(ebook - english) a concise dictionary of middle english by a.l. mayhew and walter w. skeat 1888.pdf

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  • A

    C O N C I S E D I C T I O N A R Y


    M I D D L E E N G L I S H



  • A

    C O N C I S E D I C T I O N A R Y OF

    M I D D L E E N G L I S H FROM A.D. 1150 TO 1580

    BY THE


    REV. W A L T E R W. S K E A T L1TT.D.; LL.D. EDIN.; M.A. OXON.


    "THESE OUI Ancient Words here set down, I trmt will for this time satisfie the Reader."-K. V ~ S T E G A N , ~~~iii,~iion af~rcnycd i , ~ i i i ? i ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ , ch. uii (at the end)

    "Authentic words be given, or none !" wanusivonra, Lillli O l i M'ZCP~ITEO~'~ Omimi


    [A l l rigiirs rereruedl 5263C3


    THE present work is intended to meet, in some measure, the reqnire- .!merits of those who wish to make some study of Middle-English, and (who find a difficulty in obtaining such assistance as \\-ill enable them to !find out the mennin~s and etyrnolopies of the words most essential to

    . -

    : their purpose. J The best Middle-English Dictionary, that by Dr. Rlitzner of Berlin,

    has only reached the end of the letter H; and it is probable that )'it will not be completed for many years. The only Rliddle-I

  • vi PREFACE.

    the circumstances that gave rise to it. Sonie useful and comparatively inexpensive volumes illustrative of the Middle-English period hare been issued by the Clarendon Press; all of which arc furnished with glossaries, explaining all the important words, with exact references to the passages wherein the words occur. In particular, the three useful hand-books containing Specimens of English (fiom 1150 down to I 580) together supply no less illan sixty-seven characteristic extracts fiom the inost important literary monuments of this period; and the three glossaries to these books together fill more than 370 pages of closely-printed type in double columns. The idea suggested itself that it xvould be highly desirable to bring the vcry useful information thus already collected under one a@ha6et, and this has now been effected. At the same time, a reference has ill every case been carefully given to the parii iuiar Glossarial Index which registers each form here cited, so that it is perfectly easy for any one ~vho consults our book to refer, not merely to the particular Index thus noted, but to the references given in that Index; and so, by ineans of such references, to find every passage referred to, with its proper context. nloreover the student only requires, for illis purpose, a small array of thc text-books in thc Clareiidon Press Series, instead of a more or less complete set of edibions of nliddle-English tcxts, the pos- session of which necessitates a considerable outlay of money. By this plan, so great a covipi-ession of information has been aclrievcd, that a large number of the articles give a summary such as can be readily expanded to a considerable length, by the exercise of a very little trouble ; and thus the work is practically as full of material as if it had been three or four times its present size. A couple of cxamples mill shew what this re a I! 1' means.

    At p. z6 is the follo\ving entry:- 'Bi-heste, s6. promise, S, Sz, Cz, P ; byheste, Sz; beheste, Sz ;

    byhest, Sz; bihese, S ; biheest, W ; bihese, p2., S.-AS. be-hiPs.' By referring to the respcctive indexes here cited, such as S (=Glossary

    to Specimens of English, Part I). and the likc, we easily expand this article into the fo1loming:-

    'Bi-heste, s6. promise, S (9. 1 9 ) ; Sz (I a. 184); Cz (B37, 41, 42, F 699); P (3. 126); byheste, Sz (18 6. 25); beheste, Sz (14 a. 3 ) ; byhest, Sz (12. 57, 18 6. 9, [where it may also be explained by ~ r n n i ] ) ; bihese, S (where it is used as a plural); biheest, W (promise, com- mand, Lk. xxiv. 49, Rom. iv. 13 ; pl. lidecsiis, Heb. xi. 13); bihese, S (pl. hehcsts, promises, 4 d. 55).-AS 6ehiPs.'

    In order to exliihit the full meaning of this-\vhich requires no further

  • PREFACE. vii

    explanation to those who have in hand the hooks denoted by S, Sz, &c.-- it \vould be necessary to print the article at considerable length, as follows :--

    'Biheste, s6, promise; "dusi hihesic," a foolish promise, (extract from) Ancrcn Riwlc, 1. 19; "and we1 lute aule hulde ],e 6ihesfe bat he nom," (extract from) Robert of Gloucester, 1. 1 8 4 ; 'Lholdcth your biheste," Chaucer, Introd. to hlan of Law's Prologue, 1. 37 ; " dihesfe is dctte," samc, I. 41; "a1 my biheste," samc, 1. qz; "or breken his diheste;" Chaucer, sequel to Squieres Tale, 1. 698 ; "porw fals dih~~fe," Piers Plowman, Text B, Pass. iii, 1. 126 ; "to vol-vulle (fulfil) pat lyheste," Trevisa (extract from), lib. vi. cap. 29, I. 25; "the lond of promyssioun, or of liehesfe," Prol. to IV~andeville's Travels, 1. 3 ; "vij, fair @-hesi," William and the Werwolf, 1.57; "pe &hest (promise, or grant) of o11ere menne kyngdom," Trevisa, lib. vi. cap. 29, 1. 9 ; " y schal sende the biheesf of my fadir in-to >on," Wyclif, Luke xxiv. 49; "not hi the lawe is bdeest to Abraham," TVycl. Kom. iv. 13 ; " whannc the 6iheesfir weren not talcun," Wycl. Heb. xi. 13 ; "longenge to godes h h e , " Old Eng. Homilies, Dominica iv. post Pascha, 1. 55.'

    VWc thus ohtain fifteen excellent examples of the use of this word, with the full context and an exact reference (easily verified) in every case. And, in the above instance, all the quotations lie within the compass of the elcven texts in the Clarendon Press Series denoted, respectively, by S, Sz, S3, C, Cz, C3, W, Wz, P, H, and G.

    Tbc original design was to make use of these texl-hooks only; but it was so easy to extend it by including examples to be obtaincd from other Glossaries and Diclionaries, that a considerable selection of interesting words was added from these, mainly for the sake of illustrating the words in the Clarendon text-books. These illustrative ~vords can be fully or partially verified by those who happen to possess all or some of the works cited, or they can safely be taken on trust, as really occurring there, any mistake being due to such authority.

    A second example will make this clearel.. ' Brant, a& steep, high, MD, HD ; brent, JD ; brentest, superl. Sz.--AS. iira?it (6ro7zl) ; cp. Swed. 6ra?~t, Icel. 67-aftr.'

    Omitting the etymology, the above information is given in two short lines. Those \vl~o possess the 'Specimens of English' n;ill casily find the example of the superl. 6rmiest. By consulting Witan~r's, Halliwell's, and Jamieson's Dictionaries, further information can he obtained, and the full article will appear as follows :-

    'Brant, a+. steep, high, MD [brant, brent, adj. ags. drand, arduus,

  • viii PREFACE.

    altus, altn. 6mtty, altsch\v. 67-aater, schw. 67-ant, 61-ail, din. 6raL, sch. hren?, nordengl. Diall. 6ranl: cf. "Crarrf, steepe,"&Tanipulus Cocabulorum, p. z5: steil, hoch.-"Apon the bald B~icifelon dra~zt up he sittes," Icing Ales- ander, ed. Stevenson, p. 124 ; "Thir mountaynes ware als Zranl upritjc as thay had bene walles," AIS. quoted in Halli~~~ell 's Dict., p. 206; " Hyje bonklccs & 6rc72l," Gawain and the Grene Knight, 1. I? 16 j ; " Barred to r e hyj bonk per breniesl hit \\,ern," Alliterative Poems, ed. Jlorris, Poem B, 1. 3791 ; HD [brant, steep, i K ~ ~ t h : "Brant against Floddcn Hill," ex- plained by Na1.e~ from Ascham, " up the steep side ;" cf. Brit. Bibl, i. 132, same as 6,-and&?-"And thane thay com tille wonder heghe mountaynes, and it scmed as the toppes had towched the firmament; and thir mountaynes were als b r a d uprijle as thay had belle ~~ralles, so that ther was na clymbyng upon thame," Life of Alexander, RIS. Lincoln, fol. 38] ; ID [brent, a$. high, straight, upright: "Rly bak, that sumtyme brmi hes bene, Now crnilris lyk ane camok tre," Maitland Poems, p. 193 ; followed by a d i ~ ~ u . n b n e.xfendLi?g to more lhn7z 160 liites of sn~nl l przizi, which wcj&deaf- lo yzio/e]; brentest, sz@erZ. Sz. 13. 379 ["And bowed to pe hy? bonk per bril~/est hit mere (MS. wern)," Allit. Poems, I. 379 ; all-tady cited ih Rliitzner, a6outI.'

    The sork, in fact, contains a very large collection of vords, in many variant forms, appearing in English literature and in Glossaries between A.D. 1150 and A.D. 1550. The glossaries in S z , S3 (Specimens of Eng- lish, rzg8-1393, and 1394-1579) have fi~rnished a considerable number of words belonging to the Scottish dialect, which most dictionaries (excepting of course that of Jamieson) omit.

    The words are so arranged that even the beginner mill, in general, easily find what lie wants. We have included in one article, together with the Main Word, ail the variant spellings of the glossaries, as well as the etymological information. We have also given in alphabetical order numerous cross-references to facilitate the findingof most of the variant forms, and to connect them with the Rlain Tlrord. In this \ray, the arrangement is at once etymological and alphabetical-adapted to the needs of the sludcnt of the language and of the student of the literature.

    The meanings of the words are given in modern English, directly altcr the Main Word. The nriant forms, as given in their alphabetical position, are frequently also explained, thus saving (in such cases) the trouble of a cross-reference, if the meaniug of the word is alone required.

    An attempt is made in most cases to give the etymology, so far at least as to shew the immediate source of the Middle-English word. Especial pains have been taken with the words of French origin, which

  • PREFACE. ix

    form so large a portion of the vocabulary of the Middle-El~glisli period. In many cases the A F (Anglo-F~encb) forms are cited, from my list of English Words found in Anglo-l'lench, as published for the Philological Society in 1882.

    The student of English n.110 x~isiies to trace back the history of a word still in use can, in general, find the Middle-English form in Skcat's Etymological Dictionary, and mill then be able to col~sult the present work in order to obtain further instances of its early use.

    The relative share of the authors in the preparation of this work is easily explained. The whole of it in its prcscnt form (with the exceptioil of the letter N) was compiled, prepared, and written out for press by Mr. Mayhew. The original plan nas, ho\~cver, my own ; and I began by writing out the letter N (since augmented) by way of experiment and model. I t will thus be seen that Mr. &Taylle~v's share of the work has been incompnrably the larger, illvolving all that is most laborious. On the other hand, I may claim that mucli of the labour was mine also, at a inuch earlier stage, as having originally compiled or revised the glossaries marked Sz, S3, C z , C3, W, TVz, P, and G, as well as the very full glossarial indexes cited as U, PP, and W4, and the dictionary cited as Skll. The important glossary marltcd S \vas; honever, originally the work of Dr. Morris (since re-ir-ritlen by &TI-. hlayliem), and may, i n a sense, be said to he the bacli-bone of the 1%-llole, from its supplying a very large number of the inost curious and importarlt early forms.

    The material used has been carefully revised by both authors, so that they must be held to bc jointly responsible for the final form in which the whole is now offered to the puhlic.

    One grcat difficulty in finding a Middle-English word in this, or any other, Ilictionary is due to the frequent variation of the symbols denoting the vowel-sounds. Througliout the wliole of the period to xvhich the work relates the symbols i andy , in particular, are cor~stantly interchanged, whether they stand alone, or form parts of diphthongs. Consequently, words which are spell 11jit11 one or these syrnbols in a given text must frequently he looked for as if spelt with the other; i.e. the pairs of syinbols i and y, ni and ay, ci and y, oi and oy, ai and zy, must he loolied upon as lilielp to be used indifferently, one lor the other. For further informa- tion, the student should consult the remarks upon Phonology in the Specimens of English (1150 to I ~ O O ) , 2nd ed., p. xxv. For those who

  • have not time or opportunity to do this, a few brief notes may perhaps suflice.

    The followiiig symbols are frequently confused, or are employed as equivalent to each other because they result from the same sound in the Oldest English or in Anglo-French :-

    2;~;--ai, a~;-ez; y ; - o L ; o y ;-ui, 9. a, o ;-a, u?, e, ca ;-c, eo, ie ;-o, u, OZL ;-(all originally short). a, u?, en, e, ee;-e, ee, eo, Zi ;-a, 00, OC;-U, O ~ L , ui;-(a11 long). These are the most usual interchanges of syml~ols, and will commonly

    sullicc for practical purposes, in cases where the cross-references fail. If the word bc not found alter such substitulions have been allo\vcd for, it may bc talcell for ranted that the Dictionary does not contain it. As a fact, the Dictionary only contains a considerahlt number of such words as are most common, or (for some special reason) deserve notice; and it is at once conceded that it is but a small hand-book, vhich does not preteud to exhibit in aii its fulness the extraordinarily copious vocabu- lary o l oul. language at an important period of its history. The student wishing for complete information will find (in course of timc) that the New English Dictiouary mhich is being brought out by the Clarcnclon IJress will colltai~i ail words found in our literature since the year 1100.

    Of course variations in the vo~vel-sounds are also ii~troduced, in the case of stro~ig verbs, by the usual 'gradation' due to their method of conjugation. T o meet this difficulty in some measure, numerous (but not exhaustive) cross-references have bee11 introduced, as xvliell, e.g. 'Bar, bare' is given, with a cross-reference to Beren. Further hclp in this respect is to be had from the table or 183 strong verbs given at pp. lxix-lxxxi of the Preface to Part I of the Specimens of English (2nd edition) ; see, in particular, the alphabetical index to the same, at pp. lxxxi, lxxxii. The same l'rcface further contains some account of the three principal 3Iiddlc-English dialects ((p. xl), and Outlines of the Grammar (13. xlv). It also explains the meaning of the symbols P, "6 (both used for lh), j (used fory initially, gh medially, andgh or r fillally), with other necessary information.

  • THE CLARENDOS PRESS GLOSSARIES. This worlr gives aN thc words and early form contained in the

    glossaries to eleven publications in the Clarendon Press Series, as below :-

    ~.-SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH, ed. Morris, P a r t I : from A.D. 1150 tO A. D. 1300.

    This book contains extracts from :-1. Old English Homilies, ed. hlarris, E. E.T.S. 1867-8,pp. 23o-a4t; s. The Saxon Chronicle,*.l,. 1137,1138,1140, 1154; 3. Old Eng. IIomilies, ed. Morris, First Series, pp. 40-55; 4. The same, Second Serics, pp. 89-109 ; 5. The Ormnulum, ed. White, 11. 962-1719, iq,. 31- 57 ; 6. Layamon's Brut, ed. Madden, 11. 13785-74387 [add1 3784 to tile ?azrriiber of the iiize ill fhe v&re,zic] ; 7 . Saivles Watde, from Old Eng. IIorniiies, ed. Monis, First Series, pp, 245-zqg, zgg-z67 ; 8. St. Juliana, ed. Cockqne and Brocli; 9 . Tlie Ancren l

  • xii PREFACE.

    IIeieford's version of tile Psalms, Pr. r4(15), 2 3 (24). 1 0 2 (103) ; 18. Trevisa's translation of IIigden'r Palyclironicon, lib. i. c. 41, c. 59, lib. vi. c. 29; lo. Chaacer, M a n of Law's Tale ; 20. Gower's Confessio Amantis, part of Hook V.

    S3.-SPECIMZNS OF ENGLISH, Part 111, ed. Skeat ; from A.D. 1394-1579. This book contains extracts from :-1. Piercc the Ploughman's Crcde, 11. 153-

    267, 339-jh5, 744-765, 785-823 ; 2. Hoccle?~'sDe llegimine Principurn, stanrns 281-301, 598-628; 3. Lydgate, Loi~don Lickpenny, and the Storie of Thebes, bk. ii. 11. 1064-1419; 4. James I (of Scotland), the I

  • P R E F A C E .


    No'r~.-The abbreviations referring to the authorities Tor the forms of English words (AD. 1150-,580) are printed in italics. (CP=Clarendon Press.)

    I. A@,$.: Alphita, a Medico-Botanical ' 20. CV: Icelandic Dictionary, Cleasby and

    f r a n ~ a a (glossaire), 1880. 6:. BH: Barlsch and Homing, Langut

    et Litterature fran~aises, ,857. 7. Bosworth: Anglo-Saxon Dietionilly

    Glossary, ed. Mowat, 1887. CP. 2. Anglo-Saxon Goipeli,in AS. andNorth-

    umbrian Versions, ed. Slceut. 3. Apfelstedt: Lothringischer Psalter (des

    XIV Tahrhondertr>. ,881. ,,

    q. B: Barhour's Brucc, rd. Slieal, 1870, EETS. (Extla Series xi).

    5. Bardsly: English Surnames, 1875. 6. Bartsch: Chrestornathie de I'ancicn

    1838. 8. Bruchet: French Dict., 1882. CP. 4. Hrilamnnn : Grundriss. 1886.

    Vigfuason, ~874 . CP. 21. DG : Davies, Supplementary English

    Glossary, 1881. 2%. Diei: Etyrnologinches LVGrterbuch,

    1878. 23. Douse: Introduction to the Gothic uf

    Ulfilus, 1886. 24. Ducange: Gloasarium, ed. Henichel,


    , -

    10. BT.: Bosworth-Toller AS. Dicl. [A- SARI. CP.

    11 . C: Chuucer: Prol., Knieht's Tale NLIII.~ Priest's Tale. cP.

    - .

    zl*. Ducnngc: Glossaire Franqais, ed. 1887.

    25. EDS: English Dialect Society. 26. EZTS: Early English Text Society. 27. Fick: Whrterbuch der indogermanis-

    chen Spraclien, 1874. 28. Flonio: Italian and English Dict.,1611. zg. G : Tale of Gamely", ed. Skeat, 1 8 8 ~ .

    C P ~

    la. C z : Chaucer; Prioress, Sir Thopas, M o n k Clerk, Squire. CP.

    13. C3 : Cha~iccr ; Man of Law, Pardoner, Sccond Nun. Canon's Yeornan. CP.

    - . -

    31. G~e in : Glossar der angcliiichsischen Poesie, 1861.

    32. Grimm: Teutonic Xyth~logy, ed. Stal- hbrass. 1881.

    14. Cath.: Catholicon Angliculn ( a , ~ . 1483), ed. IIerrtage, 1881. EETS (75).

    15. Chron.: Two Saxon Chronicles, ed. Earle, 1865. CP.

    16. CM: Chaucer,ed. Mcrris, 1880. 17. Constans: Chrestomathie de l'ancien

    franqais (&lossaire), 1884. 18. Cots.: Cotgrave, French and English

    Dict., 1611. 19. Cartiar: Greek Etymology, ed. Wilkins

    and England, 1886.

    . . -

    33. 11: IIampole, Psalter, ed. Bramle~, 1884. CP.

    34. 1ZD : Ilalliwell, Dict. of Archaic and Provincial Words, 1874.

    35. Heliand, ed. Heyne, 1873. 36. I D : Jnmieson, Scoltisi~ Dictionary,

    1867. 37. 1Cluge : etpologisches TIrarterbuch der

    deuticlien Spruche, 1883. 38. Leo : angelsichsisches Glossnr, 1877. 39. Ma?zip. : Manipulus Vocabulornrn, Le-

    "ins, ed. Wheatley, EETS, 1867.

  • xiv PREFACE.

    40. AfD: Mitzner, altenglischer W8rter- 61 SA Shal~espearc Lexicon, bv Schmidt, buch Ti\-H1.1885. 1 ' i875. >. "

    41. blinshco : Spanish and English Dict., ,623.

    42. ArD: Narcs, Glossary, 1876. 43. N k D : New English Dictionary, ed.

    IvIi~rray [A-UOZ]. CP. 44. NQ : Notes nud Queries. 45. OET : Oldest EnglinhTerls, ed. Sweet,

    1885, EETS (83). 45'. ONE: Oliphant, The New English,

    1886. 46. Otirid : Evangelienbnch, glossar, ed.

    Piper, ,864. 47. P : Piels the Plowman (li~tert), ed.

    Skcat. CP. 48. Palw: Palsgrave, 1,escl~ircissement de

    Iang~le iiancoyse, ed. 1852. 49. I 'P: Piers tbc Plowman, glossary by

    Skcat, rSSj, EETS (81). 50. PP. Notcr: by Skcat, 1877, EETS(G7). 51. Proiiipf.: PromptoriumParvulorum, cd.

    Way, Camden Soc., 18Gj. 52. PE. : (after P r e n c h i o r m ~ ) , ~ c e A ~ f e I ~ t e d t . 53. RD: Richnrdaon's English Dictionary,

    1867. 54. Roland: Chanson dc Roland, ed. Gau-

    tier, 1881. 55. S: S1,eeimens of Early English, l'art I,

    ed. Morris, 1885. CP. 56. Sz: Specimens of Early English, part

    11, ed. Morris and Skcat, 1873. CP. 57. S3: S~~ccirnenr o i English Literatille,

    ed. Skeat, 187y. CP. 58. S 8 : Sinonoma Hmtholomci, 14th Cent.

    Glorsary,ed. Mownt, 1882. CP. 59. Sch~nid : Gesetze der Angelsnchsen

    (glossar), 18jS. Go. SD: Stratmann, Dict. of the Old Eng-

    lish Langnage, 1878.

    . .

    62. Sieveis : Grammar of Old English, ed. A.S. Cook, 1885.

    6 3. SAD: Skeut, Etymological Dict. o i Eng. Lang., 1884. CP.

    64. Skeat, English Words in Norman- French, 1882, Phil. Soc.

    G j . Skeat, hlceso-gothic Glossary, 1868. 66. SPB: Smythe Palmer, Dictionary of

    Folk-Etymology, 1882. G7. Sprnscr: Faery Qneenc, glossaries to

    Hoolts I nod 11, 1887. CP. 68. Sweet: AS. Reader, 1884. CP. 69. Tatian: Evungelienbilch, cd. Sievers,

    1872. 70. TC: Trench, Select Glossary, 1879. 71. ?i-duisa: version of IIigden, Rolls'

    Series (41). 7 2 . Vot. : TTright's Vocabularies, ed.

    Wiilcker, 1884. 73. VP : Vespasian Psalter, ar printed in

    OET., see 45. 74. Vulg : Lhc Vcilgvte Version of the

    Bible. 75. W: Wycliffe, New Testament (Par-

    ~cy ' s revision), ed. Skeat, 1879. CP. 76. PVz: Wycliffc, Job, Psalms, &c. (rc-

    vised by Hereford and Purvey), ed. Skent, 1881. CP.

    77. WA : Wars o i Alemodrr, ed. Skeat, 1887, EETS (Extra Series nlvii).

    78. IVeigand : deutsches Wiirterbach, ,878.

    79. TVindisch : Glossary added to Old Irish Texts, 1882.

    80. WW: Wright, The Bible Word-Book, 1884.

    81. ZRP: Zeitrchriit iiir romanische Phila- logie, ed. Grober.



    A F : Anglo-French, see 64. I ME. : Middle English. AS : Anglo-Saxon, see 10, 3 7 , q j , 62. Nort11.E. : Northern English, see 4, 36. Church Lnt.: Ecclesiastical Latin, see 2 4 , . O F . : Old French, see 3, 6, 17, 18, l z , 24,

    I n thc etymological part thrcc stops are used as symbols in connexion with the cog- nate forms cited, namely the comma, the semi-coloil, and the colon. The comma is uscd to connect various spellings of a word, as well as parallel formr cited from nearly connecteil lnnguagea: for instance, s.v. daunger, the O F , forms are so connected. The semi-colon between two formr denotes that the two forms are phonetically equivalcnt, andthat the preceding one ir directly derived frorn, and is historically connected with the one following this symbol; for instance, s.v, bugle, the O F , h z f k is the phonelic equivalent of thc Lat. l i~ialum, and is immediarely derived therefrom. T h e colon be- tween two forms denotes that the two forms are phonetically equivalcnt, and that the form following this symbol is an earlier, more primitive form than the oiie preceding, withant an immediate interborro\~ing betireen the languages being asserted ; for in - stance, s. v. demen, the Goth. ddidny'a./nr~ is an older form thail the AS. ddmorr, but ddr,inn is not borrowed from the Gothic. Thc abbreviation 'cp.' introduces other cognate farms, and has the same value us the symbol + in Skent's Dictionaries.

    The asterisk * a t tlie beginning of a word denotes a theoretical form, assumed (upon scientific princlliles) t o have iornlerly cnisted. The sign=is to be read ' a translation of.' ' ( $ 2 ) ' after Prompt., Catli, and other aulborities rciers to foot~notes or other notes citing the form in question.

    74. Goth.: Gothic, see 23, 65. Gr.: Greek, seeg, 19, 27. Icel. : Icelandic, see ao. It. : Italian, see 28. Lut. : Latin. Late Lat. : Post-classical Latin, of Latin

    origin, see zq, 7 2 , 74. Low Lat. : I.atin deiiverl from the later

    European languages, see I, 14, 24, $1, 58.

    30, 48, 54. OHG. : Old IIigh German, see 3 j , 46, 69,

    78. OIr. : Old Irish, see 19 , 79. OMerc.: Old blercian, see a (Rushworth 1 version), 45.73. ONorth. : Old Northumbrian, see 2. OS. : Olci Saxon, see 35. OTeut. : Old Teutonic (as restored by

    scholars), see 27 , 43. Sp. : Sk>anish, sec 41.







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