drive smart

Post on 18-Feb-2016






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Charity calls for more concentration on the roads after seeing the true scale of mobile phone use.


32 The Community Review Summer 2012

"Use a phone at the wheel and you are taking a horrendous risk with your own life and the lives of others."

Road safety charity Brake has renewed

calls for a total UK ban on using mobile

phones – even hands-free – when driving,

after its own survey revealed the shocking

figures of drivers flouting the rules.

According to the survey in collaboration

with insurance company Direct Line,

almost half of all motorists on the roads

are risking their lives – and those of other

motorists and pedestrians – by talking on

their mobiles while at the wheel.

Of those asked, 48 per cent of drivers

admit to using their phones. What’s more,

65 per cent of those who pick up the phone

actually hold the handset to their head – an

offence since 2003.

Smart phones are also becoming an

increasing danger behind the wheel, as

21 per cent of young drivers admitted to

checking emails and social network sites,

going online and using apps while driving.

In response, Brake has launched a

campaign urging all drivers to ‘drive

smart’ by putting their phones out of sight,

reducing the temptation to pick it up when


They are warning motorists that using

a mobile phone – even through a

loudspeaker or in-car hands-free system –

can slow reaction times to a similar amount

as drink driving.

Julie Townsend, Brake deputy chief

executive, said: “Use a phone at the wheel

and you are taking a horrendous risk with

your own life and the lives of others. Many

drivers who wouldn’t dream of drink driving

are using their phones, oblivious that the

effect on reaction times can be similar.

“We’re urging all people to drive smart,

recognising that phone use at the wheel

can and does destroy lives, and no call

or text is ever that important. If you need

to use your phone urgently, pull over

somewhere safe first: It’s as simple as that.”

Brake are also calling on the Government

to do more to tackle phone use at the

wheel, including banning hands-free

phones and bringing in stiffer penalties for

those caught using mobiles while driving.

At the moment, drivers caught talking on a

hand-held phone or texting face automatic

penalties of three points on their licence

and an on-the-spot fine of £60. Police

can also apply these penalties to using a

hands-free system or sat-nav if they believe

their use has contributed to an accident.

Brake want to see higher fines and periods

of disqualification introduced to deter

careless and distracted driving.

Advice to drivers

However much you love your phone, when you are driving you need to put it away. Texting, tweeting, emailing, taking or making a call, even just glancing at the screen: all are major distractions that put your life and the lives of others at risk. Driving is the most dangerous and complex activity most of us do on a daily basis and it requires your full concentration. Your phone can wait.

Anyone who has been bereaved or seriously injured in a crash can call the Brake helpline for support on 0845 603 8570.

Drive smartOut of sight, out of mind

Charity calls for more concentration on the roads after seeing the true scale of mobile phone use.

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