e learning

Post on 17-May-2015






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connected from birth to the classroom?

photo by thecrowells- flickr

mobile technology and social networking sites withinschools across the country, we have to


As educational institutions advocate for more access to

what are the benefits to using mobile devices as educational tools


photo by mortsan- flickr

photo by quinn.anya- Flickr

The Toronto District School Board recently voted to lift the ban on mobile use in classrooms and has begun initiatives to incorporate cellular devices as a vital learning tool within its schools. A lot of parents disagree with the school’s decision.

photo by gelatobaby- flickr

“giving a distracted generation a free pass to be distracted in the one place where they should be paying attention, or at least trying to”

- Joe O’Connor, The National Post

Photo by PictureYouth- Flickr

In United States high schools, 98% of students have access to some kind of smartphone, according to a report by Blackboard and Project Tomorrow. “Simply blocking such

technologies does students a disservice. An education that fails to account for the responsible use of mobile devices and social networks prepares students for our past, but not for their future.”

- David Nagel, THE Journal

so, what tools are available for use in the mobile classroom?

Photo by SFU Public Affairs and Media Relations- Flickr

A great E-learning tool for little naturists is NOAH– an app that enables users to identify types of bugs and trees by uploading a picture and receiving details of the exact type in as little as 24 hours.

Photo by USFWS Headquarters- Flickr

photo by chucka_mc- flickr

For older students, there are study partners available at the touch of a button with Wolfram Alpha’s Calculus, Algebra and Music apps and not only do these study partners know the answer to the questions you ask, but they provide young learners with a step-by-step guide on how the problem was solved.

Studying Abroad?

Apps such as iLingual and Talk to Me help students learn the local language on field trips abroad while fully emerged in their learning experience.

photo by swimparallel- flickr

CO$T and convenience

other benefits in turning to learning tools available on smartphones and tablets for reasons of both

photo by ben_grey- flickr

“Do you ever leave the house without your phone?”

“The beauty of a mobile phone is that

it’s always there.”

photo by hello turkey toe- flickr

how convenient!

photo by ciccioetneo- flickr

Both students and educators are constantly looking for ways to get around expensive textbook fees. Using textbooks available on tablets and mobiles are easier to read, more convenient to carry around in one’s backpack and cost very little in comparison to a hardcover copy.

photo by david boyle- flickrphoto by david boyle- flickr

procrastination nation

Some mobile education advocates believe that the tablet’s current shortcoming—limited multitasking– could be its greatest asset in education, forcing students to focus on one task at a time.

“a tried-and-true platform to let conversations flourish”

#twitteris another example of a cost-efficient tool formobile learning as it keeps the conversationcontinuing outside of the classroom, fuelling moreclass involvement than ever before.

photo by VinothChandar- flickr

photo by johan larrson- flickr

Using mobiles in the classroom is also beneficial to teachers and parents as well as students.

photo by pink sherbet- flickr

Attendance for iPhone is an app created for Teachers that allows them to easily take attendance in their classrooms by taking a photo of a student and uploading it to theirclass list.

Parents can also track their child’s grades and keep more up to date on their learning progression through apps such as SchoolCircuit and myGradeBook.

photo by esparta- flickr

what do you think about mobility in the classroom? useful or useless?

tweet your thoughts @candaceberes

slideshow presentation by: Candace Beres

Sources used: the new york times online,

mashable.com, nationalpost.ca,

nassp.org, thejournal.com

photo by seyed motafa zamani- flickr

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