draft spyke boots 2015

Post on 07-Apr-2016






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Motorbike Boots Collection 2015



E 20





The clothes with HSS protection tecnology are equipped with ergonomic protector.Designed to follow the moviment of the rider, guar


anteeing the absorption of impacts in the areas more exposed to fractures in the event of falls, thanks to special insets in foam material designed to have a high energetic absorption ratio.


I capi con tecnologia protettiva HSS sono dotati di pro-tezioni ergonimiche pensate per seguire i movimenti del motociclista garantendo l’assorbimento degli urti nelle zone più espsote a fratture in caso di caduta.Tutto questo grazie a prottettori con un alto coe�cen-te di assorbimento.

An innovatie garment construction philosophy, combining di�erent fabrics, having speci�c thecnical features, di�erent one from the other, to respond to any muscle, any movement any season or road.Through bio-mechanic analysis, all garments aim to the speci�c goal to achieve maximum �t, best comfort and best performance of concerned muscular mass.


Un’innovativa �loso�a nel FIT relativo alla costruzione del capo che combina diversi tessuti, con caratteristi-che tecniche speci�che di�erenti tra loro.Attraverso l’analisi bio-meccanica del movimento del motociclista in action i capi hanno il preciso obiettivo di garantire la massima aderenza, il mi-glior comfort e il miglior rendimento delle masse muscolari coinvolte.

Any DWR treated Spyke garment becomes water-repellent and gains a better resistance against wear and stains (oil, insects....), without the fabric or leather becoming sti� or modifying its look or tactile feel, but helping to prevent the need to clean the garments, and allowing the stains to be removed at low temperatures and without the application of aggressive detergents.Furthermore, the garments treated with the exclusive DWR treatment dries out 25% more quickly than a garment made of non treated fabric.


I capi Spyke con trattamento DWR diventano idrore-pellenti e guadagnano maggior resistenza all’usura ed alle macchie (olio, insetti…), senza che il tessuto o il pellame si irrigidiscano o modi�chino il loro aspetto o la percezione tattile, aiutando a prevenire la necessità di pulire i capi, e permettendo alle macchie di essere rimosse a basse temperature e senza l’uso di deter-genti aggressivi.Inoltre, i capi con trattamento esclusivo DWR si asciuga-no il 25% più velocemente dei capi in tessuto non trattato.

Drytecno is the technology used by Spyke to protect the rider from rain and wind.The polyurethan resin membrane (PU), having a unique structure especially created to be used on the bike, which absorbs and drives out sweat (7,000g/m2/24h), but remains waterproof (10,000 mm waterproofness), ensures maximum protection from external elements, even allowing transpiration, with a water volume exceeding 10,000mm. The unique construction of the garments with Drytecno technology creates a wide dry air volume between body and waterproof barrier, strongly reducing the risk of condensation from excessive sweat and contributes to keep constant the skin temperature (eliminating the heat dispersion through direct conduction body-lining-water).


Drytecno è la tecnologia che Spyke utilizza per proteg-gere il motociclista da pioggia e vento.La membrana in resina poliuretanica (PU), dalla partico-lare struttura appositamente studiata per l’uso in moto, che assorbe ed espelle il sudore (7.000g/m2/24h), ma rimane impermeabile (10.000 mm waterproofness), garantisce massima protezione dagli agenti atmosfe-rici esterni, pur consentendo la traspirazione, con una colonna d’acqua superiore a 10.000mm. La particolare costruzione di capi con tecnologia Drytecno mpio volu-me di aria asciutta fra corpo e barriera impermeabile, che riduce fortemente il rischio di condensa da eccessi-va sudorazione e contribuisce a mantenere costante la temperatura dell’epidermide (eliminando la dispersione di calore per conduzione diretta corpo-fodera-acqua).

Employment of cow leather for sporting purposes of kangaroo leather with special �nishing, with a resistance to abrasion of more than 2000 Martyn Dayl cycles, more than 70kg/Newton tear resistance, no use of chemical products harmful for man, �ex test (warm and cold), CE 1621-1 race use certi�cation.To make a leather suit for track use 6 meters of cow leather (weight 5,5 kg), or 8 meters of kangaroo leather (weight 4,2kg) are needed.


Utilizzo di pelle bovina per impiego sportivo o di canguro dallo speciale �nissaggio, con resistenza all’abbrasione oltre 2000 cicli Martin Dayl, resistenza strappo oltre 70kg/newton, non utilizzo di prodotti chi-mici dannosi per l’uomo, �ex test (a caldo e a freddo), certi�cate per uso race CE 1621-1.Per confezionare una tuta in pelle per uso in pista sono necessari 6 metri di pelle bovina (peso 5,5kg) o 8 metri di pelle di canguro (peso 4,2 kg).


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All products and their related technical data, as well as illustrations, advice and information available through this catalogue are provided on an “as it is, as available” basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. Such information is updated as of the print date and has a mere indicative value and is not binding for Spyke Srl.Spyke Srl will not be liable for any mistakes in printing and/or translation. This catalogue may be accessed by users internationally and may contain references to products that are not available and/or whose features may vary in accordance with local laws. Not all colours and/or versions are available in all countries. Spyke Srl reserves the right to make changes and improvements to any product without any obligation to give prior notice or to carry out such changes toproducts already sold. Product delivery time varies depending on product availability, production schedule and when the order is placed. Further product speci�cations are indicated on the packaging or attached on the product itself. Technical apparel usage does not eliminate risk of injury during an accident. Please be careful while driving. Reproduction rights of the photographs represented in this catalogue belong to Spyke Srl. Any reproduction of these photographs without the explicit permission of the latter is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2012 Spyke Srl.


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