e book poems sydnee campbell

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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The owner throws

The ball she

Missed it

She watched the

Ball fly and

Roll down the

Yard she sprinted

Down the yard

Grabbed the ball

With her white

Teeth and barked As loud as she could

Then she lied down

She was happy

The dolphin flipped

Through the air

Like a gymnast

She sparkled in

The sun

As the people

On the sand

Stare and stare

She looks like

She doesn’t even


Fish swim a lot

But don’t they ever stop

I know there great swimmers

There scales really shimmer

But don’t they ever eat dinner

Their favorite food is probably Swedish fish

But don’t they want a real dish

Monkeys climb a lot

Do they ever stop

They love to climb trees

And they get stung by bees

They get hurt

And they let out a blurt

But sometimes they just sit

And bananas they bit

Bees fly a lot

But do they ever stop

They drink a lot

Of pollen I mean a lot

Don’t they like

Fruit punch!

They eat a bunch

I have a turtle named Shelly

Who is kind of smelly

He has a very big belly

And likes to watch the telly

I have a mouse named cheese

Who happens to like to eat peas

On top of willow trees

He can climb down with just one sneeze

There once was a pig

That loved to dig

She lived in a castle

With her cow in the cattle

And her boat and a paddle

She rode in a carriage

Where she had her first marriage

She had a big diamond ring

It was a very ugly thing

And she had no king

She sat in her chair

With no hair

So she was bald

And she called

And got a wig

That awful pig

Slimy slug

Drank out of a mug

He had a pet pug

He kept his pug in a jug

He had a purse

That set a curse

For him to bake

Chocolate cake

He went up a tree

On a shopping spree

And broke his knee

His knee turned green

He was very mean

He became more lean

His friend named fish that found a golden dish

That tasted delish

There was a lizard named Liz

Who was hogged up on cheese wiz

She bought five cans

And eat them off of a fan

She started a band

And broke her hand

She met her honey

That was a bunny

And he bought some cheese

And she said oh please

Fred the frog

Lived in a log

With a hog

Fred the frog

Baked some chocolate cake

And he shoved his face

In that chocolate cake

Kacey the kangaroo

Loved to say moo

She liked the number two

She met a guy named Lou

He liked to say moo


Gary the giraffe

Started to gag

In a bag

With a tag

He started to shed

In his bed

And his best friend is named ted

He lied down

In a town

That was all brown

He took a shower

With a flower

He went to his bed

That he shed

With his friend ted

That lived in a shed

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