
Post on 16-May-2015






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Chemical bonding

By Connor Lee

What is hemoglobin?

• Hemoglobin is the protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the body's tissues and returns carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs

How is hemoglobin important in the transport of oxygen in our bodies?

• It gives us oxygen and takes away carbon dioxide

Why is the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin a real-life example of chemical bonding

• Cause the oxygen and the carbon dioxide mix

How is hemoglobin related to a successful climb to the top of Mt. Everest

• It gives you a bunch of oxygen when they go higher on the mountain

We learned about pH in our last unit on acid and bases. What does pH have to do with the transport of oxygen by hemoglobin

• It is like adding more red cells to the blood flow.

What is blood doping

• Increase numbers of red blood cells.

What is the difference between autologous and homogenous

• Autologous : In blood transfusion and transplantation

What is EPO and why is it used

• either by blood transfusion or use of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO).

What are the medical uses of blood doping

• Another similar use of medical technology is called blood doping, either by blood transfusion or use of the hormone erythropoietin (EPO).

Why is blood doping used in sports

• Increase peoples endurance for running and breathing

Provide 1 example of blood doping used in sport

• Running for cross country.

Provide a 2nd example of blood doping used in sport

• Also playing soccer because you need to run back and forth

What are the side effects of blood doping?

• The simple act of increasing the number of RBC's in the blood stream makes blood thicker and chance for heart attack.

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