eagleby state school newsletter term 3 issue 2, 2016 · tied securely and sitting in the middle...

Post on 06-May-2018






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PHONE: 3442 5333 Fax: 3442 5300 STUDENT ABSENCE: 3442 5360

Eagleby State School Crn Herses & Fryar Roads EAGLEBY 4207

EMAIL: the.principal@eaglebyss.eq.edu.au WEBSITE: www.eaglebyss.eq.edu.au

From the Principal

Eagleby State School - Learning Together

Term 3 Issue 2 - 4th August 2016

Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible

Principal’s Message 4th August Director General Education Queensland Visits Eagleby State School Last Friday I felt incredibly proud to be a part of Eagleby State School. As a school we had the tremendous honour of three very special guests, Jim Watterston, the Director General of Education Queensland, Sharyn Donald, the Regional Director of South East Region and Margaret Gurney, the Assistant Regional Director of South East Region. Jim, Sharyn and Margaret meet with Lara and myself for some time as Jim was interested to understand our unique curriculum design and the excellent outcomes that are being achieved by our community. We were the only school in the region-al to be provided with the privilege of a visit. Such a visit is earned and so we felt truly acknowledged. Our special guests were thrilled to visit the students whilst they were learning and wandered through our beautiful school. We were able to show the many facilities that our hard working P & C have provided. Our students were impressive during the visit, chatting with Jim and welcoming our visitors as old friends. The Eagleby State School community once again showed its strengths.

From the Principal cont’d…..

Celebrating NAIDOC Week This week we celebrated NAIDOC week with a variety of unique activities and experiences throughout the week. We also participated in a special NAIDOC assembly.

Thank you to our P & C On Thursday last week we celebrated our incredible P & C with a luncheon and musical items from the choir. We so appreciate all the work that our parents put into supporting our school. Together we are focused on the children and ensuring that their primary school education and experiences are exceptional. We hope that we were able to illustrate in a small way how much we do notice all that our community does to support the school.

From the Principal cont’d…..

Year 5 & 6 Camp Our Year 5 & 6 students enjoyed their annual camp last week. Here are some of their perspectives.


Everyone was excited as the Grade 6’s and 5’s headed towards Camp QLD, at Lake Moogerah last Wednesday morning. We settled into our cabins and were put into our duty teams, before heading off to our first activity – Bush Survival. It was a lot of fun and we learnt a lot about surviving in the bush through knowing about the four

essential elements we needed to survive; Food, water, shelter and fire. We had a lot of fun building our own shelters and later making damper to cook over a real open fire. They were delicious! Our next activity was the ‘Mud Mission’, and it seemed everyone loved this activity, even though it was freezing in the water and mud.

Our duty teams took turns to prepare our meals which were all delicious, it was great we could go back for seconds and even sometimes thirds. The next day we participated in other activities like raft building. It was tricky at first, but we all worked as a team to build a sturdy raft that held four people and floated, at least for a while. It was so good making new friends and getting to know people from other classes. The team activities were so

much fun especially when we had the blind folds on. When it was time to go no one wanted to go leave but they

had to. Overall everyone had a spectacular experience at Lake Moogerah.

CAMP STORIES AQUA M CAMPERS COMBINED RAFT BUILDING Finally our raft was built. Bamboo poles carefully tied together created a well-made but delicate looking raft frame. Tied securely and sitting in the middle were three rubber tyres. These were hopefully going to keep us afloat. “Ok, so who’s game enough to go first?” Kyla asked the team waiting excitedly. Hands shot up and quickly the first adventurers, including myself, were given our life jackets and paddles. Placing the raft in the water, we slowly lowered into it. Gasps and squeals could be heard as we settled into the freezing cold water trying to find our balance. Once settled, we began to paddle. However, we weren’t really heading towards our target, a dead tree trunk. With our uncoordinated paddle strokes, we were moving away from the target. Though, with persistence and team work we found ourselves achieving our goal. Our raft was a success!

AQUA M CAMPERS COMBINED THE MISSION (aka The FREEZING MUD OBSTACLE) Standing anxiously next in line, I watched people gasp for air as they hit the freezing, cold and muddy water and emerge just as quickly from it to move onto a ramp. Thinking this was a chance to warm up was short lived. Another freezing cold and muddy water pit lay below the ramp. Without thinking too much they jumped in and

headed towards the next obstacle to get warm. It was my turn. Run, slide, gasp, breathe, swim, pull, crawl and stand. I made it – to the ramp. Now to do it again. Without thinking, I jumped back into that freezing cold and muddy water. Gasp, breathe, pull, crawl and stand. I survived. I continued on running, crawling and climbing to the last

obstacle. Freezing cold and muddy water waited for me. Sliding in carefully, I gasped and moved my way quickly through the ropes and over and under the poles. Crawling out, I felt exhausted but also excited about achieving The Mission again and again.

From the Principal cont’d…..

Attendance Learning begins at 8.50am Monday to Friday. All students need to be at school on time as we do commence the lesson for the day at 8.50am. If a student is late they actually miss the most important learning of the day. Student’s brains are fresh and ready to learn at 8,50am and so we teach vitally important things every day at this time. Please ensure that your children are at school every day on time. It is vital to their learning success. Have a careful look at the visual below to understand how much learning is lost by being late to school.

From the Principal cont’d…..

NAPLAN In the 2016 NAPLAN tests, Eagleby State School did very well. We increased the number of students across all areas that are above National Minimum Standard in Year 3 and 5. Congratulations to all of our students. NAPLAN is one measure of a student’s success, as it is a point in time assessment and a particular type of test. The best indication of how your child is performing academically, is their end of semester report. This report uses a wide range of assessment tasks to provide the Achievement Standard for each Learning Area. Students in Year 3 and 5 that participated in the test were sent home their reports this week.

Apple Slinky August is here! The Lunch Box Challenge has arrived at Eagleby State School! Come join the revolution of the Lunch Box! Every Wednesday during the month of August our wonderful and very enthusiastic Student Councillors will be opening their ‘slinky shops’ to slinky all students delicious mouth-watering apples. Pop in an apple on a Wednesday and join in the fun!

From the Principal cont’d…..

WHAT IS THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION? The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (the national data collection) is an annual collection that counts the number of school students with disability and the level of reasonable educational adjustment they are provided with. The national data collection counts students who have been identified by a school team as receiving an adjustment to address a disability under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (the DDA). The DDA can be accessed from the ComLaw website at www.comlaw.gov.au WHY IS THIS DATA BEING COLLECTED? All schools across Australia collect information about students with disability. But the type of information currently collected varies between each state and territory and across government, Catholic and independent school sectors. When undertaking the national data collection, every school in Australia will use the same method to collect information. Therefore, a government school in suburban Sydney will collect and submit data in the same way as a Catholic school in country Victoria and an independent school in the Northern Territory. The information provided through the national data collection will enable all Australian governments to improve target support and resources to benefit students with disability. HOW WILL MY CHILD’S PRIVACY BE PROTECTED? Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of all students and their families is essential. Personal details such as student names or other identifying information will not be provided to local or federal education authorities. IS THE NATIONAL DATA COLLECTION COMPULSORY? All education ministers agreed to full implementation of the national data collection from 2015. This means that all schools must now collect and submit information annually on the number of students with disability in their care and the level of adjustment provided to them. Information about the arrangements that may apply to your school in relation to this data collection is available from your child’s school principal and the relevant education authority.

Libby Jordan - Deputy Principal

Deputy’s Column

Prep 2017


– Enrolments are being accepted now!

If your child was born between 1 July 2011 and 30 June 2012, you are eligible for

Prep in 2017. We have started to take enrolments at the school in prepara#on for

next year. If you have a child eligible for Prep or know someone who does, please

collect an enrolment pack from the office.

Lara Smith - Deputy Principal

Deputy’s Column Cont’d

REMINDER -Premier’s Reading Challenge 2016

The reading period for the 2016 Premier's Reading Challenge is con#nuing and finishes on

Friday 26 August.

At Eagleby State School we have registered all our students who

have been busy reading in class. In the final countdown we en-

courage all students to read as many books at home as well to

meet the target.

From the classroom. . . Red M

What are we learning at school ?

Felicity Pyke - Head of Curriculum

Curriculum – What are we learning at school? Year 2

English: Students are listening to, reading, and viewing visual a variety of spoken and written texts. They

are exploring the essential questions: Does interesting and exciting language makes me love and listen to reading? Can I recall what I have read previously? How do stories hook me in? Where have I heard/read about this before? Students are participating in learning opportunities to explore how authors use language to hook us into what we are reading. They are making connections between different texts that they have read. Students are rehearsing how to self-monitor their reading and correct their mistakes. During writing, Year Two students are exploring the essential questions: Does all writing evoke emotion? How do I use words to bring out different emotions in a reader? Through hands-on experiences, students are rehearsing how to structure sentences in a way to create more emotion and how to connect and build upon their ideas.

Science: This term, the Year Two students are continuing to explore Atomic Theory and how it relates to

Physics. The students are investigating states of matter including solid, liquids and gases. They are exploring heat and movement and how states of matter can change. Students will also investigate forces.

Geography: This term, students are exploring the inquiry question: What is

a place? They explore how the world is divided into continents and countries within those continents. Students specifically focus on developing their understanding of the geographical layout of Australia, including exploring states, territories and capital cities. They use globes and maps to identify different places on different scales, such as personal scale – neighbourhood, local scale – town or city, regional scale – state or territory and national scale – country. The students pose questions about how places are defined by different groups of people. They represent connections between places by constructing a map using symbols. The students continue to build their geographical vocabulary through describing locations and directions of a place. Year 4

English: This term in English, students will listen to, view and read a variety of spoken and written texts.

During writing they are exploring the essential questions: Why is it important to have an opinion? Why is text structured? Through purposeful activities, students are exploring how to improve the overall structure of their writing by sequencing ideas and paragraphs. They are investigating how different genres are used to convey different messages and rehearsing how to construct these. During reading the students are exploring the essential questions: What strategies matter most? Can a text have many layers of meaning? Students are rehearsing a variety of reading strategies and discerning which strategy is the most useful. They are exploring how reading is a process of connecting prior knowledge with new information. They are participating in activities to compare and analyse a variety of texts.

Science: This term, the Year Four students are continuing to explore Atomic Theory and how it relates to

Physics. The students will explore states of matter including how different elements are either a solid, liquid or gas and investigate these from the inside out. They will then investigate speed, acceleration and forces. Students will explore how forces have strength and direction.

Geography: Students will investigate the question: How does the

environment support the lives of people and other living things? Students will continue to build their mental map of the world as they explore environments here in Australia as well as Africa and South America. They will participate in mapping activities where they will represent locations and features of places such as mountains, lakes and rivers using mapping conventions. Students will explore scale and grid referencing when using maps. They will examine the interconnections between people and environments and how environments are important to the survival of humans and animals. They will use a variety of sources to support their understanding and will evaluate sources for their usefulness.


Winning Attendance Class Of The Week

Congratulations to Green C for your outstanding attendance in week 2 Term 3

Congratulations to Aqua M for your outstanding attendance in week 3 Term 3 Our winning classes are the classes with the most students attending school on time every day

and not arriving late or leaving early.

21/72016 * Skye - Silver A * Makai– Silver A * Darbee - Silver F * Quintin - Silver F * Carter - Purple J

* Tiana - Purple G * Selmin - Purple G * Chloe - Purple H * Joshua - Purple B * Michael - Purple B * Sanel - Green G * Bryson - Green G * Dimitri - Green S * Aodhan - Green S

* Lyniesha - Green C * Magic - Green C * Ahmed - Red J * Caprice - Red T * Eliza - Red T * Zenen - Red B * Melody - Red B


* Isabella - Blue B * L A Lakers - Blue B * Soraya - Blue R * Jenna - Red M

* Jonah - Red M *

Diamond Awards

Congratulations and well done to the following students for reaching the top of the Diamond:

♦ Mercedes - GS ♦ Silia - GG ♦ Jordan - GG ♦ Isileli - GG ♦ Jazmine - GS ♦ Selmin - PG ♦ Tiana - PG ♦ Cavarli - PG ♦ Darius - PG ♦ Joshua - PB ♦ Jarneigh - PJ ♦ Jasmin - PJ ♦ Elise - RB ♦ Kieran - RB ♦ Melody - RB ♦ Billy - RB ♦ Jayda - RB ♦ Hannah - AA ♦ Melissa - AM ♦ Brody - AM ♦ Bora - AA ♦ Jayden - AA ♦ Josh - AA

♦ Orlando - GG ♦ Owen - GG ♦ Bowen - GG ♦ Bryson - GG ♦ Silia - GG ♦ Teankem - GC ♦ Byron - AA ♦ Malachi - RB ♦ Cassius - RB ♦ Brooklyn - RB ♦ Kennedy - RB ♦ Taimana - RB ♦ Peng Sue - SF ♦ Darbee - SF ♦ Joshua - SF ♦ Zeke - AA ♦ Aerold - RJ ♦ Diana - BR ♦ Mia - BR ♦ Leilani - BB ♦ Jarell - BR ♦ Maxwell - GG

School Photos

School Photos cont’d…..

Felicity Pyke - Head of Curriculum

Play Programs

Play Programs

Play Programs

Play Programs

Play Programs

Term Calendar


ABSENTEE PHONE LINE - (07) 3442 5360 please use this number instead of the

office number.

Please leave child's name, date and reason for absence

Eagleby State School Term Three 2016 Events Calendar

School Notices

Do you have children who are too young to start school?

The Koala Joey’s Family Program is just for you!!!!

Singing Dancing Laughing

No child is to too young

Where:- Eagleby State School Meeting Room (next to the library)

When:- Wednesday 9:15ish (excluding the first & last Wednesday of each term)

Why:- Using nursery rhymes, songs, dance, movement & stories as a tool to form secure attachments

Who:- Koala Joey’s is funded through Eagleby State School as a free community endeavour

P&C Meetings - second Thursday of the month in the staffroom at

6pm. Next meeting is Thursday 11th August 2016

P & C Association

OPENING HOURS Tuckshop is open Wednesday, Thursday and

Friday for 1st and 2nd breaks.

Please use Australian currency only as we are unable

to bank foreign currency.


All 2nd break lunch orders MUST be collected from the

Tuckshop. There is no class basket this break.

Please remember that lunches are to be ordered at

the Tuckshop before class /me.

Prep students are welcome to order their lunch from

the Tuckshop, but they cannot go to the Tuckshop at

break #mes.


MONDAY MORNINGS 8.30am - 9.00am WEDNESDAY MORNINGS 8.30am - 9.00am

FRIDAY AFTERNOONS 2.30pm - 3.00pm Other days by prior arrangement

Cash or EFTPOS Lay-by welcome

Please use Australian Currency Only

School Bucket Hats an also be purchased at the

Tuckshop when the uniform shop is not open.


Every Friday Morning

Please remind your children to give their banking to their class room teacher on

Friday mornings.

(Our school banking volunteers cannot accept

deposits at any other times.)

P & C Association


$6.00 each

Friday 19th August Singapore Meal Deal

Singapore Noodles + Dim Sim + Juice

Thursday 18th August Australia Meal Deal

Pie + Anzac Biscuit + Juice

Wednesday 17th August USA Meal Deal

Hot Dog + Popcorn + Milkshake

Friday 12th August Mexico Meal Deal

Taco (Chicken or Meat) + ??? + Juice

Wednesday 10th August Italy Meal Deal

Spaghetti Bolognaise + Garlic Bread + Juice

Thursday 11th August China Meal Deal

Fried Rice + Spring Rolls + Sauce + Juice

P & C Association

Community & General Notices

Community & General Notices

Community & General Notices

Community & General Notices

Community & General Notices

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