easter revision guide

Post on 01-Jan-2017






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Year 13

Easter Revision Guide


INTRODUCTION The purpose of this booklet is to offer you additional support during the Easter holiday which is the crucial period for intensive revision before your public examinations begin. We return to school on Tuesday 19th April after a three week break and there is no doubt that your final grade in August will depend on the effort you have made during this time. This booklet contains important information from all of the various subject areas and should be used as a starting point for your revision preparation. Each Department has explained what they require of you over the holidays and where you can find important information regarding your upcoming exams. There is also information about where to find past paper material as well as mark schemes and examiner reports. All of these things are essential to create a strong foundation upon which to base your revision.

ORGANISATION It may seem daunting when you consider all that you need to do over the Easter holidays, however, if you break this down into manageable blocks you will find that you can work through everything more effectively. You will need to spend at least 8 hours on each of your subjects per week. The most important starting point is to be as organised as possible – this means organising your folders, books, notes and any additional resources or revision material you have gathered over the course of the year so far. Once you have done this, you can begin to think about setting out a revision timetable and working through the different topics in each of your subjects. When you make your revision timetable, think about setting it out to match the school day as this is a familiar working routine for you – give yourself 2 ‘lessons’ in the morning and then have a break, follow this by another 2 and then lunch etc. You can even give yourself a 5 minute break between ‘lessons’ to get up and move about – it is important not to remain sat at your desk too long; your mind will work more effectively if you exercise and energise yourself at regular intervals. Don’t forget to also consider sleep and food as important companions to effective learning and ensure that you drink plenty of water whilst you revise.

REVISION The most effective way to approach your revision is to divide your subject work up into different Units or Topics – this will continue your ability to organise your work and will allow you to approach your revision in small, manageable chunks. Try to implement some of the revision habits and techniques you have learnt in your Study Skills sessions this year and create ‘revision products’ such as mind maps, mnemonics and index cards etc. At the end of each revision session test yourself in the way you will be tested in the examination i.e. try a timed exam question, write a timed essay or complete a table or task using the information revised. This is something to return to school with, ready for feedback from your teachers.

REST & RELAXATION Finally, remember that you will need to allow your mind and body to rest and recuperate from both this busy term and after each day of revising. If you are following a revision timetable based on the school day you can use time in the evenings and at weekends to schedule time off for relaxing. However, beware of giving yourself too much time off and using the idea of recovering as an excuse to avoid revision – displacement activities such as cleaning your room and tidying the garage can wait!!



The best way to organise is the one that works for you. There is no golden rule that works for everyone. These are general ideas that may help you to work out your own system for organising your time. DO:

Work out how much time you have available, and when.

Use a timetable to fill in times you know you will be doing other things e.g. Sunday lunch with family etc. Only then can you know how much time you have to revise in.

List the tasks you have to complete before you fill in the rest of the timetable. Use the revision booklets and guidance given in class to work out what has to be done. Work out priorities between these tasks. Make decisions about how long to spend on each task and set targets for each period of revision.

Revision takes many forms; it is active and requires you to do something beyond reading.

Organise pieces of work (essays, exam practice papers) into smaller, less daunting tasks. DON'T:

Don't try to do it all at once.

Neglect any of your courses, especially those you find relatively easy or particularly difficult.

Drift from essay deadline to essay deadline. While working on an essay in one course, you should continue reading and preparing for other courses.

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted. Stick to your timetable.

REVISION METHODS AND ACTIVITIES All revision methods work…for someone! You know what works best for you; the trick is to know what suits your learning style. Do look at the sheets you completed in the Study Skills days this year to remind yourself of this. Reading and re-reading notes and books is hard work, time consuming and lonely, not to mention boring. It also has a low payoff in terms of exam grades. Try some of these methods instead: 1. Read through your notes and break them into sub-topics; write summaries, ask critical questions.

2. Build up a subject glossary e.g. vocabulary & definitions.

3. Recall what you have read: mnemonics, outlines, plans and diagrams. Prioritise topics you find difficult.

4. Practise: past papers, plans, problem solving. Devise potential exam questions and then answer them or use questions from the exam board website.

5. Practise questions in timed conditions only when you have revised the material: write out a plan for an ideal answer and then revise from this outline essay plan. Only then try it as a timed piece.

6. Learn how you are to be assessed as much as what is being assessed – use the Assessment Objectives to help with this.

7. Use practical strategies to suit your learning style e.g.

i. Visual - colour coding, creating posters of quotations, mind maps, index cards etc.

ii. Auditory - Record your notes and play them back, fit notes to a favourite tune, discuss and answer questions orally, test yourself with a friend.

iii. Kinaesthetic – Move around your room or house and allocate certain pieces of furniture or even different rooms to each topic, leave yourself post-it notes on the stairs etc.

EFFECTIVE REVISION Now that you know some good methods for revising, here is some advice to help you spend your time more effectively: 1. Start to revise early in the holidays - don’t wait until it’s too late.

2. Avoid long spells of just reading – this is not the most effective way to learn and remember information.

3. Practise answering exam questions.

4. Work in lots of short spells rather than a few long ones.

5. Use any available time to revise – this could be on a long journey, at Granny’s house etc.

6. Give yourself variety - don’t use the same method over and over again and don’t stay on one topic too long.

7. Practise important things many times. Make sure that you can apply what you know to new situations or a variety of exam questions.

USING THE EXAMINER’S EXPERTISE The job of examiners is to give you marks, not to take them away, but they are powerless to help you if you fall into the most common traps. These are the biggest pitfalls they have identified:

Not reading the paper correctly: Examiners say that this is one of the most regular and fatal errors. They call it the 'triggered answer'. You have your pre-prepared answer ready but you don't look at the exact terms/phrase of the question and therefore supply the wrong information in your answer.

Not finishing the paper: Mis-managing your time within the exam can easily cost you a full grade. The biggest exam 'crime' is to leave suitable questions un-attempted. Remember, it is much easier to get the first 20% of the marks for any question than the last 5%. Therefore, if you find yourself stuck for time as you struggle through your third answer out of five, do not spend your remaining time extending and perfecting that answer. Instead, move on to questions four and five, even if your attempt is sketched or in point form. If you have answered only three questions instead of five, the highest mark you can get is 60%!

Ignoring the Mark Scheme: You must take the mark scheme into account when you allocate time to each question or part of a question. If the marks allotted to a question clearly indicate that a few paragraphs are sufficient, do not write an essay on the subject! Avoid the temptation of writing everything you know about a topic – always give the appropriate amount of information.

Repetition: Make the point once. There are no extra marks for restating facts, even if you phrase them differently. Examiners say repetition is a very common mistake. It is also a time-waster and an irritant for the examiner – and you do not want to irritate your examiner!

Missing part of a question: Sometimes, part of a question can be carried onto the next page and, in the pressure of the moment, you don't see it. As a consequence you might fail to do a compulsory part of a question or miss out on the chance to take an option that would have suited you better. Always take time to familiarise yourself with the whole paper before you start answering it.

Know your Assessment Objectives: When you attempt exam questions, ensure that you know how you are going to be assessed. All subjects have strict Assessment Objectives and Mark Schemes which are on the exam board websites. Look at these and ensure you both understand them, and that you follow them closely.

Good luck! Three weeks of hard work now will support your chances of celebrating when you open that envelope in August!


Subject: Art and Design Examination Board: Edexcel

Syllabus Name: Art and Design Syllabus Number: 9AD01

Support Materials On Website: www.edexcel.org.uk

Topics for Revision: Unit 3: The conclusion for your personal study is to be completed along with all related practical work. Unit 4: Your preparation for the examination needs to be detailed and completed. You need to have a thoroughly planned idea for your final outcome, ready to hand in when you return after the Easter holiday.

Work Set: Additional Checklist and guidance for annotation Further Reading and Note Making Tasks.

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: On relevant artists and their work. Visits to: Library, galleries, (Tate Modern, National Gallery and others), museums, exhibitions, locally, nationally or abroad.

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Completed Personal Study and related practical work. At least 15 practical pieces of exam preparation work in the form of artists’ copies, annotation, sketches from observation, experimental work, paintings and a final idea for the A Level exam.

Deadline: Tuesday 19th April Exam dates: Monday 13th & Tuesday 14th June 2016


Subject: Biology Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Biology Syllabus Number: 2411 Support Materials On Website: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Revision: BIOL 4 – Populations and the Environment BIOL 5 – Control in Cells and in Organisms (This exam contains synoptic elements so students should review all AS and A2 notes but focus on the content of the module itself). Revision for retake modules (if applicable) All HSW key terms and experimental planning for the EMPA

Work Set: Past Papers and Support Booklets including EMPA booklets Textbook Tasks – complete all summary and How Science Works/Application questions and self-assess Essays – complete essay plans Additional Revision Guidance

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: A level Biology textbooks and revision guides; cross reference with your notes. In particular read the following authors for revision guides: Bill Indge, Martin Rowland or Graham Read. AQA website has many links for you to follow. Useful revision websites include: www.biologymad.com, http://www.biologyguide.net/, http://www.s-cool.co.uk/a-level/biology, http://www.mrothery.co.uk/

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed:

Detailed notes cross referenced to textbook with any queries highlighted

Past papers completed

Deadline: First lesson back after the Easter break

Exam dates: Monday 16 June 13:30 (1hr30) AQA BIOL4 Biology Unit 4 Wednesday 23 June 08:30 (2hrs15) AQA BIOL5 Biology Unit 5 Thursday 26 May 13:30 (1hr15) AQA BIOL1 Biology unit 1 (retake) Monday 7 June 13:30 (1hr45) AQA BIOL2 Biology unit 2 (retake)


Subject: Business Studies Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Business Studies Syllabus Number: 2130 Support Materials On Exam Board Website: www.aqa.org.uk (Specification, exams and mark schemes) Topics for Revision:

Unit 3 (Strategies for Success) & Unit 4 (The Business Environment and Managing Change) - Also Unit 1 and Unit 2 if retaking this

E-commerce Research Theme Support Materials for Unit 4

Exam Technique and Exam Question Frameworks

Work Set: Past Exam Papers and Essays Support Booklets Additional Revision Guidance (from AQA A2 Business Studies Textbook and Unit Revision Guides) Further Reading and Note Making Tasks, including Mind maps

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: tutor2u.co.uk - This website should be checked regularly for topical information, including E-commerce case studies

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Exam past papers as outlined in revision schedule.

Deadline: First lesson back after the Easter break

Exam dates: Unit 1 (BUSS1) Resit Thursday 19th May (pm) Unit 2 (BUSS2) Resit Tuesday 24th May (pm) Unit 3 (BUSS3) Tuesday 14th June (pm) Unit 4 (BUSS4) Wednesday 22nd June (pm)


Subject: Chemistry Examination Board: AQA Syllabus: Chemistry Syllabus Number: 2421 Support Materials on Exam Board Website: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Revision:

Unit 4 and Unit 5 as outlined in the specification

EMPA topics – as outlined in your notes

Work Set:

Get your notes/files all in order

Use text books to consolidate notes

Complete and mark all end of chapter questions in textbook (mark schemes are available on the T-Drive)

Complete and mark all end of chapter questions in Collins revision book (mark schemes are available on the T-Drive)

Complete All Past Papers (mark schemes available on the T-Drive/ AQA website)

Complete EMPA booklet

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:




Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Revision Notes Past Paper Booklets EMPA Booklet

Deadline: First lesson back Exam dates: Tuesday 14th June 13:30 (1hr45) AQA CHEM4 Unit 4 Monday 22nd June 08:30 (1hr45) AQA CHEM5 Unit 5


Subject: Design Technology Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Design and Technology Syllabus Number: 2551 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: Use mark scheme to complete Design Folders. Workshop sessions arranged during the holiday as discussed with Mr Hynds before the end of term. Complete initial version of Candidate Record Form.

Work Set: Past Papers Module Notes Essays Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: All guidance required has been issued. Reading the issued text will broaden theoretical knowledge. http://science.howstuffworks.com/how-its-made-videos-playlist.htm

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Completed folder, work identified in ‘Topics’ and practical work.

Deadline: 21 April

Exam date: Friday 10 June 08:30 (2hrs) AQA PROD3 D&T Product Design Unit 3


Subject: Economics Examination Board: Edexcel Syllabus Name: Economics (2008) Syllabus Number: 9EC01 Support materials online at: www.edexcel.com (Specification, Past Papers, Mark Schemes and Examiners Reports)

Topics for Easter revision:

Units 3 & 4, as discussed in class.

Revision pack issued.

Electronic Support Material.

Revision Book issued

Work Set: Past Papers Checklist questions Key terms test Essay plans

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: www.tutor2u.co.uk - This website should be checked regularly for topical information www.economicshelp.org www.economicsonline.co.uk Youtube channels: pajholden, mjmfoodie and tutor2u for excellent revision videos

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Past papers Questions from the revision books

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam date: Monday 20 June 13.30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6EC03 Economics Unit 3 Thursday 23 June 13:30 (2hrs) Edexcel 6EC04 Economics Unit 4

Subject: English Language Examination Board: AQA B

Syllabus Name: English Language Syllabus Number: 2706

Support materials online at: Http://www.Aqa.Org.Uk/Qualifications/A-

Level/English/English-Language-B.Php (Key Materials – Past Papers/ Examiners Feedback)

Topics for Easter Revision:

See revision guide (given to students) for more detail.

Child Language Acquisition and Language Change terminology and theories

Linguistic methods, Grammar, Spoken Discourse Analysis, Language and Gender,

Language and Power

Work Set:

Past Papers

Additional Revision Guidance

Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

‘CGP AS-Level English Language AQA B Revision Guide’ – copy in Library or can purchase

from Amazon.

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for


Past papers set for both questions

Notes cards made for key linguistic terms and theoretical studies.

Deadline: First lesson back after Easter.

Exam dates:

Wednesday 15th June 08:30 (2hr30) AQA ENGB3 English Language Unit 3



Subject: English Literature Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: English Literature (A) Syllabus Number: 2741 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: Continue working through reading list for synoptic paper on Love through the Ages.

Thorough revision of wider reading and poetry, using support sheets and guidance issued in class.

Timed essays from past papers issued.

Additional revision day in school.

Learn quotation from poetry, prose and drama covering a range of themes and eras.

Revise key changes in literature and society from 1400- present day.

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Essays Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

See wider reading list issued for synoptic paper Exam board website for past papers and marking criteria

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Essays, annotated texts, record of wider reading and quotation banks.

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam date: Friday 17th June 08:30 (2hr30) AQA LITA3 English Literature Unit 3


Subject: French Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: French Syllabus Number: 2651 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics For Easter Revision: See Sheet Issued In Class

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

www.languagesonline.com www.laits.utexas.edu/tex/ www.zut.org.uk Login: 5242 Password: languages www.newsinslowfrench.com You do need to register for this one See attached sheet for additional websites

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: All oral questions answered and learned Model exam paper from Elan 2 Self Study Guide completed Individual work as set by your teachers

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam dates: Tuesday 14 June 08:30 (2hr30) AQA FREN3 French Unit 3


1. Revise general topic areas – environment, integration and contemporary social issues

and the Cultural Topics - “Monet” and the 2 novels by Schmitt. Consolidate vocabulary into Excel charts and learn off by heart.

2. Revise grammar rules, check you can do past, present and future, conditional correctly

and that you can use the passive and subjunctive. Use grammar workbook to improve your personal weak areas.

3. Use www.languagesonline.org.uk to revise grammar. 4. Use www.zut.org.uk to revise topic areas login: 5242 Password: languages. 5. Check your e-mail regularly for updates / articles sent through. 6. When thinking, think in French! Why think in English when you could 7. be thinking in French which will help you to memorise vocab. 8. Complete and learn sample oral questions on general topics areas and Schmitt and

Monet. Prepare and learn pro and contra arguments for each role play card provided. 9. Learn cultural topic essays for Monet and Schmitt. Plan answers to other cultural topic

exam essay questions from past papers and specimen paper. 10. Listen to French radio e.g. Radio France Inter 159/160 Medium wave. Or watch French

TV – TF1 news http:/tf1.lci.fr/infos/jt-tf1 11. DVDs available from your class teacher Tick off each point when you have covered it fully. Think long term i.e. 3 weeks of revision = years of doors being opened for YOU.


Subject: Geography Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Geography Syllabus Number: 2030 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: Plate Tectonics and Associated Hazards Weather and Climate and Associated Hazards Contemporary Conflicts and Challenges See next page for full details.

Work Set:

Exemplar essays

Past Papers

Extension materials

Essays (including timed practise)

Create Thematic spider diagrams (mind maps) for each topic area

Folders organised as discussed.

Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Unit 4b advance material investigations

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

s.cool.co.uk / AQA website (past papers) – look at specimen papers from Unit 3/4 Research Requirements – Text Book, Internet and Sheets/Articles given

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Revision notes, practise essays

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break.

Exam dates: Thursday 9th June 13:30pm (2hr30) AQA GEOG3 Geography unit 3 Thursday 16th June 08.30am (1hr30) AQA GEOG4B Geography unit 4b


Option 1: Plate Tectonics and Associated Hazards Plate movement Earth structure, plate tectonics theory: convection currents and sea-floor spreading. Evidence: continental drift and palaeomagnetism. Destructive, constructive and conservative plate margins. Processes: seismicity and vulcanicity. Associated landforms: young fold mountains, rift valleys, ocean ridges, deep sea trenches and island arcs. Hot spots associated with plumes of magma and their relationship to plate movement. Vulcanicity Variations in the type and frequency of volcanic activity in relation to types of plate margin and types of lava. Forms of intrusive activity – dykes, sills, batholiths. Minor forms of extrusive activity – geysers, hot springs and boiling mud. Major forms of extrusive activity – types of volcanoes. Two case studies of recent (ideally within the last 30 years) volcanic events should be undertaken from contrasting areas of the world. In each case, the following should be examined: • the nature of the volcanic hazard • the impact of the event • management of the hazard and responses to the event. Seismicity The causes and main characteristics of earthquakes: focus and epicentre; seismic waves and earthquake measurement. Tsunamis – characteristics and causes. Two case studies of recent (ideally within the last 30 years) seismic events should be undertaken from contrasting areas of the world. In each case, the following should be examined: • the nature of the seismic hazard; • the impact of the event; • management of the hazard and responses to the event.

Option 2: Weather and Climate and Associated Hazards Major climate controls The structure of the atmosphere, the atmospheric heat budget, the general atmospheric circulation, planetary surface winds, latitude, oceanic circulation and altitude. The climate of the British Isles Basic climatic characteristics: temperature, precipitation and wind. Air masses affecting the British Isles. Origin and nature of depressions. Weather changes associated with the passage of a depression. Origin and nature of anticyclones. Associated weather conditions in winter and summer. Storm events: their occurrence, their impact and responses to them. One case study from within the last 30 years should be undertaken. The climate of one tropical region (tropical wet/ dry savanna or monsoon or equatorial) Basic climatic characteristics: temperature, precipitation and wind. The role of sub-tropical anticyclones and the intertropical convergence zone. Tropical revolving storms. Their occurrence, their impact, management of the hazard and responses to the event. Two case studies of recent (within the last 30 years) tropical revolving storms should be undertaken from contrasting areas of the world. Climate on a local scale: urban climates Temperatures: the urban heat island effect. Precipitation: frequency and intensity, fogs, thunderstorms, and their relationship to urban form and processes. Air quality: particulate pollution, photochemical smog and pollution reduction policies. Winds: the effects of urban structures and layout on variations in wind speed, direction and frequency. Global climate change Evidence for climatic change over the last 20 000 years. Global warming – possible causes. Possible effects: on a global scale, on the chosen tropical region (above) and on the British Isles. Responses to global warming: international, national and local.

Option 6: Contemporary Conflicts and Challenges The geographical basis of conflict Nature and origin of conflict: identity (nationalism, regionalism, localism), ethnicity, culture; resources including territory; ideology. Patterns of conflict: national, regional, local. Expression of conflict: non-violent, political activity, debate, terrorism, insurrection, war. Conflict resolution. Conflict over the use of a local resource (e.g. land, buildings, space) The reason for the conflict, and the attitudes of different groups of people to the conflict. The processes which operate to resolve the conflict. Recognition that some people benefit, whereas others may lose, when the outcome is decided. The geographical impact of international conflicts The social, economic and environmental issues associated with major international conflicts that have taken place within the last 30 years. The examination of one or more case studies. For example, in the early 21st century, this could include an examination of international conflicts such as those in: • Gaza and the West Bank in the Middle East • Afghanistan • the Darfur region of Sudan. The challenge of multicultural societies in the UK Reasons for the development of multicultural societies. The geographical distribution of cultural groupings. Issues related to multicultural societies. Separatism within and/or across national boundaries The nature of separatism. Reasons for separatism. Consequences of separatism. The challenge of global poverty The global distribution of poverty. Causes of poverty. Addressing poverty on a global scale, including the work by international agencies such as the United Nations. The issue: “No development without security, and no security without development”.


Subject: German Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: German Syllabus Number: 2661 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk Topics For Easter Revision: See attached Sheet

Work Set: Jun 2012 Past Paper Support Booklets - Authentik, ZigZag and Zeitgeist Essays on Andorra and Lola rennt Additional Revision Guidance (attached sheet)

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

Zeitgeist 2 Textbook Zeitgeist 1 Textbook See attached sheet for additional websites

Students should return to school with the following ready for marking: Oral questions and worksheet tasks completed Model exam paper from Zeitgeist Self Study Guide completed Past paper marked apart from essay Oral questions for Lola Rennt and Andorra learnt off by heart

Deadline: First lesson back after Easter

Exam dates: Unit 4T (oral) Wednesday 6th May (am) Unit 3 (LRW) Monday 18th June 08:30am (2hr30) AQA GERM3 German


Revise general topic areas:

Environment – pollution, energy, ways forward

Integration – immigration, integration, racism

Contemporary Social Issues – rich and poor, crime and punishment, science and technology

Cultural Topics – Andorra and Tom Twyker

Consolidate new vocabulary into Excel chart and learn off by heart

Plan essays for exam questions on the Cultural Topics from the specimen and past exam papers

1. Memorise phrases from Advanced Level Vocabulary and Holy Grail to begin/end paragraphs

2. Learn oral answers to general topic areas and 2 cultural topics off by heart. Prepare pro and contra arguments for the role play card provided

3. Revise grammar rules, check you can do past, present and future correctly as well as the passive, imperative, imperfect subjunctive and pluperfect subjunctive. Use the Zeitgeist grammar workbook to revise your personal weak areas.

4. Do Authentik 2007 listenings from booklet. Save sound files from Departmental folder or school website to your memory stick. Do as listenings, then readings for tricky parts, then look at the answers.

5. When thinking, think German! Why think in English when you could be thinking in German which will help you to memorise vocabulary.

6. Use Kerboodle! to practise listening and reading. Use the vocabulary builder to improve your vocabulary and the “Test Yourself” sections to assess progress. Use the “On your Marks” sections to see worked examples and test yourself. Use GCSE Vocab Express to fill in those vocabulary gaps.

7. Watch German news on www.tagesschau.de and note down new vocabulary.

8. Go to http://www.goethe.de/ins/gb/lon/prj/asa/enindex.htm for a wealth of materials of each topic at A2 (and AS!)

9. Go to http://www.sunderlandschools.org/mfl-sunderland/resources-german.htm for more resources - aimed at teachers as well as students and lots of good resources.

10. Go to http://mfl.jimdo.com/resources/german-a2-level/ for loads of model answers to A2 topics. He also has an AS page.

Tick off each point when you have covered it fully. Think long term i.e. 3 weeks of revision = years of doors being opened for YOU.


Subject: History Examination Board: OCR Syllabus Name: History Syllabus Number: H506 (F966) Support materials online at: www.ocr.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: See attached sheets for detail

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Essays Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

Know your text books back to front! See hand-out from September with wider reading texts listed

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Tasks set in class.

Make revision cards to support factual knowledge..

Create Thematic spider diagrams (mind maps) for each topic area on the revision timetable.

Folders organised as discussed.

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break Exam dates: Wednesday 18th May 13:30am (1.30hrs) OCR F964 History – modern 1774-1975 Wednesday 25th May 08:30am (1.30hrs) OCR F961 History – modern 1783-1994 Friday 10th June 08:30am (2hrs) OCR F966 History – modern 1789-1997

A LEVEL EXTRA HISTORY REVISION APRIL 2016 THE RISE OF GERMAN NATIONALISM 1789-1919 Below is your revision guidance to help you identify the key ideas, topics and themes to cover in your revision. You will be advised nearer the time which lessons will be used to cover each topic and will be expected to have covered the content for each lesson as part of your revision prior to the lesson. Revision will be based around exam questions and exam technique. If there are areas of weakness you must let me know before hand so they can be addressed. Essays will be set to assess your development. The title will be given out and essays submitted within 24 hours to allow me to mark and return them as quickly as possible. When carrying out revision make a point of thinking about these concepts and moments in the 100+ year period where they appear to be applicable.

Change over time

Continuity over time

Similarities between events

Differences between events

Progression for nationalism

Regression for nationalism

The nature of nationalism

Turning points – where things suddenly move in a whole new direction When you revise you may do so in the ‘chunks’ of time we have divided our unit into i.e. 1789-50, 1850-90 and 1890-1919 but remember that this is a synoptic unit and you must therefore also revise the unit as a whole looking at the development of nationalism across the entire period. As well as revising chronologically, in your ‘chunks’ of time, therefore, you should also revise thematically, considering such themes as:






The roles of Individuals

The changing nature of nationalism e.g. cultural & liberal patriotic aggressive

The roles of Prussia and Austria (and France, Britain and Russia)

The success / extent of nationalism

Synoptic connections / links across the period


Subject: Mathematics Examination Board: Edexcel Syllabus Name: Mathematics Syllabus Number: 9371 Support materials online at: www.edexcel.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: C3, C4, S1 past exam papers

Work Set: Past Papers Additional Module Notes Additional Revision Guidance

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

www.mymaths.co.uk Login: gordons Password: angle www.mathsrevision.net/alevel/

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking/checking: Past papers completed and marked. Questions to be asked should be clearly labelled with post-its for ease of reference.

Deadline: First lesson after Easter Exam dates: Friday 17 June 13:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6689 Mathematics Decision D1 Wednesday 15 June 08:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6683 Mathematics Statistics S1 Tuesday 21 June 08:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6665 Mathematics Core C3 Friday 24 June 08:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6666 Mathematics Core C4 Friday 17 June 13:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6678 Mathematics Mechanics M2


Subject: Further Mathematics Examination Board: Edexcel Syllabus Name: Further Mathematics Syllabus Number: 9372 Support materials online at: www.edexcel.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision:

FP3 – Selected exam questions (all booklets)

FP2 – Selected exam questions (87 questions to be completed at least once) and past exam papers as per revision timetable

S2 – Booklet of examination papers

M2 – Booklet of examination papers

D1 – Selected examination papers

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Textbook Tasks Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking/checking: Past papers and all set tasks completed and marked. Questions to be asked should be clearly labelled with post-its for ease of reference.

Deadline: First lesson back after Easter

Exam dates: Wednesday 8 June 13:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6668 Further Mathematics Pure FP2 Monday 27 June 08:30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6669 Further Mathematics Pure FP3 Monday 27 June 08.30 (1hr30) Edexcel 6684 Mathematics Statistics S2


Subject: Media Studies Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Media Studies Syllabus Number: 1571 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk (Go to Teacher Resource Bank to see past papers and mark schemes)

Topics for Easter Revision:

Read articles from revision booklet on Contexts, Critical Debates and Media Theory and make key notes.

Complete definition sheet on Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema.

Learn definitions of main theories from PowerPoint in booklet.

Read and use Integrating Theory PowerPoint when completing past papers.

Work Set:

Revise from revision booklet. Use class notes. Answer past papers

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

Consult: http://users.aber.ac.uk/dgc/ (Daniel Chandler’s site – a reference in the Media world)

http://media.edusites.co.uk/ http://www.theguardian.com/uk/media

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00dv9hq (BBC Radio Four’s The Media Show).

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking:

Three past papers. Note cards completed on each of the main topic areas listed above.

Deadline: Tuesday 19th April

Exam dates: Thu 19th May AQA MEST1 Media Studies Unit 1 am 2hrs (re-sit) Wed 8th June AQA MEST3 Media Studies Unit 3 am 2hrs


Subject: Music Examination Board: Edexcel Syllabus Name: Music Syllabus Number: 8MU01 Support materials online at http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/edexcel-a-levels/music-2008.html

Topics for Easter Revision:

Holborne: Pavane and Galliard John Williams: ET Flying Theme JS Bach: Sarabande and Gigue Niall Keegan: Tom McElvogue’s Jig Haydn: Symphony No. 28 J. S. Bach: Cantata No 48 Brahms: Piano Quintet Bernstein: On the Waterfront Shostakovich Prelude and Fugue Schoenberg: Der Kranke Mond Miles Davis: Four Black and Tan Fantasy Dictation Composers and dates Strategies for listening sheet SATB rules and key signatures

Work Set: Essay Questions SATB exercises

Listening questions Figured bass Learn the grid on instrumental works.

Recommended wider reading/revision websites:

www.musictheory.net www.dsokids.com/listen/by-instrument/ https://yacapaca.com/ - search for listening tests

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking:

Listening Questions 4 x 36 mark essays 4 x 13 mark essays

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam date: Thursday 16th June 8.30am (2hrs) Edexcel 6MU06

Further Musical Understanding


Subject: PE Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Physical Education Syllabus Number: 2581 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: Follow Curriculum Content page in folder and/or syllabus handed out.

Work Set: Past Papers Additional Module Notes Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: Exam board website (see above) / www.brianmac.demon.co.uk Complete A-Z PE Handbook – James, Thompson & Wiggins-James A2 Revise PE for AQA – Roscoe, Davis & Roscoe AQA A2 Unit 3 PE –Optimising Performance & evaluating Contemporary Issues – Burrows, Byrne & Young Oxford Revision Guide

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: All Notes & Past Papers including: June 2010 PHED 3 Paper (Spec)

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam dates: Monday 17th June 08.30am (2hrs) AQA PHED3 Physical Education unit 3


Subject: Physics Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Physics A Syllabus Number: 2451 Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision: See revision plan & details handed out in class.

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Additional Module Notes Additional Revision Guidance

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: See Details issued in class.

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for review: All Unit 4 & 5 Papers. Re-take papers with queries highlighted ready for review Revision notes and queries

Deadline: First lesson back after Easter Exam date: Monday 20 June 08.30pm (1hr45) AQA PHYA4 Physics unit 4 Tuesday 28 June 08:30am (1hr45) AQA PHYA5C Physics unit 5


Subject: Psychology Examination Board: Edexcel Syllabus Name: GCE Psychology Syllabus Number: 8PS01 Support materials online at: www.edexcel.com

Topics for Easter Revision:

Unit 3 - Applications of Psychology: Criminal and Child

Unit 4 - How Psychology Works: Clinical and; Issues and Debates

Refer to Specification Issued for each unit.

See website for additional past papers.

Work Set: Ensure all content is summarised into mind maps/ revision cards. Past Papers Answer lesson aim/exam questions given throughout the year. Go through extension booklets Go through TOPIC and UNIT3 and 4 Revision Guide Textbook Tasks

Additional Revision Sessions available: Tuesday 29th March AS (Yr.12) Psychology (Run by External Chief examiner – S4 in School- useful for re-sits of Social and Cognitive units) Saturday 21st May (Run by External Chief examiner – S4 in School) *FULL ATTENDANCE EXPECTED

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: Psychology pages at (but not limited to): www.a2psychology101.wordpress.com , www.simplypsychology.com, www.s.cool.co.uk, www.revision.world.co.uk, www.revision-notes.co.uk, www.psychology4a.com/, www.brain-freeze.co.uk/, www.psychology4u.webs.com/

Deadline: First lesson after the Easter break

Exam dates: 6PS01 (1hr20) Psychology unit 1 16 May 2016 13.30pm 6PS02 (1hr40) Psychology unit 2 23 May 2016 13.30pm

6PS03 (1hr30) Psychology unit 3 8 June 2016 13.30pm 6PS04 (2h00) Psychology unit 4 14June 2016 08.30am


Subject: SPANISH Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Spanish Syllabus Number: 2695 Support Materials On Exam Board Website Address: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics For Easter Revision: See Sheet Issued In Class

Work Set: Past Papers Support Booklets Additional Revision Guidance Further Reading and Note Making Tasks

Recommended Wider Reading / Revision Websites: www.languagesonline.com www.spanish.about.com - Grammar http//.kerboodle.com www.spanishrevision.co.uk See attached sheet for additional websites

Students Should Return To School With The Following Tasks Completed For Marking: All oral questions answered and learned Translation exercises completed as per booklet Revision notes completed for Almodovar Key topic vocabulary revision notes completed

Examination dates: Monday 20 June 08:30 (2hr30) AQA SPAN3 Spanish Unit 3


Remember, revise for 15 minutes at a time, then take a break – short, manageable chunks are better than trying to get 2 hours done all at the same time. Prepare a revision timetable which allows you about 50% free time – you know you won’t do the revision otherwise!

1. Revise general topic areas – environment, integration and contemporary social issues and the Cultural Topics - “Almodovar” and ‘Franco’. Consolidate vocabulary into Excel charts and learn off by heart.

2. Revise grammar rules, check you can do past, present and future, conditional correctly and that you can use the passive and subjunctive. Use grammar workbook to improve your personal weak areas.

3. Use www.languagesonline.org.uk to revise grammar.

4. Check your e-mail regularly for updates / articles sent through.

5. When thinking, think in Spanish! Why think in English when you could be thinking in Spanish which will help you to memorise vocab.

6. Complete and learn oral questions on general topics areas and the two cultural areas. Prepare and learn pro and contra arguments for each role play card provided.

7. Learn cultural topic essays for Almodovar. Prepare revision notes covering key themes.

8. DVDs available from your class teacher Tick off each point when you have covered it fully. Think long term i.e. 3 weeks of revision = years of doors being opened for YOU.


Subject: Drama Examination Board: AQA Syllabus Name: Theatre Studies Syllabus Number: 2240

Support materials online at: www.aqa.org.uk

Topics for Easter Revision:

Attend the rehearsal sessions in the holiday (29th,30th March and 18th April) so that you can refine your devised piece.

Revise: ‘Our Country’s Good’ and ‘The Seagull’ for A2 DRAM3

Complete final draft of supporting notes sections 1-3

Work Set: Past papers/Practice questions Further reading and note making tasks Practical rehearsal of DRAM4 Completion of supporting notes Re-reading and revision of set texts

Recommended wider reading/revision websites: http://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/drama-and-performing-arts/a-level/drama-2240 Re-read the relevant sections on the set texts and supporting notes in the AQA text book. Use your revision booklets, wider reading and exemplar material booklets to help you. Read books from your wider reading list connected to the style you are working in for DRAM4 Look at sample questions, mark schemes and answers on the AQA web site.

Students should return to school with the following tasks completed for marking: Practice papers. Final draft of supporting notes.

Deadline: Tuesday 19th April

Exam dates: Thursday 5th May 18.00 AQA DRAM4 Monday 20th June 08:30 (2hrs) AQA DRAM3

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