draft 2014 common campaign plan - european greens

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Draft Common Campaign Plan - EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013! ! ! !
Draft #! The Green Common Campaign for the 2014 EU elections $!
Annex A to the 2014 Activities Plan %!
&! We are proud to present the Campaign Plan for the Common European Green election campaign to '! you, for the European Parliament elections that take place from May 22 – 25, 2014. (! )! The campaign plan has developed over the course of 2013, and incorporates draft outcomes from *! extensive discussions in the Committee, at the Madrid Council, with the Party Leaders, with party "+! representatives, with the Campaign Working Group, with our European partners and experts in ""! different fields. We will continue the discussions with our Member Parties and representatives and Party "#! Leaders and refine our strategy. We present our Campaign Plan in the following chapters: "$! "%!
1. Context, aims and objectives of the Common Campaign "&! "'!
2. Means and Strategy "(! a.i. Personalisation strategy ")! a.ii. Common manifesto "*! a.iii. Transnational activities and a common campaign calendar #+!
! ! ! !
1. Context, aims and objectives for the Common Green European election &$! campaign &%!
In 2014 we, the European Greens, will run our third common European electoral campaign. However, &&! the situation will be quite different from when we first broke new ground in Europe by running a &'! common campaign in 2004. &(! &)! This time the voters will go to the polls after five years of an enduring European crisis that has hit hard &*! in most of the member states. This time we will be campaigning against the backdrop of growing '+! tensions between different parts of the European Union, receding support for the Union among citizens '"! and against a higher level of nationalism, euroscepticism and dissatisfaction with politics in general. This '#! time we will not be the only ones among European political families promising such a common '$! campaign. '%! '&! We European Greens have a vision that is clear enough and strong enough to show our member states ''! a credible way out of the crisis, to fight for more democratic legitimacy in the EU and to change current '(! policies in order to reconstruct our economy towards new Green economic and social patterns, to ')! combine solidarity, solidity and sustainability, to reshape democracy and defend the rule of law. We '*! want to be the ones that not only promise, but deliver on policies to protect the Climate and our (+! planet. ("! (#! There is a triple challenge we therefore must and can meet with a three-pronged answer, building a ($! campaign with a distinct Green and European character. (%! (&! We European Greens advocate a Green Transformation strategy that we developed on the basis of the ('! Green New Deal concept, which we introduced five years ago and which represents a set of economic, ((! fiscal, financial and social proposals in the context of a sustainable environment. ()! (*! We European Greens continue to promote the European integration process towards a political Union, )+! because we deeply want Europe to not only change its policies, but also the way in which it takes )"! decisions and involves civil society; we that a more integrated, democratic and Green Europe on )#! economic and social issues, more European solidarity, more Europe on the environmental, energy and )$! climate front and a more common European voice on the international scene and a resolute refusal of )%! nationalism, are all necessary to overcome the crisis. )&! )'! We European Greens demonstrate that we not only demand more democratic legitimacy in Europe, but )(! are also willing to actively partner with European citizens in how we run our campaign by involving ))! them in the selection of our leading candidates, by involving civil society in the development of our )*! manifesto, and in campaign activities that will bring Europeans from and in different countries together. *+! *"! We should unite to pursue four goals in this campaign: *#! *$!
- More votes in all, *%!
- Stronger Green parties. *(!
! ! ! !
Annex A to 2014 Activities Plan - Draft Campaign Plan – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 $!
"+&! "+'! The 2014 common campaign will not be won from Brussels. We will only be successful if the Member "+(! Parties take ownership of this campaign. Nonetheless the EGP, in cooperation with the GGEP, will do "+)! everything within our means to make the 2014 campaign successful. In several Member States there are "+*! going to be other elections simultaneously with or close to the European elections. France and the ""+! Netherlands have local elections in March. Belgium, UK, Germany, Hungary and Ireland face national or """! local elections in May. Some Countries face local/national elections soon after the EU elections, like ""#! Sweden. It is the goal of the EGP to help integrate the common campaign with these national, regional ""$! and local campaigns. For this, we will pursue a 28-states-strategy, offering reliable coordination and ""%! support. ""&! ""'! In some member states Greens might only have a chance of getting someone elected to the European ""(! Parliament, if they manage to enter into electoral alliances. For the common campaign it will be "")! important that the Green brand will also remain visible in these cases. ""*! "#+! "#"! 2. Means and Strategy "##!
With the Europeanisation of the campaign, we want to break the three barriers of traditional "#$! campaigning: it will be pan-EU; it will use modern means; it will be very participatory. It will underline "#%! our message that Greens are ahead of the game. Our common campaign will be focused, concentrating "#&! on a limited number of political projects, demands and topical campaigns. The construction of our "#'! campaign must strengthen our political agenda, the innovative elements of our campaign and the "#(! transnational character of the campaign. "#)! "#*! Our common campaign proposal identifies the Greens as a pro-European political family, while "$+! reflecting the changes that we want to achieve for a Europe of, for and by the people – essentially, a "$"! more democratic Europe. European Greens are a truly European party which derives common strength "$#! from our diversity. "$$!
The campaign is characterised by its flexibility and adaptability to national style and branding, and can be "$%! implemented at various levels where applicable. "$&!
Besides common imagery that directly relates to the main topics on our shared political agenda and can "$'! be used in more traditional ways of campaigning, the common campaign will have a strong online "$(! presence. The online material can be shared by Member Parties and integrated into their national "$)! campaigns. We will engage in twitter rallies, online hangouts and will create apps and videos. "$*!
The essential tools of our common campaign are: "%+! "%"!
"%#! "%$!
! ! ! !
Annex A to 2014 Activities Plan - Draft Campaign Plan – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 %!
"%'! 2.1. Personalisation Strategy EU 2014 Campaign "%(!
"%)! Transnationalisation, participation and renewing democracy "%*! "&+! Three of the challenges in European campaigning for the election next year, will be ‘getting through’ to "&"! citizens, mobilising our activists and our electorate, and creating Green visibility. One of the ways of "&#! dealing with this will be to pursue a much stronger, more inviting and more participatory "&$! personalisation strategy. "&%! "&&! "&'! #GreenPrimary "&(! "&)! The selection of two Green leading candidates for the 2014 EU election through a Europe-wide open "&*! online primary will send a strong message of unity and consensus among Greens and the wider "'+! electorate. In spite of continued efforts of Greens to fight for transnational lists, the next elections will "'"! still be decided on the basis of national lists. However, the challenge of creating more of a common "'#! public sphere for the elections and to presenting the persons best able to represent that effort still can "'$! be met. "'%! "'&! Once elected, the two Green leading candidates will campaign as the heart and main faces of the "''! common campaign. They will participate in the main debates organised between the political families, "'(! and will be asked to campaign all over Europe to support national campaigning. The EGP will support "')! the two leading candidates with a dedicated campaign team and will provide logistical, organisational and "'*! media support for the candidates. "(+!
! ! ! !
Annex A to 2014 Activities Plan - Draft Campaign Plan – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 &!
#+#! Gender balance #+$! Gender balance is a principle of the European Green Party. We invite the Member Parties to #+%! encourage women as candidate for the European Parliament and to support gender balance on their #+&! lists. #+'! #+(! #+)! 2.2. Common Manifesto #+*! #"+! Our Common Manifesto will present our Green vision on Europe, will express convincing arguments #""! and reasons to vote Green, and will present our key political agenda for the upcoming parliamentary #"#! period. The Manifesto will display a message of hope, of our belief that another Europe is possible for its #"$! citisens, and ways how to get there. #"%! #"&! After the discussion with the delegates and civil society at the Autumn Council, the Common Manifesto #"'! will be send out for amendments at the end of 2013. Council delegates will vote the Manifesto at the #"(! Electoral Convention on February 22. Member Parties are asked to use the Manifesto as a preamble to #")! their ‘national’ European programme, to highlight the strong cohesion on our common political agenda #"*! as Greens. ##+!
##"! 2.3 Transnational activities and the common campaign calendar ###!
We invite Member Parties to participate in events like discussions that take place in more than one ##$! location, where panels and audiences are connected online; to common activities in the Baltic Sea, ##%! Mediterranean and Danube macro-regions; to joint cross-border activities to commemorate different ##&! events, such as the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Iron Curtain or the 10th anniversary of the EU ##'! accession of Poland, Hungary, etc, and other events. The EGP is willing to support such common ##(! activities politically and financially (within the limits of our budget). ##)! ##*! Transnational activities form, with other key elements, the building bricks for the common Campaign #$+! calendar: #$"! #$#!
, From February 22 until May 25, the EGP together with the Member Parties will develop a #$$! campaign calendar that provides a common overview of planned events, activities, actions and #$%! initiatives. Member Parties can choose to participate if relevant and of added value to their #$&! national contexts. #$'!
Regional transnational activities. Specific activities for the Danube (sustainable #$(! economy/protection of the environment) and the Baltic regions (Fish) are in preparation by the #$)! concerned Member Parties. Other regions are invited to propose ideas. The EGP will facilitate #$*! and coordinate where necessary. #%+!
, Provide access to the Green topical agenda by highlighting the main themes from our #%"! programme.These will be provided, alongside other ways, through campaigns that have been #%#! developed on a European level. These include: #%$!
, Stop Climate Change http://www.stopclimatechange.net #%%!
, Give Bees a chance launch planned on 6 Nov 2013 #%(!
, Join the Food revolution www.food-revolution.eu #%)!
, For a GMO Free Europe http://gmo.greens-efa.eu #%*!
! ! ! !
, Alternative to a flawed EU budget plan http://www.mff2014-2020.eu #&)! #&*!
, This will also be provided by providing easy access and links to results of political work been #'+! delivered by MEPs during the last five years, by linking to the information tool that is available. #'"! This information tool provides an embedded vote tracker, which shows how MEPs voted on the #'#! main topics in this legislative period. It will enhance our campaign capability by showing the #'$! proven track record and cohesion of the Group’s work. #'%!
, Actions, activities and initiatives that take place and happen on a European level will be #'&! translated and made available to our Member Parties to highlight Green successes and promote #''! Green initiatives. More than ever we will try to overcome the language issue by providing some #'(! assistance in the translations. #')!
, The candidates will be invited to Brussels. Together with the European partners we will try to #'*! support the candidates with strategic and practical input that can be helpful for their preparation #(+! as a MEP and in the debates during the campaign. #("!
, The 4-days-to-go-to-vote, European-wide Green events where citizens can ask their questions, live #(#! and online, with interviews, presentations, poetry and music, and where many supporters of the #($! European Greens can participate to create more momentum for the 4 days of the election #(%! period. Several parties will join this initiative. #(&!
#('! Organisation #((! #()! The EGP has a coordinating role at a European level and will support its member parties as much and as #(*! efficiently as possible. The Committee is supported by the EGP office, that for the purpose of the #)+! Campaign has grown to include a Campaign team headed by Campaign Manager Johannes Hillje. #)"! Exchanges between the political level and all functional levels is essential to make the campaign #)#! successful. #)$! #)%! #)&! Partners #)'!
Exchange of information and cooperation between the Green Group, FYEG, GEF and the EGP is #)(! functioning well. Together we can offer member parties the cumulative work of the last five years. We #))! will closely cooperate with our youth organisation; FYEG has developed a campaign plan that supports #)*! the common campaign in every way #*+!
#*"! Budget #*#!
! ! ! !
The EGP Committee was able to allocate !347,000 of the 2013 budget for campaign preparations and is #**! able to allocate around !361,000 euro in 2014. This means there is an estimated total budget of !948. $++! 000 euro; see the draft on the next page (depending on the grant allocation). $+"!
Besides the allocated budget the EGP will try to increase the campaign budget through targeted $+#! fundraising. The Committee expects to raise funds through the pre-campaign online primary and the $+$! candidates’ debates. $+%!
$+&! CO-2 compensation $+'!
By not only looking for less climate-costly campaign activities, but also through offsetting the campaign's $+(! unavoidable carbon footprint through our usual offset scheme, we will have a carbon-neutral campaign. $+)!
EU ELECTION CAMPAIGN BUDGET 2013 / 2014 - Version 2
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! ! ! ! ! ! Annex 1 to the EGP Common Campaign Plan - Provisional Time Line
Annex 1 to Common Campaign Plan 2014 – Time Line – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 ! 1
! ! When What Who (responsibility) Where Election Day, May 22-25
Election party with leading candidates, press, volunteers etc.
EGP Europe-wide
May 22-25 National Elections in Belgium, Hungary. Local elections in Ireland, UK and Greece. Regional elections in Germany (partly), Belgium and Greece
May 24 - Election Day minus 1 day
Last minute campaigning (focus on email and social media)
EGP Europe-wide
4 days-to-go-to-vote! EGP + Member parties
TV debate with leading candidates of other EU parties
EGP Strasbourg (tbc)
Twitter rally and bi-national activities on “10 years EU enlargement”
EGP + Member parties
Online hangout with leading candidates and representatives of Youth organisations
EGP Europe-wide
Kick-Off Hot Phase of the Campaign
April FYEG bus tour: kick off April Italy regional elections (Calabria) March 31- Election Day minus 8 weeks
Kick-off “I’m Europe” online photo app
EGP Europe-wide
EGP + Member parties
EGP + Member parties
March/April Transnational Events in Danube region (e.g. on transport or eco tourism)
EGP + Member parties
Danube region
March/April Transnational Events in Baltic Sea region (e.g. on Fishing or renewables)
EGP + Member parties
Baltic Sea region
March 19 Nationwide local elections in the Netherlands March 16 Local elections in France and in Germany (partly - Bavaria) March 3 Online hangout with leading
candidates and civil society representatives
EGP Europe-wide
EGP Brussels
January 28 Green Primary closing
! ! ! ! ! ! Annex 1 to the EGP Common Campaign Plan - Provisional Time Line
Annex 1 to Common Campaign Plan 2014 – Time Line – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 ! 2
January 20-26 (TBC)
Brussels, Belgium
January 18 (TBC) Primary debate VII EGP + GPEW London, UK January 11 Primary Debate VI EGP + Bündnis 90 /
Die Grünen Berlin, Germany
January 6-12 (TBC) Primary debate V EGP + LMP Prague, Czech Republic December 14 Italy regional elections (Abruzzo and Basilicata) December 10-16 (TBC)
Primary debate IV EGP + EQUO Madrid, Spain
December 15 (TBC)
Gothenburg, Sweden
December 1 Primary debate II EGP + Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen
Cologne, Germany
Athens, Greece
November 19 Regional and local elections in Denmark November 12 Online hangout with Primary
contenders EGP Online
November 10 EGP Autumn Council: Launch Green Primary, Roundtable on Common Manifesto with Civil Society
EGP Brussels
November 9 Slovakia regional elections November 7 Closing of support for
October 27 Italy regional elections (Trento, South Tyrol) October 24-26 Czech Rep. national elections October 21 Opening of support for
October 20 Deadline for candidacies October 20 Local elections in Estonia and national election in Luxembourg October 8-11 User Acceptance Test Online
Voting Platform EGP Brussels
September 29 National elections in Austria and nationwide local elections in Portugal September 29 Presentation Campaign
Toolbox (WG Campaign) EGP Brussels
September 22 National elections in Germany September 5 Green Primary: call for
candidates EGP Europe-wide
September 3 Party Leaders Meeting: Presentation of campaign and Green Primary voting platform
EGP Brussels
! ! ! ! ! ! Annex I1 to the EGP Common Campaign Plan Suggestions for Transnational-, Bi- and National Events !
Annex 1I to Common Campaign Plan 2014 – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 ! !
Transnational events: Common thematic events on Europe
Event ideas: • Boat tour along the Danube (D, AT, SK, HU, RO, BG); to be developed by identified actors
in combination with Iron Curtain Trail • Cycle tour along the Danube • GPEW (England) + GPNI + GPI (Ireland) joint annual conference (Liverpool?) • Thematic campaign event on fracking (Green Islands) • Event about seeds (anti-GMO campaign) • Missing cross-border train connections (B, NL, D, Lux) >> action at train stations, mapping
missing links • Supergrid (BeNeLux) > need for better power connections to get to 100% renewables • Birds / hunting - joint event of Malta, Spain, France (+ NGOs) • Sustainable fishing afternoon w/ Malta, Spain, France (Italy, Greece, Croatia, Baltic?) • Nordic countries: joint debate about immigration, jobs/unemployment, renewables • Leading Green candidates arriving to London & Paris by Eurostar • FYEG bus tour -- cross-country collaboration on Youth Issues
Event format
In EU macro regions like the Baltic Sea region, the Danube region or the Mediterranean, Member Parties could coordinate topical efforts that are particularly relevant for them. Throughout one or two weeks, the events on a common theme take place. Member Parties can join by organising any kind of event on that theme in the region. Member Parties are encouraged to invite candidates from other countries and engage in actions that connect the events (e.g. common ‘kick-off’ event, simultaneous flash mob).
Support from EGP
EGP would support such initiatives if at least 3 member parties in a macro region agree among themselves to participate. The EGP has limited funds to support such events financially. EGP can support the coordination between Member Parties (candidates, actions); promote the events including the publication of an overall event plan for a region; provide templates for campaign material; arrange the presence of the leading candidates and topical ambassadors.
Bi-national events: Joint events by two Member Parties
Event format
Two Member Parties or their local groups organise jointly an event, which brings together Europeans from their two countries to strengthen cooperation and mutual understanding within Europe. This can happen in many different ways:
• Green twin cities: European twin cities with Member Parties offer a great opportunity for a joint event (e.g. Greens from Salzburg could invite Greens from Reims for a public French cooking evening). Appendix for list of twin cities available at EGP.
• Bi-national online hangout: Two panel debates in different European cities connected to each other for a bi-national debate (via Skype, Google hangout or any other open online conference system).
• Commemoration days: There are several commemoration days in the run up to the European Election (see Appendix). They could serve as an occasion for an event (e.g. for
! ! ! ! ! ! Annex I1 to the EGP Common Campaign Plan Suggestions for Transnational-, Bi- and National Events !
Annex 1I to Common Campaign Plan 2014 – EGP Council, Brussels, 8-10 November 2013 ! !
“10 years EU Enlargement” a Member Party from an “old” EU member state could invite citizens from an “new” member state to share their experiences on European integration).
• Engage the diaspora: Diaspora from other EU countries live in many places throughout Europe. They can be invited to an event such as a dinner or debate. Member Parties from the country of origin of a diaspora might be able to help to contact to the diaspora in another country.
• Border events: Borders between EU countries could serve as a venue for joint events of the Member Parties from both sides of the border such as bicycle tours along the border. Often controversial projects are placed near borders like airports and nuclear power plants.
Support from EGP
The EGP can share contacts of Member Parties; promote the events; provide templates for campaign material. The EGP can only provide limited financial support in some cases.
National events: Thematic events on Europe
Event ideas:
• European couples dinner: Invite bi-national couples from your city to a dinner. • European cooking evening: Invite the public to explore the diverse Europe and
healthy cuisine. • European cinema: Show European movies, which deal with EU integration (e.g. One
Day in Europe, L’Auberge Espagnol, Fogh bag facaden) • ‘People’s newspaper’: Organise a campaign booth in a public city and invite people to
write down their thoughts about Europe on sheets attached to a wall or the ground. In the end of the day the results can be discussed with candidates or a local MEP and the press.
• EU city tour: Invite people to a tour in your city and show places that are supported by the EU.
• Public picnic: Food is a major EU issue and concerns everyone. Take the opportunity and invite people to a public picnic to discuss about it.
• Euro Party: Organise a party in your city, play European music and serve drinks from different EU countries.
Support from EGP Events, which are organised nationally, cannot be supported by the EGP financially or organisationally. The EGP would however like to help in sharing good ideas between Member Parties. Moreover, the EGP would also be interested in promoting such events online. Toolbox:
• Platform for testimonials (integrated on webpage / social media of the member parties): citizens speak about their concerns all over the EU
• Emphasising EU citizenship - interconnectedness of 500 million Europeans • Webpage with examples of different actions / campaigns, best practices • Sharing pics & videos, social media images • Linking member party website on specific topics (fracking, energy, food, etc) • Green European Symbols >> flag, remix of EU-hymn, funny/humorous EU-map • ‘‘Simulator app’’ >> the EU would look like this if more Green ideas were implemented

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