dvt 1043 prof.madya aung tun khaing animal history : cat group member hasna nadia josephin john...

Post on 19-Jan-2016






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21/04/23 2

Kingdom : AnimaliaPhylum : ChordateClass : MammaliansOrder : CarnivoresFamily : FelidaeGenus : FelisSpecies : F.CatusSubfamilies : PANTHERINAE such as tiger,lion,jaguar and

leopard. : FELINAE such as cougar,cheetah,lynxes,ocelot

and domestic cat






• The oldest archaeological evidence for domesticated cats was found on the Greek island of Cyprus, where several animal species including cats were introduced by 7500 BC.

• Further, at the Neolithic site of Shillourokambos, a purposeful cat burial was found next to a human burial, dated between 9500-9200 years before the present.

• The next is 6th millennium BC Haçilar, Turkey, where female figurines carrying cats or catlike figures in their arms have been discovered. There is some debate about the identification of these creatures as cats. Haçilar is well outside the normal distribution of F. s. lybica.

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MYTH• Several ancient religions believed that cats are exalted souls, companions or guides for humans, that they are all-knowing but are mute so they cannot influence decisions made by humans.

• In Japan, the Maneki Neko is a cat that is a symbol of good fortune.

• Many cultures belief that a black cat "crossing your path" leads to bad luck, or that cats are witches' familiars used to augment a witch's powers and skills. • According to a myth in many cultures, cats have multiple lives. In many countries, they are believed to have nine lives, but in some Spanish-speaking regions they are said to have seven lives, while in Turkish and Arabic traditions the number of lives is six

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Cats need to to drink milk : Cow’s milk isn’t the perfect food for cats. Milk can prove a very messy proposition for our pets, producing an uncomfortable gastric disturbance and even diarrhea. Cats purr whenever they are happy : Purring isn’t just a sound of contentment. Cats also purr if they are injured, while giving birth, when in distressed condition, or even when dying. Cats eat plants if they are sick : Kitties nibble on greens simply because they love to. Cats are dangerous around babies : Common sense dictates that no animal should be left unattended with a small child. Cats can be kept from using their claws : Scratching is an important part of our feline behavior and it stretches our cat’s muscles in ways that are both important and satisfying to him. 

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 A well-fed cat doesn’t hunt : The ability to hunt is hard-wired into all cats, but the level of desire varies by an individual’s genetics and early experience, not by the rumbling in his belly. Cat fur cause allergies : If people are allergic to animals, their bodies are reacting not to the fur but to proteins in skin secretions and saliva, commonly known as dander.  All calicoes are female : Almost all calico cats are female, but there are still male calicoes.

Although there are no sacred species in Islam, some writers have stated that Muhammad had a favorite cat, Muezza


• Cat lifespan varies from breed to breed; however, the average lifespan of a free-roaming cat is less than 3 years, whereas the lifespan of an indoor cat averages 15 to 18 years. Spayed and castrated cats live longer because they do not develop ovarian or testicular cancers.

• Cats and humans age differently but the typical 1-year old cat is equivalent to a 16 to 17-year old teenager. Between the ages of 1 and 9, each year equates to 5 to 6 years in humans. A 25-year age cat is 108 years old in human terms.

• Gestation period : 63-67days

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MEOWS cats even have a meow we humans can't hear, because the noise is outside our range of hearing.specific meanings of various meows, which in broader terms usually mean,”Hi ya. I want something”.  CATERWAULING a multi-octave yowl usually perfored as duet between two cats who're getting ready to rumble.The message:”get out of here or you'll be sorry”.Frequent happen during the mating season. Chattering : a rapid clacking of teeth when the cat is excited by the prospect of a kill or the possibility(for a male) of mating. GROWLING is the sign of a frightened or angry cat and is often punctuated by hissing and spitting. PURRING like a smile, a purr turns up in some situations that aren't so happy, sort of an "i'm nice, so don'y hurt me" message. SCREAMING a cry of intense pain. 


• When a cat's ears are up (pricked), forward and slightly outward this means the cat is content, relaxed and carefully listening to what is going on around them.  Here the slanted eyes and regularly sized pupils also indicate contentment. 

• When something catches a cat's attention the ears become more erect and the cat is alert and ready to investigate the source of the noise.  The eyes become slightly wider indicating alertness.

• If a cat becomes anxious or fearful, the ears will point to the sides and flatten.  The more anxious the cat is the flatter her ears will become.  The pupils are now dilated indicating fear.

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• When a cat becomes annoyed and feels defensive he will turn his ears back.  This should be a warning to you to get back. The eyes confirm this warning with the dilation of the pupils.

• When a cat becomes both fearful and aggressive and is ready to fight he will flatten his ears straight back.  It is believed cats pin their ears back in order to protect them during a fight.  The eyes are now greatly dilated since the more fearful the cat the greater the pupils dilate. 

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• When a cat carries his tail high and straight up in the air it means he is proud and content.  A mother cat's upright tail is a signal for her kittens to follow her.

• When a cat is relaxed, confident and alert, it walks with its tail horizontally behind it or even slightly drooping. You may also see this tail position when your cat is on the prowl or stalking.

• When a cat is very excited and happy to greet its owner he will hold his tail straight in the air and it will quiver or twitch. This is the cat's way of saying he is so pleased to see you that he is overcome with emotion. 

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• If a cat is friendly but cautious of the other cat or person, the upright tail is hooked over at the tip indicating a degree of uncertainty.

• When a cat is fearful and feels seriously threatened he will exhibit what looks like an upright bottle brush (or puffy) tail.  This indicates that the cat has become defensively aggressive; meaning it would rather get away, but if provoked it will defend itself

• When a cat swishes its tail from side to side this may indicate real or mock annoyance. It may also be a playful warning saying "I'm going to get you, so look out!" The more emotionally charged the cat is the faster the tail will swish.

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