dri (diabetes research institute)

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Diabetes Research Institute Florida Jaycees

We can Outlive



flor/da /un/or CAamper or Commerce2000.;V

C/I/PoreAvenue. CnJdond /lor/do .5.i804-0/25 ?Aone. /3-088-54.8.1. 8 ftx. 8/3-o88-08.i8

Dear /lor/da /aycees. / /pould I/.fe /'(7 con{7ra/ula/e cAap/ers /pAo ran pro/ec/s lOr /Ae D/ape/es ;eesearcA /ns///u/e rD;e/). !;Our Aard /por.f and ded/ca//on Aas peen a {7rea/ acMepemen/. .71O/peper./Ae D;e/ Aas no/ Aeard trom many or you. and /pe need an epen s/ron{7er comm//men/ lOr /Ae /A/rd and lOur/A quar/ers /0 mee/ our {7oal or

${7 or /Ae ne/p D;e/ researcA and /rea/men/ /dc/I/ty pr/n{7san t'Pen {7rea/er demand /0 ra/se tUnds /'(7suppor/ /Ae elTbr/s or /Ae doc/'(7rs and cl/n/c/ans /por.f/n{7 /0 /lnd a cure lOr d/ape/es. ad/sease /Aa/ a/17/c/s ./4 m/II/on Amer/cans eacA year. 77fa/ /s /pAy nolP. more /Aan eper. /Ae D;e! needs our Adp. Our suppor/ can Adp /Ae m/II/ons or people /pAoare /pa///n{7and Aop/n{7lOr a cure. /upen/Ie D/ape/es /pee.f f/anuary 29 - fikuary (7) /s an excdlen/ /pay /'(7 sAo/p your comm//men/. 77frou{7Aou//A/s /pee.f. /Aousands orpolun/eers suppor/ /Ae D;e/ /Arou{7Aroad Ploc.fs and o/Aer pro/ec/s. / /pould I/.fe /0 see a s/ron{7 presence trom /Ae /lor/da /aycees. so s/ar/ plann/n{7 your pro/ec/s no/p. D;e/ can prop/de you /p/fA suppl/es. and more /nlOrma//on. One III/II/on/lor/d/ans /p//A d/ape/es are depend/n{7 l7n us /'(7 ma.fe /Adr dreams come /rue .... a tU/ure tree trom d/ape/es .. Le/'s sAo/p /Aem /Aa/ /Ae {7rea/es/ or{7an/za//on /n Amer/ca /s Aere /'(7 Ae/p.

L:&fu/c Sddd.t79/A JTes/den/ /lor/da /un/or CAamper or Commerce

'Xeep lJeliel7inp.l'

Diabetes Research Institute



J tl Yc e e sAn

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Congratulations, you have just . taken the first step towards helping arrest the nation's third leading clluse of death by diseuse. Last year it cillimed the lives of over 300,000 men, .. omen. and children, and is presently stlliking over 13 million victims. It is an equnl opportunity killer. It's victims are of all roces, religions, and nges. The life cxpecttlncy of a person Ilquiring the juvenile form of this disease is shortened by one third. This.devastating disease is known us DIABETES. The Diabetes Heseurch Institute is currently recognized throughout the world as one of the finest resellrch and treatment centers in for diabetes in existence. The continued support of , the Florida Jaycees is recognized as an intcgrlll part of the D. H. I 's s u c c e s s La stye oro v e r 45 Jay c e e c hop t e r s 8 s s i s t e d the scientists at the Diabetes Hesearch Institute in their uttempts to solve the mysterics surrounding diabetes and bring it to a hult. The Florida Jaycees contributed over $31,000 to the D.H.I. last year, And this year we hope to double that effort. With your help, we can combat and one day cure the disease that is not only the third leading cause of death by disease, but olso the number one cause of new blindness, a major cause of heart attacks, strokes ' I kidney failure, and gangrene. The materials inside this pllcket were designed to help you plan your project. Please go over them and be the spark that drives your chapter to run a project for the Diabetes Research Institute. If there is anything I con do to help, please feel fr('c to cllil me ntrllome (305)758-3173 or at the D.H..I. j (305 )888-3437I





Keith lIurtley Florida Jaycees S tot e Ch II i r mil n

~:1~D. R. I ."J-'

II llItl.llh III ()tlh

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Sample News Item for Jaycee State or Chapter Publication

DECLARATION OF WAR ISSUEDThe United are asking successful for what it States Jaycees have declared all-out war on juvenile diabetes and you to enlist. The Declaration of War is the result of numerous attacks upon young children by the enemy. Recognize the enemy is:

Diabetes is the third leading cause of death by disease (ranking only behind cancer and cardiovascular disease). At its present growth rate, diabetes will be the leading cause of death by disease within ten years. There are an estimated 10 million diabetics in the country. There are approximately in this country. 1.2 million juvenile diabetics

Once afflicted, the juvenile diabetic may suffer the loss of a limb, go blind, lose a kidney, or die. Once afflicted by juvenile diabetes, the life expectancy of the juvenile diabetic is reduced by V3. Juvenile diabetes may wreak havoc on the central nervous system, thus affecting many other body functions. Juvenile diabetes is the leading cause of new blindness.

How do you fight this insidious enemy? Not with insulin. Insulin was thought to be a cure for juvenile diabetes, but such is not the case. But the enemy does have a weakness - research. The more research, the quicker the victory. But more research can only be possible through a large army of volunteers. Only through the unique organization and manpower of the United States Jaycees can the public become educated concerning juvenile diabetes and thus respond to its enormous and immediate need. Participating chapters will be amazed to discover how deeply juvenile diabetes has infiltrated their own communities. This is definitely a community project. Your community needs you!

Please help stop juvenile diabetes. For further information, contact:

uab lhroughoul 11K' nalion gi\'c gcnL'roush' of thcir link' 'and rcsources," . In addition to fund raising. lhe DR.I FoundaIion \yorks {() meet Ihe despcr:ne nccds of pcopll' aftliCled with diahcles and lheir families through education. information. physician rderr:tls. and counseling. including a dynamic family SUPP0rI group program, The Found:nion also slri\'es to expand puhlic :I\\'arenessof lhe disease, Inform:nion is dissemin:ned lhrough a comprehensi\'e educnion program. spL'aker"s hureau. liler:nure. and a him( )mhly newspaper... Focus (>t1 Diahetes," which is distrihuted to some 50.000 readers.


Learn The Facts The seriousness of diabetes becomes clem: once the filCts about the cruel disease are knOll'll. Recognize The Symptoms Immediate action to de/ermille ifYOli hal'e diabetes must be taken if you hal'e allY of the symptoms that characterize the disease. COIl tin lie The Hope f:"sselltialalld promising medical researcb which holds the hopefor a /i'orldjree of diabetes _ must be cOlltillued and expallded to turn that hupe into reality.

The Facts The Symptoms The Hope

}()/{are illl'ited to join the IJiabetes Research Institute in this /i'orthy and esselltial cause, ~'b/unteers and research funds are desperate~)' needed to turn hope into reality. For i1~lonllatioll Oil hOll'YOUcan be part of the IJiabetes Research Institute, contact either (~lthe IJRI Foundation (~{fice,~, The IJia!Jetes Research Institute Foundation Dade County: Broward County: Xb()()\\\ ~5rd -ll'rr:lcl' Ont.'\lediul PI:li',:\:-Uitl' 2tJ2


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Ont' \Xl'st ... ~II11pk I{o;td 1\ )l11p~ln, FI, >rid;! 55()() I >.U()~)}(!{1c{fnolof/\

Effects of DiabetesA senes of current ,nves tl~Jatlons by DRI SClelltiSts Involves the effects of (ila betes and of dli1betlc con trol on kle!r,e\ funCi/OI', np-rve lunctlon, OS,/,!lologt cal function, blooe! v8sseis, and tne feet TI,e Influence of puberty, cultulal fa('tors, 1Il1rnune p,Harneters, "no treiHment status, 01' "lese functions, IS diso bel'lCJ studl8ri In Gejejltlol', d no,\ druU IS being t8Slec '0 elE; termlne ItS In'IURIK8 or nerve functlo'l Il' hCibetic patients Wltn nerve rjarYii,~p (diClhetlc neu'oiJaIth I

I t'O"~llit?faf)lt!()f

.unount Of ilP1t) edUCHfnU rht:J pauen; d~ to [Ih~ u:-;e 11/(1(lcj ;71l1nstrucli()n Tr:llks I kp:lrlml'nt ,-.;a\\how m:tny uni( >nf:lmilil's \\"LTl' :tlleC!ed h\' di:lhetL's and liL'cidl'l1 to gl'l il1\'oh'ed :1 nd m:tI":l' :1 dillLTl'nCe in thc li\l'S of millions," IK' conlirHll'll. 1\t tlK' groundhre:lking cerl'mon~ for 11K' !1l'\\' huiiLling, l".S. Congrl'ssm:ln D:tnlc F:1SCl'lI pr:lised Ihis coalition of org:tnizcd bhor. pri\':IIC Cilizl'ns. ,-.;cil'ntish :It till" I )J{I. :tnd tlK' Llcult\, of thL' I ni\ersit\ ()f .. .\li:tl1li :'Icl1()ol or .\Il'lliciIll' - ":1 grelt I11l'(lic:tJ"c1Joo/" - :111(/ 1"L'I11:lrkl'(/ rill' Oil

\\'L'rL'it not fort hrLT of this countn-.;most prominent lahor k'ader.-.;.thl' clmp:lign for IhL' nl'\\ I)Rl Llcilily - Bluepril1t f(>1' Curl' - mighl nl'\'er h:l\l' heen, SpL':lrhe:ldedhy three ch:linl1L'11 J{( >hert :\, Cl'orgine. PreSilkn! of Ihl' Building and Construe! ion Tr:ldes Ikp:1 rtmel1t (BCTln AFt-C/O: Palrick .f. C:lmphdl. (~L'nlT:t!President EI1K'ritusof thL' I 'nilL'(1 Brolherhood of CarpL'ntl'rs :tnd Joiners of :\mL'ricl: :tnd Ed\\':lrd.f. Carlough. CenL'r:t!President of the Shel't \kt:tI \\'orkers InIL'rn:ltion:t! Association - Blueprint for CurL' is :1 S 10 million fund Llising c:lmpaign th:ll h:ls in\"()I\\.:c.I tIH)US:tnc.l:-i of bhor I11l'l11hLTS citil':-' throu,~hollt 1I1L' in

importance of their uniting in a common mission to benefit humanity. "It is one of those rare occasions when you know the world is really all right," Congressman Fascell said. The primary source of Blueprint for Cure funds is DAD's Day (Dollars Against Diabetes), an event held each year since 1987 during Father's Day weekend. Since its inception, tens of thousands of union

members have dedicated their Father's Day weekend to DAD's Day, carrying posters and buckets to busy street intersections and shopping malls, requesting donations to benefit diabetes research. DAD's Day brought in more than $500,000 its first year, $800,000 its second year, and $1 million its third year. This past year was a record-breaking one for this unprecedented grass-roots effort. The 1990 campaign expanded to involve cities in

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:-'UIL'S.,,'jlh don:l!ions 111 ion dol b rs, ill





AI IhL' inili:t\ check prL','>L'nulion 01 S111illion r:lisL'd fro111 IhL' Building :Ind Con"arucrion TradL's 1)L'p:trl111L!1l':--. ctmp;tign, l'ni\'ersil~' of .\li;1111i I'rL':-,ident hh\;lrd T. FootL' II said, "Your outst;lnding BluL'j)rinl !"or Curl' Cl111p;lign, :tl1(,1in p:lrlicubr. rhc c0111milmcnt 111:llk,hy IhL' IL'lb of thous;lnds o!" DAD':-, [);I\' \olunIL'L'r'>,arL' ;t\1 (nlly ;In inspir;ltion,"

"Thl' Llct tlul million.s o!" chiillrL'n '>ufkr !"rom I his disL';l.sL.;md ;tre !"orced to go Ihrough tl1L.'lbily slrugglL' o!" insulin injL'Ction hrl';lks 111\'hL:lr!. It lu:--. Iludl' 111e \\oll1L'thing to hclp millions \\' ho do not k;ld norm;t! ch iill hood:--., Th;II':--. thL' kL.'\' to DAl)'s 1);1\', ;In(\ th;It':--. , , thL' rl';I:-,on rhl' [~CTD decided t() fight thi:--. horrihk disL';I.Sl'," he s;tid, o!" ils .sp()nsorship o!" thL.' 1):\1)':--. A FL-CI ()'s [5Ui ill ing ;lI1d Conslrucrion Tr:tlks Dl'p;trl111l'nt L';lrnL'l1 thl' right I() Ily the red. \\hilL' ;lI1d hlue CFLlg, "\\'1-: CA:'\ - \\': C:\I{J-:." thL' '>~'111hol o!" thL.' I're.'>ident's Cilalion I'rogr:1111 !"or Pri\ ;Ite SL.'ctor Initiati\'es, DAI)'s D;I\' lu.,,; IK'L'n CitL'd hy thL' Presilk'nt':--. progr;1111;1:--. (>nL' ()f thl' t()P I ()O pri\';ttL' Sl'cl()r initi;lli\ L',>in IhL' n;ltion, lkclu:--'l'

I );I~' priL'ct. I hl'

"I k'spile its Iluny ;ICC0111plish111l'nts,he t \\ork o!" Ihc DIU, \\'Iwrl' 1 hdil'\"L' ;1 curL' \\ill hL' !"ound S0111L'lLty,.'> i heing i111pL'lk'd h\';1 sL'rious bck o!" rcsL';lrch !"acilitic.,>and cquipmcnt." s;lid Sigurd Luc;lsscn, currL'nt gL.'nL.T;t\ prL'sidcnt o!" IhL' l 'nilL'l1 Bn)1hL'r!H}()d of ClrpcnlL'r,s ;lI1d ,I( )iJwrs of A111L'rici ;lI1d ;In aCli\'L' proponL'!1l (>!"Ihc BluL'j)ri nt !"or Cu rl' C;l111P;l ign, "Tlu ('.,> \\'hy \\'L' h;t\'C;1 BluL'prinl !"or CUrL' ;lI1d;1 1)"1)':--. D;ty, :\11l1th;l!'s \\'hy thl' Building Tr;llks IU\'L' m:ldL' ;I S 10 111illion com111il111l'nt10 huild ;\ \\orill rL'sL'arch CL'nter !"or IhL' DR[ h\' 1 ;\ .'>hining l';":;lmpk of \oluntL'L'ris111 in ;Iction," said PrL','>idl'nt (;L'( )rgL' Bush. "11':--. remil1lk-r ;1 ()f h( )\\' \\'e in :\111eric;t 111ust k;lrn 10 I11 L.'; UrL' ,'>UCl'L'.'>S not hy I hl' ..... of ou I' 1."; U111 P(hSl'Ssi()ns - hut I)y thL' gooll \\L.' do !"()r ()llwrs," PrL...;ilknt o!" thL' :\111ericln I{l'll CrN _.






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The Eleanor andJosepb Kosow Diagnostic and Treatment Center


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AFFILIATION WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI..This agreen!en/ prol'ide, .... Ull iqlfe OppOl1lf Jli~) I to 'a ;trollg reseorch hose I~)' oddillg 0 llell'facili~1'. dCl'clop (I ,. 77.lis will al/rac/Ileu'. /op-ra/efaclf/~)' ill /;o,";ic alld clillical t a rea,"; lphose (:I{or/s co Il hu ild Oil {I nu),";/ inzpeJl1a11 "z L";sioll. Researcher,"; a.llzlia/ed with d(/{erell/ dep(01n/{!1I/,\' will interac/lf Ilder the scone ro(!/ focused ill one place. The uhole will he n!ore /hall/he parts."!;\'(,UII/I'('


Dr. Luis Glaser!'r('s/t/('III (/1/{!!'nJ/'usl. ('11/1'('1:\'/1)' uj'.IIi{/I/l/

The DI{I \\'ill defr:l\' the facult\ memhers' .. s:lbries and rese:trch costs during the reriml of their initial arpointments. During th:lt til11e.these individu:tls will need to dL'l11olbtr:lte thei I' :1 hil it,' to successful "" cOl11petefor outside gra;1tsand to secur~' funding for their research fro!l1 the l11o...-;t competitin,' funding agencies. This SYStL'111 provide the l'ni\'ersity \vill \\'ith tl>sted. mature scienti...-;ts\'hen the\' \ heCOI1H. eligihk for tenure re\'ie\\' \\'ithin thL'ir respecti\'e uni\'ersity dqxlrtments. Once the scientists arc tenured, the t'ni\'ersit~, \\'ill :lssume fin:tncial re...-;ponsihilit\, hut hoth the DRI :tnd the L\I \\'ill henefit from their continuing rl'search, :\loreO\'L'I'. since prohlel11s in diahetes extend t

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