e€t*uru* ilerueer helpr avid golfer€¦ · grafts," yacono says. dr. fiorilli cleared...

Post on 08-Oct-2020






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Helpr Avid GolferR €FFhi le most gol fers do nor rel ish

% R i p laying dur ing the cold wearher,g H Arnold Rorhman welcomed the

opportunity to finally swing his belovedclubs again this past winter. Although helives at Four Seasons, a golf communityin Lakewood, Arnold hadn't been ableto golf due to a non-healing wound onhis leg. The wound was caused by anulcer that developed on an old skin graftthat he received in 1989.

"My diabetes prevented the wound onmy leg from healing properly," notesArnold, a 71-year-old former restaurantmanager. Arnold finally found hope afterhe was referred to Centrastate's CentralJersey \7ound Treatment Center. "To behonest, I truly didn't believe there was acure for me."

CUSTOMIZED WOUND CARIWTTH OXYGEN THERAPYThe \7ound Treatment Center's teamof physicians, clinicians, and therapistsprovides multidisciplinary therapy fornon-healing, chronic wounds usingthe newest techniques and technology,including hyperbaric oxygen therapy(HBO). During HBO therapy, a non,invasive, safe, and painless treatment,patients lie down in a glass chamber andcomfortably breathe 100 percent oxygenat pressure levels that are triple the norm.This increased oxygen helps to repairdamaged skin tissue.

Nearly five-million Americans sufferfrom non-healing wounds, mostly as aresult of diabetes, multiple sclerosis, poor

circulation, radiation therapy, advancedperipheral artery disease, or extendedimmobility. Untreated, these wounds canlead to serious complications, includinginfect ion and even amputar ion.

"I received daily therapy for eight weeks,"recalls Arnold. "The Centrastateclinicians, doctors. and nurses wereliterally the nicest people on earth." Henotes that the 90-minute HBO sessionspass quickly because the chamberincludes a television and DVD player.

MUTTI-DISCIPLINARYTRIATMENTAnthony Fiorilli, DPM, a podiatriston staff at CentraState, managedArnold's treatment olan. ".Wehave the expertise andtechnology to trear woundsusing a multi-prongedstrategyr" says Dr.Fiorilli. "After therapy,which included a skingraft, we saw markedimprovement inArnold's leg, but thewound still required asecond skin graft."To Arnold's unexpecteddelight, the secondbio-engineered tissuegraft healed his woundfor the first time in sevenmonths.

Diane Yacono. RN. ANP-BC, CI7S,'Wound TreatmenrCenter coordinator, emphasizesthat non-healing wounds can beparticularly challenging ro cure andrequire a multidisciplinary attack. Also,the longer a wound goes without healing,the greater the chance for infection,which can prolong the time for completehealing of a wound. "Arnold's caserequired local wound care, hyperbaricoxygen therapy, and two artificial skingrafts," Yacono says.

Dr. Fiorilli cleared Arnold to resumegolfing, winter or not. Arnold sayshe played in the cold for a few weeksbefore heading south to Florida withhis wife. "Someone should warn the

A nrnold Rothman is back on the golf coursewith his wife Sandra thanks to CentraState'sCentral Jersey Wound Treatment Center.

golfers down south," he said beforeleaving."Arnold Rothman is coming totown, and he's ready to play."

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