drupal conference

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The Open Instituteon 28th July, 2009

 BY: Mr. HY ChanHan

Drupal Conference

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• To provide a wide range of web development technique with drupal.

• To promote drupal to the professionals in Cambodia.

• To share knowledge • To build developers capacity • To improve websites to be a web


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• After finish this conference you will get some thoughts with drupal related features

• Install drupal• Install modules and themes • Manage website

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I- Drupal introductionoWhat is drupal?oWhat can it do?oSystem requirement

II- Why choose drupal?

III- Who use drupal?

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IV- Download and installV- Drupal administrationVI- Drupal third-party module

o Where to download?o  How to install?

VII- DemoVIII- Questions

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Drupal Introduction


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What is drupal?

• Drupal is free open-source software that allow you to build websites.

• Drupal is Content Management System.

• A way for non-developer to manage content.

• It is written in PHP and run on MySQL database.

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What can it do?

• Community web portals

• Discussion sites/ Forums

• Corporate web sites

• Personal websites/ blogs

• Social Networking Sites

• E-commerce Web


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System requirement

• PHP• Apache• MySQL


 AppServ Recommended

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Why choose drupal?


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Why choose drupal?

• Easy to install

• Easy to use

• There are a lot of modules

• Manage large sites

• Clean URL

• Khmer language translation  

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Who use drupal?


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Who use drupal?

• www.drupalsn.com• www.ubuntu.com • www.mtv.co.uk • www.flock.com • www.khmeros.info• www.open.org.kh• women.open.org.kh

• http://drupalsn.com/projects• http://drupalsn.com/community

And more...

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Download and install


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Download and install

Download drupal fromhttp://drupal.org

The latest versionDrupal 6.13

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• Download from: http://drupal.org and extract it on www root:

• Start to open web browser and type and enter:

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Installation• Steps below is the installation processing

You must copy defualt.setting.php file, past it and rename it to setting.php file on the same root.

After renamed it, go back to the site and click try again

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InstallationGo to http://localhost/phpMyAdmin to create a database

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It is installing...Please wait a minute.

This is the last step

of installation. 

Let's you configure

it by put Site name,

e-mail, and

administrator user,


--> click continue

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Installation is finished now, now you've go a website!


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Drupal Administration


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Drupal administration

Administration section is a core of drupal to provide a lot of features to control how your website functions.

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Drupal administration

Content Management Site Building

User Management Site Configuration

Manage web site content(comments, content, RSS publishing,  posts setting, taxonomy)

Control how site looks and feels (blocks, menus, modules, themes)

Manage users, groups and permission to site (access rules, permissions, roles)

Adjust and configure site behavior (error reporting, performance, site information, site maintenance)

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Drupal third-party module


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Drupal third-party module

Drupal was also

designed to allow

new features and

custom behavior to

be added by third


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Where to download?

You can download contributed modules added by third parties are available at:  


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How to install?

Once you have the Drupal core files installed, you can begin adding third-party contributed modules to extend or alter Drupal's behavior.  

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How to install?

The basic instructions are as follows:

1- Moduleso Download and extract it

under folder: /sites/all/modules/

o Enable the module in Administer > Site building

> Modules  

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How to install?

2. Themes

oDownload and extract it under folder: /sites/all/themes/ 

oEnable the theme in Administer > Site building > Themes


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Thanks you!

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