eating disorders

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Eating Disorders


By Miguel Ángel Vaquero, Rubén Hernández and Rubén Grande


PicaPica is an eating disorder which

consists on an irresistible wish of eating or licking non-nutritious substances.

Its name comes from the scientific name of the magpie: Pica pica (Corvidae’s family). This bird presents the same behaviour as the people affected by this disorder.

Pica is common in babies of more of 24 months, pregnant women, people with mental problems and teenagers, in most of the cases, that have had a recently anorexia nervosa or bulimia disorder. It appears too in animals.

Pica IIThe substances which the affected eats the most are material,

earth, metals, wood, paint, feces, or even, shoe polish. Depending on the substance eaten, the pica disorder has a

different name. Examples:Rapunzel disorder (hair) Coprophagy (feces)

Geophagy (earth) Mucophagia (mucus)

Its origin is unknown. Some psychologists claim that is a result of imitation, stress, stimulation way or a simple way of catching our attention.

The main problems it causes are poisoning and digestive tract’s obstruction.

Potomania (or psychogenic polydipsia)

Its name comes from the greek term “potos”, which means “drink”.

According to its name, this eating disorder consists on a wish of drinking big amounts of liquids, for example, water (polydipsia).

Its origin is unknown, but probably psychiatric. Sometimes this disorder appears together with the anorexia nervosa. In this last case, the affected drinks lots of water in order to:

Satisfy their stomach without eating calories.Increase their body weight just before being tested by

the doctor.

Potomania (II)Our body is able to eliminate sporadic spare amounts

of a substance in it. But if there are constant over levels of a substance, we could have a problem, such as, in this case, headache, cramps, hallucinations, paralysis, drowsiness or kidney problems.

The daily recommended amount of water is between two and two and a half litres. A person affected by potomania drinks 5-8 L per day.

It’s important to remember that the water is good, in its just quantity.



OrtorexiaHealthy or Unhealthy?

Ortorexia is an eating disorder related with the consumism of healthy and unhealthy products. The consumers are obsessed with healthy meals and this can threat their health. They use to eat some products that are unhealthy but which they think they are healthy for them.

VeganismIs the abstinence of consuming animal products. It is very common in asian and some european countries. Vegans are usually confused with vegetarians but their diet is very different.

Their diet consit of vegetal products, soy derivates and proteic substitutes. Some famous vegan products are:-Ratatouille-Falafel(Chickpeas)-Soy and almond milk-Veggie burgers-Seitan

Some problems of veganism are normally related with pregnant women and children.

During the pregnancy , if a mother is a vegan , the fetus don´t absorb enough nutrients to grow , and it will probably born with deformations.Also nutricionists advise that children under 10 years musn´t eat a vegan diet because their development isn´t complete.

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