early india[1]

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Indus River Valley

•Cities of Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro–Walled –Square grid pattern – Indoor plumbing–Writing still a mystery

• The Slow Demise - c. 1150 B.C.E.

–Causes unclear–Floods–Fertile areas drier

The Aryans

• Indo-European pastorialists invade•Dominated by warriors• Patriarchal – brides bring dowries• Bring caste system• Begin to farm along Ganges•Oral literature

–The Vedas–Religious hymns–Polytheistic

Social Change

• The Caste System–Varnas, categories; based on pollution

Brahmins (mediators, literate, tax-exempt) Warriors Merchants Peasants Artisans Untouchables

–Status (dharma) determined by birth–Transmigration of souls


Rise of Buddhism

• The Making of a Philosophy–Buddha (Siddartha Gautama) - 6th century B.C.E.

Wandering life, asceticism

–Four Noble Truths–Escape suffering by renouncing worldly things

Achievement of nirvana

–Denies Vedas as scripture–Critique of caste system–Some worship Buddha as god–Dissension

Good works v. contemplative life

The Spread of Buddhism

• Buddhism is monastic – monks (male and female), monasteries, missionaries

The Greek Interlude

• Alexander the Great, 327 B.C.E. •Contact between India and Hellenistic

world improves–Greek mathematics and astronomy– Indian religious ideas

The Mauryas

•Mauryan Empire–Alexander retreats–Chandragupta Maurya - founder

Monarch with centralized control Successors extend empire

• Ashoka’s Conversion to Buddhism Grandson of Chandragupta Conversion to Buddhism Opposed by Brahmins Sends missionaries to China and SE Asia

India at the Time of Ashoka

The Mauryas

• Imperial Patronage and Social Change–Merchants, artisans benefit–Women's status improves–Monasteries spread – builds Stupas–Ashoka’s Death

Successors less competent Division follows By 185 B.C.E., empire ended

Brahmin Recovery

–Buddhism Loses popular appeal As trade declines, so does Buddhism

–Hinduism Shiva, Vishnu, Kali, Lakshmi dominate More temples More participation: all castes, women somewhat Adopts Buddhist aspects Brahmins appeal to elites

The Gupta Empire

•Gupta family–By 4th century C.E., build empire–Less centralized – regional autonomy–Brahmins restored as royal supporters

• Literature and the Sciences–Kalidasa - poet–Mathematics - 0, decimals, "Arabic" number system–Medicine - Hospitals, surgery

The Gupta Empire

Intensifying Caste and Gender Iniquities

•Distinctions more rigid• Status of women reduced

–No longer allowed to read the Vedas–Few legal rights–Female infanticide–More freedom for low caste women–sati

Intensifying Caste and Gender Iniquities

•Gupta Decline–Hun invasions, 400s C.E. –Local rulers profit


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