dw disc kids - your authentic personality

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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STRENGTHS- bright and wide-eyed- adventurous- energetic- outgoing- precocious- born leader

- strong willed- demanding- loud- throws things- not sleepy



- daring and eager- productive worker- sees the goal- moves quickly- self-sufficient- competitive- assertive- trustworthy

- manipulative- temper tantrums- constantly going- insistent- testing- arguing- stubborn


Dominant, Direct, Decisive, Demanding, Determined, Doer




- aggressive- competent- organizes well- assumes leadership- problem solver- self-confident- stimulates others- excels in emergencies- great potential- responsible

- too bosy- controls parents- knows everything- looks down on “dummies”- unpopular- may become a leader- insulting- judgemental- unrepentant




*Material from Personality Plus for Parents, Florence Littauer

- You are so determined. You aren’t easily side-tracked.- You are so organized. Here’s my sock drawer.- Thanks for being so responsible. I can count on you to handle many things on your own.- I love your confidence. Don’t lose that.- You know what you want—that’s a great thing. You have strong ideas and aren’t afraid to say what you think. I love your authenticity.- You are strong-willed. That will keep you strong against peer pressure.- You are driven. You don’t stop until you get things done.- When you set your mind on something, you’ll commit everything to make it happen.- You can make quick decisions.- You are assertive and not afraid to speak up.- You are fearless and not afraid to try hard things. - Love that initiative!- You are independent and very capable.- You are a fast thinker and move quickly to action. You are great in a crisis.- You are a great problem-solver. I can give you a problem and you’ll always find a way to solve it.- You play hard to win. I always want you to be on my team.- You are protective warrior and will always fight for what you believe in.- You are so practical. - You like to figure things out on your own.- You are always ready for action.


Your Authentic Personality / YourAuthenticPersonality.com / Dale@YourAuthenticPersonality.com / 702.233.5058 / 2019 Dale Wilsher. All Rights Reserved. Your Authentic Personality is a registered trademark of Dale Wilsher ©®


STRENGTHS-bright and wide-eyed-curious- gurgles and coos- wants company- shows off- responsive

- screams for attention- knows she is cute- grabby, into everything- cries when no one picks her up or when tired



- daring and eager- innocent- inventive and imaginative- cheerful- enthusiastic- fun-loving- chatters constantly- bounces back- energized by people

- no follow through- disorganized- easily distracted- short interest span- emotional ups and downs- wants credit- tells fibs- forgetful


Influencing, Interested, Inspiring, Impulsive, Idea People, Initiators, Infectious





- cheerleader- charms others- gets daring- joins clubs- popular- life of the party- creative- wants to please- apologetic

- deceptive- creative excuses- easily led astray - craves attention- needs peer aproval- con artist- won’t study- immature- gossips



CHILD- You are so outgoing and energetic.- You’re smile lights up a room.- Your enthusiasm is contagious. You recharge my batteries.- You have such a heart for people.- You are able to really connect to people.- You have a great sense of humor.- Your optimism reminds me what is possible.- You make me feel hopeful.- You have a creative imagination.- You make life fun. You can make anything fun.- You are such a great promoter of people.- I love your energy.- You make people feel accepted and connected.- You always see the best in others.- You have a way with words. You are a great communicator. - You are so fun to be with.- You’re the best storyteller.- I love your honesty. - You have the power of persuasion.- You have the gift of WOO, Winning Others Over

*Material from Personality Plus for Parents, Florence LittauerYour Authentic Personality / YourAuthenticPersonality.com / Dale@YourAuthenticPersonality.com / 702.233.5058 / 2019 Dale Wilsher. All Rights Reserved. Your Authentic Personality is a registered trademark of Dale Wilsher ©®

CHILDSTRENGTHS- serious- easy going- undemanding- happy- adjustable- loves naps

- guarded- unresponsive- slow- shy- indifferent


STRENGTHS- watches others- easily amused- little trouble- dependable- loveable- agreeable

- selfish- teasing- avoids work- fearful- quietly stubborn- lazy


Sure, Steady, Stable, Secure, Status Quo, Shy, Sweet, Savers, Silent Majority



STRENGTHS- pleasing personality- witty- good listener- mediates problems- hides emotions- leads when pushed- casual attitue

- quitely stubborn- indecisive- unenthusiastic- too compromising- unmotivated- sarcastic- uninvolved- procrastinates



CHILD- I can always count on you. You are like a rock, steady and stable.- You have such a big heart. You are so caring.- I really appreciate your patience.- I see your strength in the way you aren’t pressured by time.- You’re always concerned about everyone in the group. You are such a great team player.- You are a keen observer. You see things others miss.- You’re so easy to talk to. Do you know what a gift it is to be heard?- You make me feel peaceful. You have a calming influence on others.- You excel when you do one thing at a time.- You’re a good listener.- You have a compassionate nature.- Your tenderness is a blessing to us.- You go out of your way to make others comfortable.- You are the glue of our family. You hold us together.- People like you because you’re easy to get along with.- You exude a humble spirit.- You mediate our conflicts and bring harmony to our family.- You are trustworthy.- You give people the benefit of the doubt.- You are faithful and true.


*Material from Personality Plus for Parents, Florence LittauerYour Authentic Personality / YourAuthenticPersonality.com / Dale@YourAuthenticPersonality.com / 702.233.5058 / 2019 Dale Wilsher. All Rights Reserved. Your Authentic Personality is a registered trademark of Dale Wilsher ©®

CHILDSTRENGTHS- serious- quiet- likes a schedule- analyzes others- content alone

- suspicious/guarded- shy/closed- looks sad- cries easily- clings



- thinks deeply- talented- musical- fantasizes- true friend- perfectionist- intense- dutiful and responsible

- moody- whines- self-conscious- too sensitive- hears negatives- avoids criticism- sees problems- won’t communicate


Conscientious, Cultured, Compliant, Controlled, Correct, Color-Coded, Creative, Conservative, Cautious




- thinks deeply- good student- creative - likes research- organized and purposeful- high standards- conscientious and on time- neat and orderly- sensitive to others- sweet spirit- thrifty

- depressed & withdrawn- inferiorty complex- inflexible- suspicious of people- critical- negative attitude- poor self image- revengeful- lives through friends- needs approval



CHILD- You have a love of beauty.- You are artistic and talented.- You feel deeply. You are deep.- You are more discerning than others. You feel things the rest of us miss.- I admire the way you keep your room clean and orderly.- You are a great planner. You are always prepared.- You always produced the highest quality result.- You have a great mind.- You see what’s wrong, because you want to make it right.- You are conscientious. - You’re a great editor.- You take things seriously. You respect important issues.- You have an eye for detail.- You have an inquisitive mind.- You are a sensitive soul.- You consider things and make well thought out decisions.- You love truth and uphold justice.- I can always count on you to do the right thing.- Thank you for your obedience and respect for the rules.- You are a reflective individual.

*Material from Personality Plus for Parents, Florence LittauerYour Authentic Personality / YourAuthenticPersonality.com / Dale@YourAuthenticPersonality.com / 702.233.5058 / 2019 Dale Wilsher. All Rights Reserved. Your Authentic Personality is a registered trademark of Dale Wilsher ©®

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