e portfolios in assessment holtzman & hadley

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These are the slides for our presentation at the SLOAN-C Conference in October 2009.


Use of E-Portfolios in the Assessment of Academic & Professional Skills

Diane Holtzman, MA, COGSAssistant Professor of Business Studies

Amy J. Hadley, Ed. D., CCC-SLPAssistant Professor Speech Pathology & Audiology

The Richard Stockton College of New JerseyPomona, New Jersey

Portfolios: Think about What You Collect If you are a parent, what have you saved for your child? What did your parents save for you? What do you collect? Why do you collect?

What do your collections say about what you value? Is there a difference between what you purposefully and save

and what you can’t throw away? How can we use our collection experiences to help learners as

they develop their portfolios?

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E-Portfolio Digitized collection of artifacts including demonstrations, resources, and

accomplishments that represent an individual, group, or institution. The collection can include:

Text /Document Graphics Multimedia elements

Can be archived via: Web CD DVD Other Electronic Means

Source: Lorenzo & Ittelson (2005)

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Sample Uses of Portfolios in Education Institutional Portfolios

Teaching Portfolios

Student Portfolios

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Institutional Portfolios Can be used at level of: Program, School, College Can be used to facilitate: Program self-studies Accreditation process Promoting programs Sharing best practices

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Institutional E-Portfolio Example:Spelman College, Atlanta

“Through use of the electronic portfolio, the college is attempting to increase student engagement in the learning process—

a critical factor in promoting achievement and

persistence to graduation”.

Burnett & Williams (2009)

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Institutional E-Portfolio Example:Spelman College, Atlanta Used in first year experience courses. Includes: Reflections on the required community service experience, Report on information literacy exercises, Reflections on the first year of college, Writing portfolio.

Assessment is longitudinal. Based on college mission statement & outcomes of general

educational program.

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Spelman CollegeFirst Year Writing Portfolio http://www.spelman.edu/wcenter/cwp/FIRST_YR_PORTFOL


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Teaching Portfolios: Support sharing of teaching philosophies & practices. Key Functions of a Teaching Portfolio collect evidence of your teaching ability a context for your teaching summary data on your teaching in a simple, readable format focus on quality, not quantity organized and its various sections relate to each other an ever–changing, living document allows for self-reflection provides an opportunity to be unique, and showcase your personal style

of teaching the process of creating one is generally much more important and

meaningful than the end product

Source: Ohio State University

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Ohio State Teaching Portfolio http://ucat.osu.edu/teaching_portfolio/teaching_port.html

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Student Portfolios Can support advising

Career preparation

Credential documentation

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Student Portfolios A purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s

efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas (over time).

Support Deep Learning: Involves reflection Is developmental Is integrative Is self-directive

Learners: Construct meaning Monitor learning Evaluate their own outcomes

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Traditional Types of Student Portfolios Prior Learning: Usually assessed by faculty experts in the area for

the purpose of assigning college credit for prior experiential learning (e.g. as would be used at Thomas Edison State College).

Comprehensive Record: Usually includes grade reports, narrative assessments from faculty, degree program plans. Documentation is usually not for generated by the student.

Credential: Used for employment. Documents skills competency.

Source: Whitaker, U. (1989). Assessing Learning: Standards, principles, and procedures.Philadelphia: Council for Adult and Exceptional Learning.

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Types of Student Portfolios Developmental: Shows student progress and the acquisition of

knowledge as a process. May show improvement in skills across time.(e.g. examples of essays or speeches across a semester)

Capstone: A collection of a student’s best work over time.

Learning Contract: Contains elements of the prior learning & developmental portfolios but is used as a toll in demonstrating acquisition of new learning. For example, the learning contract may contain anticipated learning outcomes, how learning is to be documented, the outcome measures, and methods of evaluation. The portfolio may be continually assessed.

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E-Portfolios Work can be organized at different times relative to when it was


People do not have to be in the same physical space to view the portfolio.

Digital materials can be reorganized and presented in different ways for different purposes.

Should provide the author with administrative privileges for organizing work and deciding who can view it.

Source: Greenberg, G. (2004). The digital convergence: Extending the portfolio model. Educase Review.

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E-Portfolios Within a course instructors manage assignments & materials

within the framework of the course (e.g. on a Blackboard course site for a specific course).

E-Portfolios should be controlled by the author.

Content should be managed from a variety of courses throughout the academic career.

Allow for communication about the contents with teachers, mentors, peers, and author.

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Types of E-Portfolios Showcase E-Portfolio: Organization occurs after the work has

been created. Some may use templates.

Structured E-Portfolio: A predefined organization exists for work that is yet to be created. Often used for demonstration of fulfilling certain requirements such as for certification

Learning E-Portfolio: Organization of the work evolves as the work is created. Dynamic process. May reflect authors’ changing interests, requirements, and understanding.

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Samples of Online Portfolios University of British Columbia


McDaniel College in Maryland http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/its/templates.htm

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Functions of Portfolios Display range of student work over time

Provide important information about individual student progress

Allow participation of student in self-assessment of work and progress

Create a basis for evaluation of student performance and achievement

Source: Dr. Barbara Cozza, University of Scranton http://academic.uofs.edu/faculty/cozzab2/portfolio.html

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Reasons to Use E-Portfolios More active involvement of the student in the selection and

design process

Unique way to display talents and abilities

Strong sense of personal responsibility and ownership

Fuller picture of student achievement

Can show examples of performance assessment

Condenses collection of data and artifacts and reduces quantity of paper handled and stored

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Reasons to Use E-Portfolios Requires reflection

Integrates technology into the instruction process

Can heighten interest in learning

Enables performances to be viewed more than once in context

Wider audience and support system for student work

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Process for Constructing Electronic Portfolios (Barrett, 1998)

Decide on portfolio goals based on learner outcome goals

Decide on the assessment context

Decide on the audience for the portfolio

Determine the portfolio content

Determine the most appropriate software tools

Determine the most appropriate storage and presentation medium

Gather multimedia materials to include in the portfolio which represent the learner’s achievement

Source: Helen Barrett’s webpage on Electronic Portfolios http://electronicportfolios.org/ and http://electronicportfolios.org/portfolios/eifeltools.pdf (1998)

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Process (continued)

Record student self-reflection on the work selected and achievement of goals

Record teacher feedback on the work and achievement of goals

Organize with hypermedia links between goals, student work samples, rubrics, and assessment

Present portfolio to appropriate audience

Evaluate effectiveness of portfolio in relation to the purpose and assessment context

Sources: Barrett: Using Technology to Support Alternative Assessment and Electronic Portfolios http://electronicportfolios.org/portfolios.html

Barrett: The Electronic Portfolio Development Process http://electronicportfolios.com/portfolios/aahe2000.html

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Authentic Assessment & E-Portfolios Emphasis of process over product Group work Different learning styles Allow student to demonstrate how learning occurred Allows for multi-media documentation

Flexible timeline Materials may be submitted over the span of a course or


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Sample E-Portfolio RubricPoints Skills

9-10 Meets or exceeds required quantity of artifacts;artifacts are creatively presented and well organized;shows significant level of meaningful reflection;provides strong evidence of peer and self-assessment;show an obvious investment of time and effort.

7-8 Meets required quantity of artifacts; shows somecreativity and adequate organization; demonstrates someamount of meaningful reflection; includes evidence ofpeer and self-assessment; generally shows a good effort.

5-6 Less than the required number of artifacts; lackscreativity; shows little reflection on items; offers somepeer and self-assessment; shows a limited effort.

1-4 Shows a poor effort to meet any of the requirements.

Source: Bauer & Anderson (2000)Holtzman & Hadley e-Portfolios & Assessment Richard Stockton College of New Jersey25

Sample Rubric ( Cozza )Criterion 1 Novice 2 Apprentice 3 Veteran 4 Master

organization mechanics

most linksdo not work

links not clearmost links work,clearly labeled, easy to navigate

multi-linked pages all links work, links clearly labeled

graphics no graphics

only clip art no use of scanned pictures no color background, no variety of fonts

clear clip art, clearscanned pictures,color background,some variety of fonts

clear clip art, clearpictures, good useof color, variety offonts

content relevancyonly personal information

mostly personal info, no course work or field samples

examples of related course work or field samples

outstanding examples of related course work or field examples

self reflectionsno reflective pieces

mostly descriptive-not telling why pieces were included

some personal reflection of pieces

excellent integration of experiences and theory, thoughtful reflections

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Create Your Own Rubric

Use of Blackboard Portfolio in SPAD Program Authentic Assessment For Student Self-Assessment Continuous Improvement & Personal Reflection Graduate School Application/Acceptance Career Planning

To Document Learning Outcomes for Coursework To Document Professional Association Standards (KASA in Speech Pathology & Audiology Program)

For Program Assessment

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Practical Applications Richard Stockton College of New Jersey School of Business: AACSB; The Association to Advance

Collegiate Schools of Business School of Health Sciences, Undergraduate Program in Speech

Pathology and Audiology. Knowledge and Skills for Admission to Graduate Programs Accredited by the Council in Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology.

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AACSB Assurances of Learning Important in the Business Accreditation for The

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business Must provide Well documented Systematic processes To develop, monitor, evaluate and revise the

substance and delivery of the curricula And, to assess the impact of the curricula on student


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Standards for Undergraduate Business Degree Courses

Assurances1. Communication abilities2. Ethical Understanding and

reasoning abilities3. Analytic Skills4. Use of Information Technology5. Multicultural/diversity

understanding6. Reflective thinking skills7. Management Specific Knowledge

and Skill Areasa) Information Literacyb) Team Workc) Interviewing; job prep Skillsd) Professionalism

Demonstrated in the portfolio1. Writing assignments; video taped

interviews; oral presentations2, 3, 5, & 7 d: Assignments completed

with interactive case studies “Manager’s Hot Seat”

4. Use of Blackboard and Computers for development of e-Portfolio and powerpoints to accompany oral presentations

6 and 7 a, b, c, d: Interview with a Manager Project and Job Interviewing Project

6. Reflective paper at end of term and reflection of their managerial style completing the “Hot Seat” scenarios.Holtzman & Hadley e-Portfolios & Assessment

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey31

Sample Portfolios to Demonstrate AACSB Learning Outcomes Purposes: Institutional: to document program outcomes. Student: to document individual learning outcomes and to use

when applying for employment or to graduate school. Instructor: feedback for course revisions

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Sample Portfolios Business Student One (J)

Business Student Two (M)

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Speech Pathology & Audiology Purposes: Program Assessment: To document student learning outcomes.

Are students able to document knowledge and skills in clinically related courses?

Student Portfolios: To use for documentation when applying to graduate school or for employment.

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Alignment: Course Objectives &KASA Standards Knowledge & Skills Acquisition Summary American Speech-Language Hearing Association

KASA Summary Form (www.asha.org)

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Use of Blackboard Course Management Software Advantages: Easy alignment of course goals and objectives with goals and

objectives in the student’s portfolio. If a student uploads an assignment to the Blackboard course

page, it can be easily imported to the Blackboard portfolio. Offers templates.

Disadvantages: One the student leaves the college, the Blackboard format is no

longer accessible.

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Course Standards

Course Objectives Describe treatment principles in

speech-language pathology Describe ethical practice in speech-

language pathology Describe multicultural issues in

treatment Demonstrates procedures for

collecting data in treatment Describe evidence-based practice

in speech-language pathology Describe behavioral principles used

in treatment

Identify treatment targets

Be able to write behavioral objectives as part of a treatment plan

Be able to report client progress based on treatment data

Describe methods and materials suitable for pediatric and adult speech and language disorders

Identify principles related to client and family counseling

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Setting Up a Portfolio on Blackboard CE 6 The instructor requests that portfolios be set up by the

Director of Computer Services. A list of students and “login” ID’s are needed. Portfolios will remain available for the student while he/she

is enrolled at Stockton Students enrolled in SPAD 2125 continue to work on the

files in subsequent semesters. Portfolio files can be saved externally by students (e.g. for

copy to a CD)

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Once the portfolio is constructed: Students can invite guests to view their portfolios. Ask the students to add the instructor as a guest who can view

(but not “design”) their portfolios. Students can add both Stockton users and outside guests to view

their portfolios. Remind students to add to portfolios and DELETE old

information. A portfolio should be a sample on one’s exemplary work. Suggestion: Set aside one day per semester for portfolio

construction/maintenance. Identify students who can mentor other students on portfolio


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Setting Up a Portfolio Using Adobe Software Requires a “full version” of Adobe (e.g. Acrobat 9.0 or

Acrobat 9.0 Professional). Provides templates. Drop & Drag technology http://tv.adobe.com/watch/learn-acrobat-9/getting-

started-02-sharing-your-ideas/ Can set “security levels” (e.g whether or not the receiver can

print it). Can be posted to Acrobat.com website, either for public

viewing or viewing with password.

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Sample Adobe Portfolio KASA Standards Portfolio

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Additional Resources Adobe Portfolios


Portfolio Assessment http://academic.uofs.edu/FACULTY/COZZAB2/portfolio.html

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Contact Us Amy Hadley Amy.hadley@stockton.edu

Diane Holtzman Diane.holtzman@stockton.edu

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