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News from Naturtejo Global Geopark from August from 2015



Neste número: – Geosites Approved in the Municipal Master Plans – International Archaeological Work camp of Proença-a-Nova with good results – Geopark in the Pinewood Fair of Oleiros – GoldFest lives in Naturtejo Geopark – …and more!


Geo-histories of our places and people: Alpalhão

An extensive plain develops itself around Alpalhão. The rivers of Sor and Figueiró delimit the meridional edge of Nisa Municipality and of Naturtejo Geopark, but it cannot define the territory on simple look. The topography is flat, 300m high. We're in the Surface of the North Alentejo, subunit of the wide Meridional Meseta landform. The plain, ancient with dozens of millions of years, almost completely hides a geological history rich in crucial episodes for the understanding of our territory. South of Nisa, The occurrence of gneiss, rocks of high grade metamorphism, enable to shed light over an ocean that was opened here during the Ordovician and Silurian, but it was closed again, with subduction of the oceanic plate under the Iberian Terrain when occurred the collision of numerous tectonic plates that gave birth to the supercontinent Pangea, nearly 300 million years ago. This suture between Centre-Iberian and Ossa-Morena zone is known as the Blastomilonitic zone in the Tomar-Córdoba area. After the ocean closing, and as consequence of the formation of the suture bursts the Granite of Nisa-Albuquerque, a huge plutonite that goes far beyond Alpalhão. But here, one of the post-tectonic granites, linked to a very propitious fracturing, allows the occurrence of the famous “Blue of Alpalhão”/SPI, small grained biotitic granite, famous by its application in the building fronts and in funerary monuments, from which stand the memorial to the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger, in January of 1986. The granite outcrops are not too many in the landscape, but burst from the soil as imposing blocks or balls that inspired the people from these lands in the past, with particular highlight to the place of the Virgin of the Rounded (Rock). Here we'll find the Joanino Dolmen, from the Neo-chalcolithic times, as well as the 16th-Century church, in a holy space sacred by thousands of years, nowadays classified as of national public interest. Another protected monument with national relevance is the Cross, standing in the village entrance, carved in the “Blue of Alpalhão” granite.Alpalhão is a large vilage with traditional Alentejo architecture, of white lime-washed walls and trimmed with yellow stripes, with large chimneys and some medieval and 16th-Century shutters, very coherent and beautiful. Besides, there's a House-Museum that opens its doors for those who want to go inside and see what cannot be seen from the outside. Its historical past granted an impressive legacy of religious and civil monuments. From the Dionisian castle remain traces of walls and towers swallowed by the 17-Century growth of the borough. The mother church, the mercy church and the 15th-Century calvary form a religious itinerary. The ancient Chamber House with the prison, the 18th-Century manors and the beautiful bandstand contribute to a long learning walk by the village.Alpalhão, with its 34,16km2 and 1238 inhabitants is a big place, which lives from the primary sector, from the potential of its granites and the transformation of meat. The Smoked Meat Fair is famous. Part of the Flavours Route, the typical Alentejo gastronomy from this region can be discovered in 4 restaurants.

Olá/Hola/Ciao/Bonjour/Γειά σου/Hallo/God Dag/Salut/Zdravo/Hello/Ahoj/Helo/Helló/ Hei

Turism gains nowadays some relevance: the maximum exponent in the art of hospitality is the Monte Filipe Hotel & Spa, without forgetting A Palhota or the Quinta dos Ribeiros rural guesthouses.

In order to increase the time of stay in a local that is the crossing between the Natural Park of S. Mamede and the Portas de Ródão Natural Monument, was developed a project of urban Land Art with unique features in all the region, in the scope of an international Biannual of the Rock that would deserve a new beginning, boosting the geological resource as feedstock in sculpture and stretching horizons and the cultural influence of Alpalhão. More recently, the Great Trail GR40 – Path of Santiago Interior – Section of Nisa takes a role in the growth of the offer for the Nature segment in the geopark and complements the Hiking Trails Network of Nisa.

ReferencesCanatário, J.M. 1984 – Al Palh'am – História e Património.Moreira, A. 1994 – Reconhecimento geológico, estrutural, petrográfico e geoquímico dos granitos de Alpalhão, Gáfete e Quareleiros (Alto Alentejo). Estudos, Notas e Trabalhos do Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, 36: 103-117.Neto de Carvalho, C. & Rodrigues, J. 2012 – Património Geológico e Geomineiro de Nisa: caracterização do território e sua integração no Geopark Naturtejo. Açafa Online, 5: 91-168.Pereira, M.F., Silva, J.B., Chichorro, M., Medina, J. & Solá, A.M.R. 2010 – Evolução estratigráfica do sudoeste do Maciço Ibérico do Ediacariano ao Devónico Inferior. Ciências Geológicas, 1: 377-389.Pereira, M.F., Brandão Silva, J., Solá, A.R. & Chichorro, M. 2013 – Nordeste Alentejano. In: R. Dias, A. Araújo, P. Terrinha & J.C. Kullberg (eds.), Geologia de Portugal. Escolar Editora, v. I: 493-508..Serrão, V., Cosme, J., Balesteros, C. & Ribeiro, M. 2015 – Alpalhão – Património Histórico e Artístico. Liga dos Amigos de Alpalhão/Junta de Freguesia de Alpalhão.Solá, A.R. 2007 - Relações petrogeoquímicas dos Maciços Graníticos do NE Alentejano. Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade de Coimbra, 405p.Solá, A.R., Neiva, A.M.R. & Ribeiro, M.L. 2010 – Geocronologia, petrologia e geoquímica dos granitoides do NE Alentejano (transição ZCI/ZOM): significado geodinâmico. Ciências Geológicas, vol. I: 281-290.Solá, A.R., Ribeiro, M.L., Mateus, A. & Ramos, J.F. 1998 – Circunstâncias geoquímicas e estruturais na base de defeitos de rocha ornamental (Região de Nisa-NE Alentejano). Comunicações do Instituto Geológico e Mineiro, 84(1): B99-102.

The EditorCarlos Neto de Carvalho

Scientific CoordinatorGeologist

Frontpage: (Projecto Objectiva: Geopark)

Olá/Hola/Ciao/Bonjour/Γειά σου/Hallo/God Dag/Salut/Zdravo/Hello/Ahoj/Helo/Helló/ Hei


August – International Work Camp in Proença-a-Nova. The excavations in the Archaeological work camp of Proença-a-Nova are unveiling new construction techniques in megalithic graves unknown until now, using mortar, as revealed by the archaeologist João Caninas. "We have here a complete construction that combines clay with several types of composition and structures in stone. We may be in front of the prototype of the first wall with two vestments and internal stuffing, which latter, in the Chalcolithic period, comes up in fortified settlements, said João Caninas. The fourth edition of the excavations began in 3 August and ended at the end of the month. The archeologist stressed that it is necessary to wait for the final lab results. However, he advanced that from the preliminary chemical analysis made in the materials found in the tumulus of Cabeço da Anta, "probably, here appears the first mortar" used in the construction of this type of monuments. The archaeological excavations are focused in two megalithic tombs located in Moitas (Cimo do Vale de Alvito e Cabeço da Anta), in a walled area probably from the Bronze Age, located in the Talhadas Mountain (Chão do Galego) and in Baterias Fort from the 18th century (Catraia Fundeira). In the fourth edition of the archaeological work camp of Proença-a-Nova, established in 2012, attended seven archaeologists and students of archaeology coming from the Universities of Oporto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Faro and the University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain) and Beijing Language and Culture University (China). João Caninas also advanced that this year stand out some innovations applied in the domain of the archaeological field work, thanks to the use of new technologies. "We're referring to the recording, totally digital, of the data obtained in the field through an online 'platform' and to the replacement of the field drawings, until now made on naked eye, by three-dimensional photogrammetric record", explained. According to this responsible, this innovations have the advantage of fastening the pace in the archaeological excavations and to ease the edition of reports and increasing the possibility of relating and representing data stored in digital support "From what we know in the archaeological area, this is ground-breaking in Portugal", he said.The archaeological work camp of Proença-a-Nova is hosted by the Study of the High Tagus Association and the Municipality of Proença-a-Nova and counts with partners such as Portuguese and Spanish universities, investigation centres, private companies, Naturtejo Geopark and also with the individual participation of several investigators.

August – Geosites in the Municipal Master Plans approved. The Municipal Master Plan of Vila Velha de Ródão was approved, by unanimity, in the Municipal Assembly, 11 years after the beginning of the process. A breakthrough in Portugal, but it starts to be a usual thing in Naturtejo Geopark, with the approval of the Plans of Nisa, Oleiros, Proença-a-Nova and, more recently, Penamacor, this document of territorial management integrates the Geological Heritage in its strategies. Naturtejo Geopark finds itself perfectly framed at the natural heritage and social-economic development levels as the reality in the municipality of Vila Velha de Ródão, being pointed as an opportunity and potentiality of development.

The document refers to the importance of the existence of locals with great scientific interest inventoried in the scope of the Geopark and the capital gains for tourism of the integration of the Geopark territory in EGN and GGN under UNESCO. It is highlighted the role of the Geopark in the ongoing classification process of the Regional Natural Park of Almourão. The article 83º “Geosites Specific Regime” identifies the areas which should be subject to special measures of protection and appreciation. Forbidden are all the actions that, in some way, harm the integrity of the identified properties and the admitted interventions in these areas have to be preceded of a geological study.

4 to 6 August – Templar Penha Garcia. The village of Penha Garcia welcomed the Ethnographic Journeys “Templar Penha Garcia” with a great medieval fair. In this historical recreation of medieval figures and episodes there was no lack of street animation, parades, fire shows and music and dance shows. The castle was the stage for several remakes, with great community engagement, where even the President Armindo Jacinto was a key player. Several nocturnal hiking trails took place and were introduced legends and local traditions, in a fair with great diversity of local handicraft and taverns with regional gastronomy.

5 to 9 August – Revalidation mission of the Katla Geopark, in Iceland. Carlos Neto de Carvalho was one of the two evaluators that UNESCO invited for the first revalidation mission that Katla Geopark, on the South of Iceland, was subjected. Coordinated by the executive director, Brynja Davíðsdóttir and by its scientific coordinator and the project mentor, Sigurdur Sigursveinsson, the mission recognized the strong engagement of the three municipalities that form the geopark's territory, as well as the recognition that a geopark can be ignited through the tourism animation companies and local communities. The geological heritage of the Katla Geopark is impressive and is related with the historical and intense volcanic activity that shaped the landscapes, as well as the personality of this region of Iceland folks.

5 to 9 August – Geopark in the Pinewood Fair of Oleiros. The 15th Pinewood Fai took place in Oleirosr, nowadays an engine for the social-and economic development in the region. In the opening of the Fair attended the Deputy Minister for the Regional Development, Poiares Maduro, only to find once again Naturtejo Geopark represented in a fair, recognizing the work that has been made in the disclosure of the geopark concept in Portugal and in the foreign countries and in the promotion of the Naturtejo territory. This year Oleiros had a major showcase in the tourism promotion, gastronomy, geomonuments, in the tourism infrastructures and endogenous resources, standing out the introduction of the documentary concerning the Roasted Kid. The hotel and guesthouses were all represented in a single, innovative booth, which also promoted the heritage of Oleiros, in a total of 120 exhibitors. Naturtejo Geopark was disclosing the Touristic Programs of 2015, the new Cultural Agenda and the Educational Programs, having in sight the School Year that starts soon.The Highlight of the Fair Schedule was the pyro-musical show held by the Pirotecnia Oleirense company, with a video mapping about Oleiros, “Contemplate Oleiros”.

25 and 26 August – X Environmental Seminar of Porto Santo debates Geotourism .The Municipality of Porto Santo hosted its 10th Environmental Seminar that this year addressed the Geotourism and the diversification in the touristic offer. In the best touristic year ever, this event gathered geologists, entrepreneurs and tourists to discuss new approaches to quality tourism and with a dynamic offer throughout the year. The event had the honour of opening with the presence of the President of the Regional Government of Madeira, Miguel Albuquerque, who talked about the new Regional Strategy for Geoconservation. Carlos Neto de Carvalho was invited to give the example of the developed work in this scope in Naturtejo Geopark. The workshop that happened subsequently, with the attendance of the Mayor, Filipe Menezes de Oliveira, sought to motivate the local stakeholders for the development of an old project, many times promised but the same time forgotten: the Geopark Porto Santo. In that way the accession was general and enthusiastic. On the next day the participants could experience the Geological Heritage guided by its specialists, true story-tellers of the Earth History.

29 and 30 August – GoldFest in Naturtejo Geopark. Naturtejo Geopark joined once again the

initiative of the Live Science in Summer, promoted by the Live Science, National Agency for the Scientific

Culture and Technology, with activities of Geology in Summer that aim to approximate the Science to the

society, through disclosing actions next to the major public. In a joint action between the Forest Live Science

Centre and Naturtejo Geopark was energized the action “The Gold of Portas de Almourão”, an activity that

brought participants from all the country to the small village of Sobral Fernando, Proença-a-Nova, in a local

with traces of gold exploration in its landscape, from the Roman Period, –the Conheiras de Sobral Fernando-

Foz do Cobrão. The participants came determined in discover more about the origin of the gold nuggets,

about the millenary processes of its exploration in this region and lasted until the middle 20th Century,

ending with a gold panning experience in the Ocreza River. With lots of persistence and resourcefulness the

participants were washing river sands, having been found several gold nuggets. The Goldfest, an initiative

from the Geo-Guesthouse Casa do Forno, continued through the afternoon in the almost dry riverbed of the

Ocreza River, and on the next day, in the Ponsul River next to a great Roman mining exploration, in the area

of Belgais. This activity was energized by Carlos Neto de Carvalho, Joana Rodrigues, Mariana Vilas Boas and

João Geraldes.

TV & Radio

5 August (RTP 1 Verão Total) – Penha Garcia


Newspapers & www

August (Oleiros Magazine) – UNESCO evaluates the GeoparkAugust (Oleiros Magazine) – Exhibition – Geoparks in the town hall3 August (www.iol.pt) – The first Portuguese geopark3 August (www.europeangeoparks.org) – Portuguese Forum of Rural Innovation attributes award to the European Geoparks Network5 August (Povo da Beira) – UNESCO specialists visit Oleiros5 August (Povo da Beira) – World Forum for Rural Innovation will be held annually6 August (Reconquista) – Oscar of rural world for the Geoparks Network12 August (Povo da Beira) – Revalidation Mission of UNESCO in Naturtejo Geopark comes to an end12 August (Povo da Beira) – 19th Raiana Fair creates a world of opportunities in Idanha-a-Nova12 August (Povo da Beira) – National study defends appreciation of the Rural World12 August (Povo da Beira) – Penha Garcia travelled to the Templar Era13 August (Reconquista) – Penha Garcia – Time-travel to the Templar Era13 August (Reconquista) – Pinewood Fair19 August (Gazeta do Interior) – UNESCO revaluated Naturtejo Geopark26 August (Povo da Beira) – Ground-breaking methods used in the Archaeological Field of Proença-a-Nova26 August (Gazeta do Interior) – Archaeological work camp innovates in Proença-a-Nova26 August (Reconquista) – Tagus wants to be Biosphere Reserve26 August (Reconquista) – Archaeological work camp of Proença-a-Nova – Ground-breaking Methods in investigation


- Map of Oleiros (leaflet in Portuguese and English)

Until 18th October Until April 2016


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Geoparks: Geology with human face

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