downtown revitalization committee's economic redevelopment survey proposal

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


    COMMUNTYSYMPOSIUMYourideas YourFuure

    DRC CommitteeChairsBrian ZellerBiking

    PatWolfBusiness Mx

    Richard CummngsAmbiance

    Ryan LettnerRiver Front

    Steve ReeserBrandng


    June 28 2013

    StillwaterCty Council and StaffCty of Stillwater216 4th Street NStillwater MN 55082

    StillwaterCty Council and StaffFor the last 10 months the Downtown Revitalization Commttee has workeddiligently to identify and research a wide array of exciting opportunities that willbring downtown to a whole new level of prominence as the state s birthplace ofMnnesota

    Their work passion for a better downtown and commitment to form a long andsuccessful relationship w ith th e Cty ha s culminated to this moment when theycollectively as k for th e C i ty s commitment and support that will transform downtowninto a vibrant commercial district for generations to enjoy These unprecedentedopportunities are within our grasp provided th e C ity takes the recommendedactions to make these opportunities a realityIncluded in this packet are the primary opportunities that now need Council staffsupport In a perfect world we could articulate every economic benefit pe r everydollar invested to revitalize downtown Naturally this is unrealisticWhat is not unrealistic is the enormous impact theseopportunities possess tocreate a vibrant downtown when all aremerged into a seamess series ofimprovements that create a downtown as never before The DRC has doneeverything in their power to assist the City now they as k for your supportA t th is council meeting the DR C seeks

    Approval of a budget for a thorough Economc Development Action PlanAuthorized staff assistance for a preliminary Transient Dock Grant requestNon financial support for a Bike Friendly Community AssessmentSnow removal quotes for a designated downtown improvement zoneCty determination for building facade and tree up lighting

    The future of downtown regardless of the work 40 plusmembers of the DRC havebrought forward to create a revitalized downtown now rest in the hands of the CtyLet s nowwork together to take full advantage of these tremendous opportunities


    XerrigtreeZer aiy guettnerCo chair Co chair

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal



    RevitalizationOpportunities andDowntown s UnprecedentedFuture

    TheDowntownRevitalizationCommttee DRC wasestablished in September 2012 as a means for downtownbusinesses and property owners to join together to identifyopportunities to revitalize or redevelop downtown inconjunction with the major capital improvements takingplace in the next four years creation ofBrown s CreekTrail Lowell Park Phase II completion Lift Bridgerenovation and eventual redevelopment of the Shoddy MillIn total these improvementswill forever alter downtown as we know it today Howevereach of these improvements will not reach their full potential if they are not meshedtogether into one cohesive plan that clearly identifies all the possible opportunitiesbeyondjust the improvements themselves

    The DRC has spent the last 10 months identifying a wide range of additionalopportunities that further enhance the aforementioned improvements as well as creating adynamic commercial district that evokes the unique history of downtown as never beforeWhen added to themajor improvements theDRC s opportunities act likemortarcementing the continuity of the major improvements into a seamless flow of cyclistspedestrians shoppers diners and residents all enjoying the new vibeof a rejuvenateddowntown that offers goods and services in demand 12 months of the year And theopportunities the DRChasbrought forth couldn t come at a better time

    As stated previously downtown Stillwater is decaying botheconomically and physically The great recession and everincreasing property taxes have eroded the financial capabilitiesof property owners to maintain their properties let alone theability to reinvest in the properties to bring them into refurbishedcondition This failing economic structure forces owners to leasetheir spaces tounder qualified tenants whooften don t have the capital to withstandStillwater s seasonal highs and lows Thisall to p resen t situation produces a revolvingdoor reputation that downtown and the Cty cannot affordIwant to cancel my membership this year because my business is notdoing well Ialmost closed this winter and now th is month is slow too I have no money to pay formembership I hope you understand I can barely pay rent this month I m so sorry forthis DowntownChamberMember June 12th email

    To ensure downtown doesn t just survive as ithas in recent years but thrive downtownbusinesses property owners City officials and MnDOT must take unprecedentedcollaborative ac tion to leverage each opportunity to its fullest extent To do anything lessdramatically marginalizes the investment and benefit potential providedby these majorimprovements

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


    With thebulk of downtown opportunitiesidentified the next step is action The timehas arrivedwhere we nowmustwork togetherto start implementing the opportunities in asystematic process to bring about the bestdowntown from vision to realityThework theDRChas done todate is nowready for implementation Belowsummarizes all the current DRCopportunitiesand the specific actions needed to continuethe revitalization ofdowntown

    Economc Development Action Plan

    TheDRC has receivedproposals fromtwo local economc developmentconsultantswithyet another highly recommended consultant Buxton who has preformed economicdevelopment redevelopment and marketing plans for more than 65 0 municipalitiesProposals received range from 35 000 to 65 000

    The full assessment of downtown s currentofferings market trade area consumerprofileand resulting proposedbusiness mix action plan is the most influential se t of economicreports critical for all of us to make sound decisions fordowntown long into the futureThe resulting action plan comes at the pivotal time indowntown history when all these opportunities convergeto makedowntown an economc powerhouseor ifnotundertaken continues to have downtown remaining aneconomic revolving door withwell intended businessescoming and going on a regular basis The latter is notbeneficial to downtown or the economics that the cityrelies on The investment and stakes are toohigh toallowpast methods tocontinue their lack luster results

    There is littledoubt that strategically planning downtown guidedby these economicaction plans bringseconomc benefits notjust for downtown but for all ofStillwater Asdowntown is redeveloped into a 12 month commercial district the Cty will enjoy arebirthof economic activity throughout the city which can only enhance the quality oflife viability and economic restructuring of other commercial districts and provide apositive impact on commercial and residential values aswell It is for this reason andrationale that the DRC requests the economic plans be supported by the City

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    TransientDocking Grant PreparationTheDRC s River Front subcommtteehas conducted researchand meetings withDNRTransientDocking Grantrepresentatives with the goal of submitting an application forthe 100 000Mnnesotacompetitivegrant The grantapplication deadline is August 1s Ifthe initial grantapplication is approved a formal grant applicationwill be inApril 2014 The DNRgrant representatives are very willing toprovide extensive assistance to the Cty to complete the initial grant applicationBike Friendly Community AssessmentThe need for a complete biking assessment for all of Stillwater is not only timely it isimperative given the impending completion of the Brown s Creek Trail It is essentialthat all biking interaction within Stillwater and specifically downtown be fully assessedto ensure biking interaction is safe for bikers pedestrians automobile traffic anddowntown visitorsenjoying the commercial district and Lowell ParkThe BikeFriendly Community Assessment isprovidedby the Bicycle AllianceofMinnesota and will be fundedby community organizations Nearly half of the 5 000assessment cost has already been collected All theDRC seeks is the Cty s acceptance of the assessment sresults and tohave recommendations pertinent todowntown be given thoroughconsideration as it mayrelate to the current Lowell Park plans and otherconsiderations for safe andenjoyable interaction for allwhovisitdowntownSnow Removal Quotes

    It is important that we plan early for a new method of handling snow removal fromdowntown sidewalks In an effort to devise a cost estimate andpossiblecost distributioncalculation itwould bewise to get quotes for snow removal this summer so definedcontribution zones c an be developed with corresponding cost structure drafted for furtherrevew Getting cos t quotes now allows the Cty and downtown property owners to crafta workable arrangement well before thewinter season begins

    Building Facade and Tree Up LightingThere are approximately seven building owners who arevery interested in up lighting the building facades ortrees within their property lines The work and costnecessary are the responsibility of the building ownerswith no funding requested from the Cty All the DRCand property owners ask is the ability to proceed withtheirplannedambiance improvements

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    Bluff LightingAt the workshop there was discussion about a test pilot program to light the south andnorthbluff areas MnDOT s AdamJosephson has provided the items for considerationrequested by Mayor Harycki The goal as stated by Mayor Harycki is to implement thisproject yet this summer Wenow need to respond to the items fromMnDOT andestablish a resulting action plan

    The detailswill be important to fully understandwhat is being proposed Keep me inthe loop as this gets developedandhopefully we can work through the various issues

    AdamJoesphson P E MnDOT

    Review Lowell Park Phase IIImprovementsIt is recommended that Lowell Park Phase IIimprovementsbe given another look beforeimprovementsbegin Thisrequest is made due to the fact the improvementsweredesignedprior to the realization of Brown s Creek Trail andCongressional approval ofthe St Croix RverCrossing These two majornew developments to downtown willdramatically alter the use and traffic patterns of Lowell ParkIt is recommended that the Bike Friendly Community Assessment be conducted thissummer to ensure the park provides safe interaction among all the various modes oftransportation converging in one location One last review may also result in maximizingthepark s potential use throughout 12 months of the year

    Downtown Planning withMnDOTFall DRCworkshops and conversations withMnDOThave identifiedsignificantopportunities along main street with the elimination of turn lanes that couldresult inwider sidewalks as proposed in the Ambiance subcomm ittee presentat ion Extending theLift BridgeplazatoMain Street and perhaps to Chestnutwest ofMain Street presentexciting opportunities to create a wide thoroughfare that may increase the economic valueof Second Street

    Initial Planning of the Medallion ProjectIn the near future a steering committeewill be formed to begin the process of rolling outthe Medallion Project Weenvision city staff participating on the committeeHistorical Street Signs

    TheDRC s Ambiance subcommittee identifiedhistorical streetsigns as a significant component to celebrating Stillwater s history

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal



    Retail Experts inYourCornerAt Buxton we made a name for ourselves asa trustedadvisor to leading retailers by providing big answersabout customers and identifying the best possible sitesfor expansionWe ve taken that retail expertiseand created themostsuccessful tool available for helping local governmentsandeconomic development organizations find attractandsupport the best possible retail matches for theircommuntitesThe retail industry s top analytic teamswill beworking to bring yourcommunity answersthat havebeen proven to

    Target retailersuniquely suited for yourcommunity

    Identify sites in yourcommunity thatoffer thegreatestpotential

    Pinpoint opportunitiesfor local businessexpansion

    Market yourcommunity using theinformation retailersneed

    Establishcredibilitywith retail decisionmakers

    Prevent retail leakageand lost tax revenue

    Satisfy your citizens desire to shop in theirown city


    Proven Steps to Jump StartYour CommunityEvaluate your community s retail potentialHow many customers are in your tradearea Where dothey shop and what do they buy In this step we focuson the factors that make your community valuable from aretalersponofvewRetail leakage supply analysisYou know that dollars are f lowing out of your communitybut how many This analysis tells yo u how much residentsare spending outs ide your trade area and how manydollars are coming in from outsideyour trade area Itreveals the unmet demands and possibleopportunitiesthat currently exist in your local reta il sectorRetail siteassessmentWe useourexperience in retail site location toanalyzespecific locationswithin your trade area We assesslocations for their retail desirability then consult withyoutoselect thesites that offer thegreatest potential

    Identify retailers thatmatchyour communityWe identify the retailers and restaurants that offer an excellentfit by matching your customer prof iles with Buxton sproprietary database of retailer profiles We als o take otherfactors into consideration including cannibalization fromstores nearby the retailer s expansion plans and theretailer s operations history in communities similar toyours

    Prepare marketing packages for targeted retailersTo communicate thepositivecharacteristicsof yourcommunity we providemarketing packages for you tosend to retailers on the list Every marketing package isdifferent tailored to meet the location requirements ofeachretaler



    F O R T R


  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


    Bring new life to youreconomicdevelopment strategyand new retailers toyour townUnderservedmarkets Communit ies lacking essentialproducts and services have turned to Buxton to attract andexpand their retail base We ve helped small communitiesattractmajor retailers and helped large citiesattract retaildevelopment tospecific neighborhoods

    Local business retention The leakage surplus dataprovided by Buxton can help existing retai lers create moreeffectivemerchandising and sales plans

    Transit orienteddevelopment Often transit terminalsand neighborhoodssurrounding them have thepopulation densities to support retail and restaurantsWe can provide the tools you need todemonstrate theviability of theseareas

    Collegeand university towns Retailers are realizing thatcampuspopuaionscan creaepofitabeopportuntiesBuxton can includestudents in your customerprofileand focus yourefforts

    To date we ve helped more than 600 communitiesnationwide resulting in over 25 million square feetof recruited retail And we re ready to do the samefor you

    FindoutmoreContact us today for a consultation and discoverhow Buxton can help yo u identify opportunities forretalgowhandexpanson

    ButonToll Free 888 2Buxtonwwwbuxtoncocom@Buxtonco2651 South Polaris DriveFortWorth TX 76137

    Tourismdestinations Buxton andVisa Tourism Insightsis an excellent way to augment your tourism marketingprograms and build out the retail sector near touristattractions and sports facilities Identify where your touristsare coming from to maximize yourmarketing budgetDowntown revitalization We can assess the role of retailin your downtown development projectand strategies toattract and expand local operations

    Rural areas andsmall cities If your city has real orperceived disadvantages you need an advanced approachto overcome them By comparing retailers operating insmlarmarketsnaionwdewecanreveaunecognzedretail opportunities and take advantageof them

    Add the capabilitiesofBuxton s cloud basedplatform SCOUTinviting retailers to view your information anytime anywhere

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal



    The dollars that tourists spend within your community area vital component of your local economy Buxton and VisaTourism Insights can increase thevalueof tourism in yourcommunity by identifying WHO your tourists are WHEREmore tourists ca n be found and how to effectively marketdirectly to your tourists to increase theirVALUE to yourcommunity

    WithBuxton andVisaTourismInsightsyouwill havetheanswers tothese important questions

    Who areour tourists What are their lifestyles how dothey behave as consumers and what are theirmedia habits

    What is tourisms economic impact How do touristsspend theirmoney within our community

    In terms of their local spending whichtypesof touristshave proven to be thebest for our communityWhichmarkets doour best touristsandprospectivetourists come from H ow do we optimizeour advert is ingspend for greater ROI

    Howdowe directmarket toour best touristsandprospective touristsat the household level

    SeeWhichMarkets ProvideYour Tourism

    Enhance the Effectiveness of Your Marketing

    T V CableSatellite

    Geographic and programmingoptimization using tourist profileGeographic ad placement geo fencingoptimization website identification

    Online geographic search advertisingopimzaionsocamedaconenenhancemen

    Radio Geographic optimization programmingand scheduling optimzationPrint Geographic circulation optimzationformatselectionPublic PrivateAffiliations

    Partnershp identification based on yourtourist profiles


    Utilizing profileresultsalong withgeographic optimization List rental ofbest prospects

    Tourist Retentionand Reactivation

    Utilizing knowledgeof existing zip 4tourist database toengage past touristsand their immediate neighbors Listrental of household targets

    Understand the Economic Impact of Tourism

    ApparelDepartmentStoresDrug Stores


    Electronics 2Fast Food 39Full Service Restaurants 42Home ImprovementSpecialty RetailSporting Goods



    Burton888 2BUXTON

    wwwbuxtoncocombuxton@buxtonco com

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


    PALMSPRINGS CALIFORNIAIdentifying and prioitizing tourists and tourismmarketsfor bettermarketing and long termplanning

    Here s theSituationIn a still recovering economy marketing budgets are tight andevery dollarmust deliver a measurable return on investment TheCity of Palm Springs California famous fo r year round fun inthe sun wanted to make its marketing programsmore efficientandeffective through smarter targeting of potential tourists Toreach that goal Palm Springs needed to identify who visits theCity where they are coming from and how they are spending thermoneyHeresWhatWe DidAbout ItWe captured touristcredit card transactions in selected zip codes intheC i ty ove r a 12 month period using Zip 4 to preserveconfidentiality The transactions totaled almost 200 milliongiving us a significant sample for better identification andunderstanding of these touristsOur analysis revealed

    What typeof tourist visits Palm Springs According to the data 58o f the City s tourism dollars come from 10 customer marketsegments This gives us a detailed profile of people who aremostlikely to visit Palm Springs including their lifestyles purchasinghabits media preferences and travel behavior With thisinformation we can search anywhere in the U S for people whosharesmlarcharacerisicsWhere these tourists come from We found that of the 210DirectMarketing Areas in the U S 152 DMAs were represented in theCity transact ions over the 12 month per iod However 80 of thesales dollars came from five ke y tourism markets We used a marketprioritization index to rank theDMAs based on the greatest numberof people with a propensity to visit theCityHow they spent theirmoney We broke down the credit cardtransactions into nine different categories from specialty retail tofull service restaurants From this analysis weareable todeterminewhich DMAs are most important to theCitywithin each category ofretail spendingCheck Out These ResultsWith these tourism insights in hand theCity knows exactly who itscore tourists a re and where they come from allowing thedevelopment of effective marketing strategies and long term plansThe City CanOptimize each marketing channel Using a highly targetedapproach the City can connect with potential tourists in a widerange of mediums from billboards to direct marketing to onlinecampa igns They can focus on themost profitable marke ts andsend individualized messages directly to peoplewho are mostlikely to visitFind co branded partners By knowing who thetouristsare andwhere they spend theirmoney thecity can develop co operativemarketing campaigns with area hotels restaurants and retailersFor instance the tourist profiles reveal the exact hotels whereeachmarket segment prefers to stay providing new opportunities fo rco branded tourismcampaigns

    About Palm SpringsPopular touristdestination foroutdooractivities arts and culture gaming andenertanmenBusiness NeedsIdenitfication of tourist types

    Prioritization of key DMAsMore effective targeting for marketingpogamsDevelopment of long term strategicpans

    Buxton s data driven approach is a powerful new tool tohelp tourism focused communities leverage thevalue oftheir customers for long term successFindOut MoreContact us today for a consultation and discover howBuxton can help your community increase its tourism

    BtraonToll Free 888 2BUXTONwwwbuxtoncocom

    @Buxtonco2651 South PolarisDrive

    FortWorth TX 76137

  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


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  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


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  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal


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  • 7/28/2019 Downtown Revitalization Committee's Economic Redevelopment Survey Proposal



    Quality retailers line Pasadena s walkabledowntown streets making it an ideal locationto strolling dining and shopping

    RETAIL PERFORMANCEPasadena s retail performance is anchored in the fact that Pasadena is a regional employment entertainmentand shopp ing destination set in a stunning architectural and natural environment Combined with qualityresidential and employee demographics as evidenced by E S R I s Tapestry Segment Profiles Pasadena is anexcellent location for retail

    3 BIL

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    Abercrombie Fit ch Crate BarrelANNTAY LOB



    41J CREW

    kate spadeNEW YORK

    Kenneth Cole P U I 1 L tl YtawOW 1 1 A e ri4

    MadEly i pottery barn kidsmacys

    pR Ls




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