dss editing module 2 general interface and functionality

Post on 18-Dec-2015






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DSS EditingModule 2

General Interface and Functionality


General Menus/Windows


Main Menus Overview

File MenuThis menu is similar to previous ArcGIS versions and has the typical File Management (New, Open, Save, Print) options. Items to note are:

- Add Data - Add XY Data To add in tabular GPS location information, Go to File>> Add Data>> Add XY Data

- Share As - Map Package or ServiceUse this feature to create a map package for easy sharing between users. This could be used as an archive mechanism as well as it contains a “snapshot” of a particular time or state of data. Note that the package contains the FULL EXTENT of ALL vector data in the map, not a clip of what is in the current view. Raster data is NOT included so you do not need to remove reference layers, e.g. imagery, DEMs, prior to creating a map package. Sharing as a service allows for easy conversion into ArcGIS Online

View MenuThe View Menu has the wizards to create Graphs and Reports (formerly on the Tools Menu). It also introduces Pause Labeling as a separate option from Pause drawing.

Bookmarks Bookmarks have been pulled out to a top-level Menu and there are new advanced bookmark options under the Manage menu.

Geoprocessing MenuThis menu provides quick access to commonly used geoprocessing tools, tool environments, and other resources. *Use the Results window to see geoprocessing messages and history.

Customize Menu This menu deals directly with customizing the ArcGIS interface based on individual user needs with VB Macros, Toolbars, Extensions, Symbol Styles and other customizable options

TIP: To customize the Toolbars and/or Commands, use Customize >> Customize Mode.

Uncheck “Save all customizations to the document” and “Create new toolbars and menus in the document” in order to preserve customization for ALL documents (these settings mean change will be stored in the “normal template”).

Main Menus Overview (Cont.)

TIP: Each toolbar has a dropdown arrow in the lower-right corner for quick access to Customize Mode.


Windows MenuIn addition to the Magnifier and Overview windows, have a look at the new options under the Viewer. Also note that you can activate the Table of Contents, embedded Catalog, Search and Image Analysis windows here.

Main Menus Overview (Cont.)

SearchA new Search window offers revamped and fast search capability allowing users to search for map documents, data, or tools based on search terms. Use this window to search for ArcToolbox tools.

Example: 1) Type “clip” into search window 2) Click “Tools” to restrict resultsNote the following features:

TIP: If you R-click on the tool, a menu will pop-up

•Click on the Tool name to open the Tool directly

•Locate the tool by clicking on the green pathway

Embedded CatalogArcCatalog is integrated within ArcMap and includes the following main features:•Catalog window can be floating, docked, and optionally slide-out or pinned•You may drag and drop data layers from the Catalog directly into the Table of Contents without using the Add Data icon•Easily create new files while in ArcMap

Common Tool types:


•The top portion deals with the raster layers available within the project

•The Display portion deals mainly with display capabilities and enhancements (all in one place)

•The Processing portion deals with processing (clip, ortho-rectify, etc), filters, and classification. You can export results as a new raster dataset or layer file.

•The Mensuration portion has tools to measure image point, distance, angle, height, perimeter, and area from an image (raster dataset or mosaic dataset) with sensor information (or geodata transformation). Any georeferenced raster dataset can provide distance, area, point and centroid locations. Height measurements can be obtained when a sensor model exists. Sun angle information is required to make measurements using the shadows. A DEM is required if making measurements in 3D.

For more information on the capabilities of this window, view the free ESRI training seminar: Visualizing and Analyzing with Imagery with Arc10http://training.esri.com/gateway/index.cfm?fa=catalog.webCourseDetail&courseid=1949

Image Analysis in Arc10There is a new window available at all license levels that deals specifically with image and/or raster analysis. It allows for on-the-fly analysis to the imagery or raster layers loaded into a map document without needing to create a new raster layer. By using this window, you can manage individual or multiple raster layers based on image properties, bands, and pixel classifications easily without going into each layer’s display property.

Main Menus Overview (Cont.)


Docking Windows


Docking WindowsThere are many options for docking windows. In this example, the Identify Window will be docked with the Table of Contents (TOC).

As you move, a blue ‘shadow’ will show you where the window will be placed if you release the mouse button. For example, releasing the mouse in this illustration results with the Identify window moved, but still floating.

The ‘four-way’ targets relate to the window in which they appear. For example, the windows docked using the four-way target in the data frame will span the data frame.


Table of Contents


The ‘single’ target arrows indicate positions that will span the entire ArcMap application window.

Four-way targets will appear over other docked windows allowing additional windows to be placed above or below spanning the same width. Example, the Identify window will appear below the TOC, spanning the same width (…or left or right of the TOC, spanning the same height).

Unpinning the window or window group results in ‘hidden’ windows. Hidden windows will appear with the name on the side of the ArcMap application. Hover over the window name and the window will “fly out” for access, will fly back to hidden when the cursor moves out of the window. Unpinned, Window names appear on the side

Click the push-pin icon to produce standard, fixed, docked windows.




They provide additional GIS functionality. Most extensions are optional products that are authorized or licensed individually. Each adds a set of specialized and advanced capabilities to your GIS.

3D Analyst

3D visualization and analysis; terrain data management and geoprocessing; Allows users to view, manage, analyze and share 3D GIS data

Spatial Analyst

Offers many raster modeling and analysis features allowing users to create, query, map and analyze cell-based raster data; integrates raster-vector analysis

Geostatistical Analyst

Advanced statistical tools for surface generation and analyzing and mapping continuous datasets

Network Analyst Performs routing and network analysis


Allows for generation, visualization and manipulation diagrams from network data or any data with connectivity explicit attributes

Tracking AnalystDesigned to map objects that move or change status through time

Data InteroperabilityDirectly reads/employs over 100 common GIS vector formats and allows delivery GIS into over 70 formats


Performs raster to vector conversion tasks on scanned documents; Included with ArcEditor/ArcInfo license levels

PublisherPublish data, maps and globes using ArcGIS Desktop



Customizing Toolbars


Toolbar Configuration

Many of the tools on the default toolbars are not necessary for soil survey and some may introduce topology errors into your data.

Use Customize >> Customize Mode to drag tools off the toolbar to get rid of tools you don’t need. This reduces clutter making it easier to find the tools you will use. In Customize Mode, you can easily drag and drop tools on or off existing toolbars.

TIP: To return to the original default settings: Select Toolbar > click Reset


Creating Personalized Editing Toolbar for Soil Survey Use


Creating Your Own Toolbar Configuration

Use Customize >> Customize Mode >>

Under Toolbars, Select New

Rename Toolbar to My Editing Toolbar.

It will be empty. It is often docked at the bottom of the toolbars.


Adding Tools to Personal Toolbar

Use Customize >> Customize Mode >>

NOTE - To ensure this toolbar is available on all projects go to Options tab and ensure that the Save all customizations to the document and the Create new toolbars and menus in the document are UNCHECKED.

Under Commands tab; Select a Category and then drag and drop commands tools onto the new toolbar

NOTE – You can create a group by Right clicking on the toolbar and select Begin a Group. This adds a vertical line between tools.


Editor Topology Selection Pan/ZoomCut Polygons


Merge Tool

Topology Edit Tool Clear Selected Features

Select by Rectangle


Creating Personalized Editing Toolbar for Soil Survey Use

A. Edit ToolB. Edit Annotation Tool C. Straight Segment Tool D. Trace Tool

E. Cut Polygon ToolF. AttributesG. Create Features

Tools indicated with the down arrows are generally not used for soil data development and can be removed.

Use Customize Menu >> Customize Mode >> Select the tools and drag them off the tool bar to remove them from the toolbar.


!! -- Modify Feature and Reshape feature, do NOT honor topology -- !!

Use the Modify Edge and Reshape Edge tools on the Topology Toolbar instead.

Customizing the Editing Toolbar for Soil Survey Use

top related