dutch womens lacrosse 2013 world cup 2013 flyer 1.2

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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Dutch Women's Lacrosse 2013 World Cup Flyer


Women’s Dutch National Team Lacrosse to the World Championships Lacrosse is the fastest growing team sport in the Netherlands. Clubs have been established across the Netherlands and the sport is now being extended to school age players. New clubs are being added every year. Dutch Lacrosse is in vogue!

The Women’s Dutch National Team Lacrosse (WDNTL) has been competing since 2002 in World and European Championships. In 2012 the Nederlandse Lacrosse Bond organized a successful European Championships in Amsterdam where the women's team came in 7th. We want to continue and build on that momentum by sending a team to the World Cup in Oshawa, Canada in July.

The total costs are €65000. These costs include training, coaches, uniforms, flights, tournament fees and accomodation/board for the18 players and 4 team staff for the 15 days in Canada. Lacrosse has recently joined the NOC-NSF however the team (as yet) receives no subsidies. Each player of the team is contributing €1500 from her own pocket - which is a very significant amount for players with an average age of 22. In addition, each player is raising funds through her own network. We need to raise and find sponsoring for €30000. We have already raised/found sponsoring for €15000. We are looking for companies to help sponsor this young and enthousiastic team of National Players to get to the World Championships in Canada: (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.347539348681666.1073741829.326760907426177&type=3). A short company sponsor presentation in Dutch (http://www.slideshare.net/vuurboom/sponsor-presentatie-wdntlax-11) and English (http://www.slideshare.net/vuurboom/wdntlax-sponsor-presenation). Watch our promotional video via our crowd funding site at: www.indiegogo.com/projects/dutch-women-s-team-to-2013-women-s-lacrosse-world-cup-canada/x/2608443. Any donation is highly appreciated!

Please also visit us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/WDNTLax. Interested in helping the team? Please contact us at wdntlax@gmail.com.  

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