dumbleyung primary schooldumbleyungps.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/issue-6-9.5.1… ·...

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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Dumbleyung Primary School

Dear Parents/Carers and Community Members

Hello and welcome back for Term 2! We only have 9 weeks this term so hang on to your hats as it will fly by!

We have had 6 new enrolments this term to DPS, 4 to the Junior Room and 2 to the Senior Room, bringing our school total to 32, exciting times! The children have been wonderful in making the new arrivals feel welcome and showing them around, we look forward to them being an important part of our school community.

Next week sees NAPLAN for our Year 3 and 5 students. I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that it is not ‘high stakes’ testing but another very valuable piece of formative assessment that gives us information on the knowledge and skills the children have and need to develop. Testing will occur Monday to Thursday next week commencing at 9:30am in Room10.

The Dumbleyung Speech, Drama and Art Festival will be on Friday June 8. Children are able to enter art completed at home in to the competition. Categories for the Art are; Collage, Painting and Sculpture with the theme of ’Famous Art Works Reproduced’. Students in Year 3 to 6 have already got their nominated poems which they are reading and beginning to learn.

Cross Country is coming up in week 4, 24th of May combined with an Assembly. The event will kick off at 12pm, followed by a sausage sizzle lunch and then Assembly. Any helpers interested in assisting on the day would be greatly appreciated. Please don’t forget to return your lunch orders ASAP for catering purposes.

Sniffles and colds are beginning to appear, please remember to keep your kiddies home if they are sick. If anyone is interested in being on a Bus Committee for the school, please email the school. The 1st meeting will be in a couple of weeks, hopefully week 4.

Kind regards Melanie Ball Principal

Number 6 8 May 2018

Email: dumbleyung.ps@education.wa.edu.au Web site: www.dumbleyungps.wa.edu.au

Dates to remember:

TERM 2 24 May Cross Country & Assembly

1 June Cross Country Interschool Ngn

5 June Hockey Clinic 8 June Speech, Drama and Art Festival 12 June Hockey Clinic

14 June Pirate Day 19-22 June Year 5/6 Camp 22 June Winter Carnival Yr 3/4 29 June LAST DAY TERM 2 Term 3 Tuesday 17 July



Mary-Lee and Allan Turvey

Penelope, Rebecca and Jessie Turvey

Variety Price Quantity

Cheese $3.50

Ham/Cheese $4.00




The money that we raise will be used for School Camp

Orders to be in by MONDAY morning with enclosed money

or you can pay for the whole term.

Keeping Teeth Clean

Plaque is a sticky, almost invisible film of bacteria that builds up on teeth and the gum line. It forms continuously and if teeth are not brushed, plaque will form a thin layer within 24 hours. Plaque needs to be removed every day. If not, a hard material called calculus forms on and between teeth. To clean teeth use fluoride toothpaste. For children with dysphagia, absent ‘gag’ reflex or PEG feeds, use non-foaming toothpaste. Remember:

Brush teeth at least twice a day and supervise your child if they brush independently.

Speak to a dental therapist about which type of tooth brush is best for your child.

Use a pea size amount of fluoride toothpaste to clean teeth and spit it out after brushing. Toothpaste

should not be swallowed, if your child is unable to spit talk to your dentist about using a fluoride gel to clean your child’s teeth.

Do not rinse with water after brushing teeth.

If your child food pouches, make sure their mouth is empty after each meal.

Older children should floss their teeth daily. A floss holder can assist parents/ carers to floss children’s

teeth. Chlorhexidine mouthwash can be applied to teeth using a toothbrush or cotton swab.

If you have any questions about dental health for your child discuss with your Community Health Nurse. Quick Tip Brushing teeth twice a day, using fluoride toothpaste, eating a healthy and nutritious diet, and having regular dental check-ups with the dentist are essential steps towards preventing tooth decay. For more information about dental care for your For more information about dental care for you child visit: http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/dental_care_school_age.html child visit: http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/dental_care_school_age.html


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Term 2


30 April SDD Teachers ONLY

1 May Students Resume Toastie Tuesday

2 May 3 May 4 May


7 May

8 May Toastie Tuesday

9 May 10 May 11 May


14 May NAPLAN Testing Yr 3 / 5

15 May Toastie Tuesday

16 May 17 May 18 May

4. 21 May 22 May Toastie Tuesday

23 May 24 May Cross Country 12.00 start BBQ & Assembly

25 May

5. 28 May 29 May Toastie Tuesday

30 May 31 May 1 June Interschool Cross Country Narrogin

6. 4 June Western Australia Day Public Holiday

5 June Toastie Tuesday 1:20 Hockey Clinic

6 June 7 June 8 June Speech, Drama And Art Festival

7. 11 June 12 June Toastie Tuesday 1:20 Hockey Clinic

13 June 14 June Pirate Day (for childhood brain


15 June

8. 18 June 19 June Toastie Tuesday Senior Camp Dare

20 June Senior Camp Dare

21 June Senior Camp Dare

22 June Senior Camp Dare Winter Carnival for Yr3/4

9. 25 June 26 June Toastie Tuesday

27June 28 June 29 June


3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July

Students Resume Term 3 Tuesday 17 July 2018

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