drama film poster analysis

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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The genre of this poster can be established from the seen image. This is due to the codes used which show the overall mise-en-scene. The close up of the character magnifies the empty look which spreads over her face which represents her being scared. The blank open face gesture may also represent confusion. The eyes of the character looks past the viewer of the magazine which creates a mood of tension and fear which backs us the genre being thriller.

The background of the poster follows the codes and conventions of the thriller/drama genre. This is due to the colours used; the colour blue is the main colour, the various blue tones and black help to create the mood and especially of the character; as blue can symbolise loneliness. This also relates back to the title of the film which is ‘FlightPlan’ which creates an image of planes flying in a blue empty sky. The blurred lights in my opinion bring in thriller genre, as you are unsure what they are nor how they relate to the character.

The name of the actress is presented at the top of the screen in a clear print. This is effective and will attract the audience who are fans of the actress and will help to gain their potential target audience.

I like this poster as the main focus is on the character and the glare she has attracts the audience as to why she is staring in that way. The title is also shown in an effective way and symbolises a fast movement due to the smudged effect which again can relate back to planes.

The low angle shot helps to symbolise the love of the two characters. The iconography that the characters are higher than the planes represents to the audiences that they go through a lot to be with one another. The audience are able to see from the faces of the characters their love for each other, this is from them looking in one another's eyes which symbolises passion.

The plane sets the time of the film. This will help to attract their target audience as it will be aimed towards those who are interested in war.

The writing is all at the bottom of the screen, this may be because the creator wanted the couple to be the first thing the audience see’s. The plane exactly underneath and in the centre of the two characters may show the adventure they go through which support the genre.

However I do not feel the poster supports the genre of drama. I feel that the connection the characters have for one another may signify romance. I also feel the colour tones used, and helps to support the time period the creator is trying to show the film is set in.

The clouds in the background support the title of ‘Beautiful Dreamer’ as clouds and dreaming are often stereotyped together.

You are able to see from the mise-en-scene of the poster the genre the film falls under. This is from the particular codes and conventions which are used which become recognisable to the audience’s eye. The title of the film is in large bold letters which attracts the passer-bys attention. The title is also presented in the middle of the page which again stands out.

The background image supports the genre due to the fiery skyline with the buildings in front, which helps to symbolise the title ‘A Great Escape’. The orange and blacks which are used contrast well with the bold white title and helps it to stand out.

At the top of the poster are 3 star ratings from various magazines. This is intertextuality. This will help to attract the audiences attention as they are all 5 star which will make the audience interested and will make them view the product. I like where they are placed on the poster as I think they stand out but do not take the attention away from the title.

Below the title the poster gives information to the viewer saying ‘Coming Soon’ this gives the viewer an interest of the film and will entice them to watch the film to find out the reasoning behind ‘A Great Escape’ and how the buildings and the fire become relevant.

Other codes and conventions in the poster include extra information at the bottom of the screen which includes the director and producer. This is in smaller white print in order to not distract the viewer from the main image and title.

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