

If you want to keep getting new leads, you

can join as an official mastermind member

If you don’t want to keep getting new leads,

you can cancel… no questions asked! No charge!

This is 100% win/win, upside for you. Zero

risk, I make all the initial investment here.

Contact me below and say, “Let’s Start!”, I

will reply and schedule a free consultation.

Phone: 386-868-2186

Email: legacymasterminds@gmail.com

Your friend and coach,

Jason Herrera

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