driving social media pr

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Entrepalooza Presentation - 05.20.2010 on Social Media PR


Driving Social Media PR



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Why I really fell for social media

Why Jill fell for social media

What we’ll cover

• Some PR history

• Some social media 101

• How your company can use social media as a PR tool

• LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Social Bookmarking

• Social Media Newsrooms/Releases

The promise of the Internet

• Before the internet, PR was simple.

• We knew the people who “made” the news (editors and reporters).

• We pitched client stories.

• We saw results: TV, newspapers, magazines, radio.

The promise of the Internet

But we know the Media Landscape is Changing…blah, blah, blah

• But really, it is.

• PR practitioners of the past shared ideas with media and influencers.

• Today we deliver content and ideas directly to consumers, influencers and media.

PR 2.0

• Things have changed; evolved.

• With 200 million blogs, Facebook, and Twitter, along with the shiny new things that will come along, people are creating their own news.

• Brands can create their own news.

• And none of this is a fad.

PR 2.0- What we’ve seen

• Consumer-generated content is growing.

• Bloggers are invited into the white house briefing room.

• Journalists are on Twitter (along with everyone else).

PR 2.0

• Wikipedia has a billion articles.

• 24 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube per minute. Yes, per minute.

• As of May 2010, YouTube exceeds more than 2 billion views per day.

• There are perhaps as many as 200 million blogs.

• If people are online, chances are, they are creating their own news.

PR 2.0

• Again, so what?

• As the traditional becomes obsolete, we have to understand that these social media tools allow us to create and spread our own news.

Still think this is a fad?

Social Network UsersAll Adults Teens Younger Older Silent GI

Online Online Gen Y Gen X Boomer Boomer Generation Generation18+ 12-17 18-32 33-44 45-54 55-63 64-72 73+

Go Online 74% 93% 87% 82% 79% 70% 56% 31%Use Social Networking Sites 35% 65% 67% 36% 20% 9% 11% 4%Create an SNS profile 29% 55% 60% 29% 16% 9% 5% 4%Read blogs 32% 49% 43% 34% 27% 25% 23% 15%Create blogs 11% 28% 20% 10% 6% 7% 6% 6%Pew Internet & American Life Project Surveys

•Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project Survey December ’08, Source: InsightExpress, 2/09

Social Networking


Letter to editor Immediate posting

Written for the brand Created by the brand

Editor in control Consumer in control

Crisis grows slowly Crisis happens before it’s a crisis

Informative Shock value; provocative

Journalists decide the news Anyone can make the news

How People use Social Networks

• Used more frequently for personal use, than professional use.

• LinkedIn is the exception, with 67% of users saying they use their profile to “make new business or professional contacts.”

•Source: Pew Internet & American Life Project Survey December ‘08

LinkedIn is a business social network.

• Used for job hunting

• Company finding

• A networking tool

• Not based on geography

• And it helped me find goats

Remember me?

• People create profiles on LinkedIn. They refer each other, answer questions, join groups.

• From those profiles, LinkedIn creates a picture of the company.

Get Linked

Facebook Frenzy

• Facebook has over 400 million members.

• Connects people.

• No, not every company should have a Facebook page…

• Need to have a concrete goal for being on Facebook.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics

Facebook is after the social graph.


• It’s Facebook’s opinion that what people ‘like’ says something about them socially.

• And Facebook wants to connect those people.

Using Facebook for Social Media PR

• Launch a Facebook page to create and spread news, share information, invite content from other sources.

• Engage current and potential brand ambassadors.

Unwinding with Seagram’s Escapes

• Twitter is an excellent way to interact with your target markets.

Twitter for Social Media PR

Social Bookmarking – mmm…Delicious!

• Do you email links to yourself?

• Stop it. Social Bookmarking allows you to never have to email a link to yourself again.

• It’s also a way to tout your successes.

Social Bookmarking

Client News:




From “Google Alert” to “What’s New”

Social Media Newsrooms

Social Media Newsrooms

• Allow you to link every press release written about your brand/company to social media networks and sites.

• Social media releases act as conversation starters by engaging readers with multimedia content (photo, audio, video).

• Releases can be tagged to increase searchability.

• http://www.pitchengine.com/newsroom.php?id=6952

But it’s not only about press releases…

• SMRs allow you to package news and share it too.

• With sales teams, vendors, influencers, media, etc.

• Ideal for product/brand launches, events, targeting groups.

• Embed the newsroom right in your website.

Social Media Newsroom embedded: http://www.wnyford.com/rss.aspx

Additional benefits of SMRs

• Index on Google

• RSS feeds

• Link to social networks

• Easy sharing

Social Media Releases… think about:

• Consumer generated content: photo/video, blog posts, fan groups

• News stories referencing your brand or the category

• Audio and Video content (interviews, testimonials, radio/TV spots)

• Photography


Exploring a Social Media Release

When and How to Use a SMR

• Product launches

• New ad campaigns- radio, TV, billboards, online

• Internal communications

• Special events

• Share publicity coverage

• Grassroots programs

• PA campaigns, Pledge and signature programs

• Charitable campaigns

Social Media Releases Allow You To:

• Leverage and extend work

• Package feedback and support

• Showcase products, innovations

• Dispel opposition and tell your story

• http://www.thefordstory.com

Content Can Live Online

• www.Docstoc.com

• www.tinyurl.com

• Include audio using iTunes

• Embed in social media release


Embed Audio

• Record your audio file

• Convert into an mp3 file using iTunes

• Create a “tinyurl”

• Copy and paste the tinyurl link into your press release


So what now?

• Good question.

• Create a LinkedIn Profile.

• Search Twitter to see if you or your business interests are part of people’s day. If so, start a twitter feed and follow them.

• Consider Facebook- is it the right fit for you?

• Think about how to create news… about you or your brand.

Allison Conte  |  Account Supervisor, Public Relations and Public AffairsEric Mower and Associates  |  Buffalo OfficeKey Center at Fountain Plaza50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1000 , Buffalo, NY 14202 phone: 716.880.1487  |  fax: 716.842.1271 | cell: 716.912.8077aconte@mower.com  |  www.mower.com

talk human *

Jillian Fiorella   |   Senior Account Executive, Public RelationsEric Mower and Associates   |  Buffalo OfficeKey Center at Fountain Plaza50 Fountain Plaza, Suite 1000 , Buffalo, NY 14202 phone: 716.880.1450   |   fax: 716.842.1271  |   cell: 716.534.0501jfiorella@mower.com   |  www.mower.com

talk human *

Client News: http://delicious.com/EMABuffPR/Publicity%2C

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