door security system using e-ktp reading and passive

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A final project report

presented to

the Faculty of Engineering


Mohammad Adrian Faisal


in partial fulfillment

of the requirements of the degree

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

President University

January 2015

President University i


I declare that this final project report, entitled “Door Security System Using e-KTP

Reading and Passive Infrared Sensor” is my own original piece of work and, to the best of

my knowledge and belief, has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another

university to obtain a degree. All sources that are quoted or referred to are truly declared.

Cikarang, Indonesia, January 2015

Mohammad Adrian Faisal

President University ii





Mohammad Adrian Faisal


Approved by

Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, M.Sc, Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, M.Sc,

Final Project Supervisor Head of Study Program

Electrical Engineering

Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, M.Sc,

Acting Dean of Faculty of Engineering

President University iii


Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, I would like to deliver gratitude to Allah subhanahu

wa ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this final project.

Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who had

delivered the truth to human beings in general and Muslim in particular.

In arranging this final project, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice and

support me. In this valuable chance, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation

to all of them. First, my deepest appreciation goes to my beloved parents, Mr. Awaluddin

Djuaeni and Mrs. Anna Cheriana who always give me strength and supports when I need

it. And also for my brother Rizki Rahmawan and sister Ayunita Chaerunissa who always

support me.

I would also thank my final project advisor, Dr.-Ing. Erwin Sitompul, M.Sc

who also acting as the Dean of Faculty Engineering for the precious supervision,

advice, and guidance. I wish to thank all Electrical Engineering lectures for their guidance

since I begin my university life in President University until now.

Last but not least, I would like to thank to many people for all supports that they

give me. For my best partner, Fauziyah Kurniawati, who always gives me supports in

every aspects that I need, for my classmates who give me motivation to do my best, for my

roomates, Fandi, Fikri, and Rayhan who always motivated me and encouraged me, and the

last is for all people that always motivated me and encouraged me, whose name could not

mentioned one by one in this final project, for their valuable assistance to me.

Cikarang, January 2015,

Mohammad Adrian Faisal

President University iv


I hereby, for the purpose of development of science and technology, certify and approve to

give President University a non-exclusive royalty-free right upon my final project report

with the title:



along with the related software or hardware prototype (if needed). With this non-exclusive

royalty-free right, President University is entitled to conserve, to convert, to manage in a

database, to maintain, and to publish my final project report. These are to be done with the

obligation from President University to mention my name as the copyright owner of my

final project report.

Cikarang, 27 January 2015

Mohammad Adrian Faisal


President University v


A door is meant to be the legitimate access to come into a room. Along the time, there are

some alternatives for door lock, such as electric door lock. Radio Frequency Identification

(RFID) is the new technology that can be used to improve the security system of an electric

door lock. An RFID system needs an RFID reader, an RFID tag, and a computer

/microcontroller in order to make it work properly. Indonesian identity card (e-KTP) with

contactless smart card technology can be used as the tag of the RFID. Every e-KTP has

unique ID stored in the chip. This final project concentrates in designing a prototype of

electric door lock system that will work as an integrated system of electric door lock,

equipped with RFID technology with e-KTP as the key. Besides, the system is also

equipped with a passive infrared sensor to detect unauthorized presence. The developed

prototype proved the feasibility of installing a reliable door security system using e-KTP as

the key and passive infrared sensor as additional security measure.

Keywords: electric lock, RFID technology, e-KTP, passive infrared sensor.

President University vi


DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGE ............................................................................................................... ii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................................... iii

APPROVAL FOR SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATION .............................................................. iv

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................ viii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................ x

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1

1.1. Final Project Background ........................................................................................ 1

1.2. Problem Statement .................................................................................................. 2

1.3. Final Project Objectives .......................................................................................... 2

1.4. Final Project Scopes and Limitations ...................................................................... 3

1.5. Final Project Outline ............................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER 2 DESIGN SPECIFICATION ............................................................................ 5

2.1. Introductory Remarks .............................................................................................. 5

2.2. Arduino Mega 2560................................................................................................. 5

2.2.1. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) .................................................................... 8

2.2.2. Arduino IDE .................................................................................................. 9

2.3. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ................................................................ 10

2.3.1 RFID tag ....................................................................................................... 11 Passive RFID tag ................................................................................. 12 Active RFID tag .................................................................................. 12 Semi Passive RFID tag ........................................................................ 13

2.3.2 RFID reader .................................................................................................. 13

2.3.3 Operating frequency of RFID system ........................................................... 15

2.3.4 How RFID system works ............................................................................. 16

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2.4. MFRC522 .............................................................................................................. 17

2.5. e-KTP .................................................................................................................. 18

2.6. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) ............................................................................... 20

2.7. PIR Sensor (Passive Infrared Sensor) ................................................................... 22

2.8. 12 V Relay ............................................................................................................. 24

2.9. Solenoid Door Lock .............................................................................................. 26

2.10. Transistor TIP122................................................................................................. 27

2.11. Voltage Regulator LM 7812 ................................................................................ 27

2.12. Digital Buzzer Module ......................................................................................... 28

2.13. Push Button .......................................................................................................... 30

2.14. AC/DC Adaptor ................................................................................................... 30

2.15. Accumulator ......................................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER 3 DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................... 32

3.1. System Overview .................................................................................................. 32

3.2. Hardware Implementation ..................................................................................... 33

3.2.1. RFID reader (MFRC522) implementation .................................................. 33

3.2.2. LCD 16x2 implementation .......................................................................... 34

3.2.3. PIR Sensor. digital buzzer module, and push button implementation ........ 36

3.2.4. Solenoid door lock and power circuit implementation ................................ 37

3.3. Programming Implementation ............................................................................... 38

3.3.1. Arduino programming ................................................................................. 38

3.3.2. Main programming code ............................................................................. 39

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ................................................................... 45

4.1. Results .................................................................................................................. 45

4.2. Discussion ............................................................................................................. 50

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSSION ........................................................................................... 51

5.1. Conclusions ........................................................................................................... 51

5.2. Recommendations ................................................................................................. 51

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................... 53

APPENDIX A SOURCE CODE ......................................................................................... 55

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Figure 2.1 Arduino Mega 2560 [1] ....................................................................................... 5

Figure 2.2 Pin configurations of Arduino Mega 2560 [1] .................................................... 7

Figure 2.3 Arduino IDE interface ....................................................................................... 10

Figure 2.4 RFID system [4] ................................................................................................ 11

Figure 2.5 Inductively coupled tag with antenna coil [4] .................................................... 11

Figure 2.6 Passive RFID tag [5] ......................................................................................... 12

Figure 2.7 Active RFID tag [5] .......................................................................................... 13

Figure 2.8 Semi Passive RFID tag [5] ................................................................................. 13

Figure 2.9 Block function of RFID reader [4] ..................................................................... 14

Figure 2.10 Block diagram of an RF interface for an inductively coupled RFID [5] ......... 15

Figure 2.11 Power supply to an inductively coupled tag from the energy of the magnetic

alternating field generated by the reader [4] ................................................... 16

Figure 2.12 Schematic depiction of Inside passive RFID tag [5] ........................................ 17

Figure 2.13 MFRC522 ......................................................................................................... 17

Figure 2.14 Configuration of the SPI interface in MFRC522 [7] ....................................... 18

Figure 2.15 Physical form of e-KTP [8] .............................................................................. 19

Figure 2.16 The unique ID of e-KTP read by MFRC522 ................................................... 19

Figure 2.17 Layer of e-KTP card [8] ................................................................................... 19

Figure 2.18 LCD 16x2 ......................................................................................................... 20

Figure 2.19 PIR sensor [10] ................................................................................................. 22

Figure 2.20 Pin configurations of PIR sensor [10] .............................................................. 23

Figure 2.21 PIR sensor block diagram [11] ......................................................................... 24

Figure 2.22 12V Relay ........................................................................................................ 24

Figure 2.23 Relay pin explanation ....................................................................................... 24

Figure 2.24 Parts of the relay [12] ....................................................................................... 25

Figure 2.25 Solenoid door lock ........................................................................................... 26

Figure 2.26 Pin configurations of transistor TIP122 [15] ................................................... 27

Figure 2.27 Pin configurations of LM 7812 [16] ................................................................ 28

Figure 2.28 Application circuit for LM 7812 ...................................................................... 28

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Figure 2.29 Digital buzzer module from DFRobot [17] ...................................................... 29

Figure 2.30 Pin configuration of digital buzzer module [17] .............................................. 29

Figure 2.31 Push button ....................................................................................................... 30

Figure 2.32 Application circuit for push button .................................................................. 30

Figure 2.33 AC/DC adaptor ................................................................................................ 31

Figure 2.34 Accumulator ..................................................................................................... 31

Figure 3.1 Block diagram of the system .............................................................................. 32

Figure 3.2 Pin configurations of RFID reader (MFRC522) ................................................ 34

Figure 3.3 Pin configurations of LCD 2x16 ........................................................................ 35

Figure 3.4 Pin configurations of PIR sensor, digital buzzer module, Push Button 1,

and Push Button 2 ............................................................................................ 36

Figure 3.5 Pin configurations of solenoid door lock and power circuit ............................. 38

Figure 3.6 Flow chart of electric lock part .......................................................................... 43

Figure 3.7 Flow chart of sensor part .................................................................................... 44

Figure 4.1 Front view of the automatic door ....................................................................... 45

Figure 4.2 The automatic door (a) Back view; (b) Left view .............................................. 46

Figure 4.3 Main hardware of the system ............................................................................. 47

Figure 4.4 Top view of automatic door ............................................................................... 47

Figure 4.5 “Calibrating PIR for 10 s message displays on LCD ......................................... 48

Figure 4.6 “Welcome Waiting e-KTP” message displays on LCD ..................................... 48

Figure 4.7 “Valid” Message to user 1 (left) and to user 2 (right) ........................................ 48

Figure 4.8 “e-KTP Not valid Shall not Pass!!” message displays on LCD ........................ 49

Figure 4.9 Solenoid door lock (a) Open State; (b) Close State ........................................... 49

Figure 5.1 Door closer ......................................................................................................... 52

Figure 5.2 Automatic accumulator charger ......................................................................... 52

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Table 2.1 Arduino Mega 2560 Specification ....................................................................... 6

Table 2.2 LCD Pin Function .............................................................................................. 20

Table 2.3 LCD Bit Configurations ..................................................................................... 21

Table 2.4 LCD Function ..................................................................................................... 22

Table 2.5 Pin Function of PIR Sensor ................................................................................ 23

Table 2.6 12 V Relay Specifications .................................................................................. 25

Table 2.7 Specification of Solenoid Door Lock ................................................................. 26

Table 3.1 Pin Configurations of RFID reader (MFRC522)................................................ 34

Table 3.2 Pin Configurations of LCD 16x3 ....................................................................... 35

Table 3.3 The Code Explanation of Electric Lock Part ...................................................... 39

Table 3.4 The Code Explanation of Sensor Part ................................................................ 41

Table 3.5 Display message on LCD ................................................................................... 42

President University 1



1.1. Final Project Background

A door has the function as an entrance into a room, a building, or a vehicle. In the market,

there are 2 kinds of door lock, which are electric lock and mechanic lock. An electric lock

is a locking device which operates by using force from electricity. Electric locks are

connected to an access system that will make an automatic locking system. On the other

hand, a mechanic lock is operated by mechanical force and does not operate automatically.

It means, in order to lock or unlock the mechanic lock, a regular key must be manually


Nowadays, people prefer the use of an electric lock compared to a mechanic lock. This is

because an electric lock has a more complex security system than a mechanic lock. Electric

locks offer a variety of means of authentication, including: numerical codes, passwords,

passphrases, security tokens, biometrics, and RFID (Radio-frequency identification). This

means, an electric lock has a system which is more secure and uneasy to break. The

mechanic lock itself has a system which is less secure because the less and limited number

of key combinations.

The e-KTP (Indonesian: Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik) was introduced by the

Indonesian Ministry for Internal Affairs in February 2011 to replace the then existing

identity card. The e-KTP is an identity card for Indonesian citizen in which the data of the

card holder are electronically stored, not physically. The data storage process is fully

computerized and the data is very hard to duplicate. Until now, e-KTP is only used as an

identity card. Whereas, e-KTP actually includes a kind of smart card with the data that can

be used for public transportation, health service, access token, etc. Access token itself is an

object used to access the system, such as electric lock system for a door. The e-KTP card

uses RFID technology that operates at the frequency of 13.56 MHz. An RFID reader is

required to read it. Thus, e-KTP card, along with RFID reader, can function as a key that

will give access to a door.

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1.2. Problem Statement

The final project will mainly focus on designing the hardware that will work as an

integrated system of electric door lock, equipped with an RFID reader. This electric door

can be locked or unlocked automatically. To control this hardware, we need to use a

microcontroller and to design the software, so that the door can work according to the

command. Commands are given to the microcontroller by using C/C++ programming. This

is to coordinate all components in this final project.

Every e-KTP has a unique ID. Unique ID from e-KTP has 7 byte data. We need to use an

RFID reader and a microcontroller to read an e-KTP, along with the use of provided library

on designing the program. This program is needed to make the RFID reader be able to

work and be able to read the e-KTP. We also need to design the circuit which will be

integrated to the RFID reader and the microcontroller.

Later on, we can save the unique ID of the e-KTP to the microcontroller. Thus, only the

person with authorized right is able to open the door. In order to operate the electric lock,

we can just simply move an authorized e-KTP close to an RFID reader and the door will

unlock before it automatically lock again after a certain period of time.

1.3. Final Project Objectives

The objective of this final project is to make a device that can improve the security of a

door lock system and at the same time to make the way to unlock door easier and faster.

By making this device, the author expects to achieve the following objectives:

1. To design an automatic door lock system that implements the RIFD technology and

RFID system which is able to use an e-KTP as the key.

2. To additionally implement PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor to detect the presence of

human when passing the door. This will provide additional security in case the door

is breached.

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1.4. Final Project Scopes and Limitations

In doing this final project, there will be exact scope and limitations. Because of the time

and resources are limited, the final project will be conducted under the following scopes:

This final project will discuss and present the making of an electric door lock

system with RFID reader by using several components such as Arduino Mega

2560, MFRC522 (RFID reader), solenoid door lock, LED, PIR (Passive Infrared)

sensor, buzzer, resistor, transistor and LCD.

The software used is Arduino IDE 1.06, featured by Arduino. Arduino IDE 1.06

uses C programming language to operate. It provides some libraries which are

needed in the programming in order to make the MFRC522 (RFID reader) and the

LCD 16x2 work properly.

In conducting this project, there are several limitations to be considered:

The RFID reader is used to read the unique ID of e-KTP and to send it to Arduino

Mega for further process. If the unique ID of e-KTP is identical with the ID that has

been stored in Arduino, the door will be unlocked.

The RFID reader is only programmed to be able to read passive tags, which are tags

without energy source.

The frequency range used for RFID reader is 13.56 MHz (high frequency).

The transistor is used as switch to control the solenoid door lock.

The PIR sensor is used only to detect the presence of human.

1.5. Final Project Outline

The final project report consists of five chapters and is outlined as follows:

Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter consists of Final Project Background, Problem

Statement, Final Project Objectives, Final Project Scopes and Limitations,

and Final Project Outline.

Chapter 2: Design Specification. This chapter describes the proposed design of the

automatic door lock system by the author. It also gives the information about

the list of the hardware and the software used in this project along with their

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functions. This chapter also discusses how the circuit system works and how

the interfacing among the hardware components is to be done. In this

chapter, the author also will explain about the theory that is used in this final


Chapter 3: Design Implementation. This chapter will deliver the implementation of the

design presented in the previous chapter. It covers system design, system

flow, hardware and software configuration, and resource requirement.

Chapter 4: Project Result and Discussion. This chapter consists of the result of the project.

In this chapter also consist of discussion about the result of the project.

Chapter 5: Conclusions and Recommendations. This chapter consists of conclusions of the

whole content of the final project report. Recommendations are presented in

order to make developments and improvements in the future.

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2.1. Introductory Remarks

This chapter will explain the theory of the hardware and the software that are used to make

the device in this project. Each of the hardware and the software has different operation

method and different usage. Because of that, it is very important to understand the basic of

the technology used inside it. At following section, the author will explain concept of

technology that is used as the basic of the making of the electric lock door using RFID.

2.2. Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560, as shown in Figure 2.1, is a microcontroller board based on the

Atmel AVR ATmega2560 Microcontroller. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 14

can be used as PWM outputs), 16 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial ports), a 16

MHz crystal oscillator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset

button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a

computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started


Figure 2.1 Arduino Mega 2560 [1]

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The Arduino Mega2560 can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power

supply. The power source is selected automatically. External (non-USB) power can come

either from an AC-to-DC adapter (wall-wart) or battery. The adapter can be connected by

plugging a 2.1mm center-positive plug into the board's power jack. Leads from a battery

can be inserted in the GND and VIN pin headers of the POWER connector. The

specification of Arduino Mega 2560 can be seen in Table 2.1 [1].

Table 2.1 Arduino Mega 2560 Specification

Microcontroller ATmega2560

Operating Voltage 5 V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12 V

Input Voltage (limits) 6-20 V

Digital I/O Pins 54 (of which 14 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins 16

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA

Flash Memory 256 KB of which 8 KB used by bootloader



Clock Speed 16 MHz

The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 V. If supplied with less than 7 V,

however, the 5 V pin may supply less than five volts and the board may be unstable. If

using more than 12 V, the voltage regulator may overheat and damage the board. The

recommended range is 7 to 12 V.

The Arduino Mega has many pin configurations. Each of them has different characteristic

and function. These pin configurations are divided into several part of characters. There are

power pins, digital pins and analog pins. Here are the descriptions of the pin configurations

based on Figure 2.2:

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a. Power pins

The power pins are as follows [1]:

VIN.The input voltage to the Arduino board when it is using an external power

source (as opposed to 5 V from the USB connection or other regulated power

source). One can supply voltage through this pin, or, if supplying voltage via

the power jack, access it through this pin.

5V.The regulated power supply is used to power the microcontroller and other

components on the board. This can come either from VIN via an on-board

regulator, or be supplied by USB or another regulated 5 V supply.

3V3.A 3.3 V supply generated by the on-board regulator. Maximum current

draw is 50 mA.

GND. Ground pins.

IOREF. The pins on the Arduino board serves to provide a reference voltage

to operate with the microcontroller. A shield is configured correctly to be able

to read the pin voltage IOREF and to select appropriate resources or enable the

voltage translator at the output to work on a voltage of 5 V or 3.3 V.

b. Digital Pins

The Arduino Mega has 54 digital pins that can be used as input or output. Each pin

can provide or receive a maximum current of 40 mA and has an internal pull-up

Figure 2.2 Pin configurations of Arduino Mega 2560 [1]

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resistor (disconnected by default) of 20-50 kΩ. In addition, some pins have

specialized functions, which include [1]:

Serial: 0 (RX) and 1 (TX); Serial 1: 19 (RX) and 18 (TX); Serial 2: 17 (RX)

and 16 (TX); Serial 3: 15 (RX) and 14 (TX). Used to receive (RX) and

transmit (TX) TTL serial data. Pins 0 and 1 are also connected to the

corresponding pins of the ATmega8U2 USB-to-TTL Serial chip.

External Interrupts: 2 (interrupt 0), 3 (interrupt 1), 18 (interrupt 5), 19

(interrupt 4), 20 (interrupt 3), and 21 (interrupt 2). These pins can be

configured to trigger an interrupt on a low value, a rising or falling edge, or a

change in value.

PWM: 0 to 13. Provide 8-bit PWM output with the analogWrite()function.

SPI: 50 (MISO), 51 (MOSI), 52 (SCK), 53 (SS). These pins support SPI

communication, which, although provided by the underlying hardware, is not

currently included in the Arduino language. The SPI pins are also broken out

on the ICSP header.

LED: 13.There is a built-in LED connected to digital pin 13. When the pin is

HIGH value, the LED is on, when the pin is LOW, it is off.

I2C: 20 (SDA) and 21 (SCL). Support I2C (TWI) communication using the

Wire library (documentation on the Wiring website).

c. Analog Pins

The Arduino Mega 2560 has 16 analog inputs, each of which provides 10 bits of

resolution. By default they measure from ground to 5 V, though is it possible to

change the upper end of their range using the AREF pin and analogReference()

function. There are a couple of other pins on the board [1]:

AREF. Reference voltage for the analog inputs. Used with analogReference().

Reset. Bring this line LOW to reset the microcontroller. Typically used to add

a reset button to shields which block the one on the board.

2.2.1. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

SPI (serial peripheral interface) is a synchronous serial data protocol used by

microcontrollers for communicating with one or more peripheral devices quickly over

short distances. It can also be used for communication between two microcontrollers. With

President University 9

an SPI connection there is always one master device (usually a microcontroller) which

controls the peripheral devices [2]. Typically there are four pins common to all the devices:

1. MISO (Master In Slave Out) : Arduino digital pin 50 - The Slave line for sending data

to the master,

2. MOSI (Master Out Slave In) : Arduino digital pin 51 - The Master line for sending

data to the peripherals,

3. SCK (Serial Clock) : Arduino digital pin 52 - The clock pulses which synchronize

data transmission generated by the master and one line specific for every device:

4. SS (Slave Select): Arduino digital pin 53 - the pin on each device that the master can

use to enable and disable specific devices.

When a device's Slave Select pin is low, it communicates with the master. When it is high,

it ignores the master. This allows us to have multiple SPI devices sharing the same MISO,

MOSI, and CLK pins.

2.2.2. Arduino IDE

The Arduino IDE (integrated development environment), as shown in Figure 2.3, is the

software used for the programming the Arduino Board. It includes a code editor with

features such as syntax highlighting, brace matching, and automatic indentation, and is also

capable of compiling and uploading programs to the board with a single click. A program

or code written for Arduino is called a sketch [3].

Arduino programs are written in C or C++. The Arduino IDE comes with a software

library called "Wiring" from the original Wiring project, which makes many common

input/output operations much easier. Users only need define two functions to make a

runnable cyclic executive program:

setup(): a function run once at the start of a program that can initialize settings

loop(): a function called repeatedly until the board powers off

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2.3. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is the wireless use of electromagnetic fields to

transfer data, for the purposes of automatically identifying and tracking tags attached to

objects/reader. As shown in Figure 2.4, RFID system consists of two main components,

which include:

a. Tag, which consist of coupling element and electronic microchip.

b. Reader, which usually consists of radio frequency module (transmitter and

receiver), controller, and coupling element to the tag.

c. Computer/microcontroller, which is connected to the reader.

Figure 2.3 Arduino IDE interface

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RFID technology is the answer to various weaknesses of the barcode technology because it

can only be identified by means of the barcode closer to a reader. Barcode also has very

limited data storage capacity and cannot be re-programmed, making it difficult to store and

update the data in large quantities for an item. One of interesting solution that emerged is

storing data on a silicon chip. This technology is known as RFID. Contact between the

RFID tag to the reader is not done through physical or mechanical contact but merely by

transmitting electromagnetic signals (contactless).

2.3.1 RFID tag

RFID tags, or simply "tags", are small transponders that respond to queries from a reader

by wirelessly transmitting a serial number or similar identifier [6]. The basic layout of the

RFID tag can be seen in Figure 2.5.

Figure 2.4 RFID system [4]

Figure 2.5 Inductively coupled tag with antenna coil [4]

President University 12 Passive RFID tag

The passive tags, as shown in Figure 2.6, do not have an internal power source. To power

the tag, the reader need to induce power to the tag. This means that the reader has to keep

up its power field until the transaction is completed. Because of the lack of a battery,

passive tags are the smallest and cheapest tags which are available in the market. In

exchange for this low cost and low energy, the reading range of the tag is very short.

Depending on the type of passive RFID tag, the reading range can be down to 2 cm. The

response of a passive RFID usually contains simple information that is encoded in the tag

memory. For example, only the ID number of the tag will be given as a response. Because

the passive RFID does not need a battery, the size of the tag can be made smaller. Through

the small size, the RFID tag can be attached to any item. For example, card, key chain,

mobile phone, etc. Active RFID tag

An active RFID tag, as shown in Figure 2.7, has its own power supply which can be used

in part or in whole tag. The power supply enables the circuit microchip and an antenna to

send a signal to the reader. Some active RFID tags can also be connected to an external

power supply. This kind of active tag has longer working range compared to passive tags.

Mostly it has larger memory which can keep more amounts of data.

Figure 2.6 Passive RFID tag [5]

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To avoid the continuous use of the battery that will shorten the battery life, an active RFID

tag has a microchip that can regulate the operation of the tag. When the tag is out of the

reader’s range, the microchip will automatically set the tag to a state of "power down"

mode or "stand-by" to save power. Semi Passive RFID tag

A semi passive RFID tag, as shown in Figure 2.8, is nearly the same as an active RFID tag.

This tag also has its own power supply, but the power supply is only used to activate the

microchip and antenna, not to be used to send signals to the reader. To process a

broadcasted signal, the method used is the same as in the case of passive RFID tag.

2.3.2 RFID reader

A reader is a component identifier in an RFID system. The technology used allows the

reader to trace and identify the presence of tags. A Reader can be divided into two blocks

of functionality [4], as shown in Figure 2.9.

Figure 2.7 Active RFID tag [5]

Figure 2.8 Semi Passive RFID tag [5]

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Two functions of the blocks are:

a. HF interface

High Frequency interface is used by the reader to produce a transmission signal to

activate the tag and the power supply for passive tag, to modulate the signal transmitted

to the tag, and to demodulate the signal received from a tag. HF interface consists of

two separate signal paths, based on the two-way flow of data, from the tag and to tag,

as shown in Figure 2.10. The data sent to the tag will go through the transmitter and the

data received from the tag will be processed at the receiver [4].

First, a signal of the required operating frequency, i.e. 135 kHz or 13.56 MHz, is

generated in the transmitter arm by a stable (frequency) quartz oscillator. To avoid

worsening the noise ratio in relation to the extremely weak received signal from the

transponder, the oscillator is subject to high demands regarding phase stability and

sideband noise. The oscillator signal is fed into a modulation module controlled by the

baseband signal of the signal coding system [4].

The modulated signal is then brought to the required level by a power output module

and can then be decoupled to the antenna box. The receiver arm begins at the antenna

box, with the first component being a steep edge bandpass filter. The filter has the task

of largely blocking the strong signal from the transmission output module and filtering

out just the response signal from the transponder [4].

Figure 2.9 Block function of RFID reader [4]

President University 15

b. Control system

Part on the reader controller, performs the following functions [4]:

Communication with the application software and the execution of commands

from the application software;

Control of the communication with a transponder (master –slave principle);

Signal coding and decoding.

The control unit is usually based upon a microprocessor to perform these complex

functions. Data exchange between application software and the reader’s control

unit is performed by a serial peripheral interface [4].

2.3.3 Operating frequency of RFID system

Because an RFID generates and radiates electromagnetic field, then the system containing

it is classified as a radio system. Thus, the frequency used by the RFID system should not

interfere with the frequencies used by television, radio and other services [6]. RFID tags

fall into three regions in respect to frequency:

a. Low frequency tag (125 to 134 kHz)

b. High frequency tag (13.56 MHz)

c. Ultra high frequency tag (868 to 956 MHz, 2.4 - 2.5GHz, 5.8GHz))

Figure 2.10 Block diagram of an RF interface for an inductively coupled RFID [5]

President University 16

2.3.4 How RFID system works

The supply of power from the reader to the tag occurs when using passive tags. This power

transfer process depends on the use of RFID systems. This report will explains the process

of the signal transmission using inductive coupling. Generally, inductive coupling operates

in passive tags, consists of a single microchip and a wide area as an antenna coil. The

system is generally shown in Figure 2.11. Here, all the power to activate the microchip will

be provided by the reader. The reader antenna will generate strong electromagnetic fields

(high frequency) and will penetrate the area around the coil. Most fields will penetrate the

coil on the tag. This generates a voltage on the tag antenna as a result of the induction


Inside the passive tag, as shown in Figure 2.12, the voltage generated by the reader is

rectified by a diode, and the resulting signal is smoothed using a storage capacitor to create

a more-or-less constant voltage that is then used to power the tag’s logic circuitry and

memory access. A similar rectification circuit, using a smaller capacitance value to allow

the voltage to vary on the timescale of the reader data, is used to demodulate the

information from the reader. This technique is known as envelope detection [5].

Finally, to transmit the information back to the reader, the tag changes the electrical

characteristics of the antenna structure so as to modify the signal reflected from it,

somewhat analogous to tilting a mirror. Here we have shown a field-effect transistor (FET)

used as a switch; when the FET is turned on, the antenna is grounded, allowing a large

current to flow, and when it is off, the antenna floats allowing very little antenna current


Figure 2.11 Power supply to an inductively coupled tag from the energy of

the magnetic alternating field generated by the reader [4]

President University 17

2.4. MFRC522

The RFID reader used in this project is MFRC522 that can be seen in Figure 2.13.

MFRC522 supports ISO 14443A and contactless communication at 13.56 MHz [7]. The

standard of MFRC522 meets the reader requirement of the e-KTP. Thus, the reader can

read the e-KTP card. The MFRC522’s internal transmitter part is able to drive a

reader/writer antenna designed to communicate with ISO/IEC 14443A cards and

transponders without additional active circuitry.

Figure 2.13 MFRC522

Figure 2.12 Schematic depiction of Inside passive RFID tag [5]

President University 18

To activate MFRC522, it needs to be connected through the SPI (serial peripheral

interface) to the Arduino Mega 2560. The connection to Arduino Mega can be seen in

Figure 2.14. In the communication with the master (Arduino Mega 2560), MFRC522 acts

as a slave receiving data from the external host for register settings. Furthermore, it sends

and receives data relevant for the communication on the RF interface. The MFRC522 acts

as a slave during the SPI communication. The SPI clock, SCK, has to be generated by the

master. Data communication from the master to the slave uses the Line MOSI. Line MISO

is used to send data back from the MFRC522 to the master [7].

2.5. e-KTP

In this final project, the author used the e-KTP as the key/RFID tag to the system of door

lock using RFID. Electronic National Identity Card or electronic-KTP (e-KTP) is the

national identity card which is made electronically. It has chip that contains biographical

data, signature, photograph and fingerprints of the owner. The e-KTP is one of the

examples of passive RFID tag that does not have an internal power source. It belongs to

the group of high frequency tags, since it uses the frequency at 13.56 MHz to communicate

with the reader. The e-KTP card uses contactless interface that meets ISO 14443 A

standards. ISO 14443 A standards is the standard that regulates contactless smart card type.

The location of the chip on e-KTP is shown in Figure 2.15.

Figure 2.14 Configuration of the SPI interface in MFRC522 [7]

President University 19

According to the RFID reader, e-KTP has 56 bit of unique ID. The reader will inform the

unique ID of an e-KTP in the form of hexadecimal value. For example, as shown in Figure

2.16, the unique ID of the author’s e-KTP is 04 23 49 B2 84 29 80. One hexadecimal

consists of 4 bit of binary number. So, the e-KTP has 56 bits in total. An e-KTP has 7

layers, as shown in Figure 2.17. The layers function to protect the chip from scratches and

corrosion. This is because an e-KTP is usually kept in a wallet, which makes an e-KTP

vulnerable to scratch, crook, and high humidity.

Figure 2.15 Physical form of e-KTP [8]

Figure 2.16 The unique ID of e-KTP read by MFRC522

Figure 2.17 Layer of e-KTP card [8]

President University 20

2.6. Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) is an electronic visual display. It is used to show

characters such as numbers or letters, as shown in Figure 2.18. There are two main types of

LCD screen, numerical display (used in watches, calculators, etc.) and alphanumerical

display (often used in mobile phones).

In this project, the author used the LCD 16x2 because it has the capability to display

alphanumerical characters. It requires 3 control pins (RS, R/W, and EN) and 8 (or 4) data

pins. The data pin used can be 8-bit or 4-bits data. The difference between 8-bit data and 4-

bit data is the 8-bit data mode is faster than the 4-bit data mode in processing data from

microcontroller which to be displayed. But, the 4-bit data mode will use less space in the

microcontroller rather than the 8-bit data mode. The explanation of LCD pin is shown in

Table 2.2 [9].

Table 2.2 LCD Pin Function

Pin No Function Name

1 Ground (0V) Ground

2 Supply voltage; 5 V (4.7 V – 5.3 V) VCC

3 Contrast adjustment; through a variable resistor VEE

4 RS = HIGH: to send data

RS = LOW: to send instruction

RS(Register Select)

5 R/W = Low : to write to the register;

R/W = High : to read from the register

R/W (Read/write)

6 Sends data to data pins when a high to low pulse is given EN (Enable)

7 8-bit data pins DB0 – DB7

8 Backlight VCC (5 V) Led+

9 Backlight Ground (0 V) Led-

Figure 2.18 LCD 16x2

President University 21

To use the LCD, first it must be initialized. Initialization is required to choose the

operation mode (8- bit data mode or 4- bit data mode), the number of display lines, and the

character font. As mention above, the LCD 16x2 requires 3 control pins (RS, R/W, and

EN) and 8 (or 4) data pins. EN control pins are used to tell the LCD that the

microcontroller sends the data to it. To send data to the LCD, the program should set EN to

high state (1).

EN must be set to low state (0) to execute the instructions from microcontroller. When the

RS is in low state (0), the data sent to the LCD is considered as a command or special

instructions (such as cleaning the screen, position the cursor, etc.). When the RS is in high

state (1), the data sent to LCD is considered as alphanumerical data. For example, in order

to display letter "A" on the screen, the RS must be set to high state (1). R/W control line

should be in low state (0) when the microcontroller writes the data to the LCD. If the R/W

is in high state (1), then the program will perform a data reading from the LCD.

The display data is stored in Display Data RAM (DDRAM). In order to display

character(s) on the LCD, the DDRAM should be written. The address of the DDRAM for

LCD 16x2 is from 80h to 8fh (line 1) and from 0c0h to 0cfh (line 2). The configuration of

bits in LCD is shown in Table 2.3 and the function of symbols in Table 2.3 is described in

Table 2.4 [9].

Table 2.3 LCD Bit Configurations

Instruction Set

Instruction Code


Clear display 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

Cursor home 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 *

Entry mode set 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 I/D S

Display On/Off control 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 D C B

Cursor/display shift 0 0 0 0 0 1 S/C R/L * *

Function set 0 0 0 0 1 DL N F * *

Set CGRAM address 0 0 0 1 CGRAM address

Set DDRAM address 0 0 1 DDRAM address

Read busy-flag and

address counter

0 1 BF DDRAM address

Write to CGRAM or


1 0 write data

Read from CGRAM or


1 1 read data

President University 22

Table 2.4 LCD Function

Bit names

Bit Settings

I/D 0 = Decrement cursor


1 = Increment cursor position

S 0 = No display shift 1 = Display shift

D 0 = Display off 1 = Display on

C 0 = Cursor off 1 = Cursor on

B 0 = Cursor blink off 1 = Cursor blink on

S/C 0 = Move cursor 1 = Shift display

R/L 0 = Shift left 1 = Shift right

DL 0 = 4-bit interface 1 = 8-bit interface

N 0 = 1/8 or 1/11 Duty (1 line) 1 = 1/16 Duty (2 lines)

F 0 = 5x7 dots 1 = 5x10 dots

BF 0 = Can accept instruction 1 = Internal operation in


2.7. PIR Sensor (Passive Infrared Sensor)

The sensor used in this project is the passive infrared sensor (PIR). A passive infrared

sensor, as shown in Figure 2.19, is an electronic component that measures the level of

infrared light radiating from all objects in its field of view. This kind of sensor is a

pyroelectric device that detects motion by sensing changes in the infrared (radiant heat)

levels emitted by the surrounding objects. Then, when motion is detected, the PIR sensor

outputs a high signal on its output pin. Unlike the common infrared sensors which consists

of an IR LED and a phototransistor, the PIR does not emit any waves such IR LEDs.

Objects that can be detected by this sensor is usually the human body [10]. The pin

configuration and function of PIR sensor pin can be seen in Figure 2.20 and Table 2.5 [10].

Figure 2.19 PIR sensor [10]

President University 23

Table 2.5 Pin Function of PIR Sensor

Pin Name Type Function

1 GND Ground Ground

2 VCC Power Supply Voltage: 3 V to 6 V

3 OUT Output PIR signaling; HIGH = Movement

LOW = No movement

The human body emits infrared energy at a wavelength of 9 to 10 μm. So, an infrared filter that

passes wavelengths from 8 to 14 μm is placed in front of the sensor to boost sensitivity to the

infrared energy given off by people. Second, a Fresnel lens positioned in front of the sensor

performs two functions. It concentrates the IR energy emitted over a wider area onto the sensor

and it divides the area into hot and cold zones of sensitivity. As a person walks across the

zones, the sensor sees a changing IR value that produces a varying output signal from the

sensor, indicating motion. The comparator looks for and responds to this changing signal. Hot

items that do not move, like heaters and lights, do not produce output variations. The

comparator ignores these constant IR sources. The pyroelectric material in a PIR sensor

generates an electric charge proportional to the amount of thermal energy striking it. As a

person walks past the sensor, their higher body temperature boosts sensor output. The change

is amplified and sent to a comparator that detects the difference from prior readings [11]. The

block diagram of how the sensor work can be seen in Figure 2.21.

Figure 2.20 Pin configurations of PIR sensor [10]

President University 24

2.8. 12 V Relay

A relay, as shown in Figure 2.22, is an electrical switch that uses an electromagnetic force

to operate. It takes a relatively small amount of power to turn on a relay, but the relay can

control something that draws much more power. There are three types of configuration of

relay contacts, as shown in Figure 2.23, including: Normally Open (NO), Normally

Closed (NC), and Change Over (C) .

Figure 2.21 PIR sensor block diagram [11]

Figure 2.22 12V Relay

Figure 2.23 Relay pin explanation

President University 25

When the coil gets electricity by connecting the power supply (VCC and GND) to the coil

terminal, there will be an electromagnetic force that will attract the armature and the

contact will move from NC (normally close) to NO (normally open). By the time the

current is stopped, the magnetic force will be lost, the armature will return to original

position (NC contact). For common terminal, it can be connected to the ground or VCC

from any device that requires automatic switching. The parts of the relay can be seen in

Figure 2.24.

In this final project, the author used 12 V relay (Type: HRS4H-S DC12V), as shown in

Figure 2.22, in designing a backup power for the whole system. The specifications of the

relay can be seen in Table 2.6 [13].

Table 2.6 12 V Relay Specifications

Coil Nominal 12 V

Operate Voltage 9 V

Coil Resistance¦¸ +/- 10% 400

Release Voltage 1.20 V

Coil Nominal 360 mW

Figure 2.24 Parts of the relay [12]

President University 26

2.9. Solenoid Door Lock

A solenoid door lock, as shown in Figure 2.25, is a remote door locking mechanism that

will open in the presence by an electromagnetic field. A solenoid door lock pulls the latch

when a push button or other switch is activated. The latch will then be returned to its

original position until the button is pushed or the switch is activated again. This type of

door lock is used in an electric door lock system.

In the case of access doors in buildings, a latch in the lock mechanism located in the door

is pushed into a socket in the frame. This is to prevent the door from being opened. A

simple setting arrangement allows the latch to be closed and retained in the lock condition.

The specifications of the solenoid door lock can be seen in Table 2.7 [14].

Table 2.7 Specification of Solenoid Door Lock

Material Metal, Electronic Parts

Rated Voltage DC 12V

Rated Stroke & Force 2mm, 1.2Kg(Primary)

5mm, 0.75Kg(Secondary)

Power 11.52W

Current 0.96A

Total Size 6.8 x 4.2 x 3.1cm / 2.7'' x 1.65'' x


Wire Length 20cm / 7.87''

Mounting Hole Diameter 4.5mm / 0.177"

Net Weight 209g

Figure 2.25 Solenoid door lock

President University 27

2.10. Transistor TIP122

TIP122 is a type of NPN transistor. In this project, the author used a transistor as an

electronic switch to drive the solenoid door lock. Figure 2.26 shows the pins of a transistor

which are basis, emitter, and collector. If the basis pin is given high state (1) from the

microcontroller, then the current will flow from collector to emitter. The solenoid

mechanism will pull the latch (open). Vice versa, if the basis pin is given low state (0),

then there is no current flowing through the transistor and the solenoid mechanism will

release the latch (close).

2.11. Voltage Regulator LM 7812

LM 7812, which is shown in Figure 2.27, is a voltage regulator integrated circuit (IC). It is

applied to generate regulated and constant output voltage. The last- two digit of the IC

number indicates the output voltage. For example, 7812 with the last- two digits of 12

means that the output voltage from this regulator is 12 V. The input voltage for this IC

must be higher than the output voltage while the input current required always follows the

value of output current. This IC has the ability to deliver output current up to 1.5 A. LM

7805 has three pins which are input pin, ground pin, and output pin.

Figure 2.26 Pin configurations of transistor TIP122 [15]

President University 28

To make a voltage regulator works optimally, it must be put into a circuit that consists of

capacitors. Figure 2.28 shows the implementation of voltage regulator in the circuit. The

values of capacitors used are 1000 μF (35 V) and 330 μF (25 V)

The function of these capacitors is to filter all the ripple that will come from the voltage

source. This capacitor will act as a bypass capacitor. The value of the required capacitors

can be determined from the used voltage regulator. The higher the output voltage of a

voltage regulator, the higher must be the magnitude of the capacitor used in the voltage

regulator circuit.

2.12. Digital Buzzer Module

A buzzer is an electronic device that converts electrical signals into sound waves. It works

with DC voltage. The price of buzzer in the market is relatively cheap, with the variety of

specifications. The working voltage of a buzzer may vary among 5 V, 9 V, 12 V, and 24 V.

Figure 2.27 Pin configurations of LM 7812 [16]

Figure 2.28 Application circuit for LM 7812

President University 29

Buzzers are typically used for indicator system. For example, an alarm. In this project, the

author used a digital buzzer module from DFRobot as shown in Figure 2.29, with the

working voltage of 5 V.

In order to operate the digital buzzer module from DFRobot, the pin shown in Figure 2.30

must be connected to the microcontroller. There are 3 pins that must be configured

correctly to make the device works properly.

a) Pin 1 = GND. Connected to the ground of the microcontroller.

b) Pin 2 = VCC. Connected to 5 V of the microcontroller. This is the voltage that is

needed to power up the digital buzzer module.

c) Pin 3 = Input. Connected to a digital pin of the microcontroller.

Figure 2.29 Digital buzzer module from DFRobot [17]

Figure 2.30 Pin configuration of digital buzzer module [17]

President University 30

2.13. Push Button

A push button is a simple switch mechanism for controlling some aspects of the circuit on

the device. In this project, the author used a push button as shown in Figure 2.31. The

function of the push button is to unlock the door from inside the house.

In order to make the push button works properly, one digital pin from Arduino Mega needs

to be configured as the input for the push button. The input to this pin can be high (pulled

to VCC) or low (pulled to ground). In order to prevent an unknown state (floating), the

author needs to design a logic circuit. This logic circuit with pull-down resistor will ensure

that the pin is in either at high or low state. The circuit can be seen in Figure 2.32.

2.14. AC/DC Adaptor

An adaptor, as shown in Figure 2.33, is an electronic device that can change high voltage

(AC) into low voltage (DC). This adaptor converts the 220 V AC from the power line to

Figure 2.31 Push button

Figure 2.32 Application circuit for push button

President University 31

DC with the magnitude from 3 V up to 12 V. An AC/DC Adaptor is used as the voltage

source of the whole circuit in this project. There are 2 polarities in the adaptor, positive and

negative. The author set the adaptor to 12 V and negative polarity. In the reality, the output

voltage of the AC/DC Adaptor is 18 V. Later on, this voltage will be connected to the input

of a voltage regulator with the output of 12 V.


2.15. Accumulator

An accumulator, as shown in Figure 2.34, is a device that can store electrical energy in the

form of chemical energy. The accumulator of motorcycle is used in this project. The type

is dry accumulator with the capacity of 6 Ah and the output voltage of 12 V. In the reality,

the output voltage of the accumulator is 13 V. The accumulator will be utilized as power

backup in case AC/DC adaptor fails to do its task.

Figure 2.33 AC/DC adaptor

Figure 2.34 Accumulator

President University 32



3.1. System Overview

The design implementation of the system in this project is categorized into two parts:

hardware implementation and software implementation. Door security system using e-KTP

reading and passive infrared sensor utilizes the Arduino Mega 2560 as the controller of the

whole system. The Arduino Mega 2560 processes the input signal from an RFID reader, a

passive infrared sensor (PIR Sensor), and a push button. It sends output signals to an LCD

16x2, a buzzer, and a solenoid door lock. The block diagram of the system can be seen in

Figure 3.1.

The RFID reader will send input signal to Arduino Mega 2560. If the ID matches with the

stored ID in the Arduino Mega 2560, the solenoid door lock will open for a while and the

LCD will display “Valid” message. Otherwise, if the ID does not match with the stored ID

in the Arduino Mega 2560, the LCD will display “Not Valid“ message and the solenoid

door lock will kept locked. After all the work of the components on the output are finished

as programmed, the system goes back to the first setup condition. The condition is: the

solenoid door lock is closed, the buzzer is off, and the LCD displays the “Welcome”


Figure 3.1 Block diagram of the system

President University 33

In order to increase the security level, the author used a passive infrared sensor (PIR

sensor). The sensor is used to detect the presence of human when the door is breached or

when there are unauthorized people going through the door without using a valid e-KTP

card. When the PIR sensor detects the presence of human, it will send an input signal to the

Arduino Mega 2560. After that, the Arduino Mega 2560 will send the output signal to the

buzzer. The buzzer will sound for 18 s. The PIR sensor is activated when the system is in

the first setup condition. When the RFID reader reads the valid e-KTP or when the Push

Button 1 is pressed, the PIR sensor will be in low state (0) until the system changes to lock


Push Button 1 is used to unlock the door from inside the house. When this push button is

pressed, it will send input signal to the Arduino Mega 2560. After that, the Arduino Mega

2560 will send an output signal to the solenoid door lock to open it for 10 s, and then it will

close again. Push Button 2 is used as on/off switch for the PIR sensor. If it is pressed for

the first time, the sensor will be off. If the sensor needs to be activated again, this Push

Button 2 has to be pressed again. The buzzer is used to help indicating whether the sensor

is on or off. The buzzer will sound one short beep if the sensor is off. It will sound two

short beeps if the sensor is on.

3.2. Hardware Implementation

3.2.1. RFID reader (MFRC522) implementation

The RFID reader (MFRC522) needs serial peripheral interface (SPI compatible), so that it

can be connected to the Arduino Mega 2560. The SPI interface consists of MISO (Master

In Slave Out), MOSI (Master Out Slave In), SCK (Clock), and SS (Slave Select). The pin

configurations of the SPI are compatible to the Arduino Mega 2560. The connection of the

MFRC5222 to the Arduino Mega 2560 can be seen in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.2.

President University 34

Table 3.1 Pin Configurations of RFID Reader (MFRC522)


SPI Compatible (Pin configurations)


Arduino Mega



Pin 50


Pin 51


Pin 52


Pin 53


Pin 10

3.3 V /

VCC pin



MFRC522 Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin 7 Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 3

3.2.2. LCD 16x2 implementation

A liquid Cristal Display (LCD) 16x2 is used to display the running process mode of the

system. The LCD requires 3 control pins (RS, RW, E) and 8 data pins (D4 - D7). 5 more

pins are needed to power the LCD, to control the display contrast, and to apply the

backlight. The pin configurations of the LCD to the Arduino Mega 2560, as shown in

Figure 3.3, can be seen in Table 3.2:

Figure 3.2 Pin configurations of RFID reader (MFRC522)

President University 35

Table 3.2 Pin Configurations of LCD 16x3


Pin configurations






Pin 2




Pin 3


al Pin


5 V /







10 kΩ


nd pin



220 Ω



Pin 4 Pin 5 Pin 6 Pin


Pin 2 Pin 1 Pin 3 Pin 16 Pin 15

Figure 3.3 Pin configurations of LCD 2x16

President University 36

3.2.3. PIR Sensor. digital buzzer module, and push button implementation

The pin configurations of the PIR sensor, the digital buzzer module, and the Push Button 1

can be seen in Figure 3.4. The PIR sensor has 3 pins which are connected to the Arduino

Mega 2560. Pin 1, which is the Ground pin is connected to the ground pin of Arduino. Pin

2, the output pin, is connected to the Arduino digital pin (pin 9). Pin 3, the VCC pin, is

connected to the Arduino VCC pin (5 V).

The digital buzzer module also has 3 pin. Pin 1, the Ground pin, is connected to the

Arduino ground pin. Pin 2, the VCC pin, is connected to the Arduino VCC pin (5 V). Pin

3, the input pin, is connected to Arduino digital pin (pin 8).

The push button needs to use a pull-down resistor before it is connected to the Arduino

Mega 2560. In this project, the author used the resistor of 22 kΩ (R1 and R2) to become

the pull-down resistors for push buttons. The output of the push button is connected to the

Arduino digital pin. Push Button 1 connected to the digital pin 11 and the Push Button 2 to

the digital pin 12. VCC of the push button circuit is connected to the Arduino VCC pin (5

V). All the grounds are connected to the Arduino ground pin.

Figure 3.4 Pin configurations of PIR sensor, digital buzzer module, Push Button 1,

and Push Button 2

President University 37

3.2.4. Solenoid door lock and power circuit implementation

A control circuit is implemented to control the solenoid door lock. The control circuit used

the TIP122 NPN transistor as a switch. The transistor TIP122 has 3 pins. The first pin

(base pin) is connected to resistor of 1 kΩ and then to the Arduino digital pin (pin 14). The

second pin (collector pin) is connected to the ground of the power circuit. The third pin

(emitter pin) is connected to the ground of the solenoid door lock. In order to prevent any

feedback current from the solenoid door lock, the author used the diode 1N4006. The diode

is connected to the collector pin of the transistor and then to the VCC of the power circuit.

An AC/DC adaptor is used to power all of the system in this project. Accumulator is

utilized as the power backup when the blackout occurs. In order to make an automatic

power backup, the author used a 12 V relay. The 12 V relay has 5 pins. The first pin is NO

(normally open) pin. It is connected to the VCC of the AC/DC adaptor. The second pin is

NC (normally close) pin. It is connected to the VCC of the accumulator. The third and

fourth pin are coil pins. They are connected to the VCC and the ground of the AC/DC

adaptor. The fifth pin is C (Control) pin. It is connected to the voltage regulator, the

solenoid door lock, and the diode from the collector pin of the transistor. The relay will be

in the condition of NO when there is current flowing from the AC/DC adaptor through the

coil. If a blackout occurs or there is no current flows through the coil, the relay will be in

the condition of NC. In the condition of NO, the power for the circuit is supplied by the

AC/DC adaptor. Otherwise, in the condition of NC, the power for the circuit is from the


The voltage regulator LM7812 is used to stabilize the voltage to 12 V to power the

Arduino Mega 2560. The author used the LM7812 because the real output voltage of the

AC/DC adaptor and the accumulator is higher than 12 V. The recommended power supply

for Arduino itself is 7-12 V. The author used capacitors before the regulator (C1) and after

regulator (C2) to filter all the ripples that come from the voltage source. The values of

capacitor 1 (C1) is 1000 μF (35 V) and for capacitor 2 (C2) is 330 μF (25 V). There is no

strict requirement for these values of capacitors. The higher the voltage that needs to be

regulated, the higher must be the magnitude of the capacitor. All of the configuration of the

power circuit and the solenoid door lock can be seen in Figure 3.5.

President University 38

3.3. Programming Implementation

3.3.1. Arduino programming

The Arduino Mega 2560 is programmed by using Arduino IDE. The Arduino programs are

written in C or C++. The programming is used to control all the inputs and the outputs of

the system in Arduino Mega 2560. The LCD 16x2 and MFRC522 need to make

communication with Arduino Mega 2560. The programming in Arduino IDE needs the use

of additional library. The Arduino IDE itself has two main functions, which are setup()

and loop().

Setup() is a function in Arduino IDE that runs only one time at the start of a program. This

can be used to initialize settings. Thus, in order to initialize the input and the output of the

components used in the system, they need to be declared in Setup() function. Loop() is a

function that runs continuously in an endless loop until the Arduino power is turned off.

Figure 3.5 Pin configurations of solenoid door lock and power circuit

President University 39

3.3.2. Main programming code

In this sub section, the main programming code that plays the important role in the system

will be explained. The code, the explanation of it, and the flow chart are separated into two

parts. The first part, as shown in Table 3.3, is electric lock part. This is to explain the code

implemented on the RFID reader (MFRC522), the solenoid door lock, the LCD, and Push

Button 1. The second part, as shown in Table 3.4, is the sensor part. This is to explain the

code implemented on the sensor, the buzzer, and Push Button 2. The flow chart of part 1

and part 2 can be seen in Figure 3.6 and Figure 3.7. In the flow chart of the electric lock,

the author created a shorthand for each of the messages that will be displayed on the LCD,

it can be seen in table 3.5. The complete code used in this project can be seen in Appendix


Table 3.3 The Code Explanation of Electric Lock Part

Code Explanation

byte ktp1[7] =


byte ktp2[7] =


byte readCard[7];

boolean match = false;

boolean checkTwo ( byte a[], byte b[] )

if ( a[0] != NULL )

match = true;

for ( int k = 0; k < 7; k++ )

if ( a[k] != b[k] )

match = false;

if ( match )

return true;


return false;

boolean ktp1_card( byte test[] )

if ( checkTwo( test, ktp1 ) )

return true;


return false;

//Save 7 Bytes of Unique ID of e-KTP 1 and

2 on the arduino programming. Author

writes byte [7], because total amount of

Unique ID of one e-KTP is 7 bytes or 56


//Store scanned ID read from RFID reader

//Initialize the match condition to false

//Make condition to check ID of e-KTP

scanned, one by one until all ID read. The

name of this condition is checkTwo, the

function of byte a[] and byte b[] is to be

placed by saved ID and current scanned e-


//Make sure if there is something in the

array first (NULL means nothing) then

continue. //Assume they match at first.

//After that, loop 7 times to check the ID

one by one. Because e-KTP has 7 bytes ID.

//IF the ID doesn’t match then set match

condition into false.

//If its match, then set the match condition

into true

// make sure if the ID does not match, then

the match condition is false

//Make condition if the ID of e-KTP

scanned matched with saved ID of e-KTP 1

or not, by calling the condition (checkTwo)

to check the ID one by one. If matched then

condition of e-KTP 1 is true, if not then the

condition become false.

President University 40

Table 3.3 The Code Explanation of Electric Lock Part (Continued)

boolean ktp2_card( byte test[] )

if ( checkTwo( test, ktp2 ) )

return true;


return false;

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())

return ;

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial())

return ;

for (int i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++)

readCard[i] = mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i];

if ( ktp1_card(readCard) )

lcd.print("e-KTP Valid");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Welcome user 1");

digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;


digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

delay (1000);




else lcd.print("e-KTP Not Valid");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Shall Not Pass!!");



//Make condition if the ID of e-KTP

scanned matched with saved ID of e-KTP

2 or not, by calling the condition

(checkTwo) to check the ID one by one. If

matched then condition of e-KTP 2 is true,

if not then the condition become false.

//If a new card placed to RFID reader

continue, if not then return

//If RFID reader can get ID of the card

then continue, if not then return.

// for size of uid.size write uid.uidByte to


//If RFID reader read e-KTP 1 (this

command only can be executed if the

condition of e-KTP 1 is true) :

1. The display on LCD are e-KTP

Valid ; Welcome user 1. The

solenoid door lock will open and

turn on sensor for 5 second

2. The solenoid door lock will close

3. After 1 second, LCD will display

First condition

//If RFID reader read e-KTP 2 (this

command only can be executed if the

condition of e-KTP 2 is true):

Just the same as the condition if the

reader read e-KTP 1. But the display

message will be e-KTP Valid ; Welcome

user 2.

//If RFID reader read invalid e-KTP (

condition of e-KTP 1 and 2 is false):

1. LCD will display e-KTP Not Valid

; Shall Not Pass!!

2. After 1 second, LCD will display

First condition.

President University 41

Table 3.3 The Code Explanation of Electric Lock Part (Continued)

if (digitalRead (button1)==HIGH)

digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;


digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;



digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

//If Push Button 1 pressed (HIGH), then

Solenoid door lock will open, and sensor

will OFF

//After 10 second solenoid door lock will

close, but sensor still OFF until 5 second

//If push button 1 is not pressed, and then

solenoid door lock will remain close.

Table 3.4 The Code Explanation of Sensor Part

Code Explanation

boolean sensorActive = true;

int reading;

int previous = LOW;

if (sensorAktif)

if (digitalRead(pirPin) == HIGH)

for(int i = 0; i <60 ; i++)

if ((digitalRead (button2)==HIGH ) &&

previous == LOW)

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);



digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (200);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);


digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

if (digitalRead(button2) == HIGH) &&

previous == LOW )

//Make the condition of sensorActive =

true. The function is to activate the sensor.

//Make variable reading to store the

current state of push button 2

//Make variable previous equal to LOW,

the function is to represent the current

reading from the push button2.

//If the condition of sensorActive is true,

then sensor will be activated and ready to

detect presence of human.

//If sensor detect the presence of human,

then buzzer will sound for 18 second

//While the buzzer sound, user can turn off

the alarm by pressing push button 2. This

command can only be executed when

button2 pressed and the condition before

pressed is LOW.

//Break; has functions to quit from “for”

loop, bypassing the normal loop condition.

//Buzzer sound for 18 second

//If the condition of sensorActive is false,

then turn off sensor

//If push button 2 pressed (HIGH) for the

first time and the current condition before

pressed is LOW then :

President University 42

Table 3.4 The Code Explanation of Sensor Part (Continued)

if (sensorActive)

sensorAktif = false;

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (600);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);=


sensorAktif = true;

for(int i = 0; i <2 ; i++)

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (600);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

delay (200);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;

delay (5000);

previous = reading;

//If sensorActive condition is true then

switch it to become false to make sensor


//Buzzer will sound once as sign to indicate

sensor is OFF

//If push button 2 pressed but the previous

reading is HIGH it means buton2 pressed

for second time then condition of

sensorActive is true, it means sensor will


//Buzzer will sound twice as sign to indicate

sensor is ON

//After push button pressed once, the

previous condition become High, so the

push button function as a switch.

//Make variable for previous reading =

reading in order to make the state after

fush button pressed for first time.

Table 3.5 Display message on LCD

LCD Mode Display message

First Display (-:Welcome:-) ; Waiting e-KTP

Mode 0 Calibrating PIR ; For 10s

Mode 1 e-KTP valid ;

Welcome user 1 (for e-KTP 1)

Mode 2 e-KTP valid ;

Welcome user 2 (for e-KTP 2)

Mode 3 e-KTP not Valid ; Shall Not Pass!!

President University 43

Figure 3.6 Flow chart of electric lock part

President University 44

Figure 3.7 Flow chart of sensor part

President University 45



4.1. Results

The front view of the automatic door lock system can be seen in Figure 4.1. The automatic

door consists of the door itself and the frame of the door. The size of the frame is 49.5 cm

x 44.5 cm x 8.5 cm, and for the door is 44.5 cm x 39.5 cm x 8.5 cm. The LCD and the

RFID reader are placed on the front side of the door. The back side and left view of the

automatic door can be seen in Figure 4.2. On the back side, we can find the Push Button 1

and a small door. The size of the small door is 30 cm x 19.5 cm x 2.5 cm. On the right side,

there is a solenoid door lock. It can be seen when the door is open (see Figure 4.2).

Figure 4.1 Front view of the automatic door

President University 46

The main hardware of the system is put inside the small door. In order to access the main

hardware of the system, the small door in the back of the door must be opened (see Figure

4.3). The Arduino Mega 2560 as the controller of the whole system, and also the main

circuit, the digital buzzer module, and Push Button 2 are stored there. The main circuit

consists of the power circuit and the transistor circuit. The size of Push Button 2 is very

small. The location of this push button is also covered by the cable. Because the function

of Push Button 2 is to switch off and switch on the sensor, only authorized people will

know where it is located. The top view of the automatic door, as shown in Figure 4.4,

shows the location of the PIR sensor. The PIR sensor is placed on the top of the door in

order to make it works properly and also to ease the arrangement of the sensor’s cable. The

cable must be connected to the Arduino Mega 2560. Thus, the top side of the frame is the

best place to put the PIR sensor.

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2 The automatic door

(a) Back view; (b) Left view

President University 47

When the power supply cable is plugged in, the LCD displays the message “Calibrating

PIR for 10 s”, as shown in Figure 4.5. During this 10 s, the sensor will not be able to detect

the presence of human. The PIR Sensor requires a warm up time in order to work properly.

This time also gives a chance time for the sensor to learn its environment. After 10 s, the

display message on LCD will change to “Welcome Waiting e-KTP” messages (see Figure


Figure 4.3 Main hardware of the system

Figure 4.4 Top view of automatic door

President University 48

When the RFID reader scans e-KTP 1 or e-KTP 2, then the message display on LCD will

be changed to “e-KTP Valid” message to user 1 (e-KTP) or to user 2 (e-KTP 2), as show in

Figure 4.7. The solenoid door lock will open for 10 s. When RFID reader scans a not valid

e-KTP, then the message display on LCD is “e-KTP Not valid, Shall not Pass!!” message

(see Figure 4.8). The conditions of the solenoid door lock when latch is pulled or released

can be seen in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.6 “Welcome Waiting e-KTP” message displays on LCD

Figure 4.7 “Valid” Message to user 1 (left) and to user 2 (right)

Figure 4.5 “Calibrating PIR for 10 s message displays on LCD

President University 49

The door can also be open for 10 s by pressing the Push Button 1. When the door is

breached, the PIR sensor will be able to detect it. The buzzer will sound for 18 s. If the user

wants to open the door for a longer time without being detected by the PIR sensor, the

Push Button 2 must be pressed first. The buzzer will sound once to indicate that the PIR

sensor is turned off. Push Button 2 must be pressed again to re-active the PIR sensor and

the buzzer will sound twice to indicate that the PIR sensor is turned on.

Figure 4.8 “e-KTP Not valid Shall not Pass!!” message displays on LCD

(a) (b)

Figure 4.9 Solenoid door lock

(a) Open State; (b) Close State

President University 50

4.2. Discussion

In this project, the strengths are:

1. The buzzer will be on with annoying sound if door is breached.

2. The sensor can be switch on or switch off manually by pressing Push Button 2.

3. The door lock system has its own power backup which is useful when a blackout


The weakness is:

1. The unique ID of e-KTP must be saved manually on the Arduino program. This

takes time. In order to add more e-KTPs as the key, the author has to scan the

unique ID of the new e-KTPs and then save them in Arduino program.

President University 51



5.1. Conclusions

Based on the results of the project, “Door Security System Using e-KTP Reading and

Passive Infrared Sensor”, there are two conclusions that can be taken. They are:

1. The project was successful in implementing an RFID technology to an automatic

door lock system and in designing an RFID system that uses e-KTP as the key for

an electric door lock. The door can be unlocked from the outside by using e-KTP,

and will be lock automatically after 10 s. The unique data from the e-KTP must be

stored first in Arduino program. Only such e-KTP can be used as the key to unlock

the door.

2. The PIR sensor was successfully implemented on the door. It will be active when

someone goes through the door without using valid e-KTP or pressing the Push

Button 1. The sensor can be manually turn on or turn off by pressing Push Button 2

In conclusion, the device works well and the objectives of this final project are achieved.

5.2. Recommendations

There are several possibilities to develop and improve the result of this final project. Two

recommendations that can be given are:

1. Applying a closer to the automatic door

A closer, as shown in Figure 5.1, is a device that can close the door automatically after

the door is opened. The duration for the closer to make the door closed is adjustable.

When Push Button 1 is pressed or the RFID reader scanned valid e-KTP, the PIR

sensor must be inactivated for a while. By using the closer, the delay time of PIR

sensor can be exactly known.

President University 52

2. Applying an automatic accumulator charger

An automatic accumulator charger, as shown in Figure 5.2, is the charger for

accumulator that will stop charging automatically when the accumulator is fully

charged. Accumulator is used in this project to back up the power when a blackout

occurs. By applying an automatic accumulator charger in this project, the accumulator

will be charge automatically when the electricity is back again.

Figure 5.1 Door closer

Figure 5.2 Automatic accumulator charger

President University 53


[1] Robot shop. Arduino Mega 2560 Datasheet.

[2] Arduino reference, Retrieved January 2015 from

[3] Monk, Simon. (2012) “Programming Arduino: Getting Started With Sketches”.

United States: The McGraw-Hill Companies.

[4] Finkenzeller, Klaus. (2010) “RFID Handbook: fundamentals and applications in

contactless smart cards, radio frequency identification and near-field

communication”. 3rd edn. Translated by Dorte Muller. West Sussex: John Wiley &

Sons Ltd.

[5] Dobkin, Daniel. (2008) “The RF in RFID: Passive UHF RFID in Practice”. Oxford:

Elsevier Inc.

[6] Jechlitschek, Christoph. (2006, April 24) “Survey Paper on Radio Frequency

IDentification (RFID) Trends”.

[7] NXP Semiconductors. MFRC522 Datasheet.

[8] Nugroho, Anto Satriyo. (2013, May 10) Membedah teknologi e-KTP. Wordpress,

[Blog]. Available at:

teknologi-e-ktp/ [Accessed January 2015]

[9] Specification for LCD module, Shenzhen Eone Electronics Co., Ltd, Shenzhen, 2005

[10] Parallax. PIR Sensor Datasheet.

[11] Repas, Robert. (2008, July 10) “Sensor Sense: Passive Infrared-Motion Sensors”.

[Online]. Available at:

infrared-motion-sensors [Accessed January 2015]

[12] Kilian, Christopher T. (2001) “Modern Control Technology: Components and

Systems”. Michigan: Delmar Thomson Learning

[13] HKE Relays. (2006) hrs4h-s-dc12v relay Datasheet.

[14] Solenoid door lock specification. Retrieved January 2015 from


[15] Fairchild Semiconductor. (2008, October) TIP122 Transistor Datasheet.

[16] Jameco Electronics. (2006) LM7812 Voltage regulator Datasheet.

President University 54

[17] Digital Buzzer Module DFRobot Picture and specification. Retrieved January 2015


President University 55



#include <SPI.h> //Library for SPI

#include <MFRC522.h> //Library for MFRC522 (RFID Reader)

#define SS_PIN 53 // slave select pin for MFRC522

#define RST_PIN 10 // reset pin for MFRC522

MFRC522 mfrc522(SS_PIN, RST_PIN);

#include <LiquidCrystal.h> //Library for LCD 16 x 2

const int PIN_RS = 2;

const int PIN_E = 3;

const int PIN_DB4 = 4;

const int PIN_DB5 = 5;

const int PIN_DB6 = 6;

const int PIN_DB7 = 7;

LiquidCrystal lcd(PIN_RS,PIN_E, PIN_DB4, PIN_DB5, PIN_DB6, PIN_DB7);

byte ktp1[7] = 0x04,0x23,0x49,0xB2,0x84,0x29,0x80;

byte ktp2[7] = 0x04,0x48,0x15,0x7A,0xC6,0x28,0x80;

byte readCard[7];

boolean match = false;

boolean sensorActive = true;

President University 56

int button2 = 12; // declare what digital pin used by input or output

int buzzer = 8;

int pirPin = 9;

int lock = 14;

int button1 = 11;

int reading; // the current reading from the input pin

int previous = LOW;

int sensor = HIGH;

void setup()

pinMode(button2, INPUT); //declare the input and output

pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT);

pinMode(pirPin, INPUT);

pinMode(lock, OUTPUT);

SPI.begin(); // Init SPI bus

mfrc522.PCD_Init(); // Init MFRC522 card

digitalWrite(pirPin, LOW);

digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

lcd.begin(16, 2);

lcd.print("Calibrating PIR");// Calibrate sensor for 10 s

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("For 10s");



President University 57

digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

void loop()

if (sensorActive)

if (digitalRead(pirPin) == HIGH)

for(int i = 0; i <60 ; i++)

if ((digitalRead (button2)==HIGH ) && previous == 0)

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);



digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (200);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

delay (100);


digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

if ((digitalRead (button2)==HIGH )&& previous == LOW )

President University 58

if (sensorActive)

sensorActive = false;

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (600);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);


for (int i = 0; i<2 ; i++)

digitalWrite(buzzer, HIGH);

delay (600);

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

delay (200);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;

delay (5000);

sensorActive = true;

previous = reading;

if (digitalRead (button1)==HIGH)

digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;

digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);


digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;

President University 59



digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) //If a new PICC placed to RFID reader continue

return ;

if ( ! mfrc522.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) //Since a PICC placed get Serial and continue

return ;

for (int i = 0; i < mfrc522.uid.size; i++) // for size of uid.size write uid.uidByte to readCard

readCard[i] = mfrc522.uid.uidByte[i];


if ( ktp1_card(readCard) )


lcd.print("e-KTP Valid");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Welcome User 1");


digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

President University 60

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;


digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

delay (1000);





lcd.print("e-KTP Valid");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Welcome User 2");


digitalWrite(buzzer, LOW);

digitalWrite(lock, HIGH);

digitalRead(pirPin) == LOW ;


digitalWrite(lock, LOW);

delay (1000);




lcd.print("e-KTP Not Valid");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Shall Not Pass!!");

delay (1000);

President University 61


mfrc522.PICC_HaltA(); // Stop reading

return ;

boolean ktp1_card( byte test[] )

if ( checkTwo( test, ktp1 ) )

return true;


return false;

boolean ktp2_card( byte test[] )

if ( checkTwo( test, ktp2 ) )

return true;


return false;

boolean checkTwo ( byte a[], byte b[] )

if ( a[0] != NULL )

match = true;

for ( int k = 0; k < 7; k++ )

if ( a[k] != b[k] )

match = false;

if ( match ) // Check to see if if match is still true

President University 62

return true; // Return true


return false; // Return false

void firstdisplay()


lcd.print("(-: Welcome :-)");

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Waiting e-KTP");

top related