early career scientist panel at the international council for science (icsu) general assembly

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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Six early-career scientists were invited to participate in a panel at the International Council for Science (ICSU) General Assembly in Auckland, New Zealand on September 3, 2014. ICSU is a non-governmental organization with the mission to "strengthen international science for the benefit of society" through promoting international research collaboration, science for policy, and making science more open, equitable, and ethical throughout the world. Its members consist of over 120 national scientific academies of distinguished scholars elected to provide scientific advice and service to their countries (including the National Academy of Sciences in the US, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, who award most of the Nobel Prizes). Other members include international scientific unions, which focus on promoting scientific subject areas (like the International Union of Biological Sciences). More info: http://www.icsu.org/ The panelists focused on three priorities for early-career scientists (integrating early career scientists in leadership, providing career support through networks and mentoring, and opportunities and incentives for science for society). At the end of the session, a decision was proposed by UK Delegate and early career panelist Yvonne Gruender, which was unanimously approved by the voting members of ICSU. Please note that these slides were slightly modified after presentation (addition of slides 1 & 5, and title to slide 2) to facilitate standalone understanding. Full panel notes will be posted on http://www.kimnicholas.com/


Early  Career  Scien-st  Panel  Interna-onal  Council  for  Science  (ICSU)  

General  Assembly  (GA)  3  September  2014  

Chair:  Kim  Nicholas,  Lund  University  Centre  for  Sustainability  Studies,  Sweden  @KA_Nicholas    Chris-ne  Jasoni,  Department  of  Anatomy,  University  of  Otago,  @JasoniCL    Fola  Babalola,  Center  for  Environmental  Economics  and  Policy  in  Africa,  University  of  Pretoria,  South  Africa.  @folababs2000    Jianzhong  Xu,  Chinese  Academy  of  Sciences,  @JackLZC    Yvonne  Grunder,  Department  of  Physics,  Liverpool  University  @YvonneGruender    Wilma  Waterlander,  Na-onal  Ins-tute  for  Health  Innova-on  ,  University  of  Auckland,  New  Zealand,    @wwaterlander      

Thanks  for  travel  support  from:      ICSU,  the  German  Research  Founda-on  (DFG),  Royal  Society  (UK),  Royal  Society  of  New  Zealand,  China  Associa-on  for  Science  and  Technology        

Using  Twi]er  to  bring  #ICSUGA  to  over  50,000  people  

Early  Career  Scien-st  Priori-es  

1.  Leadership  2.  Career  Support  (networks  and  mentoring)  3.  Opportuni-es  and  incen-ves  for  science  for  


Transla-ng  Priori-es  to  Ac-ons  For…  

Na-onal  &  Union  Members  

•  Establish/expand  early  career  networks  &  mentoring    

•  Involve  in  General  Assembly  delega-on    

Intergovernmental  Bodies    (Future  Earth,  IPBES,  IPCC...)  

•  Engage  early-­‐career  scien-sts  in  science  policy  and  communica-on  

•  Con-nue  and  expand  co-­‐design  prac-ces  •  Develop  communi-es  of  prac-ce  involving  

early  career  scien-sts  

Funding,  Review  &  Reward  Agencies  

•  Design  incen-ves  to  value  interdisciplinary  science,  outreach,  communica-on  &  policy  

Coordina-ng  Bodies  (ICSU,  ISSC,  IAP,  TWAS,  IAC)  

•  Work  together  to  coordinate  networks  (in  person  and  online)  

•  Support  mobility  programmes  •  Support  communica-on  and  policy  opportuni-es  •  Guidelines  for    

Ø incen-ves  that  value  science  for  society  Ø inclusive  recruitment  &  diversity  in  leadership  

Everyone!  •  Integrate  early  career  scien-sts  in  leadership  throughout  your  organiza-ons  •  Par-cipate  in  vision-­‐  and  agenda-­‐segng  •  Serve  on  scien-fic  and  policy  commi]ees  and  execu-ve  boards  

•  Involve  in  process  of  publica-on:  peer  review,  editorial  boards  

•  Publicize  opportuni-es  and  make  merit-­‐based  nomina-ons  

•  Design,  par-cipate  in,  and  review  conferences  

Proposed  decision  text  •  We  urge  the  execu-ve  board  to  take  ac-on  within  ICSU  to  integrate  and  involve  early  career  scien-sts    –  in  advisory,  review  and  governance  bodies  as  appropriate  

•  and  encourage  its  na-onal  and  union  members,  interdisciplinary  bodies,  and  associates  to  support  early  career  scien-sts  through:  – Mentoring  and  career  support  networks  – Opportuni-es  and  incen-ves  to  engage  in  science  for  society  

–  Including  them  in  day-­‐to-­‐day  business  between  GAs  and  in  the  GA  delega-on  

•  And  to  report  back  on  progress  made  for  the  next  GA.  

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