e-procurement and procurement performance of …

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A Research Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Award of the Degree of Master of Procurement

and Supply Chain Management of Mount Kenya University

JUNE 2018



This investigation wander is my exceptional work and has not been familiar with some

other Institution. No bit of this examination ought to be imitated without the creators'

assent or that of Mount Kenya University.

Students Name: MUGISHA Julius

Sign ____________________ Date _____________

Declaration by the supervisor(s)

This examination wander has been submitted with our guaranteeing as The Mt. Kenya

University Supervisor.

Name: MR WANJOHI Solomon Maina

Sign ____________________ Date _____________

Name: Dr. NYAMBANE David

Senior lecturer department of Business, Mount Kenya University Rwanda.

Sign ____________________ Date _____________



I submit this examination undertaking to my family, relatives, friends and partners who

gave me a full help through musings and fiscal.



This remarkable attestation goes to different individuals who made my street of setting up

a win. As an issue of first criticalness, I am obliged to my supervisor, MR WANJOHI

Solomon Maina and Dr. NYAMBANE David for their sharp course and bearing when I

was completing this examination. Other than I wish to broaden my energetic substantial

by goodness of innumerable accomplices for their valuable contemplations.

God favor you.



The goal of this examination was to set up the impacts of the E-obtaining on acquirement

perfomance in the get-together business in Rwanda. The particular goals included;

surveying the common sense of E-acquirement at Bralirwa ltd; to see the difficulties of E-

procurement use at Bralirwa ltd and to build up the impact of E-getting on anchoring

execution at Bralirwa ltd. The deferred outcomes of the divulgences is to help the

accessories in seeing various difficulties related with e-securing, advantage development

and the nonappearance of commitment to e-getting with any longing for overhauling e-

acquisition recalling the genuine goal to upgrade anchoring execution. The examination

was driven at Bralirwa constrained orchestrated on Musanze street in Gisenyi town. The

examination moored a time of 3 years from 2014 to 2016. The examination utilized a

sensible research plot where both quantitative and subjective research approaches were

gotten a handle on. The objective individuals of the examination was 45 workers of

Bralirwa Company. The 40 Bralirwa affiliation bound staff individuals were picked

utilizing purposive eccentric testing system in light of the path that with this procedure,

inclination data was limited. Self-composed survey was utilized as the basic contraption

for information gathering. Information from the field was balanced, coded and gone into

PC utilizing quantifiable bundle for social researchers program (SPSS) Version 21.

Information amassed was both subjective and quantitative. Quantitative information was

dissected using rehash designation, rates, mean scores and standard deviations. It was

demonstrated utilizing diagrams, tables, rates, frequencies, standard deviation and means.

From the revelations of the examination, Bralirwa Company utilized e-stages for e-

offering, for e-educating, for e-sourcing, for e-asking for and for e-invoicing. The greater

part of respondents unassumingly concurred that the affiliation had satisfactorily gotten

e-getting. The best test as showed by transcendent part respondents was the need to

design staff that creates in light of presentation of PC structures. Differing challenges

controlled by respondents are the need for standard framework overhaul. The

examination of information demonstrated that respondents to a quick degree concurred

that e-obtaining has upgraded straightforwardness thusly lessen in defilement related

expenses. The respondents consented, in a way, to the announcement that E-getting has

incited diminishment in wastage costs. The examination has uncovered that paying little

personality to the way that e-obtaining framework have been gotten a handle on at the

affiliation, some anchoring rehearses are 'as of recently oversaw physically. There is

prerequisite for Bralirwa Limited to complement on the need to draw out all the

procurement limits through e-acquisition and upgrading of the system to get practices

physically dealt with.




ANOVA : Analysis of variance

CRM : Customer Relations Management

COR : Customer Orientation Realization

EPS : E-Procurement Systems

GPM : Government Policy Makers

ICT : Information and Communication Technology

RT : Risk Taking

R&D : Research and Development

SSPS : Statistical Package for Social Scientists



Supply chain management (SCM) : every last one of the procedures used to enough

solidify the supply-side people from an association's respect chain so things/associations

are passed on to the client in the correct entireties, to the correct locale, at the ideal time,

and at culminate cost

Procurement: The exhibit of getting or gaining stock and organizations

E-procurement: business to business getting practice that uses electronic exchange to

see potential relationship of supply, to purchase things and embarks to transport allocate,

to take an enthusiasm with suppliers

Procurement Performance: stock and administrations purchased being of the right

quality, in the right sum, passed on to the ideal place at the ideal time and got at the right


Manufacturing Industries: The branch of make and trade in light of the creation, taking

care of, or course of action of things from rough materials and products. This joins all

sustenances, manufactured inventions, materials, machines, and equipment.



1.0 Introduction to the study

This section clears up the Background, Statement of Problem, Purpose of the Study,

Objectives of the examination, Research Questions, Significance, and Limitation of the

examination and Scope of the Study as underneath.

1.1 Background of the study

Age orchestrate association (SCM) combines each and every one of the strategies used to

ably interlace the supply-side individuals from an affiliation's regard chain (Porter, 1980)

with the objective that things/affiliations are passed on to the customer in the right

wholes, to the right area, at the perfect time, and at admire cost. The usage of information

systems (IS) change to empower this blend theory is a consider that continues

persevering managerial thought and, subsequently, insightful interest. Research on the

utilization of IS progression to help SCM is ample, happens obviously show that the

usage of new SCM propels increment the advantage of the stock system furthermore

improve general firm execution (Lindskog and Wennberg, 2002). While electronic data

exchange (EDI), between real structures, online business, e-sourcing, e-securing, and e-

trades are the point at which all is said in done vocations of IS that assistance SCM

(Dedrick, 2008).


As showed by Novack and Simco (1991), e-anchoring considers are particular

fundamental due to how securing is a champion among the most urgent parts of the age


As showed by Min and Galle, (2003) they depict E-tying down as business to business

anchoring practice that utilizations electronic exchange to see potential relationship of

supply, to purchase things and endeavors to transport divide, to associate with suppliers.

It recommends the utilization of web in the anchoring framework de Boer, Harink and

Heijboer, (2002). Presutti, (2003) clearly depicts e-procurement as "a headway

mastermind that empowers corporate getting using the web. In various wards E-

Procurement is the place people buy and offer using the web through looking all around

and locally until the point that they secure what they require. Hence E-securing is to some

degree a sweeping thought called information headway (IT), as appeared by the

American Heritage Dictionary (2005) it portrays it as the advance, foundation and use of

PC structures and applications. As showed up by Satyanarayana (2007) the objectives of

e-acquirement join; to go about as a stimulus for obtaining changes, to redesign

straightforwardness, watching and control in the mooring system, to get economies of

scale through get-together of vitality, to decrease costs of planning for both government

and suppliers and to develop a leveled playing field and sensible centered stage for the


Regardless, sweeping social event rates of e-procurement movement (EPT) are 'starting

at as of late a relative darken (Pearcy et al., 2008), most masters agree that the full impact

of e-securing has not yet been seen and that the confirmation and blend of EPTs into the


business standard is proceeding at a much slower pace than foreseen (Davila et al., 2003).

Point of fact, considers have shown that while in excess of 70 percent of American

buyers use web degrees of advance at work (Caridi et al., 2004), the level of business

obtainment drove electronically is tolerably low , running from 10 percent (Qualyle,

2005) to 20 percent (Kulp, 2006). This ability is clear in a steady report by Gunasekaran

and Ngai (2008). In this examination, 80 percent of industry respondents agreed that the

use of the web was imperative in mooring; regardless, only 20 percent had to an awesome

degree gotten EPTs. As showed by Talluri, (2006), heads see motivations behind

eagerness of e-anchoring, for instance, better coordination with suppliers, speedier trade

times, higher flexibility, better supplier exchange off, and cut down costs (Fang , 2007)

A structure is an approach of interrelated parts cooperating to achieve a specific reason

Ausderson, (1998). Affiliation is essential advancement, deed or effort performed to

satisfy a need or to fulfill a demand Kent, (1993). Required affiliation transport is a piece

of how well an organization together can fundamentally and continually beat the need of

a customer Rahaman, (2007)

1.3.1 General Objective

To build up the effects of the E-obtaining on securing execution in the collecting business

in Rwanda.


1.3.2 Specific objectives

i. To review the level of gathering of E-obtaining at Bralirwa ltd.

ii. To evaluate the troubles of E-securing use at Bralirwa ltd.

iii. To set up the effect of E-obtaining on securing execution at Bralirwa ltd.

1.4 Research Questions

i. What is the level of choice of E-procurement at Bralirwa ltd?

ii. What are the challenges of E-procurement use at Bralirwa ltd?

iii. What is the effect of E-obtaining on procurement execution at Bralirwa ltd?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The aftereffects of the discoveries is to help the accomplices in recognizing distinctive

challenges related with e-securing, advantage movement and the nonattendance of

obligation to e-procurement with any desire for improving e-acquisition remembering the

true objective to overhaul acquisition execution.

The outcomes of the revelations will moreover give critical information on the idea of

organizations passed on by Bralirwa obliged and the feasibility and profitability with

which the organizations are passed on. It will in like manner perceive the key parts that


should be seen to ensure adherence to develop standards, factors that impact transport of

organizations in the private section.

The examination is proposed to researchers and understudies doing research in the field

of e-obtaining. The investigation revelations will moreover offer reference to furthermore

investigate for the difference in e-acquisition in this way nature of organization transport.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

There could be misinterpretation of the questions by the respondents. There could have

been due to limited data and record keeping on the issues affecting the service among the

respondents. Some respondents could withhold valuable information from the researcher.

However, they were encouraged that information provided was kept confidential.

1.7 Scope of the Study

1.7.1 Conceptual scope

The study was limited to “the effects of e-procurement on procurement perfomance” in

Bralirwa limited. The effectiveness of e-procurement was the independent variable and

procurement performance was the dependent variable.

1.7.2 Geographical scope

The study was conducted at Bralirwa limited td located on Musanze road in Gisenyi


1.7.3 Time Scope

The study covered a period of 3 years from 2014 to 2017.


1.8 Organization of the Study

This task is formed in five sections. Section one shows the general introduction to the

examination, the second segment presents the study of the related writing in association

with the examination objectives and the third part demonstrates the investigation design

and approach that will be used for data social affair and examination in the subsequent

areas. Section four addresses the revelations and discusses the examination while the last

segment shows the once-over, conclusion and recommendations got from the




2.0 Introduction

This section speaks to the writing survey in regards to E-acquisition its destinations,

reason, significance, techniques, difficulties, issues and the idea of administrations gave

and their relationship, catching additionally the ideas, hypotheses and models of the

whole investigation. The part likewise covers the observational writing, critical audit,

hypothetical system and theoretical structure.

2.1 Theoretical Literature

2.1.1 Procurement

Association and B2B associations. This is a fundamental movement found in all

affiliations, open, private, definitive and foundations and can be responsible for a lot of

spending. Such spending on, for instance, materials partitions, work environments,

subcontract oblige, IT gear and supplies, consumables, stationery, travel and security can

constitute a huge amount of cash. Most affiliations spend no under 33% of their

turnover/pay on the buy of things and endeavors (Zenz and Thompson, 1994; Killen and

Kamauff, 1995), no ifs ands or buts monstrous amounts of the affiliations attracted with

this examination spent as much as 60 for every penny.

Securing is by and large an inside organization gave by a conferred gathering of

specialists. It customarily works at the interface between the relationships’s outside

supplier business focus and the affiliation's operational strategies. Securing has countless

properties of the advancing limit anyway it faces the other heading in the stock system.


Acquisition is regularly responsible for the conspicuous evidence of (internal) customer's

needs, elucidation of those necessities into points of interest, organization of the transport

of stock and endeavors and an assessment of the (inside) purchaser faithfulness' with

those items and endeavors. Exchange segments of the methodology incorporate

correspondence with suppliers – sourcing, requests for tenders, esteem game plan, asking

for, receipt and invoicing. In breaking down the utility of an internal organization

perspective for acquisition, Stanley and Wisner (2002) fortified the associations among

inward and outside organization quality, supporting the debate that positive inside

customer advantage gave by procurement fundamentally influences external obtaining


In any case, not at all like promoting, obtaining is habitually seen as a "Cinderella"

development in various affiliations. Boss much of the time watch "progression" into the

gaining limit as a retrograde progress into a legitimate backwater (Bales and Fearon,

1996). Typically held in low regard by its inside customers who see the limit as

bureaucratic, difficult to deal with, a portion of the time remote and passing on poor

organization (Nolan, 1999). Senior administrators also, as often as possible view it as an

issue zone where there is low consistence with internal customers either abusing or

dodging the systems (Croom, 2000; Gebauer and Seveg, 2001). It is also seen as an

astounding cost development where there is trivial written word, material costs and

bumbles (Hines, 1994). To make sure PriceWaterhouseCoopers prescribed that a 10 for

each penny diminish in purchase costs could without quite a bit of a stretch incite a 50 for

every penny rise in net income (Sheng, 2002).


2.1.2 E-Procurement

E-procurement proposes the utilization of web in the getting technique de Boer, Harink

and Heijboer, (2002). In spite of the route that there are different ramifications of e-

getting and perplexity exists in depicting the term Vaidya et al, (2004); World Bank,

(2003); Murray, (2001). E-acquirement is in a general sense a device that draws in

securing works out, for example, sourcing, requesting, charging, receipting and making

segment. Recollecting a definitive goal to keep up a key partition from perplexity the

"fundamental level" which methods for e-procurement gave by the World Bank (2003)

states that e-anchoring is the utilization of data correspondence headway (ICT)

particularly the web in planning getting association with the providers for the securing for

stock, works and consultancy associations required. E-Procurement is a device to draw in

securing works out, including sourcing, requesting, affirming, receipting and making

partitions for the entire extent of an expert's exercises.

EPT use has been depicted as the extended usage of electronic structure advancements

and practices that enable electronic correspondence, data trade and exchange strengthen

through either open or private systems (Min and Galle, 1999). In this novel condition, it

ends up fundamental to welcome the impacts of changing data advances on EPT use,

business execution, and the accomplishment of business targets. Past forming has utilized

the term e-obtainment to depict the utilization of the web on procurement errands

(Presutti, 2003).


The mixed up accentuation on the web just could lead academicians and specialists to see

too hardly the cutoff points, purposes of intrigue and constrainments of e-obtainment; in

any case, this isn't web procurement, yet electronic anchoring (Neef, 2001). Plainly, the

web gives a unimportant effort react in due request with respect to those affiliations

hoping to begin e-obtainment in any case not having the points of interest fundamental

for getting all the more costly data advances, for example, EDI. Despite the supplement

on the web, EPT isn't synonymous with web acquiring. Undoubtedly, Ordanini and

Rubera (2008) found that the web is critical basically when utilized as a vital mechanical

gathering utilized as a bit of conjunction with different EPTs. Differing analysts have

cleared this error by naming on the web B2B obtainment as particular securing hones

done through the web (Candrasekar and Shaw, 2002; Lindskog and Wennberg, 2002).

The practical objective is to enable the organization of the store arrange that can be

proficient by stay lone, shared or facilitated programming instruments, as demonstrated

by (nepp.org, 2004). In addition, e-procurement is uncovered to mean a total term for an

extent of developments that can be used to robotize the inward and outside strategies

related with sourcing and obtaining. In any case, as showed by look at done by Deloite, e-

acquisition mainly centers around sourcing and buying and the examination implied

Sourcing to be the technique by which a master of any given affiliation perceives, picks,

and manages its suppliers where Buying items and endeavors is the esteem based process

executed by various people from the master in the midst of the regular transport of

organizations. According to E-securing is fundamentally different cover related strategies

for upgrading the obtaining technique utilizing electronic structures and methodology E-


Procurement is the regard included utilization of Internet and online business answers for

empower, consolidate, and streamline the entire acquisition process, from buyer to

supplier and back.

Presutti (2003) described EP as a "development plan" that empowers corporate acquiring

using the web. Knudsen (2003) underlines the capacity of electronic exchange to enhance

the obtaining method. According to Allen (2003), the legitimization of EP has happened

as a result of its ability to reduce trade costs. Be that as it may, to make certain E-

acquisition is far past trade costs as it is furthermore a strategy for cost saving to the for

which most by far of the things are done on web than manual way. Honestly E-

acquisition can change the purchasing method since it swarms each one of the methods

perceived in the process Presutti,( 2003).

2.1.3 Procurement performance

Regardless of the way that the necessity for execution estimation in procurement has for a

long while been seen, for a variety of reasons, various affiliations disregard to evaluate it

adequately (Cammish and Keough, 1991; Brun et al., 2004). Easton et al. (2002) review

the chronicled background of PP estimation in the composition through the 1980s and

mid 1990s and assume that a general deficiency of "standard" measures is that they see

and repay for the most part at this very moment gets, rather than whole deal ones. Laudon

and Laudon (2010) fought that evaluating whole deal influence is broadly troublesome.

Another issue with regular estimations is that they much of the time work to improve the

PP to the disservice of other divisions' execution; in any case, upgrading only a solitary


unit's execution (a standard strategy for evaluating PP) has been enthusiastically

denounced in the composition (Bourne et al., 2002; Ghalayini and Noble, 1996, 1997)

and is counter to the total quality organization hypothesis. Diverse responses of ordinary

measures of PP include: being develop exorbitantly as for budgetary execution; one-

dimensional or lacking; contradicting to tenacious change; inflexible; no essential

fixation; and even invalid (Easton., 2002).

The written work on e-PP is disengaged similarly as its impact at the operational or key

level of the affiliation. At the operational level, there have been a couple of examinations

inquiring about the impact of EPTs on PPR and PP including Mishra. (2007),

Vaidyanathan and Devaraj (2008) and Teo et al. (2009). It is fought that by utilizing new

acquisition advancements, firms can grow the capability of their entire procurement

process and, thusly, can achieve higher firm execution (Lindskog and Wennberg, 2002).

Research by Gebauer et al. (1998) has also delineated PPR and how these strongly

influence PP with respect to cost, time, satisfaction, quality, stock, and regard. A couple

of examinations are particularly important for portraying and appreciate e-PP and how it

can be evaluated. Croom and Johnston (2003), for example, revolve around e-obtaining

when they address the impact of e-business on inside customer advantage.

Frohlich and Westbrook (2002) measure the impact of online procurement in operational

execution (transport time, trade cost, profitability, and stock turnover) while Gebauer et

al. (1998) explore the effect of the web on key securing organizing practices and how

these practices affect PP. Decently couple of examinations, in any case, have explored


this ponder and its impact on different utilitarian, firm or stock system execution targets.

The potential focal points of e-acquisition have been depicted extensively in both master

and academic journals (Kocabasoglu, 2002; Lindskog and Wennberg, 2002; Gebauer et

al., 1998). There is general understanding that e-PPR decidedly influence PP with respect

to cost, time, satisfaction, quality, stock, and regard; in any case, assessments of the

impact of endeavors change (Ordanini and Rubera, 2008; Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2008)

and observationally decided figures are difficult to reveal.

The Aberdeen Group (2006) reports e-procurement benefits including: 64 percent

diminishment in off-contract ("nonconformist") consuming, 7.3 percent diminish in costs

for spend brought back onto contract, 66 percent decreasing sought after to-orchestrate

cycles and 58 percent diminishment keeping in mind the end goal to mastermind costs; in

like way, the report reasons that e-obtaining "really works". A.T. Kearney, an overall

organization directing firm, in like manner fights that associations can save more than 13

times their enthusiasm for EPTs and cases advance that the fundamental 500 overall

associations could comprehend $330 billion in yearly save reserves utilizing e-securing

(Plano, 2002). Hackett Benchmarking and Research in like way fight that that e-obtaining

can save an association 2 percent yearly (Roth, 2001). Rai et al. (2009) give affirmation

of the constructive outcome of e-acquisition on securing benefit.

Inferable from the massive impact of e-securing on business execution (as overviewed

previously), it is the inspiration driving this examination to give a broad understanding of

the impact of an extensive variety of electronic developments that empower the PPR


among affiliations (Berger and Gattorna, 2001). In this examination, the researchers fuse

into EPTs (open and also private frameworks) that could be expected for specific firms,

e.g. EDI and other inter organizational systems.

2.1.4 E-procurement and Procurement Performance

E-procurement is associated with lessened exchange cost, redesigned process gainfulness,

broadened contract consistence, diminished process lengths and decreased stock costs

(Aberdeen Group, 2005) and enhanced operational and cost capacity (Roma and McCue,

2012) According to Mose, Njihia and Magutu, (2013) e-acquirement prompts overhauled

procurement execution. It empowers electronic documentation of the offering strategy

redesigning commitment and straightforwardness subsequently enhancing anchoring


Additionally, Abarden Group (2001) brings up that e-securing prompts enhanced

fulfillment of client requests, overhauled contract consistence, updated store orchestrate

limit, diminished stock expenses and enhanced stock association. Get-together of E-

procurement may incite redesigned provider and client relations and improve

accomplishment of key acquiring objectives inducing redesignd anchoring execution

(Martinez, 2008). E-Procurement and Lead Times

A lead-time implies time taken between the raising of a request and genuine acquirement

of a thing. It suggests delays in passing on things to customers. E-acquisition has been for

the most part got a handle on in light of the way that it basically reduces lead times (Egbu

et al., 2003). What e-obtaining does is to free procurement delegates since they don't have


to spend various hours tackling paper work. Or maybe, online designs and automated

structures in an online system enables at the last possible second execution of acquisition

limits. Usually, procurement boss put a lot of vitality in social occasions analyzing

obtaining purposes of enthusiasm with potential suppliers (Rankin, Chen and Christian et

al., 2006). The web has extensively reduced time necessities related with booking social

occasions and participating in discoursed. With e-procurement stages, potential suppliers

get minute alerts, get extra information on a phase and channels requests for

enlightenment to acquisition officers from the comfort of their working environments or

rooms (Rankin et al., 2006).

This cuts down information trade circle times and in this way the time taken to respond to

acquisition requests. As showed by Rankin et al. (2006), inside, e-securing helps towards

centralization of acquisition activity. This kind of centralization supported by mix

programming like ERP is basic in light of the way that it decreases the time it takes for

information trade beginning with one office then onto the following (Eadie et al., 2007)

The compromise of divisions enables continuous sharing of information therefore

speedier social event, appraisal, underwriting, and request of required supplies in an

affiliation. Despite for affiliations that have overall closeness, e-procurement structures

enable sharing of information continuous without sitting tight for a significant period of

time for supports in view of correspondence delays.

16 E-Procurement and Cost Efficiency

One motivation behind why affiliations choose e-procurement is diminishment in

obtaining costs. One of the measures of securing capability and suitability is acquisition

related costs. The purpose of procurement organization is to pass on needed nature of

items to a relationship at immaterial cost possible. As demonstrated by Eadie et al.

(2007), e-acquisition when suitably got a handle on basically decreases procurement costs

through revisions of the anchoring system and diminishment of wastage. As discussed by

Gebauer, Beam and Segev (1988), who considered obtaining shapes in the United States,

procurement costs increase due to spending on preparation of written word, tackling

sensitive reports, publicizing tenders, costs of sharing or passing on fragile files and costs

of securing colossal volumes of literature and supplier records.

The web gives amazingly lean correspondence openings. E-acquisition diminishes costs

in light of the way that the costs of surveying fragile records are in a general sense

decreased (Hawking et al., 2004). Through use of programming, the amount of people

required to channel through reports and dismember the sensitive documents is basically

decreased. Sourcing for suppliers is made capable with e-acquisition. For instance, costs

related to taking off around to meet with potential suppliers or sitting tight for potential

suppliers to fly out remembering the ultimate objective to have a gathering are altogether

reduced. Programming, destinations, and the web make the vital strides of attracting or

spreading information about open tenders to which diverse suppliers are pulled in. E-

obtaining inside and out diminishes quality dissatisfaction related costs.

According to Hawking et al. (2004), when the system is robotized, all suppliers are

subjected to demonstrate criteria by a structure. This lessens degradation cases and


pollution related costs due to dealt quality. 18 With e-acquisition stages

straightforwardness and obligation is expert growing the procurement technique

uprightness. All suppliers can adequately complete the obtaining methodology

information interfaces on the e-procurement arrange. As demonstrated by Rankin et al.

(2006), E-securing is basic since it reduces association costs. Exactly when less staff is

required in the acquisition methodology, it suggests boss need to oversee less staff from

this time forward more critical staff control or organization.

Additionally, in light of the fact that most securing trades are robotized, the supervision

part is through and through decreased. Each one of that chiefs need to ensure is electronic

structure uprightness and an acquisition methodology proceeds without hitches. Egbu et

al. (2003) finished an examination, which revealed that e-securing decreases general

costs by more than 20%. E-Procurement and Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is recognized when quality stock and ventures are passed on

helpfully at the right cost (Harrigan, 2008). E-acquisition adds to purchaser dedication

through redesigning quality affirmation and helpful movement. Using motorized,

electronic systems ensures strict adherence to quality conclusions (Harrigan, 2008).

Moreover, steady correspondence between getting substance and suppliers causes

supplier to take after quality measures (Davila, Gupta and Palmer, 2003). E-acquirement

stages give electronic structures of following and keeping records about suppliers.


Such records may consolidate movement times, nature of things passed on, supplier costs

and other connected information that engages securing officers to settle on affirm based

decisions when dealing with suppliers (Davila et al., 2003). E-securing constructs access

to a varying pool of suppliers (Davila et al., 2003). This is basic towards buyer

dependability since it engages a relationship to hotspot for an arrangement of stock and

remain mindful of changes in thing particulars. 19 According to Harrigan (2008), the

settlement of getting to suppliers enables the procurement substance to alter purchasing to

necessities of individual customers. This is because of costs of procurement are basically

decreased through use of online stages and the technique is reworked. Another basic

piece of e-obtaining stages is supplier and customer input (Harrigan, 2008).

The e-acquisition enables obtaining components to amass information from the two

customers and suppliers continuously. The effect of this is gaining components can

address and direct customer judgments better. For instance, if there ought to emerge an

event of thing disillusionment, it is less complex to work with the supplier and customer

dynamically and find cheerful resolutions of rising concerns (Davila, 2003). Customer

input is used by the acquiring substance to empower supplier to improve their things

while supplier correspondence enables the inspiring component to supervise customer

wants and concerns. The net effect of such joint efforts is more important customer

dependability and advancement in check regard. Heywood (2002) saw that

correspondence is a fundamental part that ensures consistence for the supplier.

Through an e-obtaining stage, suppliers are engaged to get steady information which

them supports them wind up predictable. Of course, for the getting substance, electronic

stages give a street to quickly and capably amassing market knowledge (Heywood,


2002). In light of redesigned capacity to manage stock at perfect levels, e-obtaining

stages help the motivating substance to pass on things on ask for introduce. The benefits

of without a minute to save anchoring are not simply in lessening stock costs for the

getting component yet furthermore shopper dependability on account of good quality for

things whose quality is affected by limit (Davila et al., 2003).

2.2 Empirical Review

Abarden Group (2001) found that e-obtaining strategies prompts enhanced fulfillment of

client requests, enhanced contract consistence, refreshed store sort out limit, reduced

stock expenses and overhauled stock association. The get-together perceived the keys to

e-securing achievement. They brought up that e-securing ought not be overseen as a

framework, the connection must see what is spent on, the alliance must have a game-

plan, the usage of e-acquiring start by benchmarking, the execution of e-acquirement

must be driven from the best, the execution of e-anchoring must be kept up by other

accommodating zones.

The disclosures of Brazel and Dang (2008) demonstrated that execution of ERP refreshes

flexibility which suggests enhanced obtaining association. A region from adaptability,

ERP structures refresh association bookkeeping and central organization that

subsequently improves management‟s capacity to coordinate collections and particular

factors that may compel complete cutoff points. She and Thuraisingham (2007) in their

examination on security for Enterprise Resource Planning Systems built up that e-

procurement updates security of association information which may upgrade acquiring


execution. The above finding is in concurrence with the revelations of Martinez (2008)

on Procurement Goals, ERP, and Supplier Coordination in the Context of Competition

and Global Environment that ERP frameworks update client development and empower

joint effort with providers and clients. Enhanced provider and client relations and refresh

accomplishment of acquisitions basic objectives. Nah and Santiago (2006) in his

examination on principal Success Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning

Implementation and Upgrade uncovered that execution of ERP requires basic factors, for

example, system for advance and course, change association, correspondence, suitable

specific aptitudes, task and use association, top association commitment and movement

and structures association.

An examination facilitated by United Nations in 2011 on E-Procurement: Towards

Transparency and Efficiency in Public Service Delivery uncovered that e-offering

empowered government spare more than six million dollars by outsourcing the manual

duplication and stream records. The examination demonstrated that execution of e-

obtainment itself isn't an assertion for accomplishment in the securing works out. For this

structure to win there is need for controls and procedures if the framework is to succeed.

The examination additionally observed that diverse eprocurement programs come up

short by prudence of poor progression and nonappearance of association. Unmistakable

parts that instigate such disappointments include: nonattendance of care, protection from

change, poor coordination of breaking points and deficient utilize programs. Berlin

(2006) in his examination on The Impact of E-Procurement on the Number of Suppliers:

Where to Move to revealed that a broad measure of test forming beginning at now exists

affirming that e-anchoring prompts broadened number of providers. This examination in


like way uncovered that specific affiliations get varying on the web methodology for their

procurement limits.

Lewis (2004) drove an examination on Essentials of e-Sourcing: A Practical Guide for

Managing the RFX Process in an "E" Environment. The examination uncovered that e-

sourcing can be utilized as an instrument to diminish process time, make sourcing save

finances and to drive incremental vocations. He in addition found that execution of e-

sourcing begins with affirmation of an etool to supplement dynamic attributes, trailed by

change association and preparing of the staff and various accessories where conceivable.

In this way, Vaidya and Callender (2006) facilitated an examination on the central factors

that impact effective execution of eprocurement in people when all is said in done part

and perceived end client take-up and preparing, provider assurance, framework joining,

security and insistence, re-building process, execution estimation, top association

execution, change association program and correspondence structures as the fundamental

factors that pick the achievement of utilization of e-acquisition.

As indicated by (Mabert et al, 2010), process computerization of procurement work helps

in decay of cost to firms in different associations. Cost reviews in US have beginning late

uncovered what was suspected for quite a while that when a demand advances through a

fax and inside mail paper labyrinth of backings to the focal obtaining division,

authoritative expenses conventionally keeps running from $ 40-$ 150-reliably beat the

cost of the get itself. As per (Shaw and Subramaniam, 2002), the estimation of E-

acquiring can be depicted as regard benefits despite exchange less progression secure

cost. Regard benefits happen because of sparing in look, approach, contracting and

coordination costs. With advancement secure cost in picking and utilizing a particular


acquirement framework, including exchanging cost. General sourcing is starting at now a

modified need to react to conflict. Regardless, the decision of where to anchor things and

endeavors is certainly not a static choice. Getting cost decrease framework is a tenacious

re-assessment is a productive re-examination of the cost of everything obtained and

moored for

By acknowledging e-acquisition framework, a few central focuses could be gotten.

Several examinations have looked into the advantages of executing e-acquirement

structure; one of them was by (Mabert et al, (2003), which concentrated on the status of

e-obtaining in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the South Coast of

Massachusetts. This examination demonstrated that e-obtaining was ineptly gotten a

handle on by SMEs and they were not tolerating the prizes of e-anchoring. Gefen et al

(2003) composed a coherent examination that concentrated on investigating the Greek

government anchoring outlines did by the General Secretariat of Procurement. This

examination perceived extensive (quantifiable) and impalpable (hard to evaluate)

benefits. Huge great conditions included cost of supply diminishment, touchy costs

decreasing and lead time hypothesis saves. Unessential inclinations included process

change and different leveled ideal conditions. Another examination was driven by

(Croom, 2004). This examination mishandled issues identified with use and effect of e-

acquisition in nine open parts in the United Kingdom (UK). Five effects were seen in this

examination, particularly: change in whole cost of acquisitions, changes in dynamic

attributes, changes in association structure, association and execution. (Kamanda, 2001)

also planned examination on the effects of e-anchoring in the securing strategy on the

creation mastermind by taking a gander at the undertaking of Hong Kong Textile. They


utilized SWOT examination to delineate effects in every time of obtaining process.

Attributes and insufficiencies were utilized as inside execution estimation in the

obtainment framework, for instance, capacity, and appropriateness. Openings and

dangers were perceived as the electronic conditions that help e-procurement. (Maleyeff,

2003) express that rather than bureaucratic, diverse leveled structure, affiliations should

shape more flexible, decentralized assembling and affiliation together based systems that

enable workers to respond to show off movements. This examination recognizes that e-

getting consolidates a course of action of on-screen characters that work both cover and

intra-connection shapes.

2.3 Critical Review and Gap Identification

Albeit broad research has generally been filed, couple of examinations has been grasped

in Rwanda with respect to e-acquisition framework in overhauling securing execution.

Ruzindanai and Prashant B. K (2016) finished an examination on the Adoption of e-

Procurement and its impact on the Procurement Performance of Selected

Telecommunication Companies in Rwanda. The examination set up that with a particular

ultimate objective to improve appointment level at specialist's level, the affiliations need

to manage factors related to obvious perils, which will upgrade determination of e-

securing structure. A particularly tied down IT structure and with an aggregate getting

ready program, infrastructural candidly steady system to update work execution and

upgrade the idea of yield from delegates found to impact execution of affiliation

decidedly. In any case, little thought was given to the piece of e-obtaining philosophy on


procurement execution in association with Lead times, Quality supplies, Cost and

Customer satisfaction. This examination in this way endeavors to fill this gap by

essentially developing the piece of e-acquisition in overhauling procurement execution in

association with Lead times, Quality supplies, Cost and Customer satisfaction.

2.4 Theoretical Framework

2.4.1 Disruptive Innovation Theory

Barahona and Elizondo (2012) assessed the theory of unsafe change. This hypothesis

calls attention to that e-anchoring is a movement. In like way it requires steady change. In

light of such changes, it pesters the customary anchoring activities and frameworks. The

theory of unsafe progress is delineated by: practically nothing and exorbitant customer

base and non-guarantee at the essential times of utilization, some level of insistence as

the framework is executed, new dispute as headway proceeds and predictable quality

change to update flexibility to client and accessories needs. Troublesome changes require

basic assets, technique and qualities.

Basic assets merge assets supporting the regular business works out, for example, People,

types of progress, thing plans, brands, client and provider affiliations, relationship

association with its customers and providers and showing works out. Basic technique

joins major activity conventions and coordination diagrams those sponsorships activities

of a present business endeavors. In like way, real social attributes, conviction structure

and presumptions are besides crucial (Barahona and Elizondo, 2012). The hypothesis of

dubious headway sees the way that open affiliations and structures are less flexible.

Thusly, the designation of e-anchoring methods of insight requires a pivotal and


proactive approach with a particular ultimate objective to manufacture the framework

inside the present structures as opposed to social event of totally new structures.

Satisfactory accessibility with respect to the correct progression, association to create

change process, arranging of the operators and care battle among clients is key. It is

essential to watch that rarely troublesome movements may basically work in the short


2.4.2 Innovation Diffusion Theory

Change spread theory was proposed by Rogers (1962). The hypothesis demonstrates that

movement is a procedure expected to redesign money related change. As exhibited by

change diffusing hypothesis, progress is depicted as a thought apparent as new by people.

OECD (1997) refered to by Andreanne and Swaminathan (2007) depicted headway as

„all the sensible, mechanical, different leveled, money related, and business hones basic

to make, acknowledge, and advance new or overhauled things or techniques Innovation

hypothesis helps board four essential elements‟. The essential portion is change that puts

thought on the capacity to consider more productive and better procedures for finishing


This hypothesis arrange adopters of change into five game plans; pioneers, people who

ought to be the first to try the progress, Early Adopters, individuals who address

conclusion pioneers, Early Majority people who need to see exhibit that the progression

works before they can get a handle on it, Late Majority, suspicious people who just gets a

progress after it has been tried by the bigger part and Laggards, people who are


particularly careful about progress and are the hardest get-together to consolidate into the

headway framework.

As exhibited by progress hypothesis, rate of get-together of creative procedures can be

looked far as; relative incredible position given to the connection, resemblance, diserse

quality, crucial breaking point of the new techniques and detectable quality to the

assistants inside the social structure. The second factor is correspondence that lays data

and making and sharing data identifying with innovative activities in the association. The

third part is time that considers the navigate attracted with the progress choice process.

The last part is the social setting of the new structures (Rogers, 1997). Spread of progress

strategies requires change and reexamination of things and individuals with the target that

they can perform better (Les Robinson, 2009). The considerations in this hypothesis are

unfathomably related to this examination. They help build up the examination and

empower the expert value the customary relationship between the segments.

While movement disseminating hypothesis brings energy about the headway technique, it

has diverse restrictions. The hypothesis does not build up a participatory approach. It is

along these lines essentially arranged to work best with allocation of practices.

Considering, the hypothesis does not consider an affiliation's advantages and social help

in assurance of new systems.

2.4.3 Technology Acceptance Theory

Improvement confirmation demonstrate was presented by Devis (1986). As indicated by

this hypothesis, rising advancements can't enhance different leveled adequacy and

execution if the change has not been perceived by the clients (Davis, 1986). The


hypothesis of advancement confirmation is a champion among the most undeniable

speculations in understanding assurance of PC types of progress. Social event of any

headway or particularly data advancement based requires excitement for PC based

instruments to help basic organization, arranging correspondence. In any case, these

frameworks might be hazardous. It is thusly important that the structures are settled on

complete inclination and premise. It is likewise essential to comprehend that individuals

may limit mechanical changes. There must be a push to comprehend why individuals

confine changes and the conceivable courses through which such issues can be settled.

Honest to goodness conclusive culture must be told; the change must be gotten a handle

on in an incremental course joined by correspondence.

Everybody included must be told on their parts and enabled to play out the particular

parts (Kamel, 2014). Hypothesis of progression depends upon two suppositions; saw

estimation of the framework such us; overhauled execution, upgraded productivity,

adequacy and gainfulness in assignments and so on and the undeniable convenience of

the new structures, for example, straightforwardness to learn, ease to utilize,

straightforwardness to control and straightforwardness to recall. This hypothesis brings

an understanding that assertion and utilization of new progression is a portion of the

users‟ sentiments about the structure and its obvious great conditions.


2.4.3 Technology Acceptance Theory

Improvement confirmation demonstrates was presented by Devis (1986). As indicated by

this hypothesis, rising advancements can't enhance different leveled adequacy and

execution if the change has not been perceived by the clients (Davis, 1986). The

hypothesis of advancement confirmation is a champion among the most undeniable

speculations in understanding assurance of PC types of progress. Social event of any

headway or particularly data advancement based requires excitement for PC based

instruments to help basic organization, arranging correspondence. In any case, these

frameworks might be hazardous. It is thusly important that the structures are settled on

complete inclination and premise. It is likewise essential to comprehend that individuals

may limit mechanical changes. There must be a push to comprehend why individuals

confine changes and the conceivable courses through which such issues can be settled.

Honest to goodness conclusive culture must be told; the change must be gotten a handle

on in an incremental course joined by correspondence.

Everybody included must be told on their parts and enabled to play out the particular

parts (Kamel, 2014). Hypothesis of progression depends upon two suppositions; saw

estimation of the framework such us; overhauled execution, upgraded productivity,

adequacy and gainfulness in assignments and so on and the undeniable convenience of

the new structures, for example, straightforwardness to learn, ease to utilize,

straightforwardness to control and straightforwardness to recall. This hypothesis brings

an understanding that assertion and utilization of new progression is a portion of the

users‟ sentiments about the structure and its obvious great conditions.


2.5 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1Conceptual Framework

Source: Researcher, 2017

The applied system demonstrates that the free factor in this examination is e-obtainment.

E-acquiring is operationalized to the degree the particular e-acquirement strategy that

affiliations get. Such systems meld e-offering, e-edifying, e-sourcing, e-asking for, e-

support and e invoicing. These frameworks or strategies once finished genuinely through

an e-arrange instigate enhanced obtainment execution. Enhanced anchoring execution in

this examination is operationalzed as lower lead times, amazing supply, cost capacity,

and buyer steadfastness.

"An e-Tendering structure is an aggregation of customers, electronic media, moved data

and exercises that can perform, associating with those customers to relate. e-Tendering,

as delineated by Christensen and Duncan (2006), is "the electronic streaming, offering,

getting to, persisting and submitting of each and every one of the fragile related

information and documentation by techniques for the web, supplanting the standard







E– Invoicing

Intervening Variables

Management support

Procurement Performance


Lead times

Quality supplies


Customer satisfaction


paper-based delicate systems, and achieving a more profitable and vital business process

for each and every party included." Three lead factors have prompted the making

utilization of e-Tendering (Betts et al., 2006): The expanding usage of movement inside

the change business; The exchanging of information between the parties; and A stress for

the earth (that is, a reducing in the use of paper and materials).

E-instructing is a kind of electronic procurement that isn't particularly associated with the

advancement in a fundamental picking up cycle like contracting or inquisitive. It is

incredibly the course toward get-together and dispersing related information about getting

from buyers, suppliers and specific get-togethers using Internet progression.

E-sourcing hints the way toward seeing or finding new conceivable providers for a

particular class of picking up fundamentals utilizing Internet progression. The Internet

empowers relationship to cooperate with potential providers in an expansive range and

help them on providers' choice.

E-mastermind is utilized to ask for obtainment of things or associations, depicting the

particulars and covering unmistakable honest segments, for example, what is required,

when it is required, and where it is required. From the e-ask for, a purchaser will source

the basic things or associations, overview the offers of important providers, and close the

system by giving a Purchase Request a fated provider

Electronic receipt, for the most part called e-invoicing, electronic charging and e-

charging, is dealt with receipt content (affiliation name, receipt number, reference

number, arrange number, VAT, partition terms and so on.) transmitted electronically

from provider to purchaser. (Koch-Billentis 2015.) The target of e-receipt is to save the

receipt in coding lingos amidst the receipt system. This licenses sender and beneficiary to


spare cash and time. E-asking for are kind of receipt sent through web and set by

techniques for programming, a virtual keeping money association or online interface.

Beginning there, the e-asking for are moved, by a middle individual, to the gatherer for

underwriting. By e-invoicing, affiliations permit clients less asking for and speedier

access to deals and receipt information. These electronic strategies decrease the cost of

organizing, changing, and paying bills, in spite of diminishing the conceivable outcomes

for human screws up, guaranteeing epic headways in ampleness if executed in broad


2.6 Summary

This part gave the evaluated creating thankfulness to e-acquirement. The portion explored

the theoretical composed work, observational audit, key investigation, speculative

structure and besides the theoretical course of action of the examination.

Inspected forming displays that e-procurement is a key mechanical get together to

enhance getting execution. The standard reason for anchoring is pass on required measure

of courses of action to clients (both internal and outside) at consummate regard, quality

and time. Procurement execution is therefore assessed like transport of critical worth

supplies in time at the correct cost. Diminishments in lead times, nature of supply, cost

ability are the parts that actuate customer devotion.



3.0 Introduction

This part presents the methodology of the examination which contains the course of

action of the examination, masses, test size and frameworks, information conglomeration

systems, realness and reliability of instruments and information examination which was

utilized as a part of the middle of the examination.

3.1 Research Design

The examination utilized an attracting examination organize where both quantitative and

subjective research approaches were gotten. The quantitative approach was related where

factors were surveyed utilizing quantifiable systems to dissect information utilizing SPSS

Version 21. Expressive research setup was bolstered with a particular true objective to

give encourage bits of data of respondents.

3.2 Target Population

The objective individuals of the examination was 45 workers of Bralirwa Company as

appeared by Human Resource records at the affiliation.

3.3 Sample Design

3.3.1 Sample Size

In light of the advantage objectives, the examination included testing from the objective

masses of 45, Krejcie and Morgan refered to in Amin, (2005) table of test assess

affirmation proposes a base number of 40 respondents.


3.3.2 Sampling techniques

A measurements was improved the situation the 40 Bralirwa association limited staff

people since the number was seen as meager

3.4 Data Collection Methods

3.4.1 Data Collection Instruments

A self-controlled review the examination used an interfacing with examination compose

where both quantitative and subjective research approaches were gotten. The quantitative

approach was connected where factors were assessed using quantifiable frameworks to

destroy data using SPSS Version 21. Expressive research course of action was

maintained with a specific genuine target to give assistance bits of information of


3.4.2 Administration of Data Collection Instruments

To make high reaction rate, the ace passed on diagrams exclusively by making a strategy

and in addition especially valuing the social affair. As a technique went for limiting the

time it made to complete this move, the expert got both self-coordinated and drops and

picks structures in overview affiliation.

3.4.3 Validity and Reliability

Dornyei (2003) fights that examination instruments are estimation gadgets that must have

sufficient steadfast quality. The expert perceives pre-testing as one complete technique

towards upgrading instrument steadiness. This underlies the longing for this examination

to planning a thorough instrument underwriting sharpen through pre-testing. The pilot


units, vague to one-tenth of the proposed test measure, were gotten from in every

practical sense unclear individuals from the majority from which the case for the full

examination was taken.

The examination's substance realness was refined through ace examination by the

administrator, perceiving affirmation of material markers through sweeping solicitation

of the composed work on the arrangement to be assessed, while the model validness was

fit through a not all that terrible learning of hypothesis identifying with the idea so the

master picked what factors were relied on to be predicted by and identified with it and a

measure of the relationship between the measure and those parts.

3.5 Data Analysis Procedure

Information from the field was balanced, coded and gone into PC utilizing quantifiable

bundle for social experts program (SPSS) Version 21. Information collected was both

subjective and quantitative. Quantitative information was poor down using rehash course,

rates, mean scores and standard deviations. It was introduced utilizing outlines, tables,

rates, frequencies, standard deviation and means. Genuine information examination was

done using cross dealt with tables to assist the analyst with setting up the relationship

between the components under investigation.

3.6 Ethical Considerations

The expert considered the examination estimations of mulls over meander, puzzle and

confirmation of respondents from any possible fiendishness that could climb out of

appreciating the examination. Thusly the assessor; demonstrated the inspiration driving


the examination as a fulfillment of a Masters' Study program and not for some other

disguised blueprint by the ace and request the respondents to welcome the examination

on a deliberate start and refusal or surrendering taking an intrigue were permitted. The

ace also ensured the respondents of depiction of the information given and certification

from any possible harm that could climb out of the examination since the revelations will

be used for the organized purposes in a manner of speaking. The respondents will be

outfitted with contribution about the revelations of the examination.



4.0 Introduction

This region exhibited information examination and outline of the divulgences.

Information was exhibited fittingly by utilization of pie systems, table and outlines.

Sensible examination including frequencies and rates were utilized. The general goal for

this examination was to research impacts of E-procurement on anchoring execution in the

social event business in Rwanda. In this examination, the reaction rate was 86%

4.1 Demographic Information on Respondents

This domain tied down the foundation data of the respondents in relationship with age,

working learning, sexual presentation and most confusing instructive level.

Table 4.1Demographic Information on Respondents

Frequency Percentage


Male 22 65%

Female 12 35%


20-39 years 18 53%

40-49years 12 35%

50-59 years 4 12%

60 years and above 0 0

Educational Level


Certificate 2 7%

Diploma 8 23%

Bachelors 16 47%

Masters 8 23%

Working Experience

Below 2 years 4 12%

3-5years 25 74%

6 years and above 5 18%

Source: Researcher 2018

From the revelations of the examination, it was created that greater segment (65%) of the

respondents at the affiliation were male while 35% were female. This portrayed sex

awkwardness at the affiliation which could have impacted e-anchoring execution. In like

way, lion's offer (53%) of respondents were between 20-39 years old and 35% being

between 40-49 years old. This showed lion's offer of the respondents were all things

considered adolescents which could impact e-getting at the affiliation. The examination

in like way settled that 47% of respondents had grabbed a lone wolves degree as their

most unpredictable measure of limit with 23% having affirmation and Masters capacity.

This displays bigger bit of the respondents had fundamental scholarly capacities to

comprehend the goals of the examination. This could too have impacted e-getting

execution at the affiliation. At long last the examination set up that greater area (74%)

respondents had worked with the relationship for in the locale of 3 and 5 years while 18%

had worked for the relationship for more than 6 years. This uncovers greater bit of the

respondents had enough work commitment to comprehend e-anchoring execution at the


affiliation. Estimation happens as expected focuses to the likelihood of helpful outcome

on e-getting

4.2 Presentation of Findings

4.2.1 Level of E-procurement adoption at Bralirwa ltd.

Respondents were asked the obtaining limits are managed through the electronic stage at

Bralirwa Ltd. Responses were as showed up in Figure 4.1 underneath;

Figure 4.1 Level of E-procurement adoption at Bralirwa ltd.

Source: Researcher 2018

From the disclosures of the examination, Bralirwa association used e-stages for e-offering

(71% of respondents), for e-instructing (6%), for e-sourcing (11%), for e-requesting

(23%) and for e-invoicing (5%). This shows Bralirwa Ltd had grasped e-stages for

obtaining work.


To check how much the association had grasped e-obtaining, respondents were requested

to rate diverse clarifications using a likert size of 1-5 where 1 =Very Small Extent

2=Small Extent 3=Medium Extent 4=Great Extent and 5=Very Great Extent. To explore

the responses, mean assessments and standard deviations were registered as shown in

Table 4.2. The mean scores of "little degree" and "little degree" were addressed by mean

score practically identical to 1 to 2.5 on the Likert scale (1 ≤ little degree ≤ 2.5). The

scores of „medium extent‟ were practically identical to 2.6 to 3.5 on 38 the Likert scale

(2.6 ≤ Medium degree ≤ 3.5) while the scores of "phenomenal degree" and "to a great

degree staggering degree" were addressed by a mean score of 3.6 ≤ amazing degree ≤ 5.0

on the likert scale

Table 4.2 Extent to which the company had adopted e-procurement





My company has successfully adopted e-procurement system 3.44


All procurement processes in my organization are automated

using an e-procurement system



Management has set clear e-procurement policy, objectives and




All suppliers use the e-procurement platform 1.48


The e-procurement processes are efficient and effective 2.00


There are no challenges to the organization arising due to 1.44



adoption of e-procurement system

Data on the e-procurement processes is constantly collected and

acted upon



Source: Research Data, 2018

Considering the mean assessments presented in table 4.2, the respondents respectably

agreed that the association had successfully gotten e-acquisition (mean rating of 3.44).

The standard deviation of 1.09 is high and decisive of high change over respondents'

responses. The respondents assented to a little degree (Mean rating of 1.35) to the

declaration that all obtaining shapes in the association had been robotized using an e-

securing structure. The standard deviation of 0.46 is low and shows low change similar to

condition over the workplaces. This infers in the association, simply couple of securing

limits were executed through an electronic stage.

The respondents agreed insistently (mean rating of 4.56) that their organization had a

sensible e-procurement systems and goals; in any case a raised prerequisite deviation of

1.33 exhibits high change in the rating by the respondents. The respondents assented to a

little degree (mean rating of 1.48 and a standard deviation of 0.68) that all suppliers used

the e-acquisition stages.

There was agree to a little degree to the declaration that e-securing in the association was

beneficial and practical (mean rating of 2.00 and standard deviation of 0.99). There was

agree to a little degree (mean rating of 1.44) among respondents that there were no

troubles developing in the association due to determination of e-securing. In any case, the

standard deviation of 1.23 exhibits high distinction in the responses of respondents. The

respondents agreed to an immediate degree (mean rating of 2.80 and standard deviation


of 0.14) that data on the e-securing frames was constantly accumulated and followed up


4.2.2 Evaluation of the Challenges in E-procurement implementation at Bralirwa ltd

Challenges Frequency Percentage

Untrained staff 24 74%

Computer fraud 20 60%

Traditional procurement 09 20%

Time 13 35%

System upgrade 15 44%

Wrong system 16 45%

Source: Research Data, 2018

Respondents were asked for to list the acquisition challenges the affiliation looked since

gathering of e-securing system. The best test at 74% is the need to plan staff that

develops as a result of introduction of PC structures. Yet a segment of the staff were used

while having principal ICT setting up, a lion's offer are not astoundingly actually learned.

In this way, while introducing ICT stages, it requires that the staff must be set up to have

the ability to use the system. Another key test at 60% is PC distortion and related threats.

PC blackmail can be inside or influenced by untouchables. Some phony laborers can

enter the wrong information into the system in this way exchanging off data

trustworthiness. There are physical and furthermore predictable PC security perils. Such


real threats fuse contaminations, Trojans and software engineers that incite corruption of

PC records or robbery of such archives. Once an affiliation gets an e-procurement

arrange, they furthermore need to place assets into PC security.

20% respondents said that in the event that the need was true a few clients settled on

standard obtaining where by a printed copy of the demand plot was filled and submitted

for help as it was less asking for to make headway and accreditation blessed

development. 35% of the respondents demonstrated that two or three sales were passed

on with a few abnormalities along these lines wastage of time on managing the issue and

every now and then lose of clients due to out of stock.

Particular inconveniences said by respondents are the essential for solid structure revive

(44%), which as regularly as conceivable recommends cost of redesign and retraining of

staff. There are high expenses of programming and rigging (45%), blunders in structure

in light of wrong passages (38%), different providers not being ICT sharp accordingly not

using the e-obtainment stages (35%) and the measures of information that are

accumulated after some time that the alliance may not acknowledge what to do with it yet

it takes up restrain compel on the framework (25%).

Institutionalization issues were in like way considered as a basic issue in e-getting

strategies at the affiliation (35%). Right when most by a wide margin of the buys are one-

time-just or when the things or associations procured are stunning and difficult to control,

the inclinations from eprocurement are difficult to accomplish. Respondents uncovered


that there were unmistakable inconveniences on utilization of e-obtaining including

Power supply issue, financing issue as the stack of e-anchoring was significantly over the

top and in addition undertaking costs were high.

4.2.3 Effect of E-acquirement on Procurement Performance

This piece answers the examination question; what is the impact of E-obtainment on

procurement execution at Bralirwa ltd? Utilizing a likert size of 1-5 where 1 =Very Small

Extent 2=Small Extent 3=Medium Extent 4=Great Extent and 5=Very Great Extent. To

dismantle the reactions, mean examinations and standard deviations were discovered as

appeared in Table 4.2. The mean scores of "little degree" and "little degree" were tended

to by mean score proportionate to 1 to 2.5 on the Likert scale (1 ≤ little degree ≤ 2.5). The

scores of „medium extent‟ were indistinct to 2.6 to 3.5 on 38 the Likert scale (2.6 ≤

Medium degree ≤ 3.5) while the scores of "phenomenal degree" and "extraordinarily

stunning degree"

4.2.3 Effect of E-procurement on Procurement Performance

This fragment answers the investigation question; what is the effect of E-procurement on

acquisition execution at Bralirwa ltd? Using a likert size of 1-5 where 1 =Very Small

Extent 2=Small Extent 3=Medium Extent 4=Great Extent and 5=Very Great Extent. To

dismember the responses, mean examinations and standard deviations were found out as

showed in Table 4.2. The mean scores of "little degree" and "little degree" were

addressed by mean score proportionate to 1 to 2.5 on the Likert scale (1 ≤ little degree ≤


2.5). The scores of „medium extent‟ were indistinguishable to 2.6 to 3.5 on 38 the Likert

scale (2.6 ≤ Medium degree ≤ 3.5) while the scores of "unprecedented degree" and

"greatly amazing degree"

Table 4.3Effect of E-procurement on Procurement Performance





E-procurement has enhanced transparency hence reduction in

corruption related costs



E-procurement has led to reduction in wastage costs e.g. use of many




E-procurement has reduced transport and postage costs 2.82


E-procurement platforms provide cheaper mechanisms of interacting

with suppliers



E-procurement has reduced costs of sourcing for suppliers 3.04 0.05

E-procurement has enhanced inventory management practices in

your organization



E-procurement has reduced delays in suppliers delivering goods 3.20 0.87

E-procurement led to Just in Time (JIT) procurement thus

emergency procurement is quickly handled in your organization



E-procurement has real time sharing of information between the

organization and suppliers



E-procurement platforms have helped integrated different

department or branches hence reducing requisition time and product

delivery times



All company employees make requisitions online and they are

satisfied with the process



Our customers consistently get quality products when they need




Customer orders are processed and delivered promptly and in full

every time



e-procurement has led to integration of processes, which has reduced

lead times in the organization



Tenders advertisement and short listing of suppliers is done online

and all suppliers are happy with it



Customer experiences are constantly monitored and actions are

tailored to enhance them



Source: Research Data 2018


The examination of data as presented in table 4.3 show that the respondents to an

immediate degree agreed that e-securing has enhanced straightforwardness consequently

diminishment in pollution related costs (mean rating of 2.75). The standard deviation of

1.13 is high and expressive of high vacillation in responses transversely finished

respondents. The respondents assented, figuratively speaking, (Mean rating of 4.30 and

standard deviation of 0.15) to the declaration that E-obtaining has provoked lessening in

wastage costs e.g. use of various papers. The respondents assented to an immediate

degree (mean rating of 2.82) that E-obtaining has lessened transport and postage costs; at

any rate a select prerequisite deviation of 1.11 shows high vacillation in the rating by the

respondents. The respondents assented, in a manner of speaking, (mean rating of 4.52 and

a standard deviation of 0.42) that E-procurement stages outfit more affordable segments

of speaking with suppliers. The respondents assented to an immediate degree (mean

rating of 3.04 and standard deviation of 0.05) that E-acquisition has reduced costs of

sourcing for suppliers.

Considering association between e-procurement and lead times, the respondents agreed

decently that; E-securing had enhanced stock organization sharpens in the association

(mean of 3.92) and that E-acquisition has decreased delays in suppliers passing on stock

(mean of 3.20). Also, the respondents agreed to an immediate degree that E-obtaining has

persistent sharing of information between the association and suppliers (mean of 3.65).

The respondents agreed to a little degree that E-securing provoked Just in Time (JIT)

acquisition in this way emergency obtaining is quickly dealt with in the association

(mean of 2.56). Of course the respondents, in a manner of speaking, agreed that E-


securing stages have helped joined particular office or branches along these lines

reducing request time and thing transport times (mean of 4.54).

The respondents essentially assented to the declaration that all association laborers made

requests on the web and they are content with the methodology (mean of 3.78, standard

deviation of 0.71). The respondents, so to speak, assented to the declarations that: Our

customers dependably get quality things when they require them (Mean rating of 4.26

and standard deviation of 0.85), and Customer orders are arranged and passed on quickly

and in full every time (Mean rating of 4.70 and standard deviation of 0.04). Of course the

respondents agreed to an immediate degree to the declaration that; e-acquisition has

incited compromise of systems, which has reduced lead times in the affiliation (mean

rating of 2.62 and standard deviation of 0.97), tenders advertisement and short posting of

suppliers is done on the web and all suppliers are content with it (mean rating of 2.38 and

standard deviation of 0.85). The respondents assented to an immediate degree that

customer experiences were ceaselessly watched and exercises were exclusively fitted to

enhance them (mean rating of 2.57 and standard deviation of 088).




5.1 Introduction

This segment gives the quick overview of divulgences identified with the objectives of

the examination and to give finish of disclosures, recommendation and proposition to

future specialists. The general target of the examination was to investigate impacts of the

E-securing on getting execution in the get-together business in Rwanda

5.2 Summary of Findings

5.2.1: Assessment of adoption level of E-procurement at Bralirwa ltd.

From the disclosures of the examination, Bralirwa Company used e-stages for e-offering,

for e-instructing, for e-sourcing, for e-requesting and for e-invoicing. The predominant

piece of respondents sufficiently agreed that the association had viably grasped e-

obtaining. The respondents assented to a little degree to the declaration that all

acquisition shapes in the association had been automated using an e-securing structure.

This infers in the association, simply couple of acquisition limits were executed through

an electronic stage.

The respondents agreed immovably that their organization had a sensible e-securing

methodologies and objectives. The respondents agreed to a little degree that all suppliers

used the e-acquisition stages.


There was agree to a little degree to the declaration that e-acquisition in the association

was gainful and convincing. There was agree to a little degree among respondents that

there were no challenges developing in the association due to assignment of e-obtaining.

The respondents agreed to an immediate degree that data on the e-obtaining frames was

constantly accumulated and followed up on.

5.2.2 Evaluation of E-procurement implementation challenges at Bralirwa ltd

The best test as demonstrated by bigger part respondents was the need to plan staff that

rises on account of introduction of PC systems. Though a bit of the staff were used while

having principal ICT setting up, a lion's offer are not especially in fact learned. Thusly,

while introducing ICT stages, it requires that the staff must be set up to have the ability to

use the structure. Another key test was PC deception and related perils.

PC distortion can be internal or induced by untouchables. Some false delegates can enter

the wrong information into the system along these lines exchanging off data

respectability. There are physical and moreover steady PC security risks. Such steady

risks fuse diseases, Trojans and software engineers that provoke debasement of PC

reports or burglary of such records. Once an affiliation gets an e-obtaining stage, they in

like manner need to place assets into PC security.

A couple of respondents said that in case the need was basic a couple of customers settled

on standard acquisition where by a printed variant of the request shape was filled and

submitted for underwriting as it was less requesting to make improvement and

certification favorable transport. Distinctive respondents showed that a couple of


solicitations were passed on with a couple of irregularities consequently wastage of time

on handling the issue and all over lose of customers due to out of stock.

Diverse troubles indicated by respondents are the prerequisite for steady structure

upgrade, which routinely infers cost of refresh and retraining of staff. There are high

costs of programming and gear, botches in structure in light of wrong areas, various

suppliers not being ICT sharp accordingly not utilizing the e-acquisition stages and the

measures of data that are assembled after some time that the affiliation may not perceive

what to do with it yet it takes up limit constrain on the system.

Systematization issues were in addition considered as an imperative issue in e-obtainment

designs at the affiliation. Precisely when most by a wide margin of the buys are one-time-

just or when the things or associations acquired are inconsistent and difficult to

systematize, the inclinations from e-procurement are difficult to accomplish. Respondents

uncovered that there were unmistakable inconveniences on execution of e-anchoring

including Power supply issue, financing issue as the pile of e-obtaining was remarkably

costly what's more development costs were high.


5.2.3 Establishment of E-procurement on procurement performance at Bralirwa ltd

The examination of data showed that respondents to an immediate degree agreed that e-

securing has enhanced straightforwardness accordingly reducing in corruption related

costs. The respondents agreed, everything considered, to the declaration that E-

acquisition has incited diminishment in wastage costs e.g. use of various papers. The

respondents agreed to an immediate degree that E-securing has decreased transport and

postage costs. The respondents assented, everything considered, that E-obtaining stages

outfit more affordable parts of participating with suppliers. The respondents assented to

an immediate degree that E-procurement has reduced costs of sourcing for suppliers.

Pondering association between e-securing and lead times, the respondents agreed

appropriately that; E-procurement had redesigned stock organization practices in the

association and that E-acquisition has reduced delays in suppliers passing on stock.

Moreover, the respondents assented to an immediate degree that E-obtaining has

persistent sharing of information between the association and suppliers. The respondents

assented to a little degree that E-acquisition incited Just in Time (JIT) procurement in this

way emergency securing is promptly dealt with in the association. On the other hand the

respondents, everything considered, agreed that E-securing stages have helped joined

unmistakable office or branches thusly lessening request time and thing transport times.

The respondents extraordinarily agreed to the declaration that all association agents made

requests on the web and they were content with the methodology. The respondents,

everything considered, agreed to the declarations that: Our customers dependably get


quality things when they require them, and Customer orders are arranged and passed on

instantly and in full without fizzle. On the other hand the respondents agreed to an

immediate degree to the declaration that; e-securing has incited fuse of strategies, which

has diminished lead times in the affiliation, tenders advertisement and short posting of

suppliers is done on the web and all suppliers are content with it. The respondents agreed

to an immediate degree that customer

5.3 Conclusions

The goals of this examination were to survey the selection of e-acquirement in Brarilwa

Company Ltd, to assess acquisition execution at the organization and to decide the

commitment of e-obtainment to acquirement execution at Brarilwa. Considering

appropriation of e-obtainment at Brarilwa, the examination set up that reception of e-

acquisition was still moderately low crosswise over different capacities.

The investigation infers that innovation was a piece of the test to Electronic Procurement

execution at Bralirwa Limited. Innovative difficulties, for example, the cost of new

innovation dread of new innovation by workers, absence of imperative preparing and

abilities about innovation makes representatives to incline toward business as usual

which represses usage of Electronic Procurement in Bralirwa Limited.

E-acquirement is related with various impacts on obtainment execution at the

organization which included; continuous reaction to both the clients and the market;

enhances straightforwardness and responsibility; enhances data stream in the inventory

network; helps the organization in lessening costs; coordinated distinctive office or


branches subsequently decreasing demand time and item conveyance times. Be that as it

may, e-acquirement contributes possibly towards Just in Time (JIT) obtainment

accordingly crisis acquisition is immediately taken care of

5.4 Recommendations

The examination has revealed that regardless of the way that e-procurement system have

been gotten at the association, some acquisition practices are so far managed physically.

There is necessity for Bralirwa Limited to underscore on the need to draw out all the

securing limits through e-procurement

Agents ought to be set up on use of the e-acquisition system. This will enable them to

operationalize the system. There is in like manner necessity for the association to join the

distinctive limits with the objective that e-procurement can thrive.

The destinations of Bralirwa Limited ought to be reliably revived with the latest

information concerning acquisition works out. Suppliers should be encouraged to summit

their references on the web.

While the complementarities may be appealing, there might be need to scale back on

standard methodology with the objective that the e-procurement frames get. For

associations grasping e-obtaining, in light of the revelations in this examination, it is

endorsed that they focus on streamlining e-offering, e-requesting and e-sourcing. This is

in light of the fact that an effect between e-securing methods and acquisition execution.

It is in like manner fundamental to consider changing diverse troubles discussed in this

examination, for instance, IT establishment, constrain developing e-procurement data,

security of trades, et cetera


5.5 Suggestions for Further Research

An investigation ought to be completed to set up the purposes for low use of e-

acquirement among assembling organizations in Rwanda even after the framework has

been completely introduced. There is have to direct a similar investigation of the impacts

of e-obtainment on execution of the general population division associations. This will

help with thinking of likenesses and contrasts that can fill in as benchmarks

The investigation prescribes that future examinations should center around the impact of

Electronic Procurement on budgetary execution of a firm with center around money

related execution measures, for example, net salary, degree of profitability or profit for




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Gender (Please Tick)

__ (1) Male

__ (2) Female


___i) 20-39 years

____ii) 40-49years

____iii) 50-59 years

____iv) 60 years

Education Level (Please Specify):

(1) Certificate_________________

(2) Diploma _______________________

(3) Bachelors ______________________

(4) Masters ______________________

(5) Ph.D. _______________________

Number of Years (Working Experience) (Please Tick):

____(1) Below 2 years

____(2) 3-5years

____(3) 6 years and above


1. Which of the following procurement functions are handled through the electronic


E- Tendering Yes [ ] No [ ]


E- Informing Yes [ ] No [ ]

E- Sourcing Yes [ ] No [ ]

E– Requisitioning Yes [ ] No [ ]

E– Approval Yes [ ] No [ ]

E– Invoicing Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. Answer the following questions on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 =Very Small Extent

2=Small Extent 3=Medium Extent 4=Great Extent and 5=Very Great Extent

1 2 3 4 5

My company has successfully adopted e-procurement system

All procurement processes in my organization are automated using an

eprocurement system

Management has set clear e-procurement policy, objectives and targets

All suppliers use the e-procurement platform

The e-procurement processes are efficient and effective

There are no challenges to the organization arising due to adoption of e-

procurement system

Data on the e-procurement processes is constantly collected and acted


Challenges of E-procurement implementation at Bralirwa ltd

What procurement challenges has your organization faced since adoption of e-

procurement system?




Effect of E-procurement on procurement performance

. Answer the following questions on a scale of 1 to 5. Where 1 =Very Small Extent

2=Small Extent 3=Medium Extent 4=Great Extent and 5=Very Great Extent

E-procurement has enhanced transparency hence reduction in corruption

related costs

E-procurement has led to reduction in wastage costs e.g. use of many papers

E-procurement has reduced transport and postage costs

E-procurement platforms provide cheaper mechanisms of interacting with


E-procurement has reduced costs of sourcing for suppliers

E-procurement has enhanced inventory management practices in your


E-procurement has reduced delays in suppliers delivering goods

E-procurement led to Just in Time (JIT) procurement thus emergency

procurement is quickly handled in your organization

E-procurement has real time sharing of information between the organization

and suppliers

E-procurement platforms have helped integrated different department or

branches hence reducing requisition time and product delivery times

All company employees make requisitions online and they are satisfied with


the process

Our customers consistently get quality products when they need them

Customer orders are processed and delivered promptly and in full every time

e- procurement has led to integration of processes, which has reduced lead

times in the organization

Tenders advertisement and short listing of suppliers is done online and all

suppliers are happy with it

Customer experiences are constantly monitored and actions are tailored to

enhance them


Appendix II: Research Authorization Letter

top related