early years foundation stage knowledge organiser

Post on 04-Oct-2021






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Early Years Foundation Stage

Knowledge Organiser

Expressive Arts and Design KS1 & 2 Curriculum Links:


Design and Technology (plus cross curricular links)

Learning Challenge

Which MONSTER challenge will you try? In Reception Class challenges are set during both adult led and child led learning to challenge children to meet next steps in learning,

develop and deepen skills and to address misconceptions and gaps in knowledge. The coloured monsters link to the colour coded

system used within ‘Challenge in Provision’. The colours are tailored to meet the needs of all learners across the cohort, ensuring

challenge and accessibility for each child.

CHALLENGE WITHIN PROVISION All Early Years classes use the ‘challenge within provision’ approach to promote challenge within independent and child led learning.


Colour coding resources and tools within continuous provision ensures that areas are pitched appropriately for the children accessing

that provision. The approach ensures that staff reflect carefully on opportunities for skill development and ensure there is sufficient

breadth of challenge for children to apply and develop skills in a variety of ways, in a variety of contexts. Staff promote challenge by

directing children to resources and experiences which offer increased challenge, or by redirecting to other resources to support

children to develop independent skills and knowledge that is appropriate for their stage of development.

The approaches in Early Years prepare children for the Green for Growth Challenge in KS1 & 2.

Empowered Learners

By adopting the ‘Empowering Learning’ skills, we recognise the impact that personal skills can have on the academic success and well-being of our children. They play a vital role in developing the ability of learners to enjoy and reflect on their learning across the curriculum. The six areas for personal development; Self-Management, Effective Partnership, Resourceful Thinkers, Reflective Learners, Independent Enquirers and Team Workers; form what we class as personal skills which are worked upon throughout a child’s time at Brownlow Fold Primary School.

Self-Manager Ability to organise themselves and work out goals and priorities

Show personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and enterprise Anticipate, take and manage risks Commit themselves to learning and self-improvement Respond positively to change

Effective Participators Engage actively with issues that affect them and those around them. Play a full part in the life of the school Take responsible action to bring improvement for others as well as themselves Discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution Present a persuasive case for action Propose practical ways forward Try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views

Resourceful Thinker Think creatively by generating and exploring relevant ideas, and making original connections Find links and see relationships Explore and experiment with resources and materials Ask ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what if’ questions Apply imaginative thinking to solve a problem Try different ways to tackle a problem Work with others to find imaginative solutions and outcomes that are of value

Reflective Learner Evaluate their strengths and limitations as learners Review their work and act on outcomes Set themselves realistic goals and criteria for success Monitor their own performance and progress

Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks and criticism. Make changes to improve their learning Communicate their learning in relevant ways to different audiences

Independent Enquirer Gather, process and evaluate information in their investigations Plan what to do and how to go about it Draw conclusions and evaluate outcomes Take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that other have different beliefs and attitudes Use range of techniques to collect and organise information

Team Worker Work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their own role Listen and take account of others’ views Form collaborative relationships, resolving issues and reaching agreed outcomes Adapt behaviours to suit different roles and situations Show fairness and consideration towards others

What Empowered Learning Looks Like in

Early Years… The Characteristics of Effective Learning are at the heart of Early Years practice at Brownlow Fold and focus closely on how children

learn. Our bespoke Characters, linked to our EYFS animals, pull together the importance of the Characteristics of Effective Learning,

being an ‘Empowered Learner’ and the high expectations and hopes we have for all children. Praise and feedback is ‘in the moment’

and through small groups and circle time. We share this with parents with character stickers to take home, to share how their child is

growing as a learner.

Bashful Bear Brave Badger Bright Bee Brilliant Beetle Find-Out Fox Remember-It Robin

Celebrating our Empowered Learners

The Early Years Framework for Expressive Arts and Design

Exploring and Using Media and Materials

Being Imaginative

Our Experience Based Curriculum At Brownlow Fold we have interpreted 'Cultural Capital' as the children's knowledge and understanding of the environment around them and how they then contribute to society. We have personalised our curriculum to develop an 'experience' based curriculum, thinking specifically about the kinds of experiences our children come to school with, and the kinds of experiences we feel would equip them for life. We asked both parents and school governors to be our 'Dreamers'; in an ideal world what would you like your child to learn and do at school? Their responses are now fully embedded in our new and exciting curriculum. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum which will enable each child to develop emotionally, socially, physically, creatively, and intellectually to their full potential and at their own pace. Each child is unique and is valued as an individual. The curriculum follows the statutory Early Years Framework and all of the areas of learning within this.

Expressive Arts and Design In action in Early Years Skill development through child led and child initiated play, adult led or scaffolded play, spontaneous and planned experiences,

informed by observation and assessment of each child.

Specific Strategies and approaches used to support and promote EAD development for all children:

Problem solving making models Real life experiences Hands on experiences

Following children’s interests Open ended experiences Immersing ourselves in the environment Being Curious

Listening to our friends Celebrating successes together Finding out what will happen Making predictions

WOW experiences through experience led curriculum Making connections

Using a variety of resources Freedom to select own resources Make a plan and work through the outcome

Opportunities to explore music Encouraged to dance and sing Role play opportunities Key texts linked to role play

Evidence is gathered through written observation, photograph and video evidence, parent contributions, children’s recorded work,

anecdotal and practitioner knowledge of the child as a learner.

Examples of Evidence for Expressive Arts and Design

Making Secure Attainment Judgements

Evidence gathered by practitioners should be used to provide a whole picture of the child as a learner

and their knowledge of the areas of learning within the Early Years Framework.

Moderation ensures that judgements throughout the EYFS are robust:

*Organised moderation in-house thought-out the year in conjunction with pupil progress and data analysis.

*Senior Leadership quality assurance via book scrutiny and professional discussion (following monitoring schedule)

*Cluster and cross-authority moderations led by Brownlow Fold and attending moderations at other settings

*Local Authority deep dives and quality of education visits.

*Senior leadership and subject leadership monitoring

*Attending Reception class and nursery moderation trialling and EYSP moderation events.

*Reference to Government exemplification materials

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