easter egg cozies

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Here is a great way to decorate those boiled and choclate Easter eggs given away each year.


Iegg cosy for easter was in the supermarket this morning and even though it is still two weeks to Easter, they had some Easter eggs on a special offer of buy one get two free! At that rate they'll be paying us to buy Easter eggs by the time we actually get to Easter. Anyway, I turned my thoughts firmly away from all that chocolate and decided to make an egg cozy for a normal egg that can be given as an Easter gift. As you can see from the photo, I got a little carried away and made quite a few of them. The method of making them is the same, but there are so many different ways of decorating them.egg cosy for easter
For each Easter egg cozy, you will need two 5" squares of top fabric and two rectangles 5" by 4.1/2" of a thin wadding and of lining fabric. Place the two lining fabric rectangles with right sides together and place the wadding above and below the lining fabric. Place the two squares of top fabric with right sides together.

easter egg cosyeaster egg cosyFold the top fabric squares in half and cut a triangle from about 1" down the side to the central fold. Do the same with the wadding and lining fabric pieces. Make sure that you fold the wadding pieces with the 5" across and the 4.1/2" up and down. This is so that the wadding/lining egg cozy shape will be shorter than the top fabric shape so that you can turn under the top fabric to sew the hem. Using a 1/4" seam sew the sides and the top of the shapes together, leaving the bottom edge open.

easter egg cosyeaster egg cosyTurn the top fabric of the egg cozy right side out but leave the wadding/lining shape with wrong side out. Push the wadding/lining up inside the top fabric egg cozy. It may look as if it doesn't fit, but when you smooth it out to sew the hem you should find that the bottom edges fit together around the edge of the egg cozy.
egg cosy for easter

The top fabric of the egg cozy should be slightly longer than the wadding/lining part. If it doesn't appear to be, just pull it down a little so that it is longer. You can then turn under a small double hem and slip stitch it in place.
egg cosy for easteregg cosy for easterThe reason that I made so many of the egg cozies was to try out different embellishments on them. The pink egg cozy has some white lace around the base, the yellow one has black lace, the egg cozy in the middle has a line of herringbone embroidery stitch all the way round while the blue one on the right of the photo has a line of chain stitch embroidery around the base. In the photo on the right I have used some candy stripe piping which I sewed between the top fabric layers when I sewed them together, and I also cut a curve instead of an angle on the brown one. This gives a different look, but the curve is slightly more difficult to sew than the angle.

Of course there is always the option of decorating the egg cozy with fabric marking pens as well - personalize each egg cozy with the name or initials of the person that you are giving it to.

Easter Egg CoziesThis free pattern provided by: Nancy's Fabrics www.nancysfabrics.com (888).870.2252

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