earthen constructions in the czech ... - · 2 . sovamm projects 1990-2016 •atlas of...

Post on 24-Sep-2020






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Zuzana Syrová, Jiří Syrový National Heritage Institute / / SOVAMM, Czech republic

Earthen constructions in the Czech Heritage Information System Heritage inventories and studies / Local building traditions


SOVAMM projects 1990-2016

• Atlas of Czech vernacular Architecture

• Detailed Survey of architectural and urban

Heritage in the Territory of the National Park Podyjí – model of the GIS and of the system of urban stability

• Litomyšl and Vysoké Mýto region. Inventory of architectural and urban heritage, documentation and sources, presentation by GIS

• SOVPIS - spatial information system of vernacular (rural) architecture, including technical entities and settlements

Survey of the National Park Podyjí, SOVAMM / Atlas of vernacular architecture. SOVAMM


National Heritage Institute IS

• 1995 – SAS – State archeological register • 1996 – MonumIS/Net – Central register of Czech

cultural heritage • 2001/2004 – PaGIS – GIS of protected areas and

immovable cultural heritage • 2002 – ISAD – Archeological information system • 2005 – IISPP - Integrated Heritage Information

System • 2007 – MIS – Metainformation system of digital

documentation • 2011 – Codebook - dictionaries, thesauruses,

Tritius – libraries and archives • 2014/2015 – Heritage catalogue – national

heritage register and inventory

Web portal of Integrated Heritage Information System, NPÚ


Earthen constructions in the Czech Heritage Information System

• Example: Mařatice (distr. Uherské Hradiště), wine cellar no 260 dated 1739 (adobe) 1895 – documentation for Czech-Slav ethnographic exhibition in Prague / 1928 – inventory of

Moravian Slovakia / 1968 – cultural monument registration card / 1975 – project of renewall of Mařatice vineyards (J. Vajdiš, SÚRPMO) / 1994 – historical construction survey (Syrový a Syrová)

Mařatice vineyards around 1895, Slovácké muzeum v Uherském Hradišti / Mařatice no. 260, cultural monument registration card, NPÚ / Mařatice no 260, Jaroslav Vajdiš 1975


Earthen constructions in IISPP

• Example: Mařatice (distr. Uherské Hradiště),

wine cellar no 260 dated 1739 (adobe) • Links between major applications of IISPP • The system has a web interface which can be

accessed by registered users after inserting a single user login and password. Access to the public parts of IISPP is not limited.

• Data entry and consultation take place by connecting to a web browser without installing any software. Special software (ArcGIS) and workflows are used only for the creation of the heritage GIS data.

Integrated Heritage Information System; NPÚ


Heritage catalogue (public access)

• inventory (heritage asset records) / Prvek_id 786111:

• central register (legal protection status) / PrStav_id 136071:

Heritage Catalogue (public access); NPÚ


Heritage catalogue (access for registered users)

• inventory (heritage asset records) / Prvek_id 786111:

• central register (legal protection status) / PrStav_id 136071:

Heritage Catalogue (access for registred users), NPÚ



• shared codebooks, vocabularies, thesauruses • keywords • thematic areas:

• HAK (hliněná architektura a konstrukce)

• links to national authorities • links to state registers

Thamatic area HAK (Earthen architeure and constructions) / Codebook, NPÚ


IISPP spatial identifiers (PaGIS)

Uniform standard of spatial identification of IISPP: • Definition / incremental points of objects

(IDOB_PG / prir_cis) – IDOB_PG 83490:;

IISPP users can propose new points • Definition points and polygons of historical

localities (Kod_cz) • Polygons of historical regions

These identifiers are joined through the spatial relationships together with atributes of GIS data of the Czech Statistical Office (RSO) and of the Register of territorial identification, addresses and real estate (RUIAN), so that the fully integrated applications of IISPP obtain all actual spatial identifications

Spatial identification in Heritage Catalogue; NPÚ / spatial identifikers in web mapping apllication, NPÚ


Metainformation system (MIS)

• Identificator of the document stored in MIS

doc_id 186264:

• Links to all the documents stored in MIS using the same spatial identifier or heritage catalogue feature identifier

Search result of all documents using the same spatial identifier in MIS, NPÚ / Detail of the document, NPÚ


Metainformation system (MIS)

• Keywords in MIS (11/2015):

• hlína hloubená / terre creusée / dug earth (3) • hlína vrstvená / terre empilée - bauge / cob (185)

• „nakládání“ (137) • „války“ (48)

• války bedněné / bauge coffrée / coffered cob (48) • nabíjení / pisé / rammed earth (673) • cihla nepálená / brique crue / mud brick (1113) • omazávka hliněná / „fourrure“ du bois empilé / daubed

corner timbering (185) • lepenice / torchis / (wattle and) daub (930) • lepenec / isolation de terre / earthen isolation (20) • omítka hliněná / enduit en terre / earthen coating (81)

• „Murl“ (45)

Documents coresponding to earthen construction keywords stored in MIS, NPÚ / SOVAMM


National Heritage Institute libraries and archives (Tritius / Carmen)

• scanned documents are stored in Metainformation system (MIS) • KOVÁŘŮ, Věra a Jan KUČA. Mařatice - Vinohrady: ze života vinařské dědiny. Uherské Hradiště:

Město Uherské Hradiště ve spolupráci se Slováckým muzeem v Uherském Hradišti, 2009. ISBN 978-80-904380-1-9. – Tritius_ID 636479

Rammed earth vineyard cabins in Soví Hora, Mařatice, around 1922, P. Zatloukal, NPÚ / Search results at Tritius / Carmen, NPÚ


Archeological IS (ISAD)

• území s archeologickými nálezy (area with

archaeological findings) UAN no. 25-33-18/18 – Cihelna

• UAN identifier PorCSAS 25-33-18/18:

UAN 25-33-18/18 Cihelna in web mapping project and its record in SAS, NPÚ


Heritage GIS (PaGIS)

• Seamless datasets of the whole country • Thematic map projects (processing in the details of

cadastral maps 1:2880 – 1:1000) (

• Basic overview map for conservation specialists • Cultural heritage protection and objects of interest • Historical urban and village settlement and its identification in Cz-Retro

database • Historical maps (second military survey and so called stable cadastre) • Comparative analysis of stable cadastre maps • Historic structures analysis • Evaluation in terms of spatial planning • Urban heritage evaluation of historic towns and villages (Thematic map

based on the methodology of „Principles of urban heritage protection“) • Survey of historical urban and village settlement – Protection and

evaluation plan • Survey of historical urban and village settlement – Plan of protection and

evaluation of roofs

• All data are available as map services (

Thematic maps of Heritage GIS: Popice (distr. Znojmo), NPU / SOVAMM


Heritage GIS (PaGIS)

• Seamless datasets of the whole country • Thematic map projects (processing in the details

of 1:250 – 1:25) (

• All data are available as map services. (

Thematic maps of Heritage GIS: Čistá no. 97 (distr. Svitavy), NPÚ / SOVAMM




• making the digital content for the archaeology and architectural heritage that they hold available through Europeana,

• aggregating content and delivering services, • and enabling access to 3D and Virtual Reality content

through Europeana..

CARARE Mapping and Metadata Schema



• LoCloud (

• LoCloud is a Best Practice Network co-funded under the CIP ICT-PSP programme of the European Commission which will enrich the Europeana content by adding over 4 million digitised items from European cultural institutions. LoCloud is supporting small and medium-sized institutions in making their content and metadata available to Europeana, by exploring the potential of cloud computing Technologies.

• A cloud-based technology infrastructure will enable the aggregation of local content and a number of micro-services will help to reduce technical, semantic and skills barriers and to render the content more discoverable and interoperable..

LoCloud services and applications / SOVAMM as a LoCloud NPÚ partner


Austria-Hungary & Europeana

• Documents from different sources meeting on

Europeana • Austrian National Library • Slovak museum in Uherské Hradiště • Ethnographic Museum of the National Museum in


• Example: Mařatice (distr. Uherské Hradiště), village houses

• Josef Klvaňa, 1857-1919 (photos before 1905/1918) • Hugo Charlemont, 1850-1939 (drawing before 1902)

Houses in Mařatice, Josef Klvaňa before 1905/1918 / House in Mařatice, Hugo Charlemont before 1902

Archives and data sources:

NPÚ / Národní památkový ústav Slovácké muzeum v Uherském

Hradišti SOVAMM / Společnost pro obnovu

vesnice a malého města Syrová a Syrová, architekti

IT solutions of IISPP:


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