driving competitive advantage with analytics and data - case study

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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The amount of customer and business performance information available today promises new sources of knowledge and opportunities for businesses of all sizes. The challenge lies in how to manage and analyze these data to make smarter decisions and gain better results. In this case study, we take a look at how data was analyzed and utilized to achieve the business goals of Nickel Bros, one of Pacific Northwest’s largest house moving company. This case study was part of the panel presentation at the 2014 Digital Strategy Conference in Vancouver.


Driving Competitive Advantage with Analytics & Data

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg


prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

For over 50 years, Nickel Bros has been the Pacific Northwest’s largest and most trusted house moving company. We’ve built our business on the core values of Safety, Precision, and Integrity—since 1956.

As Seen On:

Challenge: Can you help grow our business?

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q  Recover lost traffic in Google

q  Wants to improve company image & brand

q  Wants more volume in leads

q  Wants more traffic & conversions from website

q  Wants more sales


Understanding Nickel Bros:

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

Where are they now?

•  Good brand name

•  Not sure about website performance

Where they want to go?

•  Increase performance

•  Grow past competition

Need a bridge to reach their goals

Building the bridge: 4 Areas of Approach

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

1. Website Analysis:

Understand strengths, weakness’, and anomalies within the website & Google Analytics data for Earned, Owned & Paid Traffic

2. SEO Audit:

Understand existing website architecture, top keywords by search volume, traffic and competitor analysis.

Identified Red Flags where there were issues as well as opportunities of improvement throughout each channel.  This helped plan the 'bridge work' of the next best steps to take within the client's Digital Strategy.

Upon completion of the audit, the client has a better idea of where they currently stand next to the competition and have the information to make an executive decision on the next best steps to take based on the recommendations.

Building the bridge: 4 Areas of Approach

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

3. SEO Implementation:

Consult our design team on website architecture for new design and wire framing. Implement additional website optimization and local SEO.

4. PPC Advertising:

Keyword research to support Adwords campaign and landing page creation. Monitor campaign performance metrics to optimized CTR, quality score, CPC and ad/banner creative.

Local SEO allowed the clients target specific regions as well as provide tailored information relative to the user and their geographical residence.

Monitoring the campaigns performance based on metrics or the Client's Key Performance Indicators allowed us to guide the client in the direction of their desired goal by having a Guiding Light into what was working and what could be improved.

Road Bump: Traffic Segmentation

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Problem: Keywords are shared amongst the 3 main services

Main services are:

House Lifting, House Moving and Recycled Moveable Home Sales

Search terms for often similar for the above 3 different services.

Ex: “house to move” (a commonly used key term) has many meanings and service types within the industry.

Semantic Search to the Rescue

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Stop attracting ambiguous visitors!

þ  Use extensive keyword analyses to discover nuances of target market’s search intent.

þ  Segregating and directing the right traffic to the desired service.

þ  Developing highly explicit ad copy that resonates with, and segregates their target audience to the proper landing page.

þ  A/B testing the landing pages, while using ad content that is immediately recognizable to the target market, reducing bounce rates and increasing visitor action.

þ  A/B testing the ad copy. This played a big part in pushing people to the right service pages.


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Goal: increase traffic & conversion from website

þ  Overall website visit increased by 77%

þ  113% increase with New or Unique Visitors

þ  Website engagement increased as pages per visit is up by 33% while bounce rate decreased by 14.5%

Data: June 2013 to April 2014


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Goal: Recover lost traffic in Google

þ  64% increase in top 10 highest ranking non-branded keywords search volume, which lead to a boost in quality traffic and potential targeted leads per month.

þ  Additional flagship keywords were identified as the website is picking up traffic from other targeted keywords and mid-to-long tail keywords.


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Goal: Grow past the competition

Moving past the Competition!


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Goal: More volume in leads

þ  75% of the traffic is now from Paid, Owned and Earned channels, driving more potential leads and sales from the website.

Is Your Business Data Driven?

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

Tips for Building Your Bridge

þ  Set your goals

þ  Know your audience

þ  Analysis your business (SWOT)

þ  Identify KPI

þ  Analysis, optimize, rinse & repeat

Avoid making business decisions without quantifiable data.

prestigemarketing.ca | @prestigemktg

Presentation by: Allen Jurisic Senior SEO Specialist & Web Analyst

Contact: Email: allen@prestigemarketing.ca Tel: 888-338-3206 Web: www.prestigemarketing.ca Twitter: @prestigemktg

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