drumheller valley secondary school 1010 module.…  · web view15% basic competencies evaluation...

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Drumheller valley Secondary School

HSS 1010

QUARTER A 2015Instructor Mr. Messom

HSS 1010: Health Services FoundationsInstructors:HSS 1010 is delivered by the Physical Education Department at Drumheller Valley Secondary School

Course Description & Foreword:

Students will examine fundamental attitudes, knowledge and skills to prepare for further study in career pathways in health, recreation and community services. Concepts related to the determinants of health, the dimensions of wellness, basic principles of anatomy, physiology and disease, and basic safety and reporting protocols for providing care to individuals in health, recreation, volunteer and community support settings are reviewed.

HSS1010 is completed in combination with the Physical Education 10 program and affords students the opportunity to open doors for other CTS related courses in the dimensions of physical education, health and wellness, nutrition, and recreation. HSS1010 is the foundation for the majority of health related CTS courses that are available. It’s compliment to the knowledge, skills and understanding of physical education concepts and curriculum, will prepare students for a long life of health and wellness based activities

Assessment & evaluation:85% Students will be provided with a workbook package of all required assignments in order to meet all curricular outcomes for the course credit. Students must complete and correct the entire package in order to gain credit for HSS 1010.15% Basic Competencies Evaluation Rubric

HSS1010 Mark Break Down

HSS1010 Wellness /39

Personal Decision Making /18

Anatomical Movements Matching /16

Anatomical Movements /22

Anatomical Planes/Directions /8

Anatomical Structures /28

Anatomy and Such /37

Booklet TOTAL /168 (85% overall)

+ Basic Competencies /24 (15% overall)

HSS 1010

Basic Competencies Evaluation

3 = Always 2 = Most of the time 1 = Seldom 0 = Never

Manage Information

Assignments handed in correct order with name 3 2 1 0

Think and Solve Problems

Searched independently for answers 3 2 1 0

Sought Help when needed 3 2 1 0

Demonstrates Positive Attitudes and Behaviour

Attempted to complete work 3 2 1 0

Engaged in discussions 3 2 1 0

Be Responsible

All assignments were done correctly and completely 3 2 1 0

All assignments were handed in by due dates 3 2 1 0

Be Adaptable

Used problem solving skills to complete assignments 3 2 1 0

Sports Performance HSS 1010Anatomical Movement Matching

/ 16 Total Marks

Match the anatomical movements to the correct definitions.Hint: use the search keyword “anatomical definition of ______”. A. Flexion E. Abduction I. Adduction M. InversionB. Extension F. Rotation J. Supination N. DorsiflexionC. Circumduction G. Depression K. Plantar Flexion O. EversionD. Pronation H. Elevation L. Protraction P. Retraction

___________________ Circumscribing a cone, conical area, involving flexion, abduction,

extension and adduction in sequence

___________________ Toes moving towards the shin

___________________ Rotating the forearm medially (turning palms back or down)

___________________ Moving a body part in a superior direction (up)

___________________ Pointing toes forward

___________________ Sole of the foot turns out (less common)

___________________ Turning about the vertical (or long) axis of the bone

___________________ Increasing the distance and angle between two bones

___________________ Moving the body part away from the midline of the body

___________________ Sole of the foot turns in (more common)

___________________ Decreasing the distance and angle between two bones

___________________ Moving toward the midline with a body or body part

___________________ Moving a body part in an inferior direction (down)

___________________ Rotating the forearm laterally (palms going up or forward)

___________________ Anterior movement of a body part

___________________ Posterior movement of a body part

HSS 1010Anatomical Movements

/ 22 Total Marks

Hint: use the keyword search “anatomical image of _____________”.






Word Bank

Circumduction Retraction x2 Elevation x2Adduction Eversion AbductionProtraction x2 Rotation x4 Depression x2Flexion x3 Hyperextension DorsiflexionPlantarflexion Inversion Extension x2

HSS 1010Anatomical Directions/Planes

/ 8 Total Marks

Hint: Keyword search “anatomical directions”.

HSS 1010Anatomical Structures

/ 28 Total MarksUsing correct anatomical names label all the major muscles of the upper and lower bodyAnterior Muscles (8 marks)


- Quadriceps Complex- Pectoralis Complex- Biceps Complex- Rectus Abdominus- External Oblique- Triceps Complex- Trapezius- Deltoid

Posterior Muscles (8 Marks)


- Gluteus Complex- Gastrocnemius- Trapezius- Spinal Erectors- Latissimus Dorsi- Triceps Complex- Deltoid- Hamstring Complex

1. Muscles work together to keep the body in balance. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Define what an agonist and antagonist are, in terms of anatomy, and list 2 agonist/antagonist muscle pairings. For example Rectus Abdominus and Spinal Erectors (4 marks)

Agonist is

Antagonist is

Example 1 -

Example 2 -

2. What is a range of motion (ROM)? (1 mark)

3. What is a passive range of motion (ROM)? (1 mark)

4. What is an active range of motion (ROM)? (1 mark)

5. List 5 reasons why should we be healthy? (5 marks)






HSS 1010Anatomy and such

/37 Total Marks

Key word search “medical definition of __________”.

1. Place the letter of the term in the blank beside the appropriate definition (1 mark each = 9 marks)

A. AnatomyB. PhysiologyC. Pathology

D. HomeostasisE. SyndromeF. Prognosis

G. DiagnosisH. AssessmentI. Therapy

_________ A hypothesis of the nature or cause of an injury based on signs and symptoms

_________ A group of symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition

_________ The ability or tendency of an organism or cell to maintain internal equilibrium by adjusting its physiological processes

_________ The scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences

_________ The scientific study of the shape and structure of organisms and their parts

_________ A prediction of the probable course and outcome of a disease

_________ The biological study of the functions of living organisms and their parts

_________ Treatment of an injury, illness or disease in order to alleviate signs and symptoms

_________ The act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination, and review of laboratory data

2. What are the 10 major systems of the body and their function (10 marks)? HINT: Google search “10 systems of the human body”











3. What is the difference between signs and symptoms? (2 marks)Sign:


4. What is complimentary/alternative medicine and give 3 examples? (4 marks)Complimentary/Alternative Medicine:

Example 1 - Example 2 - Example 3 -

5. What is integrative health and give an example? (2 marks)Integrative health is

Example –

6. What is preventative medicine? (1 mark)

7. List 3 careers (you cannot use athlete as one) that you find interesting within the field of health and wellness. Give a description of each and a reason why you chose it. (3 marks each = 9 marks)

Career 1:Description:

Why you chose it:

Career 2:Description:

Why you chose it:

Career 3:Description:

Why you chose it:

HSS 1010 Wellness/39 Total Marks

1. According to the World Health Organization, and Health Canada, define what health and wellness is: (1 marks) HINT: http://www.pnf.org/Definitions_of_Health_C.pdf

2. Would you consider yourself a healthy person according to the definition of health and wellness provided? Why or why not? (2 marks)

3. What are the 12 key determinants of Health and Wellness according to Health Canada? (12 marks)1 7

2 8

3 9

4 10

5 11

6 12

4. Define the following terms with relevance given to health and wellness (5 marks)Physical health and wellness

Emotional health and wellness

Spiritual health and wellness

Intellectual health and wellness

Social health and wellness

5. Make a list of 5 items you could improve on that would help elevate your current level of health and wellness? Keep in mind the different dimensions of health and wellness listed above in question 4 (5 marks)






6. What is the difference between physical activity, active living and physical fitness? (3 marks)Physical activity is

Active living is

Physical fitness is

7. What support systems exist within Lethbridge that help facilitate health and wellness? Be specific! (3 marks) eg. YMCA, Church, Library…..(please think of your own)Support system 1 ______________________________________________

Support system 2 ______________________________________________

Support system 3 ______________________________________________

8. Why is confidentiality important? (1 mark)

9. When might be an appropriate situation to break confidentiality? (1 mark)

10. What effect does sleep play in health and wellness? (1 mark)

11. What is the optimal amount of sleep needed to function efficiently from day to day? (1 mark)HINT: Google search “how much sleep does a 16 year old need+webMD”

12. What is a circadian rhythm? (1 mark)

13. What are 3 methods you could employ to help increase the amount of sleep you are currently getting? (3 marks)

Method 1

Method 2

Method 3

HSS 1010Personal Decision Making

/18 Marks

1. Create a brainstorm/mind web that lists all of the factors to consider when looking at nutrition? (5 marks)

2. What is the difference between a vitamin and a mineral? (2 marks)Vitamins are

Minerals are

3. Is taking additional vitamins and minerals necessary? Why or why not?(2 marks)

4. Why is personal hygiene important? (2 marks)

5. What are the steps to be followed in properly washing your hands? (5 marks) Watch the youtube video from Healthy Alberta at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIE0KbGIXjM to help direct your answer.1.





6. Should hand sanitizers be used on a regular basis after washing your hands? Why or why not? (2 marks)

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